Member Reviews

*I received a copy of this book on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for this opportunity*

The second in Misha Popp's Pies Before Guys Mystery Series, A GOOD DAY TO PIE follows Daisy Ellery as she competes in a new American verision of the Great British Bake Off (which was never actually named, just refered to as 'the popular British baking series'). Able to infuse her bakes with deadly magic, when one of Daisy's future targets ends up as a judge- and then deceased- she has to solve the mystery before it gets pinned on the wrong person.

This book is easily one of the best cozy mysteries I've read in a long time. Similiar to Bailey Cates' Magical Bakery Series, Popp's infuses so much warmth into her writing, making GOOD DAY was an utter delight to read. While I haven't read the first in the series at this time, it was easy enough to jump straight into the book without feeling confused about who certain characters were and what previously happened. The story is light and enjoyable, with the baking competition taking center stage and the magical element mostly in play at the end. The mystery itself was clever, and I enjoyed how realisticly the investigation played out-- sometimes, in the cozy mystery genre, the main character's ability to dedicate time to investigations or connections can feel unrealistic.

Perfect for longtime (or new) cozy mystery fans, A GOOD DAY TO PIE is sure to please!

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