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Greek re-tellings are a new genre for me, but I loved Greek mythology when I was younger and this brought me right back to that feeling. I hadn't heard of Clytemnestra before but had heard of Helen of Troy and Agamemnon. Clytemnestra's story was a little hard to read, if you're sensitive, definitely check content warnings. Clytemenestra was such a powerful figure and this book sucked me in to her story immediately. I can't wait to dive into other Greek retellings asap!

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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I am still reeling from the sheer magnitude of "Clytemnestra", a stunning debut novel that has cemented Costanza Casati's place as a masterful storyteller. This epic retelling of Greek mythology is a triumph, and I am still struggling to find the words to adequately convey just how breathtaking it is.

From the opening pages, it's clear that Clytemnestra is a force to be reckoned with. A complex, multifaceted character who defies easy categorization, she is a warrior, a mother, a queen, and a murderess - but most of all, she is a survivor. Through Casati's masterful prose, we are transported to a world of ancient Greece, where the gods and goddesses are alive and well, and where Clytemnestra's story is woven into the fabric of myth and legend.

One of the most striking aspects of this novel is its use of time shifts. The narrative jumps back and forth through Clytemnestra's life, revealing her at various stages of her journey. We see her as a young girl, struggling to come to terms with her circumstances; as a wife, trying to navigate the treacherous waters of marriage; and as a queen, fighting to claim her rightful place in the world. And through it all, we see her grow and evolve, her strength and resilience forged in the fire of adversity.

But what truly sets this novel apart is its portrayal of Clytemnestra herself. A woman who has been reduced to little more than a footnote in history, Casati brings her to life in a way that is both authentic and compelling. We see her fears, her doubts, her triumphs - and most of all, we see her love. Love for her family, love for her people, and love for herself.

The writing is simply stunning. Casati's prose is lyrical and evocative, painting vivid pictures of ancient Greece and its people. The characters are richly drawn and nuanced, from the brilliant Agamemnon (who deserves every bit of Clytemnestra's wrath) to the enigmatic Achilles. And at the center of it all is Clytemnestra herself, a heroine for the ages.

I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to read this book. It's a masterpiece, and I will be thinking about it for years to come. If you're looking for a compelling retelling of Greek mythology that puts a strong, complex female protagonist at its center, then look no further.

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In her debut novel, Contanza Casati delves deeply into Clytemnestra's life. From her formative years as a Spartan princess to her tumultuous marriage to Agamemnon, the narrative unfurls a tapestry of familial bonds and tragic events. Casati masterfully unravels the complexities of this vilified queen, revealing her motivations, convictions, and evolution into a formidable and vengeful figure.

Enduring abuse, loss, and grief—including the tragic deaths of her first husband and infant son—Clytemnestra's fury reaches its zenith when her daughter becomes a casualty of war. Casati deftly captures Clytemnestra's anguish and her relentless pursuit of justice, painting a vivid portrait of a woman driven by love and betrayal. Amidst encounters with iconic figures from Greek mythology like Helen of Troy and Odysseus, Casati maintains a focused narrative, keeping Clytemnestra's story at its heart. While the pacing occasionally falters during Clytemnestra's wait for the end of the Trojan War, the novel remains engaging, culminating in a satisfying yet open-ended conclusion.

With elegant prose and strong feminist themes, "Clytemnestra" is a captivating debut. Casati's skillful storytelling and nuanced portrayal of this legendary figure make for a compelling read, resonating with fans of Greek mythology and feminist narratives alike. I eagerly anticipate future works from this talented author.

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Costanza Casati's "Clytemnestra" is a spellbinding journey into the heart of ancient Greece, where myth and history intertwine to create a captivating tale of power, vengeance, and redemption. Drawing inspiration from the rich tapestry of Greek mythology, Casati breathes new life into the legendary figure of Clytemnestra, crafting a narrative that is as mesmerizing as it is haunting.

From the opening pages, readers are transported to a world of political intrigue and divine machinations, where the fate of nations hangs in the balance and the actions of mortals are guided by the whims of the gods. At the center of it all is Clytemnestra, a woman forged in the crucible of betrayal and injustice, determined to seize control of her own destiny at any cost.

Casati's portrayal of Clytemnestra is nothing short of mesmerizing. Complex, conflicted, and undeniably powerful, she is a heroine for the ages—a force to be reckoned with in a world dominated by men and gods alike. As she navigates the treacherous waters of palace politics and familial strife, Clytemnestra emerges as a figure of both tragedy and triumph, her journey marked by moments of heartache, sacrifice, and fierce determination.

What sets "Clytemnestra" apart is Casati's deft hand at weaving together myth and history, seamlessly blending ancient lore with modern sensibilities to create a narrative that feels both timeless and timely. Through her vivid prose and evocative imagery, Casati brings the world of ancient Greece to vivid life, immersing readers in a realm of gods and monsters, heroes and villains, where the line between myth and reality blurs and anything is possible.

At its core, "Clytemnestra" is a story about the enduring power of the human spirit in the face of adversity. It is a tale of resilience, of survival, and of the indomitable will to rise above the constraints of fate and forge one's own path. With its richly drawn characters, intricate plot, and lyrical prose, "Clytemnestra" is a tour de force of storytelling—a novel that will linger in the mind long after the final page is turned.

In "Clytemnestra," Costanza Casati has crafted a masterpiece that is as epic in scope as it is intimate in its portrayal of one woman's quest for justice and redemption. It is a book that demands to be read, savored, and remembered—a timeless tale of power, passion, and the enduring legacy of a queen who dared to defy the gods.

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4.5 stars. This book was so powerful. I really liked Clytemnestra's character and story line. I couldn't put it down!

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Unfortunately I had to DNF this story. The writing style was not for me. I appreciate the opportunity and apologize for not being able to complete the story. I wish the author the best of luck!

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The fact that this is a debut will never not be shocking to me. Casati does a deep dive into the life and story of Clytemnestra, who I'd never known much about but now feel that I empathize with deeply. The way Casati went about showing us the many faces of Clytemnestra was beautifully done and deeply moving.
I would absolutely read more from this author and can't wait to do so.

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I always felt that Clytemnestra was unfairly vilified as cruel and unfaithful, when in reality she was a loving mother who would do anything to avenge the death of her daughter, even if it meant killing her husband, the "hero" Agamemnon. This was a well crafted debut by Costanza Casati, you can tell that she spent time with various pieces of source material to bring a three dimensional Clytemnestra to life. I love the resurgence of characters from classic myth and legends but now the women that were often relegated to the sidelines or portrayed as 1-dimensional characters meant propel the male hero's journey, are now being seen as people with real feelings and desires.

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I really loved this book. It felt fresh, great pacing, strong voice and sense of place. So many Classical re-tellings feel trite or forced, this novel escaped that snare. Clytemnestra is one of the best characters from Classical myth, it was wonderful to see her get her due.

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Clytemnestra is proof that the current trend of revisiting Ancient Greek mythology is a gift to the modern reader. Full of the depth of character and satisfying tension that we've come to expect from writers like Madeline Miller and Natalie Haynes, this book was a wonderful addition to the feminist revisioning of Greek stories.

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Love, love, love Greek Mythology. Clytemnestra is an amazing, well-written account following a woman who, despite tragedy upon tragedy, stands strong and prevails.

This has everything I love with this type of book. Does Clytemnestra have everything she wants by the end? Not at all, but she does get what she desires most, and she always rewards those who are loyal to her...

Anyone who is a sucker for Greek Mythology should grab this and give it a read. I sincerely appreciate the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. All opinions expressed are my own.

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3.5 stars

Based in Ancient Greece, Clytemnestra is born into the ruling family of Sparta. The novel follows her life, tragedies, and struggles as she sorts through the dynamics of politics and the Gods.

Definitely slow in some spots but wanted to finish it. Was mostly good.

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This is one badass woman, lemme tell ya. She was due for her own story! The author manages to make her very relatable and a sympathetic character. I can't say I wouldn't do what she did in her situation. I'm so glad there's a book out there now that is able to give a little life to her back story as her own person and not as a supporting character in someone else's tale.

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This book was fantastic and gives you everything you are looking for in a historical fiction/mythology story. It was well researched, well written and kept an excellent pace through out the story. A lot of people are looking for stories like Circe and Medusa's Sisters and this would be an excellent choice.

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Clytemnestra, the most notorious villainess of the ancient world. I absolutely loved this book and it sent me down a rabbit hole of buying all the books I could find that related to this myth!

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Thank you to for this ARC.

As a child I was a big fan of Greek mythology, but have gotten away from it for many years. So reading this story was like finding it all over again. It was interesting to read the story of Clytemnestra from her perspective as a strong, independent woman. I liked her view point. I would have like to learn more about the motivations of the men in this story as they were a bit one dimensional. But overall a good read and very interesting

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I really enjoyed this. Greek mythology is very interesting, and Clytemnestra seems to be lesser known than her sister, Helen (at least to me, I could be very wrong in the general sense of people knowing her). It's amazing to me how anyone lived past 20 without being killed, as it seems everyone was killing each other and making sacrifices, everyone was turning their backs on each other. Definitely loved the strong female characters in this. It was a little slow in some parts, but once things started happening, I was hooked and couldn't wait to finish it.

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This was one of my favorite books of the year. A story that pulls you in and keeps you enthralled from the very first page. I would recommend this to anyone who loves stories set in Ancient Greece. The book blurb that I read before reading, "A blazing novel set in the world of Ancient Greece, this is a thrilling tale of power and prophecies, of hatred, love, and of an unforgettable Queen who fiercely dealt out death to those who wronged her."... and this is 10000000% exactly what you are going to get. What a ride! Easy 5 star for me!

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You know I do *so love* a "good for her" story, and I have such a weakness for mythology retellings. This ticked all my boxes in a very satisfying and incredibly well-written way.

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Clytemnestra by Costanza Casati is a retelling of the tale from Greek mythology about the half sister of the far more well known and famous Helen of Troy. Casati’s retelling does a great job of bringing the characters to life, and illuminating important themes. There was a lot of grief in this story, but there was also strength and agency. Women like Clytemnestra were raised not as meek domestic servants or wives, but as warriors. After Agamemnon brought about the brutal murder of her husband and child, Clytemnestra lived for one thing well known to any reader of Greek tales: revenge.

This book was very well written. The subject matter was at times difficult, Clytemnestra’s rage and grief palpable. In this novel you see her step out from the shadows of her sister, and you come to understand someone who was previously overlooked, or regarded as a one dimensional villain. I look forward to seeing what subject Costanza Casati will choose for her next novel.

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