Member Reviews

This was a cute short story about a sweet little girl and an adorable dog. It gave me Mary Had A Little Lamb vibes.
My favorite part was the illustrations.
This is for sure a cute book that would be best read to children aged 3-7.

Going to school can be many emotions. Fear, excitement a few to name and they are a roller coaster of ups and downs. This is a great resource for parents and their children on going to school Benny is Sam's dog. But dogs don't belong to school you say. Benny and his funny antics will calm those school day jitters of the unknown. Fun and endearing as kids head back to school.
<i>A special thank you to Clavis Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

I've not read the other Sam & Benny books, so I can't say if this lives up to the series. However, it was simple and cute, and got a few good laughs from my kid.
Benny the dog follows his girl, Sam, to school, and (after a lot of teacher protests) is allowed to play. You might want to clarify with your kid that their teacher is not going to be swayed like Sam's eventually is. (I forever lament that there was no "bring you pet to school day" when I was a kid, and wonder if media has led me astray and if that EVER happened?)
The illustrations give a lot of personality and emotion to Benny the dog. He's actually got something of a moustache, which shows a bit more liveliness than his actual tail!
Overall, a good pick to snag at your local library.
Advanced copy provided by the publisher.

What a cute first day of school story! This book is about a dog who doesn’t want his friend to go to school without him and a girl who doesn’t want to leave him behind. Their silly antics will make children giggle as they try to solve the problem with the teacher. The illustrations are just as much fun as the story!
Thank you Net Galley for this cute story in exchange for an honest review!

This was a beautiful story about a girl and her dog. They have such a bond, and the dog is sad to see Sam going to school. Sam tries to bring the dog, Benny, with her but the teacher says no. Sam tells the dog to go home, but is surprised to see Benny throughout the day. Eventually, the teacher warms to the dog, and allows the kids to play outside with him. I loved the illustrations and the story. This is a cute one!

Super cute kids book! The little dog just wants to go to school and the little kid worries after him.
An easy quick read for your little one.

A cute and funny story that will leave kids laughing.
Originally published in Danish, this is the English version titled “Benny goes to School”.
Spoiler: Benny is the dog you see on the cover! 😉
Sam is getting ready to go school and Benny absolutely insists on coming along with her. When she caves in and takes him long, the teacher refuses to allow him in, saying, “School isn’t for doggies.” If only Benny accepted this easily! The rest of the book details Sam’s worry over Benny and Benny’s persistent efforts to be with his beloved Sam in school.
This is the kind of silly story that kids enjoy. Benny’s “dogged” determination to be in school results in many funny adventures. The scenes are chuckle-inducing and the ending will leave little readers in splits. Having a dog in a picture book always helps!
The illustrations are adorable. I loved Benny with his bluish coat and long white whiskers and floppy ears.
The language makes this book perfect for little readers aged 3-7. Definitely recommended to all little dog lovers. Here’s hoping their dogs don’t take inspiration from Benny!
4.25 stars.
My thanks to Clavis Publishing and NetGalley for the DRC of “Benny Goes to School”. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

Benny, Sam's pet dog, wants to go to school, too. However, Sam's teacher, Miss D, says no dogs are allowed in class. Sam tells Benny to go on home, but Benny can be a little stubborn.
So when Miss D compromises and allows the whole class to go outside to recess and play with Benny instead, you can't help but cheer for Sam and Benny and the rest of the classmates.
Benny Goes to School is a sweet story about a pup that only wants to be near his best friend. Such a charming book, and I enjoyed reading this one.
Thank you, Netgalley and Clavis Publishing, for the digital ARC!

Benny is such an adorable little dog and his love for Sam his owner is amazing. Sam is bustling around in the morning getting ready to go to school and guess who wants to go too? Benny wants to go with her as he can't stand being separated from her for even one moment.
Looking into his sad puppy eyes nearly breaks Sam's heart so she decides he can come along. Will her teacher allow Benny to stay or will he be banned from the classroom and have to return home?
This is a delightful story that many kids ( and adults ) with a pet can relate to. Although dogs are not allowed at school Sam's wise teacher creates the perfect solution so everyone is happy, especially Benny!
The illustrations are detailed, enriching and just plain fun. Kids will learn that there are rules to follow but sometimes rules can be tweaked or re-designed to make things legally work out. I love the story and I highly recommend it.

Benny Goes to School is a really cute story about a dog that just wants to join his owner!! I loved the wacky hijinks Benny gets into, as well as the illustrations of them. A very fun bed-time book.

This picture book tells the story of a child named Sam and her dog named Benny. One day, as Sam is getting ready for school Benny brings his leash hoping for a walk. She tells him she can't be late for school but sees how sad he is and finally decides to bring him with her. Read to find out what crazy antics Benny gets up to when he goes to school! This book is fun and silly, with an easy to follow storyline and a small section of text on each page. The text is usually black on a white background and sometimes varies in size to denote expression and emphasis. The illustrations are fairly simple, with a good amount of colour and detail and help tell the story rather than draw away from it. I would recommend this book for shared reading between adults and children in the age 4-6 range. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the chance to read and review this book.

My heart!! Benny just wants to be with his best friend, Sam, but she must go to school where doggos aren't allowed (which is flipping silly, if you ask me! Doggos would make school 1208938913 times better).
Sam decides to sneak Benny into school, and her teacher catches on and tells Sam that dogs don't belong in school.
The story was so easy to relate to- my 4 legged buddies would LOVE to come to work with me and those sad puppy eyes get me every. single. time.
I thought this was an exceptionally tender and heart-warming story about the love between a girl and her pup. I thought the ending was perfection and a brilliant way to turn a negative into a positive.
I think a lot of young readers will enjoy Sam and Benny and the hoops he goes through to NOT go back home!

This book is about a girl who tries to take her dog to school but is told he can't come inside. I think it would have been cuter had it been in the dog's point of view. This one just felt a bit flat to me.

A cute story that every pet owner can relate to no matter their age. Leaving our best friend at home while we go to school or work is hard. It would be a blast seeing my dog play in the school yard just like Benny and I think kids would have fun reading this
With their furry friend.

I can just picture Benny's "sad puppy dog eyes" as he uses them to get Sam to take him to school with her. While we know this isn't a very good idea the teacher had a great solution. All the children were happy, but Benny surely was the happiest of them all. The illustrations by Marja Meijer brought this cute story to life.

This is so cute. I love dogs.I always think about one day I could bring my dog to work with me.
Benny is so lucky to have a little person who cares about him so much.
Love this one

This is a really cute book about Benny, the dog who wants to go to school. While I thought this was cute, how she does take him to school & he can't come in, so he plays outside and waits.
But this might give some kids the ideas that they can bring their dog to school and he can do the same thing. Not all dogs will behave as well.
Still a really cute book that shows a child's friendship with her dog.
Thanks NetGalley & the publisher for this ARC!

This book has an endearing storyline much like a modern version of Mary Had a Little Lamb. Benny, the dog, is funny and the story is cheerful. Sam, the child and dog owner, has a hard time trying to get Benny to stay home and then, go home when she realizes he is still at her school. The rule for no dogs in the school is enforced yet, in the end, Benny gets to stay as long as he is outside and the children have fun playing with him on the playground.
This book could be read by an elementary reader with just a bit of help. I received this book from the author/publisher free of charge, with no expectation of a positive review.

Benny Goes to School was a cute, quick childrens book. My son (4yo) and I read this together. He pointed out all the pages with Benny on it, as he loves dogs. I thought this would be appropriate since he will be starting school next year. He did enjoy the book.
Thank you to NetGalley, Clavis Publishing, and Judith Koppens for allowing us to read this advanced eCopy of the book.

A cute little book about a dog named Benny who wants to go to school with his owner, but his owner knows that dogs aren't allowed in school. However, the owner can't resist the puppy dog eyes and brings him along. The pup wasn't allowed in school but has a great time on the playground. Great for kids that will have to leave their pets behind come school time.