Cover Image: Owner of a Lonely Heart

Owner of a Lonely Heart

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I requested to read and review for free from Dell an Imprint of Random House Publishing. This book has many different feels happiness, sadness, and anger. It also has drama and mystery to it. Gemma has had some curveballs thrown at her in life. But has she learned from them to move on in her life. Dan has some experiences in life that may have shaped what his adult life should look like. But can they both do what is best for when Casey enters their lives in different ways. Love and life can be tricky things. You can find happiness but also heartaches. It's what you do with those will help make you who you are today.

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This story is absolutely full of drama and angst. The loss of loved ones, the heaviness of life changing illness, the use of children to their detriment, all have a place in this story, it is almost overwhelming. This is a good book and the HEA does finally show up. Bear is my favorite character and hero (as he saves the story). Good read.

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This is really the story of three lonely hearts: Gemma, Dan, and Casey. This whole story really pulled at my heartstrings. From Gemma’s loss, Dan meeting his tween daughter for the first time, and Casey being so young with a brain tumor. It’s a beautiful tale of finding family where you least expect it. Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for this ARC!

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This was a light, funny romance with so many angles that there has to be something for everyone in here. Dog lover? check. single parent? check. Parent of a tween? check. Thinking about parenthood? check. Lost a spouse? check. (Ok, that's all I will say before I give too many things away, but that's a lot of checks already right?)

Dan the Man is a single guy with a questionable past and a 12 year old daughter who didn't know he existed until recently. Casey is a 12 year old meeting her father for the first time in addition to everything else that a tween has to go through. All the feels. and Gemma is a recently widowed mother of a lucky dog named Bear. Reading about how their lives come together is fun with a touch of mystery when uncovering the past and getting to know someone new.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group for an advance copy of this book.

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This is a very good book in the romance genre! That defines what I loved about it and what slightly annoyed me about it.
The story telling was brilliant and I eagerly devoured the book. It was quite emotional with a satisfying ending. The characters were interesting if a bit type cast. I did both like and anguish over how their past defined who they were and how they reacted to their current situations.
The story is that of Gemma (lost her husband (the love of her life) to cancer), Dan (who suffered childhood trauma and had fathered a child after a youthful fling), Casey ( a tween suffering from a brain tumor and Dan's long lost daughter) and Angelica (Casey's over protective mother). There were many poignant moments as their stories unfolded. The alternating point of view technique was very effective to reveal their stories. I found it a little difficult to connect with the characters except perhaps Casey.
I appreciated how sensitively the author dealt with medical issues, IVF and childhood cancer treatment.
While this is certainly not a "light" read , I believe it is a great book for those how enjoy romance novels with a little more punch to them!.
Thanks to NetGalley and MacMillan Publishers for an ARC to read and give a honest review. Expected publication date is 1/17/2023.

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Eva Carter is the master at illness/grief/growth stories. She pulls on the heartstrings. Creates incredible relationship dynamics and mini puzzles to be solved within her novels.

I enjoyed this! I will say, this is clearly geared for a UK audience, as I wasn't familiar wiht slang/locations, etc. being from California, but I enjoyed being transported to the UK for this story.

Overall, a charming read!

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Penguin Random House for giving me an advanced reader copy of Owner of a Lonely Heart! I am giving this book 3/5 stars.

Let's start with the best parts of the book. The storyline was very easy to follow, and this is something that romance readers typically desire. I found it to be a leisurely read that is great to throw in a suitcase and take on vacation. Because of the necessary and desired predictability of this romance, it's easy to stop and start without having to think critically about what happened last or who was doing what. If the target audience of the book is women ages 25-45, Carter totally nails reaching her audience! Busy moms don't have time to read when they feel like it. We read in the school pick up line, in bed for a half hour, or during our kids' sporting events. This is the perfect book to take along,

I also found it to be predictable, but again -- this is a positive trait for a romance novel. Those of us who read romance aren't looking for a thrill; we are looking for confirmation that happy endings DO exist. This book included several emotional layers, and at the heart of it all is the message that happiness is possible even through repeated points/stages of grief.

Some suggestions for improvement include creating characters that are more relatable and language choices that are more accessible.

Some of the character personalities and actions seemed unlikely to me, and that made the characters somewhat unreliable. I can't see a little girl acting like that much of a brat in a restaurant (start of the book). That part of the book is minimal, true -- but it's the small scenes and tiny character nuances that make or break the relatability. Kids are bratty, but some of the behavior traits and actions seemed over the top and unrealistic.

If the book shall be heavily marketed in The States, I suggest revamping some of the slang choices. I found myself using Google to figure out what some of the slang meant because we are unfamiliar with many of these language choices here in The States. The use of slang did not appear to add much to the characters, so revising to make the language accessible across continents may be useful. Reading shouldn't ever feel like work, especially when it's a romance!

Best of luck on #pubday!

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This book was such an emotional ride. I went into this one without reading too much about what it was about because the publisher reached out via NetGalley to see if this was a book I'd be interested in reading and reviewing. I'm so glad I gave it a go though, because this book is full of so many great moments, while also touching on some seriously painful to talk about topics.

We follow three main characters, Gemma, Dan and Casey. Gemma is a recently widowed woman in her early 30's. She goes through a very personal and emotional journey on her own during this book, while also getting intertwined with Dan and Casey's lives. Dan is a musician, who ends up with a kid after a quick hook up 12 years ago, he hasn't been involved in Casey's life until now, when she reaches out needing a place to stay while she gets treatment for a brain tumor. Along the way they all meet, and become such big and important influences in each others lives, while all going on their own journeys of healing and growing.

This author handles the tough topics in such a great way, while shedding light on them in a positive way, but also not sugar coating over them. I don't want to say what topics they are because I feel like they may spoil some of the moments in this book.

Thank you NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group and Eva Carter for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. This book is set to release on January 17, 2023!

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This is a poignant story about three lost souls, (and a dog Bear) each flawed and each with a need. for love and understanding. The author addresses illness, grief and the chance for love in a lovely way.

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I’m a bit torn after reading this book. I loved the idea that relationships are like puzzles. That whole piece was beautifully thought out and written, beginning to end. I also thought the setting was flawless. I felt like I was right there in Bristol with everyone. But, for me, something was missing. I didn’t feel emotionally connected to any of the characters except Casey. And, for me, that was a lot. I did enjoy Dan’s story very much, watching him transform into a cad who was afraid of getting close, afraid of failing, afraid of family, into someone who could honestly connect and express feelings… that was amazing and I thought the author did a great job showing that.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Beautiful story about illness, love, and grief. Great characters. I enjoyed that the ending was nicely done, with everything tied up in a little bow.

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This was a beautiful story. I loved the characters, but my favorite was the dog, Bear! I also loved the message that in grief, we can mend if we are giving to others. I believe that and I felt it was so beautifully portrayed in Gemma.

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This grew on me! It started off a little too slow for my liking, but I think it did a lovely job of addressing grief, love, and illness. It can be tough to write about illness, especially when a child is involved, but I thought that Carter did an excellent job of it, and it was my favorite thread of the whole story. As for the romance, I personally wasn't the biggest fan, but if you like two lost people finding their way to each other, it's fairly cute. The characters just didn't do it for me, but that's a personal preference and not a comment on the sweet romance. I do wish it had been a tad shorter, and I wish it had wrapped up a little slower.

I received an ARC of this in exchange for a fair and honest review. Thank you to NetGalley and Random House!

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What a great book. Told from three viewpoints, each voice is compelling. Casey is the 12-yo with a benign brain tumor that pulls her father, Dan, back into her life. While at the hospital, Dan meets Gemma, who brings her therapy dog to meet with patients. Gemma's husband died of cancer, but before he started treatment, they began IVF, and she has one last chance for the fertilized egg to take. While Dan and Casey are learning to be dad and daughter again, Gemma and Dan have an instantaneous connection, one that promises healing for both of them. But when Dan's evil ex (Casey's overprotective mother) spills his secrets, the world threatens to spin off its access. A wonderful novel from a gifted writer. You'll need a box of tissues nearby with this one.

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I wish to thank NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine Books for allowing me to read an advanced copy of this book. I have voluntarily read and reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This books states that “Families can be a puzzle but they do not have to rely on blood or genes. They’re formed by trust, and truth and love. And once you‘ve found yours, it will always carry you home.” This is a sweet telling of a love story from lots of different angles. It is loss, betrayal, anger, redemption all in one. The story has a marvelous dog in it that peeks around the corner of each chapter stealing your heart. There are several main characters all woven together but not fighting for space. This book has appeal to everyone, from teens, dog lovers, and those struggling with illness issues or family dysfunctions. It give the reader hope through love. I highly recommend this one to anyone. I loved it and could not put it down. I loved the cover and think it is perfect for this novel.

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A hopeful and inspiring read! Gemma is a young widow who lost her husband to cancer. She and her therapy dog, Bear, visit children at the local cancer hospital. In a roundabout way she meets Casey, a twelve year old with a tumor, and her Dad, Dan. Dan has not been in Casey’s life since she was born. He is lonely, a charmer but Gemma falls for him. Casey’s mother, Angelica is a tired and angry woman. Gemma works magic on everyone, except herself. The story is about truth, bravery, hope and love.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I absolutely adored Owner of a Lonely Heart by Eva Carter and I'm seriously needing this as a movie now! The chapters are super short, and I was able to fly through Love at First Like in one sitting. I wanted to find out what would happen, but at the same time never wanted the story to end. This is something I consider a necessity in a rom-com whether it be in movie or book format, so I think Eva Carter killed it. This is an easy read for the hopeless/hapless romantic in you.

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with an advance review copy of this book, all opinions are my own.

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I liked this storyline a lot however, it seemed to drag on a bit. A fun romantic light hearted read!

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You know a book is good when:
- you’re still reading at 2 AM saying, “Just one more chapter.”
- it can make you laugh and cry, and smile through the tears
- you keep highlighting favorite quotes
- it gives you chills
- you want to reread it right after you finish and hope there will be a second book, even though the ending was perfect

Owner of a Lonely Heart by Eva Carter is all of these things and more. This book is filled with so much hope while still being realistic about the uncertainties in life. Carter delicately explores the vulnerabilities of simply being human through the intertwining stories of Gemma, Dan, and Casey.

I loved how simultaneously strong and fragile Gemma and Casey were, and how Dan made such strides to heal his traumatized inner child so that he could be a good father. I think it’s so important to show that characters are still worthy of love even when they’re still a little “broken,” and can still find it within themselves to love others- and this book does just that.

If you’re looking for a book that will make you *feel* things, this is the book for you! Despite some of the difficult subject matter- and all of the tears you might shed- (please feel free to DM me on Instagram @bookishlee_kaci for CW/TW), you’ll walk away from this book feeling lighter. And, if you’re anything like me, you might finish this feeling like you’ve said goodbye to a good friend.

If there were a second book (wink wink, nudge nudge Eva Carter), I’d love it to focus on Angelica, to see how she’s doing after the book takes place. Maybe it could be her turn for love and healing? And we could get little cameos of Dan, Gemma and Casey as well.

Thank you, NetGalley for an early copy of this beautiful story in exchange for an honest review. This review will also be posted on my Instagram (@bookishlee_kaci) at a later date.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. ,Gemma is excited about getting married. Her husband passes away shortly afterwards. She can't get over her young husband dying suddenly. She feels list and alone. She meets Dan who makes her happy. I enjoyed this book and can't wait to read her next one.

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