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The House Guest

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Searching for a deliciously twisty mystery? One that dives deep into the world of power, privilege, and deception? Then be a guest in the world of @hankpryan's latest thriller THE HOUSE GUEST.

Hank's storytelling talents shine in this tale of a vulnerable, soon-to-be-divorced woman who, through a chance encounter, meets a woman also down on her luck, but from a different path in life. The two women's lives entwine in an unexpected way and it's a reader's race to the finish to discover what the story is really about.

With luscious settings in historic Boston and its tony suburbs, an exclusive Cape Cod enclave, and a Caribbean paradise, I felt like I was on vacation (minus the prickly plot!). 

I thought knew the story I was reading. I thought I had the plot figured out. I was so wrong.

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I didn't care for this one. This is my first book by this author and the writing felt elementary to me at times. The story felt convoluted and didn't always make sense and the characters felt TOO "extra". I have read some great thrillers this year so this may have skewed my review some but I don't think I'll be recommending this one.

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I was disappointed in The House Guest if only for its length. There were a few chapters where I could have sworn Hank Phillippi Ryan copy and pasted the same conversation, just in a different setting. If you're having the same conversation, the book is too long.

The ending worked for me, which was nice. If she had removed about one chapter from every "day" in the book, it would have been a lot better. Still a solid three stars.

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I think my biggest issue with this book is that none of it is believable. When I read thrillers, I like there to be some believable aspects, but nothing about this seemed real.

I received an advanced copy. All thoughts are my own.

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Hank has done it again! The House Guest is thoroughly entertaining, a masterpiece of mystery crime writing! The story of Alyssa, the husband who has left her and is probably involved in a web of du unethical if not illegal financial conduct, and the friendship she develops with Bree while she’s trying to figure out how to fix her life is gripping! It turns into a thriller of the highest caliber, with Hank’s usual ingenious twists and turns as the story draws to a conclusion. I won’t give anything away, read it and find out for yourself.

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This one started strong for me, lagged a little in the middle, but then finished strong and in a way I didn't expect.

Alyssa is a bit of a trophy wife and enjoys the big house, the country club, etc. Life has been good and she's shocked when her husband tells her he wants a divorce. He's still running the show and pulling the strings, and seems to be entering the house when she isn't there and toying with her. She seems a bit naive and isn't sure what to do about her situation.

She heads to a bar where she meets Bree, and they connect instantly. Bree is freshly out of an abusive relationship and their bond over their traumas. She invites Bree to move into her guest house. And then things really pick up.

Alyssa learns her husband is being investigated by the FBI and they think she may have been involved in his illegal dealings. Bree is toying with investigating her family tree and a possible long lost brother. A death has happened and Bree might be due to inherit quite a lot of money.

Bree ends up making Alyssa an offer she can't refuse? Or can she.

This book is filled with gaslighting, lies, secrets and twists!

Many thanks to NetGalley, Macmillan-Tor/Forge and Macmillan Audio for both an ARC and ALC of this one!

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What tangled webs we weave when all feels hopeless, lost, and in disarray only to become a new beacon of hope, light, and love!
I can't imagine ever wanting to kill someone or as in this case a soon to be divorced spouse facing serious criminal charges.
What I sadly know all too well is how con artists swindle you out of everything you scrimped and saved trying to gaslight and leave one penniless.
Speaking from experience it's not hard to imagine this plot at all but for those new to this idea let me tell you it's not pretty.
Feeling as if you're life is slowly draining to nothing while the other fella is always in the win column is not only excruciatingly painful but embarassing as it seems you'll never be able to be on top.
This is the case here in which Alyssa Macallan is soon to be divorced and facing a mound of problems both financially and otherwise.
She needs some help and agrees to let a female friend move in her guest house .
While everything hangs in the balance the truth of the matter is it's really all falling into place. You know the old adage when you least expect it something good happens.
Thankfully, we see that the hell you go through makes you grow through.
I can't say much else but it's suffice to say that Hank Phillippi Ryan is once again my shining star of an author. She surpasses every notion that she can't top her last work.
Thank you for this wonderful ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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I am a Hank Philippi Ryan fan, and I think The House Guest may be my favorite book to date. Talk about a fast paced cat and mouse thriller, I was fully engaged from the first page to the last. Alyssa Macallen, recently separated from her wealthy philanthropic husband stops in a local hotel bar to kill time and ends up meeting Bree Lorrance, another woman out for an evening drink. Simple, happens all the time, right? End of story, but not this time. From there the author weaves a storyline that keeps the reader guessing.till the final word.. Very credible, relatable and fully-developped characters, excellent writing and an extremely compelling read make The House Guest a FIVE STAR Plus book.

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I am so annoyed with the this book. It was described as a thriller and nothing about it seemed like a thriller to me. The pacing of this book was really slow. This book more focused on friendships than anything else. I also felt like there were some plot holes in this book. I am just disappointed in this book. If you want to read a thriller do NOT read this one because you will be let down.

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The House Guest by Hank Phillippi Ryan

My rating:

Alyssa, recently separated, is grieving the loss of her marriage to a man who is involved with a potential crime. She finds herself at a bar, and a woman sits next to her, also seemly going through a very difficult time. Alyssa, afraid to be alone in her own home and her guest house unoccupied, tells the woman, Bree to come stay with her for the night. They quickly develop a friendship, and as the book goes on, lots of secrets are revealed.

Without giving anything away, this book was pretty good, but I knew most of the twists early on and a lot of the time the suspense level was very low. I was hoping for a creepy thriller, but this was not like that.

This one has some exciting moments, but wasn’t what I was expecting. I found the main characters to not be very likable and a lot of the conversations they had were repeated throughout the book. It just seemed like a lot of time spent on the same issues, rather than getting down to the main story. I really enjoyed the first half and ending of this book, but the middle was a little repetitive for me.

Thank you Netgalley and Forge books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review! You can read this one when it’s published on Feb 07!

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I always look forward to the latest twisty thriller from this author and was lucky enough to receive an advanced copy prior to its early February 2023 release. In this offering, the reader is presented with a complex cat-and-mouse story, but is not quite sure which character is the cat and which is the mouse. The story centers around Alyssa Macallen who is going through a divorce with her rich and powerful soon-to-be-ex-husband. While trying to grapple with the upheaval in her life, Alyssa meets and immediately connects with Bree Lorrance, who is dealing with her own issues, including trying to ditch a controlling boyfriend. Acting on impulse, Alyssa invites Bree to stay with her and the two are quickly drawn into each other's lives. The story begins at a deliberate pace but comes to a roaring crescendo when surprising revelations occur. While there are many moving parts and twists and turns along the way, the ending will leave you breathless but satisfied. Just when you think you have this one figured out, you'll be pleasantly surprised to find that you don't!

Many thanks to the author and Forge Books for the opportunity to read a NetGalley copy of this novel!

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When Alyssa’s wealthy, powerful, good looking husband dumps her. She doesn’t know what to do. But as life goes, she meets the wild, sporadic, intriguing Bree at a bar and soon becomes roommates. As the FBI entangles themselves in Alyssa’s life, she continues to battle with her all encompassing new friendship and devastating fresh breakup.

This book was innnnnteresting. On one hand you wanted to be like okay this would never happen in what world has Alyssa invited Bree to stay in her guest house so soon, and on the other you know just how horrible and life ending breakups can feel (without understanding the breakup of a marriage). My issue was less with the timeline and more so with the likability of the characters? I guessed the ending very early — potentially due to how I consume thrillers — but just could not root for anyone. They were all truly the worst and I couldn’t get on board with any of them 😂

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I knew that this book is about gaslighting. The story begins with a menacing feel. Almost immediately, my stomach clenched in anticipation of something really evil happening. Luckily, there was nothing that I couldn't handle. But, Alyssa, who is going through a difficult divorce from her very wealthy husband, seems to be naïve and a bit unguarded, even though her husband is making her more than uneasy. And she seems unaware of what's really happening with her divorce settlement. She had a year of law school under her belt when she married, so why does she exhibit so much innocence and naivety? When she befriends a woman in a bar, and then invites her into her home, it seems strange. And even stranger things begin to happen.

So what's really going on? Who can be trusted? Very well written, this story keeps you on the edge until the very end. I also enjoyed that the book takes place in or around the Boston area. I think this book will be enjoyed by mature audiences.

I received an advance reader copy of this book. This is my honest review.

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Ryan’s newest book “The House Guest” nearly gave me whiplash with its twists and turns. Every time I thought I had it figured out there came a twist that had me guessing all over again. Some of the twists are, shall we say, unbelievable. By the end of the book, I was exhausted and am still trying to sort it all out. It is probably best to just enjoy the ride and “go with the flow.”

This is a story of friendship…or is it? A tale of double-crossing…maybe. Alyssa doesn’t know who she can trust…and I was suspicious of everyone. Divorce, lies, greed…it is all there.

Alyssa married into wealth and now has a powerful husband, a beautiful house, vacation homes, expensive jewelry, and a country club membership. But Bill has moved out of their house and Alyssa is afraid he will divorce her and leave her destitute. Finding herself alone, heartbroken, and friendless she wanders into a bar and meets Bree. Bree has an abusive boyfriend and is deeply in debt. She opens up to Alyssa, and after several drinks, Alyssa invites Bree to stay at her guest house. With Alyssa’s help, Bree later comes across some information that may, or may not, change the balance of their new friendship. The two women become confidantes and soon realize that perhaps they can solve each other’s problems. And enter – the FBI! The twists keep on coming. The plot is complicated but well-written.

If you love a story with lots of twists – plausible and implausible – I recommend this book.

Thank you to Forge Books and NetGalley for the advance e-galley. All opinions expressed here are my own.

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3.5 stars
When you're in a fragile state because your husband has left you, it's probably never a good idea to invite someone you just met at a bar to come and live in your guest house. A cat and mouse thriller, but just who is the cat and who is the mouse? Just when you think you have it figured out, maybe you don't.

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This book is incredibly slow paced with very little dialogue. I tried the audio and the ebook and could not get into either one.

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Clever cat and mouse page turner thriller packed with all the drama that comes with glamour, wealth and power. Surprises at every page - literally nothing and no one is what they seem. Some parts believable some not so much but definitely entertaining with an interesting friendship build.

Thank you to @netgalley the author and tagged publisher for an advanced copy.

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I usually enjoy HPR books much more than this one. I actually had a past book of hers on a top ten of the year list. This one would not be. Too convoluted of a story line for this reader. Too many characters switching sides, lying, etc. I just couldn't follow it very well.

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The cover is terrific, but, unfortunately, this book wasn't for me. Things picked up a tiny bit around 85 percent into the book. I think the book would have been better if it was edited down more. Some of the dialogue took too long, and even then, I still didn't feel like the characters had much depth. Thanks for the advance review copy.

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I really enjoyed this twisty book! it wasn't exactly a straightforward mystery nor was it a typical thriller. It felt like it started off as a healing / friendship book that slowly added red flags, questions, and full on strange coincidences. But as the story progresses and the reveals happen, all of those elements suddenly make sense and the story will probably pull the rug out from under you more than once.

I really enjoyed the journey and the surprises, twists, and turns!

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