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The Witch and the Vampire

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This was such a cute story and it had so much promise. Unfortunately, it was executed in a way that didn't fully hold my interest. I was hoping for a bit more depth in terms of the characters, the plot, and the writing, which tended to tell more than it showed. Although I so so much wanted to love this one and it just didn't quite deliver for me, I still enjoyed reading it and am glad that I did.

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I DNFd this - there was just way to much exposition. There was violence but little romance and I found the snap decisions to be annoying and it really didn't build a good foundation for the romance to grow from.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC, in exchange for my honest review!
Thankfully, giving my honest review is pretty straightforward. I really loved this title! The world is so interesting and I love the vampires in this, The character relationships seem real and alive and I’m SUCH a sucker for childhood friends to lovers.
The final climax was so engaging and interesting, and the writing was consistently fun to read. The symbolism, particularly about blindly following bigoted people, is elegant and well-handled.
My two gripes with the title are more preference-based. This book can be very tell instead of show sometimes, but not all the time. There was also a plot point at the end that seemed a little mean and unnecessary, but I’ll leave out the details since I prefer my reviews to be spoiler-free.
Overall, The Witch and the Vampire is totally worth reading and I hope it gets popular when it comes out!

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I love this cover! Gorgeous. The story was interesting and I really liked the twist and the main characters. I found Ava compelling. She's our rapunzel and our vampire. She's struggling to figure out who she is now that she's been turned against her will. She's not longer who she was before she was a vampire but she doesn't think she's the mindless blood-drinking monster others thing she is.

Kaye was also interesting - hating vampires for killing her mother, she's a good fighter and there to protect the grounds and the town.

I wish there had been a little more flushed out of the story. Just a bit more world-building and a little more with the love story and side characters. However, the story was a fast read, packed full of fighting and adventure, and I did find the story entertaining! I liked it!

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.

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I love this book. It’s so interesting and it kept my attention. It was very easy to just keep reading. I loved Ava and Kayes friendship. Also the enemies to lovers plot was done very well. You could feel Ava’s hate for Zenos. He got what he deserved. The whole book came together really well and I would read this again.

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Queer vampire and witch Rapunzel retelling? I was sold from the start!

I loved the two main characters of this book, Ava and Kaye. It couldn't be helped with the dual POV where you get the thoughts of two strong female MCs. I loved watching each of them develop throughout the book, in their strength/leadership and in their ideas of morality in a morally gray situation. Plus the romance was *chefs kiss*. While I was frustrated by their decisions in the middle of the book (as I often feel in YA books), the beginning and the end really pulled through for me in terms of characters!

The world was a super interesting premise that sucked me in. Vampires trapped in a magical forest and witches who hunt them to keep them in their place? Such a cool idea. Unfortunately, that was the extent of the world: just a cool idea. As the story progressed, I was confused by some things parts of the world and also felt like there was a lot of room for development that was never taken advantage of.

Speaking of things that left something to be desired, I also felt disappointed by how easily guessable key plot points were. It definitely suffered from the 'All the Adults are Bad' trope of YA books. And I never came to understand a lot of the motivation for plot progression. I also felt like a lot was left unresolved by the ending. It was a meh plot, at best.

Overall, cool idea, great characters and romance, but a lot that could have been sharpened up to make it a 5 star read in my opinion!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Pr.ess for providing me with an eArc of this book!

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This is a cute yet somewhat bloody standalone fantasy about Ava, a vampire, and Kaye, a witch. Ava was turned by her mother and locked away for the past two years to be used by her mother and stepfather. She was actually a witch when she died and was able to keep her powers as a vampire, and her mother is able to siphon her powers to use for herself. Kaye is a Flame witch and has been trained as a vampire hunter. When Ava escapes, Kaye goes after her with the intent to turn her in because she thinks Ava killed her mother, but things get a lil crazy on their journey through the forest.

We have a friends to enemies to lovers situation going on here and a sapphic romance. It took me a little bit to get into it, but it got more and more interesting along the way. Each of the girls has their own POV and they both have great character development - I didn’t always like one of the characters but I understood her motivations and appreciated her by the end. It’s light on the romance but it’s very sweet and I didn’t expect it to end how it did. Standalone fantasies can be difficult to pull off but I think the author did a good job, I think it could have been better as a series though!

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this earc

This book was not for me. Let me just start with the fact that it is very hard to write a fantasy standalone. This book was an example why.

First, the world felt absolutely tiny and flat. If you ask me to draw a map, it would have two towns and a forest. That’s it.

Second, the magic/vampire system was completely undeveloped. Some vampires were incredibly bloodthirsty when first awoken but for some little glass of blood was enough? Ava cannot last few hours without blood for some of the book, but when “she’s strong” she can go days?
Also, if vampires are just messed up witches, does using the witch magic makes them more thirsty for blood? Because it clearly doesn’t work that way for Ava.

Even after finishing this book, I’m still not sure how many types of witches are there. And if they whole purpose is to fight vampires, what’s did they do before?

Kaye was super boring character who couldn’t make up her mind. Where the heck did she get the fact that Ava killed her mom? And then after spending two days with her, she let go of all the prejudices and its love? Makes absolutely no sense. Don’t even get me started on the fact that Kaye was okay with being turned into a vampire after having their whole existence.

And the forest? I needed a lot more explanation on what happened after the tree was destroyed.

Don’t forget Tristan, who was probably the most useless character in history. He couldn’t stand up to his father, did basically nothing and then died for no reason.

This book should have been a series or at least had a better world building. I honestly didn’t like anything about it.

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This book started off really good. But then it just went down hill from there. This book was a little to much on the fantasy side for me. And this made it hard for me to connect with the characters. If you like fantasy this will be a good book for you to read. But if you are like me and don't like fantasy then this would be one that I suggest you skip.

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A sapphic, queer and dual POV retelling of Rapunzel, this is the story of Ava and Kaye, a vampire and a witch, and their journey through a cursed, dangerous forest to try and stop the destruction of their town.

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When I say I JUMPED at the chance to read this the moment I realized it was a sapphic rapunzel retelling but with vampires and witches, I mean it. I think there's so much promise with this one that I hate to say it let me down. I think this would and could be top tier for a younger audience who are finding their reading niche. There isn't as much depth in this story and characters as I would have liked to see. The beginning was enjoyable I loved the bit of back story we were given and the similarities we're shown to the original rapunzel. But I do think there could be a lot of improvement with the story as we continue past chapter 10. With that being said though, I love this idea and hope to see it again.

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3.5⭐️ (rounded up)

Who wouldn’t want to read this book?! The premise alone, “a queer Rapunzel retelling where a witch and a vampire who trust no one but themselves must joinery together through a cursed forest with danger at every turn” SIGN ME UP! Its also dual POV, which I LOVE.

I am a huge fan of fairy tale retellings but this is my first Rapunzel retelling! It doesn’t really follow the story of Rapunzel but rather takes inspiration from small details from the story, like the fact that Ava has long hair. If I didn’t go into it knowing it was a Rapunzel retelling I definitely wouldn’t have known just by reading it.

First off, the world building is intense and every well done! So the beginning is a little slow, especially with all the history and background information about the characters, but once the story gets going it is very fast paced. It is a quick and easy read but it does leave the readers with wanting more, hopefully a sequel in the future 🤞

Another note is that there is instalove! Theres very much an enemies to lovers style going on at first but the switch from enemies to lovers was a little to quick but adding in the fact that Ava and Kaye used to be best friends makes it a lil less insta. Reminder this is YA, so there is some steam but no spice.

Thank you NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press and Wednesday Books for an advanced reading copy for an honest review.

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“She pauses, then whips around to face me. Raising my hands that glow gold with the flames waiting to be unleashed, I whisper, ‘Hello, blood beast.’”

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for sending me a galley of this book for review! When I tell you I was so excited to read a sapphic retelling of Rapunzel with witches and vampires…

Honestly, I liked this book a lot more than I thought I would. Obviously the concept seemed really intriguing, but it takes a certain type of finesse to pull off a retelling of a familiar fairy tale and still keep the audience invested. The Witch and the Vampire by Francesca Flores does that, and does it well.

Ava is a Root Witch who has the magic that allows her to influence the earth and plants. Her mother, a vampire who has been pretending to be human, turns Ava in order to siphon her Root Witch powers and keeps her locked in the attic of their home. Kaye is a Flame Witch, training to be a vampire hunter. She also used to be Ava’s best friend, before Ava turned and Kaye’s mother disappeared mysteriously the same day. What happens when Ava decides to escape and Kaye decides to follow her and bring her in? A whole lot of fantasy action and sapphic romance, that’s what!

What I appreciated in this book is that there was just the right amount of world-building. The magic system and nature of the vampires were introduced to us right off the bat, but it didn’t feel overwhelming. And there wasn’t a super deep dive into why all of it exists in this world, it simply does, and I appreciate that.

We LOVE a best friends-to-enemies-to-lovers! When I tell you I was squealing from this G A Y romance. I was so invested in the dynamics of Ava and Kaye’s relationship, especially because they started out as close friends who bonded over their mommy issues. It was also so interesting to explore the dynamic of what happens when friends change over time. If you really love someone, what happens when they wake up as a different person one day? Would you still fight for them?

It took me a while to get into this book, but once I did, it was COOKING. Once you get past the exposition, the plot keeps the novel moving pretty well. There were some twists that KNOCKED me out; I did not see them coming at all. The plot was also made a lot more interesting because of the dynamic between the two main characters. Flores does a great job of weaving their conflict (internal and external) into a larger story.

Overall, The Witch and the Vampire was a pleasant surprise for me. The ending of this novel seems like it could offer at least one more book, and if that’s the case, I would definitely read it. I want to see more of Ava and Kaye’s relationship! If you’re looking for a high-stakes, queer, heartfelt fantasy novel, this is for you. Highly recommend for fans of The Priory of the Orange Tree, Cinder, or A Curse So Dark and Lonely.

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The Witch and the Vampire

A sapphic story about witches and vampires?! Of course I had to read it.

With a flair similar to an anime or webtoon, this book felt both too long and too short. Heavy with world building, history and character introduction, it was overall fast paced and left me wishing for a prequel about the vampire queen, Cassiopeia.

With a slow start, and heavy exposition about the main protagonists’ mothers, it was often hard to keep track of all the information that was thrown in throughout the story, which is a shame since once the story truly kicked into gear, a lot of the exposition felt unnecessary.

Being able to read from the perspectives of both protagonists helped flesh out their development, and truly helped to enrich the characters and their journey.

Thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read The Witch and the Vampire.

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This book has a great concept of a vampire and witch falling in love, but I'm not sure of its audience-too simplistic for adults or older teens, but it might be beyond younger readers.
Other reviewers have said what I also think-telling not showing, flat characters, and a low-impact ending. It still is an easy quick read. Maybe a sequel will give us more.

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Wow wow wow.

More, please!

I loved this story and the different take on vamp lore. Great characters and wow, what a twist on Rapunzel.

Issues I had: so slow and then sudden dramatic shift between characters. Hate/ love that's a fine line but the instalove was a bit too insta. 😜

Ending was phenomenal. I want more!

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Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and author, Francesca Flores, for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review. The Witch and the Vampire release on March 21, 2023. This a fun is standalone that I would recommend you preorder!

Pick up this series if you like:
-vampire hunters
-friends to enemies to lovers
-Strong female leads
-Rapunzel retellings
-Lots of steam

I love fairy tale retellings and have read very few rapunzel ones. I also love sapphic fantasies, especially witches and vamps! I really enjoyed the characters, fun plot, and great ending. Disappointingly, this book is VERY YA and leans slightly toward middle-grade in fact. I wish this premise leaned more adult.

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4.2/5 stars

The story follows two main characters, Ava and Kaye. Ava is a root witch that was turned into a vampire. Kaye is a flame witch tasked with hunting vampires. The girls used to be best friends until Ava's mother turned her into a vampire, kept her caged in her house, and told everyone, including Kaye, that Ava left for some witch school in a different area. After many years apart Ava and Kaye run into each other and the two friends are now enemies on either side of a "war", Kaye hates Ava for being a vampire and Ava tries her best to show her that she not like all the other vampires. Their journey takes them through the woods to find Casiopea, the queen of vampires.

The story follows a friends to enemies to lovers trope. The character development in this story is phenomenal as the girls learn to love one another and themselves. I did think that the love story itself was lacking in some regards. While reading, I could see that the friendship was growing between them once again, as they go to know each other, but I didn't really catch the love connection until the last few chapters of the book. This book didn't have to include the lovers trope, it would have been good without it. Either way, I enjoyed reading about their individual character development and the relationship development from enemies to friends to lovers.

I wish I could have seen more on the background of the witches and vampires. We get a good look at the vampire history on how vampires were created. But the witch history was lacking. We get some insight about root witches and flame witches, but others are barely mentioned. We also get a brief history for the witches but there could have been so much more, especially pertaining to the academy that Kaye attended.

The story was good and I would recommend the book for anyone that would like a supernatural Rapunzel retelling or just wanted to reach about witches and vampires.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Basically this was a contemporary supernatural retelling of Rapunzel. Ava, a root witch turned vampire, and Kaye, a flame vampire hunter. Their friends to enemies to lovers relationship was what had me going with the start of the book. But there were several other additions that did not perhaps, add to the story, but added more detail for the reader to keep in line. At the end, this was a good retelling and it had a good vibe, but just wasn't my type of story.

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As I started this book and up until halfway through I didn't think it was anything like the description. Now that I have read the description again, I'm wondering if they changed it or I just really misremembered it. This is marketing as an LGBTQ+ Rapunzel retelling, in the YA Fantasy genre. So for that it kind of aims true.

Overall the pacing of the book is decent. It moves along at a fast pace through most of the story. While at other times we do slow down to have a fight (words mostly) or take in the scene our characters are traveling through. Details through the book are really well described. The forest they enter feels very real and picturable to the reader.

Our main characters for this novel are Ava and Kaye. Both were born witches in Arborren, a town on the edge of the forest. Witches are valued members of the country as they are the most able to fight the vampires. However Ava has become a vampire, two years before the book starts she is turned. Now she is kept locked away in her attic room by her mother. Kaye, a flame witch has spent the last two years training for the day she can go on patrols to hunt vampires down. Dreaming of the vengeance she can get for her mothers murder. These once best friends are now on opposite sides and hate has bloomed in their time apart.

Ava is determined not to hurt humans and fight against what most people assume vampires to be. She does a really good job at this until she just decides to give no cares for a bit. Then she is slightly horrified of herself. I didn't feel like that was a true to character moment. I could have understood it more if it had been a fading belief to that moment of biting someone. But really it was more of a chapter of bad decisions and then bam.

Also at that same time we see through Kaye perspective. It took over half the book for her to stop with the I hate you and plan on stabbing you in the back thoughts. Then finally we get some truth and trust for her to flip right back over. Seeing Ava at her weakest moment Kaye just goes cold and turns her in without a second thought.

I was kind of okay with the end. It did not really wrap up the story line. Not sure if this is due to it leaving the door open for more installments. However Ava character direction at the end worked really well. I liked that she was confident in herself and in control. The romantic conclusion to the story was well done. The relationship building organically through their memories and getting to reknow the other person was subtle. This worked really well for the storyline overall.

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