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Let It Snow

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this Christmas novel a lot. I really connected with the main character.

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This book really spoke to me and there are not words for it other than perfect. It’s warm, cosy, uplifting and affirming. The most perfect festive read.

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The delicious ingredients of will they won't they. Misconceptions at the ready in this romance. Will Bea and Henry find love? Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review this book.

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I love a good Christmas feel book they such warm cosy up my the fire with dark nights. And this book was just that. I love the characters the story line. The Christmas feel to it. The writing style was easy to read and fast paced. This book will leave you feeling festive and joy.

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Warm and uplifting, I loved this festive read, despite the fact that I was reading it in August! Bea's family are not run of the mill and she has obviously been brought up to disregard the material things and to give people another chance. Her approach to her working life as a weather presenter sets her apart and she has built up her own community of listeners through her own kindness. You realise that her own family upbringing has made her the adult she has become.

There is plenty of humour in her mother's attempt to have the perfect Christmas although you realise that there is more to it than first appears. Similarly, the characters Bea meets in Scotland make you smile as each task they have to do seem to be more and more preposterous. There is plenty of romance brewing in the background and in all, we have a heart-warming story full of festive touches.

In short: festive family fun

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Let It Snow is a cozy holiday read by Beth Moran that will delight lovers of Christmas romances and eccentric characters.

Bea Armstrong is a local weather forecaster that has been off her game. She chalks it up to a bad breakup but she is missing meetings and important emails. With her confidence wavering, Bea heads home for a week of vacation only to find a bit more in store than a relaxing week off.

Bea's family is thrilled to have her home again for Christmas but Bea is dismayed to find her mother has a non-stop agenda that includes her old nemesis and friend of the family, Henry. Throw in a road trip, an aging actress, a rocker ex-boyfriend, an eccentric billionaire, a school that may close because funding, and the Christmas Spectacular, and we can see why Bea has mixed feelings about being home for the holidays.

Bea will realize that things are not always as they seem and that the holidays have a way of showing us what is important,

I very much enjoyed this book and have recommended it to friends.

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I've thoroughly enjoying all Beth Moran books, they just make me smile and feel good that you cant help but get lost in the story with the characters.

Bea was such a likeable character and totally relatable too so I think that meant you really wanted everything to work out for her. Henry was just a doll and super cute.

I was kept guessing until the end at how the story would go and it was just comical throughout! Perfect escapism and would definitely recommend for any rom com reader to give it ago!

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Not convinced there was enough snow in this book, as I was rather hoping it would cool me down on a ridiculously humid day in Spain in the summer, but it didn't.

However what it did do was transport me into the lives of Bea and her whole family, for the festive period.

And with it we get to see one of the most bizarre job interviews I've ever seen, which greatly entertained me.

We also get to see how her feelings towards Henry (a family friend, who her parents have wanted her to get with since they were kids), change, after they spend a fair amount of time together.

With looking over at Christmases past, as well as discovering what a fabulous school Bea's parents are running, as well as her style of weather forecasting, this ix a really entertaining book.

And there is more to it than may initially meet the eye too .

I loved it.

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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This was a cute Christmas story. It was a quick read. I did like that the story wasn’t predictable. I will say that I wasn’t really a fan of the storyline about Bea’s job. Those parts of the book didn’t really hold my attention.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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The writing, style and characters of the book were decent.

I was looking forward to reading this book to get Christmas vibes but I didn't get the feeling and was disappointed.

I think what would have made this book good was just sticking to one plotline and trope. There are over 5 different plot lines going on and they don't sync together well. Individually I think could have been it's own book. There was too many storylines and wish the author had chosen 2 or 3 and made it work. The plot of this book had me so confused that I ranted to my friend for 40 minutes about it...

I don't think I will get over the Weather presenter games (like the hunger games but games for a job - yes this book is that strange) which happens in the first half of the book.

I didn't like Bea at the beginning and found her quite selfish, she does grow on you but not by a lot. I liked Henry and would have liked to have seen more of his personality not just the I love Bea since we were kids side. I also think by making the storyline that Bea's ex comes back into the picture it really does ruin the book because it can be less of a cute rom com if the characters are cheating.

Surprisingly I would still recommend the book. I think everyone should read the bizarre hunger game style interview section of this book because goodness was it ... unique and entertaining.

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Beth Moran's, Let It Snow draws her readers into a story filled with warm and relatable characters, a dash of Christmas cheer, and plenty of snow. Bea Armstrong, a local weather celebrity, has been avoiding her loving but meddlesome family for as long as possible. But this Christmas, she is bound for home and hearth and the inevitable checklist of "perfect family events" her mother has created. Add in her childhood nemesis Henry, family tension, and an invitation to compete for her perfect job, and this year's Christmas is bound to become the most memorable one yet. This book is a Christmas story worth reading more than once during the season.

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I must say, Bea’s chaotic Christmas is not something I would like to experience in a hurry! It was all over the place, a bit like the plot, and I was frustrated by how the story kept straying to different themes. In my opinion, it made for an almost anti-Christmas read: it was not cosy and relaxing, but hay-wire and going in all directions.

Firstly, there are buckets of snow in this story, exactly what the title describes! It definitely gives atmosphere to the plot, particularly when Bea and Henry are in the grounds of a Scottish mansion, belonging to an eccentric manager. Although the Christmas decorations here are beyond creepy, the descriptions did make me laugh and this added to the magic of the festivities, especially as it is clear that Bea’s feelings for Henry are not as simple as she thought.

Bea has known Henry all her life, and her parents always expected her to be married to their next door neighbour, despite what Bea actually feels about him. Through the power of flashbacks, readers learn that whilst Henry has always been a kind gentleman to Bea, her head has been focussed elsewhere: on hunky bad-boy, Adam. Yet, it is clear that this relationship was never going to last, as Bea’s recent heartbreak describes.

The story follows Bea has she leaves her family home to attend a wacky and, quite simply, awful interview in Scotland. This part of the narrative was the most entertaining and I delighted in watching how Baxter created different scenarios to ‘test’ the potential applicants. It felt like a disastrous reality television show and I could not predict what Bea would have to do next in order to prove herself. Yet, this does not become a dominating part of the narrative, as Bea eventually leaves to try and travel back home in time for Christmas Day. Except the massive dumpings of snow makes it nigh impossible.

From here, I thought the story lost its way. I wanted to see more of the outrageous interview process with the equally outrageous Baxter. But, Moran has other ideas for the story, which includes a bizarre stay at a run-down shack, trying to save the family home, and finding more about her grandfather. There was just too much crammed into this book to fully develop any of the storylines properly. And this is where I lost interest in the story.

In my opinion, there were enough plot strands to make several books, rather than seeing them hurriedly pushed into one novel. It felt too rushed to enjoy any of them properly and I was frustrated that the characters seem to bounce from one issue to the next. The interview process was the most dramatic and I think this would have been enough to create an entertaining, festive, romance story all in one.

By the end of the book, I was glad to have finished it. I thought it slowed down considerably towards the closing and the conclusion felt prolonged. I could predict where Bea’s heart belonged and wanted to see more focus on this romantic element, caring less about her muddled family home. It definitely lessened the magic that was being established early on in the story.

As far as Christmas reads go, this is not my favourite. Whilst Moran has great festive references, I think the focus is elsewhere and the interview element is why I enjoyed the book as much as I did. It was crazy, unpredictable and entertaining and I could not imagine what I would have done in Bea’s situtation.

With thanks to Boldwood books and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was an adorable, uplifting read with a heartwarming message and is completely escapist.

I loved the character of Bea. She is down to earth and relatable despite her local celebrity status. I identified with her need to reconnect with her family. I felt she stood for the values of authenticity, community spirit and kindness. I felt sympathy towards her in many of the situations she encounters and dilemmas she faces: with her job, Adam, Baxter and Nanny Joy.

I also really loved the character of Henry. You could immediately see that he too had the same values as Bea and was a true gentleman. He definitely stood out amongst the big cast of vibrant and lively characters.

This is what I would describe as quite a long book for this genre, but it certainly doesn’t feel that way as you’re reading. There’s so many themes and dramatic strands involved, such as family, finances, romance, identity and work. It is easy to get immersed and lost in this book, needing desperately to uncover the resolutions to many of the problems that are thrown up.

Will Bea follow her head or her heart? Will she take a chance on any or all of the new beginnings that are offered to her? I definitely needed to find out the answers to those questions as I was fully invested in Bea’s character and life. another five star read for me from Beth Moran. Perfect for fans of Donna Aschcroft, Jaimie Admans and Kiley Dunbar.

This was undoubtedly another five star read for me from Beth Moran. This is a perfect choice for fans of Donna Aschcroft, Kiley Dunbar and Jaimie Admans.

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I really loved the main character, Bea, and the challenges she faced. Bea's parents aren't happy about her career decision - weather girl at a local channel. Bea tries her best to make her family understand that her choices in life matter. When things went sideways with Adam, she started to avoid her family.

Bea has had some trouble at work since her breakup with Adam. Her colleague suspects one of the new joinees (Summer) has hacked Bea's emails, thus causing her to miss a few deadlines and important meetings. Bea has no idea that one of the national TV channels has shortlisted her for an interview - the email never appeared, you see. (Summer at work, perhaps?)

Henry offers to drive Bea to Scotland and bring her back home for Christmas Eve dinner. When the duo reach Scotland and the interview rounds begin, Bea learns a lot about herself - and the choices that she made so far. Henry and Bea are to share a room and this brings back some of teenage memories - especially the times when Adam put his needs before Bea's and she felt helpless. Those were also the times when someone who supported her and that someone was Henry. Bea never saw it as Henry's caring nature back them - she was disgusted by his very presence. But now, she feels different.

As the story proceeds, we see Bea juggling between her feelings for Adam and her newly-developed feelings for Henry. Then comes a shocking news - something to do with Charis House and this probably being the last Christmas at her old family home. So Bea decides to take matters into her own hands...

I really loved the way Henry and Bea grew closer - Bea had no idea she was falling for him until the very end. Speaking of ends, things were a little fast-paced - something to do with the 'mystery' that Bea was looking into. Then there is Adam appearing out of thin air (no, not literally!) and Bea wonders if it is worth giving him another (more like hundredth!) chance.

Let It Snow by Beth Moran is a feel-good story with oodles of charm and everything Christmassy. I enjoyed reading this book and I would recommend to those who are looking for an early Christmas read.

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This is a first time read for me by this author and I found it to be a wonderfully entertaining read. The story is a cute and cozy Christmas story and is sure to warm your heart. The characters were well-crafted, interesting, fun, and endearing and you can't help but fall in love with them. Bea is just out of a long-term relationship and her work life is not going so great. Despite being less than thrilled to visit her family, she heads home for the holidays. It wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that her childhood nemesis, Henry is also invited. She may just get a last minute reprieve when she lands an interview for her dream job, only she has no way of getting to the interview. She has no choice but to catch a ride with Henry, and to make matters worse, the weather takes a turn for the worse. But during her two-day interview, and spending more time with Henry, she begins to see him in a new light. A few twists and turns kept me interested and engaged and when her ex shows up and joins the mix, Bea has a choice to make and must decide where her heart really lies.
A really cute story that has lovely characters and will give you all the feels and leave you with a smile on your face. I enjoyed the story and hope to read more of this author's work.
I received a complimentary copy from Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Yes, it’s time to dive into this years offering of Christmas books.
Beth Moran has gifted us this fabulous, feel good story, Let It Snow.

As Christmas is fast approaching, local tv weather presenter, Bea Anderson’s presence is requested - make that demanded back at her family home, where a full itinerary of events for the festive season awaits.
Along with her immediate family, Bea will also be spending Christmas with Henry, son of her parents close friends and Bea’s childhood enemy.
Having already irritated her mother by arriving late, Bea faces another Anderson family Christmas with trepidation.

This story really is jam packed. There is a bizarre job interview, an unplanned road trip to Scotland, with unexpected company. There’s an on off boyfriend, who finally decides what he really wants.
A hunt for a long lost relative, a battle to save a school, a surprise attraction to the most unlikely person and snow - lots of snow.
Bea is in for one busy old time this festive holiday.

Let It Snow, is the most endearing and captivating Christmas read. It has a great mix of characters. Bea is likeable and quirky, as is the very sweet Henry. Bea’s family are a colourful bunch, and they have the biggest hearts.
There is an utterly bonkers Scottish tv mogul and the obligatory baddie who we are all hoping gets exactly what they deserve.

I loved this story. It left me with all the feels and a big smile on my face.
Every imperfection in the Anderson family, is exactly what makes them so wonderful and special.

Let It Snow is one of those books that will find a special place in your heart.


Out now on all formats.

With thanks to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for a digital arc of this title.

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I absolutely adored this book. A quick and easy read, I found. I liked the characters, and the cosy feel

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Bea is heading home for an Armstong family Christmas, but she has a lot on her mind, her work emails are getting sabotaged, and she has an idea of who it could be and her 11-year relationship has finally ended.

But this Christmas is different, not only will her family find out about her everyday life and how much she does for her community, Bea will learn to value those around her and see how precious time can be, and someone she thought was an enemy will become a flame.

This is a feel-good Christmas novel, not only does this writer give you a romantic narrative but also one that will leave you wanting to help the main character make the right decisions.

Every character brought their own unique personality to this novel and I couldn't help but get emotional about her grandmother at different points.

If you haven't already, I would highly recommend this novel to be added to your holiday reads.

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This is the ideal book if your looking for a seasonal rom-com story with slow-burn romance. It's an easy read with all the snowy vibes of a Hallmark Christmas movie. It's got the interfering but well-meaning family members and the childhood classmate who Bea didn't get on the best with but who may have grown up to be a potential love interest.

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Special thanks to @bookandtonic and @rachelsrandomresources for having me on board and for this gifted copy I received through @netgalley

After the end of a long-term relationship, local weather girl Bea Armstrong has been avoiding her family, and their inevitable ‘I-told-you-sos.’ But with Christmas fast approaching, she is finally on her way home to Charis House, the school in Sherwood Forest that her mum and dad run in their old family home. And to top it all off, the insufferable Henry Fairfax – who her parents have always wanted her to marry – has also been invited.

Relief comes in the shape of a last-minute interview for her dream job. There are just a few minor problems… The interview is in Scotland, Bea has no car, and the snow is falling already. The only solution is for Henry to drive her – could this Christmas get any worse…

But during an unforgettable two-day interview, a stay in a log cabin and a nightmare journey through the snow, Henry turns out to be nothing like she thought. And when Bea’s first love and recent ex shows up, Bea has a difficult choice to make…

“I’d say that if your family taught me anything, it’s the value of authenticity.”

First book I’ve read to begin the countdown until Christmas season. It’s also the first time I’m introduced to this book written by Beth Moran. Since this has a family Christmas-y premise, I’m happy to give myself a try. So, just like the energy and enthusiasm of a kid when it comes to Christmas season, I felt the same excitement to read this book!

It’s a home-for-the-holidays book that captures the range of emotions tied into saving a family’s legacy in a small town, being true to yourself, finding your true love and trying to keep a family secret just for the sake to cherish every moment with the family. It was totally hilarious and a fun quick read. There were entertaining family curveballs, which had kept me hooked in the story.

The book also offered a “Hallmark holiday romance” vibe. The romance was a slow burn yet heartwarming in the end. The romantic relationship of Bea (a meteorologist) and Henry (an astrophysicist) was charming. I ended up to found myself rooting for both of them.

Overall, this book could be a good choice for you to escape from the madness of holiday rush or planning during the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas. It is light humor and a feel-good book to curl up with a warm blanket and a hot MUG of hot chocolate and lots of toast. Yes! A MUG! Take note of that. Trust me.

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