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Spice Road

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This was a 2/2.5 star read for the first 60%. I’m not sure I’ve read a novel that tackles privilege from the perspective of the privileged person before. Imani grows quite a bit, in trickles at first, then in a flood around that 60% mark. I enjoyed the book quite a lot from that point, but being inside Imani’s rigid closed-minded perspective up to that point was unpleasant.

Also: I enjoy a fast plot, but here it came at the expense of worldbuilding and character backstory necessary for caring about our protagonist and her quest. Lacking that sympathetic connection to Imani in the first 60% of the novel made her overweening pride even more unbearable.

Having said all that, I did enjoy that last 40% quite a bit — those all-too-brief scenes where Imani uses her new powers! The introduction of Atheer, who seems delightful! Intriguing revelations about Qayn’s past! Hopefully now that we’ve gone through Imani’s Bildungsroman phase, the rest of the series will be closer to that last 40%!

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Spice Road by Maiya Ibrahum
“The truth is the thorn, not the rose.”
I absolutely loved this Arabian theme and the magic system. The adventure and thrill throughout the whole book was amazing. Loved the diversity and family bonds woven into the storyline. Then the relationship between the FMC and the spirit MC, I think that’s what I wanna call them to not give spoilers.
There were some really great lessons here on different topics and some great take-aways that can be used on a daily basis. The ending wasn’t a “on the edge of your seat cliffhanger.” But it was a gentle way to end the book, but know that the fight and series isn’t over. This is absolutely just the beginning and there will truly be more.
I am here for all this series and stoked for the next installment of what Ibrahum has to offer. Thank you Maiya Ibrahum, Random House Children, and Netgalley for the eARC. Preorder now! Available Jan. 23, 2023

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REVIEW: Spice Road

Rating: ✨2.5/5✨
Spice: a sprinkle with two kisses
Plot: what plot? It took forever for the story to get to the point.
Tropes: slow burn, magic system, strong FMC, forced proximity, enemies to lovers, betrayal

So far, this book is not great. I’m really hoping it picks up soon because I'm almost 100 pages in and I can barely bring myself to keep going.

The conversations in this book feel so stiff and... Written. Like they lack a natural cadence.

Amira is so annoying the WHOLE time. I can't bring myself to like her.

Imani has no depth. We are just told her thoughts and she never expands on herself internally.

I really wanted this to be better, but with PAGES of description for things that shouldn't be described but the magic system has like two sentences, it's a struggle.

Update: I couldn't push through. I think the writing style isn't for me.

Update #2: I decided to read 15 more pages and it gets progressively better. I still found myself skimming a lot, but at least it held my attention. My review will be altered from a 2.5/5 to a 3.5.

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The plot is the strength of this novel. The way the story itself progresses is ideal. It's the right amount of adventure, travel, family matters, enemies, magic, and rebellion.

And while I am definitely more of a plot-driven reader, I'm surprisingly let down by the lack of everything else. I was desperate for more world-building. I was craving more lush middle eastern mythology. I was dying for the characters to have more depth and development. I wish the writing also flowed better. So it's unfortunate that the creative plot couldn't make up for these shortcomings.

Overall, I think for a debut, this is fine and, as a first book in a series, this sets up for the sequel rather well. So here's me hoping all of the weaknesses of this installment are worked on for the next one.

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Spice Road is the first entry into a fantasy set in an Arabian-inspired Land. It follows the story of Imani as she crosses many dangerous lands, alongside friends and enemies, searching for her brother whom she had presumed dead.

The magic is sourced through the consumption of tea made from spices blessed by the ancestors. I thought the magic system was interesting., I’m curious how the author will expand on it through the other book or books. I’d also be interested in this one being adapted to a TV series.

They pacing of the novel felt a tad uneven. A relationship between two of the characters was infuriating at some points. Something that happens later in the book took me off guard. I feel like there’s more to the story and I need to know what happens next.

Overall, I’m giving this a 3.5. It’s a promising debut novel. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC.

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The Spice Road is a wonderful story full of magic, romance and family, with nice commentary on the divide between upper and lower classes, as well as colonialism. The world is not overly complex and the magic system is simple and easy to understand. The Spice Road focuses more on character development and it is done quite well. None of the characters are perfect--even if they think they are. They all have their own set of views, behaviors, and flaws that well reflect their backgrounds.

Our MC, Imani, is not easy to like. She reeks of upper class privilege, ignorant how her choices and views in life are influenced by the wealth and power of her family. Her journey towards becoming more self-aware is both frustrating and enjoyable--especially when it comes to her opinions of Taha. There were so many times throughout my read that I wanted to shake Imani and yell at her to "open her eyes." The development of her awareness to her actual actions is not as prominent, but something I hope we will see more of in the sequel.

Taha on the other hand is blinded by his bitterness and hatred of the upper class. I greatly enjoyed the contrast between Imani and Taha, particularly in how their taught views of the world, how they viewed each other's successes, to their familial obligations and freedom. The impending romance was quite obvious from first mention, but I love how it is being executed. I don't really enjoy enemies to lovers where it only takes a couple of pages for the the characters to change their minds about each other. I enjoy enemies to lovers where I really don't know if they will end up/stay together in the end because of how much they clash. There is true conflict/hatred between Imani and Taha, as well as moments of confusion and tenderness. Even in regards to their emotions and desire to be together is heavily influenced by their backgrounds.

I truly enjoyed this book and cannot wait for the sequel. The second touches upon colonization and the destructions/oppression of culture, and I can only imagine it will go more so into detail in the sequel. I did dock half a star because there is the feeling of a potential love triangle, which I am not really excited about. I do hope that we will get more insight into Taha's background and growth, as he's barely scratching the surface of it right now. I also, I really need more information on Qayn, please!

Thank you NetGalley and Random House Children's for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

This book was great! It didn't do anything mind blowing or super unique, but it was executed well. The pacing is spot-on, and the world-building is introduced naturally without huge information dumps. The world and characters feel complex, with a lot of room to grow as the series continues. The author did a fantastic job of creating a contained story in this book (and I can't emphasize how much I appreciate that), but at the same time setting up the series well with enough background to preview the upcoming political strife.

The romantic elements are predictably YA, but I knew that going in and wasn't unsatisfied. I'd recommend this to anyone looking for a fun, easy to read, YA non-Eurocentric fantasy.

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Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!!

Magic tea, a magic city and a book written so beautifully, it's, guess what? MAGIC!!¡!

Imira is a soldier, a Shield, in her kingdom of Sahir. Her brother has been presumed dead after having gone missing for a year. However, when Imira and her little sister chase their brothers' horse to a cave one day, they find information and a Djinni that can lead them to their brother across the sands. This would be perfect, but when Imani brings this news and information to the council, she is paired with her arch-rival Taha and his fellow scouts.

I loved the author's writing style, completely drawing me in and holding my interest from beginning to end. The magic system complimented the story and characters perfectly and seemed flawless. I am so excited that there will be a sequel!

Out January 24, 2023!

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3.25 stars. Some spoilers ahead.
First off, I just want to say that I love Qayn. I did enjoy the story, but I think the pacing of this book was a little off. I was a bit meh on most of the characters aside from Qayn and maybe Amira. Imani was a bit too annoying and haughty for my taste, though she does go through somewhat of a character growth. I particularly disliked the part where Imani broke the trust and privacy with Qayn during the training moment.

Taha... he was alright, he got more interesting near the end.

I was intrigued by the tea magic aspect, but I wish it was explained more clearly.

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I received this eARC from the publishers/NetGalley in exchange of an honest review.

It didn’t make sense that after the kingdom being isolated from the outer world for over a millennia, there was virtually no difference between the two. They still had the same language and very similar food. How is that possible? Also, after a millennia of being isolated, where are the inbreeding problems?

Also, the main character comes from an extremely privileged lifestyle so when she’s sees the struggles of the outside world she doesn’t get a shock, she accepts it almost immediately and fights for them!

Then there’s the problem that the author leaves nothing to interpretation. She spells out everything for you.

I give about 2.5-3 stars to the book.

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I'm sorry but it's a DNF for me.

Maybe one day I'll try and pick this up again but right now, I'm just wondering if I read the same book as everyone else.

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I wasn't sure about this one when I started it, but it got so much better as the book went on. I think it might have just been a bit too much info in the beginning for me. The last half of the book was full of action.

Imani's brother disappeared and was thought to be dead. When his horse took off one day, Imani and her sister Amira went after him. The horse led them to a place they've never seen. It was obvious that Atheer had been there. They also meet a djinni named Qayn. Imani is taught to kill all monsters and that included djinni. But Qayn knew Atheer and that they were even friends. The girls went back home and Imani had secretly bonded Qayn to her blade. He won't tell her where to look unless he is there. The council created a group to go look for Atheer in a hidden land almost impossible to get to. The leader is Taha and it's instantly a problem. Imani and Taha do not like each other. Two of Taha's friends (one a cousin) are the other two. Imani forces them to bring her with, but insists that Amira stays behind. They have to battle through a lot of obstacles to get through the lands. Taha is hot and cold with Imani and she doesn't understand him.

What I loved about this book was that Imani's eyes were opened up to how different things are for people. She grew up not wanting for things and just assumed that everyone was taken care of. Getting to Alqibah and seeing how people are treated changed her. She starts to question everything she's been taught. I also loved the siblings and Qayn. I definitely want more of Qayn in the next book. Farida too.

I gave this book 4 1/2 stars rounded up to 5 on Goodreads.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for my earc.

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Thank you to the publisher for the eARC!
Slight spoilers ahead
I am so so so excited for the next books in this trilogy(I think?)
Spice Road was extremely intriguing right from the first chapter and I especially loved it's magic system. Desert settings are always my favourite and this book further enhanced my love for these settings. The characters were amazing to read about all good and bad. And I obviously have to mention how much I adored the love for family in this book and it makes me very thrilled for the next books. This book could've been a 5 star read but when I was 80 or so percent in I just didn't like Taha at all and how he was so damn stubborn about the wrong things. Other than that I enjoyed this book a lot and recommend it to all lovers of YA Fantasy.

Rating: 4 stars🌟

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Let me start by saying this book is a must-read. The promise of ancient magic, djinn, and enemy armies had me hooked from the start. This book is very much akin to the Rebel of the Sands trilogy by Alwyn Hamilton. Spice Road is an emotional roller-coaster; jam-packed with action and plot twists. The character development throughout the book is beautifully written, especially when it comes to the main character Imani. Her growth from beginning to end is so relatable. As her worldview shifts, and she comes to terms with the idea that the world is much bigger than what she was always told, we see her forced to make many hard decisions. Overall, I give this book a solid 5 stars! It is an epic tale that will keep you on your toes.

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"I have no doubt now that true magic exists in this world, but it was never the misra. It is family, the people we love. With them, their support, their faith, their friendship, we can become and accomplish anything. And everyone in all the lands deserves this magic; everyone deserves to be safe with their loved ones."

Spice Road by Maiya Ibrahim is a YA fantasy that takes us on an Arabian-inspired journey filled with spice magic, thrilling quests, anti-colonialism, and challenging family dynamics.

We follow the POV of 16-year-old Imani of Qalia who is on a mission to find her treasonous brother. Some the crew she is accompanied by include a djinn named Qayn, her sister Amira, and her not-so-love interest Taha.

"The tree who heeds the typhoon endures the longest."

I really loved Imani's mental journey and character development- she realizes that the strong opinions she has held about those around her may not be as accurate as she once believed. She learns that not everything is as it seems. Her relationship with her sister was really meaningful to me - Imani misunderstands and underestimates her sister from the get-go, but they end up better understanding one another and strengthening their relationships.

"I have hardened my heart to steel, but Taha? He has discarded my heart altogether..."

At first I was really excited for the romance between Taha and Imani to unfold, but as we get to know them better he turned into one of my least favorite characters. It will be interesting to see how he redeems himself throughout the rest of the series.

I appreciate the world-building with the respect to calling out the colonizers. The tea magic was really cool, and I hope that we go in-depth a bit more in the next book. Every time they brought up shisha I had hookah cravings. This story was beautifully written, and I am totally invested in this series.

I recommend this book to fantasy lovers looking for something a little bit different, if you love heartwarming family stories and unexpected twists & turns and lots of secrets - definitely give this book a chance. The pace moves pretty steady - some scenes move quicker and some drag a bit.

Thank you much to NetGalley and Random House for the Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for my honest feedback!

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Tea. Magic. Assassins. Desi women being AMAZING. I am THROWN by this book and am so grateful for it. I was almost positive finishing the Scholomance series would throw me into a reading slump, but Ibrahim took over from Novik without a single hitch.

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Wow! What an impressive first book for a debut author! After closing the last page, I was just gobsmacked, not only at the story itself but at the exquisite writing and depth of character it inhabits.

The world that Ms. Ibrahim has created is lush with colors, smells and life so well written that one truly feels they are experiencing everything right along with Imani (the main protagonist). I will admit, however, that I really didn’t even like her through the first half of the book. She was rigid, unmoving, judgmental and, admittedly hard to connect with. But that is the genius at work. Slowly, ever so slowly we watch Imani’s eyes open to the real world, it’s hard truths and shady realities. And as she sees this, she grows. But as the second half of the story progressed, she blossomed into an amazing, compassionate and brave heroine. and I was hooked! I absolutely loved her by the end of the book! The author wrote such a subtle yet inspired journey that, as jaded as I am after the thousands of books I’ve read, I truly stand all amazed.

The story itself is no less addictive. Set in a world that reminds one of a historical yet fantastical India, with all it’s rich colors, foods and people - even complete with evil, light skinned “colonizers”. There are twists and turns aplenty. Some truly shocking betrayals - one of which truly had me completely gutted (and I swear, we better see that betrayer suffer for those choices in future books!! PLEASE no immediate redemption, the act is just too devastating for words). And some wonderful and touching relationships in other areas. It is absolutely a story that deserves a read, if not outright ovations.

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A solid debut from Maiya Ibrahim

I really enjoyed this book from start to finish. The imagery was incredibly vivid, and I was immersed in this book every time I picked it up. I also appreciated Imani’s growth as a character throughout this book, even as her worldview took hit after hit.
Overall, a great story, and I’m looking forward to the next one!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a beautifully written Arabian inspired fantasy about a girl named Imani who goes on a quest in search of her missing brother after she finds out he may still be alive. Her family lives in the hidden city of Qalia, where they use spice magic to protect the land from monsters. Her brother was caught stealing the magical spice and may be sharing it with outsiders, putting their home at risk. With the help of a djinn named Qayn, Imani travels to places she never knew existed and learns that the world is not at all how she thought.

The world building was great and I enjoyed traveling along with Imani as she discovered new places and faced new challenges. I appreciated the message about colonization and how Imani learns to change her way of thinking. I really liked Imani, Qayn, and her sister Amira, but not so much the other side characters. Her maybe love interest Taha is super confusing and has weird mood swings and it’s kind of hard to understand what Imani sees in him, but I’m hoping that will make more sense as the story continues. All in all this is a really promising start to the series!

Thank you to Random House Children’s and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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#SpiceRoad #NetGalley Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this novel. I encourage you to check this one out! Really solid read.

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