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Mr. & Mrs. Witch

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Secret identities, opposing agencies, magic, conflict, and lies are no match for love in this supernatural take on Mr and Mrs. Smith.

Savy is an agent of a secret witch agency trying to keep the world safe from magic, Griffin is an agent of a human agency also trying to keep the world safe from magic. They are opposing agencies who hate each other. They are about the get married, not know the others secret identities. At the alter their covers are blown and everything evolves into chaos. After both agents regroup they end up together at another standoff at their shared home only to realize the leaders of their agencies have fired them and put a price on their heads. As love wins out, and they try to keep each other safe they may uncover a conspiracy that goes back hundreds of years.

I absolutely loved and had the best time reading this one. I had read some of Gwenda Bond's novels before and was not the biggest fan, but this one was a home run in my opinion. The story was so fun, and it had a perfect balance of elements. The flashbacks worked so well to show us the build in their relationship, the side characters gave so much to the story. It was just wonderful on every level.

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Gwenda Bond's Mr. & Mrs. Witch was an okay read for me. Think of a Mr. & Mrs. Smith retelling with a paranormal twist.

Although this wasn't a hit with me, others might enjoy it especially fans of paranormal romance.

Thanks to SMP and NetGalley for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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To be honest, I struggled with this book in the beginning. The third person present tense was, throughout the entire reading, at times jarring. I’m usually fine with first person present, but third person present was just…. a lot.

As you can see, I still gave this book 4 stars, because the story was lovely. The title is what drew me to requesting an ARC of this book from NetGalley, assuming it was an intentional play on the Angelina Jolie/Brad Pitt movie, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. And it totally was.

Savvy is a witch and a member of C.R.O.N.E., an organization that uses their powers to help the ordinary, non-magical populace from the supernatural. Meanwhile, Griffon is a member of H.U.N.T.E.R, an organization of mortals who use technology to combat those same supernatural threats. Throughout time, C.R.O.N.E. and H.U.N.T.E.R. have been enemies, but the last 300 or so years have been spent in a tentative truce, each side waiting for the other to do something to bring on full war once more.

So, needless to say, when Savvy and Griffin fall in love, they keep their secret identities to themselves. Members of secret organizations aren’t known for blabbing about what they do.

And then the wedding day comes. And who should attend but the very leaders of each organization, sending what should be a blissful day into utter chaos.

The book is told alternating between Savvy and Griffon’s POVs, as well as both present day and the timeline leading from the day they meet up 'til the doomed nuptials.

This was a fun book. I really loved reading both Savvy and Griff’s POVs of their love story from the beginning, as well as the aftermath of the wedding-interrupted. I really didn’t know where the story was going, but I loved where we ended up. I can’t imagine any other ending for this tale.

My only question for the author is… will we get to read a follow up with certain other side characters?

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Unfortunately I have to pause reading this book at approximately 25%. The first quarter of the book dragged for me, and the switching of timelines and POVs became just a little bit too much to focus on right now. I may come back to this in the future.

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Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this fun book!

A witchy mr and mrs smith is honestly an excellent description of this book. I enjoyed how the author started us off at their wedding and then slowly chronicled their romance while also having the main storyline continue. Instead an 80% breakup, we had an 8% breakup which honestly worked.

I enjoyed the cast of characters and the relationships between them; but I found some parts of the book seemed unnecessary and didn’t add to the storyline. There was also a lot of traveling between locations that didn’t seem to be possible based on the timeline (or at the very least, reasonable to travel around that much).

Overall, this was cute and I would probably read a sequel about Brie and Diego—but definitely one about Big Rob and Elle.

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Savvy is getting married to Griffin and can’t be happier. Her life is complete. But there are some things that Savvy isn’t telling Griffin. Things like she is a powerful witch, her bedraggled street cat is her familiar and a jaguar, and she belongs to an organization called C.R.O.N.E. Griffin is also over the moon about marrying Savvy. Like Savvy, his life is complete. And, also, like Savvy, he has things he isn’t telling her. For instance, he is a top agent for a covert agency (H.U.N.T.E.R.), C.R.O.N.E.‘s top nemesis. His agency hunts and executes witches (and other paranormal beings). Everything comes to a head before the vows are spoken, revealing who Savvy and Griffin are to each other. They know something is up when they receive the order to take each other out. Soon, both discovered a secret that unties the organizations and goes back centuries. It is up to Savvy and Griffin to set things right, even if that means taking down their organizations. Can they do it? Will they be able to reconcile?

I was thrilled when I got the email from the publisher with the invitation to read and review this book. I loved reading and reviewing Not Your Average Hot Guy and The Date From Hell. The snark and humor in those books made me laugh out loud. So I knew I would like this one (and guess what, I was right).

As I read Mr. & Mrs. Witch, I was strongly reminded of Mr. and Mrs. Smith (the movie with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie). It even followed the same basic plotline. Since I liked the movie, I enjoyed reading the book.

Mr. & Mrs. Witch is a fast-paced dual plotline book that takes place in the past and the present. The book was equally split between Savvy’s and Hunter’s 3rd person perspectives. The author marked from whose perspective I was reading and let us know if the book was set in the past or the present. I was very thankful that the author did this because I get lost easily during books like these.

The main characters in Mr. & Mrs. Witch were well-written. I loved the different nuances that Savvy and Griffin had in their personalities. But, as much as I liked them, I couldn’t wonder how they kept such big secrets like Savvy’s familiar being a jaguar or Griffin adding a hidden weapons room to the house. The author explained everything later in the book, but it didn’t make sense to me then.

The main storyline was exciting and well-written. I liked how the author took us from a stopped wedding to fighting off assassins to uncovering a huge secret. This storyline’s twists and turns made it hard to predict what would happen. I figured out how the storyline would end, but I was still surprised at how it happened. Oh, and let’s not forget the snark and humor. I was laughing my butt off during certain scenes.

The other main storyline was how Savvy and Griffin met. I thought it was adorable and couldn’t get enough of their accidental meetings and how they gradually fell in love.

Mr. & Mrs. Witch fits perfectly into the romance genre. I loved reading the past part of the book to see how they fell in love. Savvy and Griffin also had insane chemistry, which made the sex scenes super hot.

The end of Mr. & Mrs. Witch was action-packed and a H.E.A. all rolled into one. I liked how Savvy and Griffin solved their issue with the organization. Other than saying it was perfect, I will only get a little into the ending.

I would recommend Mr. & Mrs. Witch to anyone over 21. There is sex, language, and violence.

Many thanks to St. Martin’s Press, St. Martin’s Griffin, NetGalley, and Gwenda Bond for allowing me to read and review Mr. & Mrs. Witch. All opinions stated in this review are mine.

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Mr. & Mrs. Witch
Gwenda Bond
St. Martin's Press
Pub Day 7 Mar 2023

Savvy and Griffin's worlds are turned upside down just as they thought they would be spending the rest of their lives together. Secrets shatter their whole worlds, and they must fight to save their lives and the world as they know it.

I enjoyed this book. The story was engaging, the characters were believable, and the plot was surprising. There were a few scenes that I was not-pleasantly surprised by, but I am a queen at skipping parts that make me uncomfortable without losing the context of the story. For the most part, the only reason I wanted to put this book down was to prolong the time I got to read it.
If you are a fan of romance and good stories, go get this book.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the dARC of this work in exchange for my honest review.

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Mr. & Mrs. Witch by Gwenda Bond is everything modern my childhood dreams are made of! This book reminds me so much of the Mr. & Mrs. Smith movie mixed with some old school Bewitched or my favorite as a child Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I loved the romance taking place but there is something more, a little mystery and suspense which makes this story a hit. Loved the plot. Loved the story line. Would definitely recommend this to anyone!

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I never knew that I needed a supernatural and romantic retelling of Mr. & Mrs. Smith but this was that and more. We have a very powerful witch and a geeky professor who get married and everything hits the fan when their secrets come out. Yes please.

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I really enjoyed this book!

I have a bit of a thing for modern day witchy romances. Especially ones where she’s a total badass girlboss and he’s able to handle a strong woman while still having strong chemistry. And this one was absolutely done completely right!

I don’t think that Mr. and Mrs. Smith was that great of a movie. But this book took the good parts of that storyline and added magic in a way that worked really well. The dynamic between Savvy and Griffin was strong and their characters played off of each other well, and they had good character development both together and as individuals.

This book really was just so much fun and I highly recommend it, especially if you like this genre as much as I do!

Huge thanks to NetGalley and to St. Martin’s Press for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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I’m sorry…Mr & Mrs Smith…but with witches? I have never requested a book faster.

If you were a fan of the movie Mr & Mrs Smith, I think you’re expectations are going to be met. I haven’t watched that movie in like a decade, but the vibes are there for sure.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s what you have to look forward to with Mr & Mrs Witch:
💖 secret magical societies - Savannah is a witch and Griffin is a witch hunter
💖 their covers are blown at their wedding - after which they are each tasked with killing the other
💖 romcom-level action follows
💖 alternating timelines - present & past, starting with their meet cute
💖 delightful cast of characters - including animal familiars! (I cried when Savannah met Paris because I am a cat lady and a sap.)

You know I must have liked a book when I read it with my eyes, with no help from an audiobook. I think I would have binge read it a lot faster with an audio, but we do what we can!

The plot was definitely predictable, but in a way that made the book kind of cozy.

Thank you to @netgalley and @stmartinspress for the review copy! All thoughts are my own.

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Mr. & Mrs. Witch felt like Mr. & Mrs. Smith meets old school Sabrina the Teenage Witch or Bewitched. It definitely had the cozy, witchy romance vibe down very well with an added sprinkle of suspense and espionage.

The book was really well marketed and the plot was how it was described in the blurb. I feel like this book will be great for fans of Go Hex Yourself and The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches. The characters are fun, the romance isn't just a side plot which I think happens a lot w/ the cozy witchy romances lately that are similar in idea.

I enjoyed the read, even though at times it felt slow and the flashbacks interrupted the action often. I can tell this was on purpose and usually I enjoy that, but in this case of this book with the plot being centered around the Mr. & Mrs. Smith-like magical couple "battling" it out, it definitely was disruptive to the flow in a few parts.

I would definitely still recommend this book for fans of similar books (listed above), but for me personally this wasn't a read I'll be following up on if more stories in this world are written by the author. Although I would be willing to try other books by this author down the road.

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Mr. & Mrs. Witch was a fun fantasy or paranormal romance, one that, of course, took me back to the Mr. and Mrs. Smith movie, but with a very definite paranormal feel.

Savvy and Griffin keep meeting around the globe and, along the way, discover that they live in the same hometown. A planned meeting will bring them together to begin a romance that will ultimately end up at the altar. That’s where their troubles began when each saw too many familiar faces (and not the good kind of familiar faces) at their wedding. Imagine the chaos when it’s revealed that Savvy is actually a powerful witch — and Griffin is a hunter… of paranormal creatures just like witches. This is one wedding surprise that neither can deal with, and the wedding certainly didn’t happen. This is a couple in love who, in their real roles, would be eliminating each other. Soon, they’ll have hits out on themselves, and the only way to survive is to work together… with mixed results.

I enjoyed parts of Mr. & Mrs. Witch. It does have a dual timeline where we’re jumping into the past as we explain why things are happening in the present. There is a mystery to be solved and a story full of interesting secondary characters. I liked the parts that I liked… and will leave the other parts up to each reader. None of us read the same book. It was a fun (for the most part) few hours of escaping into a zany, chaotic world. They’ll have to work to find a happy ending… but love wins.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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* I received a copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.

Savannah Wilde is a witch and member of a powerful organization created to keep her fellow witches safe from Hunters. But after a whirlwind romance with a man she met on assignment, it's the eve of her wedding day to Griffin Carter. Griffin doesn't know that Savvy is a witch, but she doesn't know that her betrothed as a secret as well. Griffin is a member of a Hunter organization (an organization whose purpose is to stop supernatural threats) that's determined to put a stop to the witches and their terrible schemes. When the wedding begins, the bad blood between the two groups comes to a head and suddenly Savvy and Griffin are on the run from assassins and past enemies.

This is a great supernatural retelling of Mr. & Mrs. Smith. I loved that it felt so similar as that story, yet it had a lot of new ideas and takes on it. The supernatural elements were my favorite! The aspects of being a witch that go along with other lore made it so you didn't have to understand a lot of backstory throughout the book. A lot of these concepts aren't new and while some might feel it's a negative to story building, I saw it as a great way to use already known understandings. Savvy was a great character to read. She was very confident and loyal to her family and friends. I found myself enjoying reading the flashback portions to see how she opened herself up to Griffin. He was fun to read as well. Griffin is a "protector" and feels that he should always be between those he loves and the things out to get him. But my favorite part of the book was the intrigue of what each group kept hidden from the followers. My only gripe was that the big conflict felt very easily solved. However, I enjoyed this read! I definitely recommend it to lovers of supernatural elements, romance, and ,of course, spy novels.

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Finished ✔️ Mr. & Mrs. Witch by Gwenda Bond

3.5 ⭐️’s
Publish Day: March 7th, 2023
Kindle Unlimited: No
A couple discovers at the alter the surprising secret identities they’ve kept from each other.
This is a unique story
Different then what I usually read
It was a decent read over all
I didn’t exactly like the characters
Yes, I’d recommend this book

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This was a super fun paranormal fantasy retelling of Mr & Mrs Smith that sees a witch hunter and a witch falling in love and getting married without realizing who the other truly is. Told in flashbacks and full of suspense, spice and a great cast of secondary characters. This was a highly entertaining read and great on audio too narrated by Luke Daniels and Amy Landon. Highly recommended! Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I had seen references to this being a supernatural re-telling of Mr. & Mrs. Smith and I have to whole-heartedly agree with that description. The only difference between that movie and this book is that the main characters are a witch and witch hunter. I thought Ms. Bond did a wonderful job of creating a world for these characters that felt believable. In addition, she did a good job making me actually care about them. When their world was falling apart, I was concerned and wanted them to work through things. In addition, the side characters were strong and fun to read.

This story was told with flashbacks so you'd read about the present day and then flashback to how Savvie and Griffin's relationship began and progressed. It was a smart way to introduce the history of their relationship as well as other clues to what was going on in the storyline.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I voluntarily chose to read and review it and the opinions contained within are my own.

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This was an entertaining, well-written book. It was fun, steamy and kept me reading. I enjoyed this book and will look for other books by this author.

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First thanks NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for the opportunity to read this one through ReadNow. I loved the cover and was interested based on the description but unfortunately I did not like the writing. I was confused and could not tell if the writing was supposed to be funny or intentionally cryptic. I wish the author had taken a little more time in the beginning to set up all the characters before jumping into a plot and multiple settings. I had to keep rereading sentences to try to understand what was happening, who was speaking, or being spoken to. It was frustrating my reading experience and what ultimately led me to quit the book at 30%. I am not comfortable publicly rating a book that I did not choose to finish but will share my honest opinion here on NetGalley.

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When a witch and a witch hunter find out at their wedding who the other is, emotions get out of control. Of course, calling of the wedding is the first thing to be done but with both of them given orders to axe the other, danger ensues.
All I can say is "Wow!" This book is quite fast paced with all kinds of action involved. I loved how the author swung back and forth between current day and the past, exploring how they met and fell in love. The ending is well thought out and is definitely one that you would not have predicted.
I look forward to more awesome books by Gwenda Bond in the future.
Many thanks to Net Galley and to St. Martin's Press for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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