Member Reviews

It was a cute book and it held the attention of my child. I have a hard time enjoying narrarators, it didnt flow as smoothly a times.
it was a fun story to listen to.

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I obtained a copy of the AudioBook, from NetGalley, in exchange for my honest review.

I honestly do not know where to start with this book. My 7 year old was able to listen and focus on what was being said; however, me?! Not so much. Interestingly, I'm usually the one that is so eager to listen to any book from start to finish.

So I guess with that being said, we will go with the good news - My 7 year old likes it which means it's decent for the target audience.

Now the cons:
The noises are extremely distracting at times. There are pauses between words and noises, though it's the middle of a sentence.

This sounds like it was taped in someone's basement while they helped their cell phone cupped to their mouth to dictate the story.

There were many errors made while reading. It is extremely unrefined and thrown together.

I recommend with caution. The story was cute so im hoping having the physical book is better for those interested.

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I had the opportunity to review the audiobook version of My Crime-Fighting Pet Skunk, narrated by the author Michelle T. Green. The audio is FABULOUS!!! So many times I was cracking up based on the sound effects and voices. So much fun!

Originally I was bummed when Lola went to the pet store to adopt the beautiful white cat on which she had her heart set. But the pet store took advantage of her longing for a pet and sold her a skunk under the guise of a (painted black) skunk. (That would never happen at the humane society!)

The audiobook was not very long, less than 2 hours. But the perfect length for childrens/middle grade. I loved Lola.

Michelle T. Green is so darn creative! Kudos! Keep doing what you are doing!

The audiobook was not yet available on GoodReads, but I submitted a request to add it.

Thank you to NetGalley for yet again introducing me to a new author! Also many thanks to NetGalley, Michelle T. Green the author and narrator and to Secret Golden Pages Press the independent publisher.

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My 7 year old son loved this book and it was engaging enough in audio for my 4 year old too! They thought it was really funny. The audio was a little bit low quality and there were many mistakes in reading, but my kids didn’t notice. Just me, the avid listener.

The main character gets a new cat only to discover her cat is a stinky skunk! But, being quick witted she figures out a way to fight crime with her pet skunk! Hilarity ensues!

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I really loved this children's book, which is so quirky and funny, and easy to read. It is about a girl called Lola who gets a new pet cat, who turns out to be a skunk. Lola is hilarious, and her adventures with her pet skunk made me laugh so much.

The author of the book has so much talent, as she has created a funny and unique story, and she has wonderfully narrated the audiobook, as well as creating eccentrically funny graphics for the ebook. The audiobook has so many awesome sound effects, and Michelle's voice perfectly portrayed each character's voices.

I am sure children everywhere, as well as adults, will love this book, and have so much joy reading or listening to it. It gave me a good laugh, and it really brightened up my day. It was so uplifting, and I recommend it highly!

Many thanks to the author/narrator, publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book.

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My Crime-Fighting Pet Skunk Audiobook by Michelle T. Green was a really Fun book to listen to, especially as my nephew loved it and it was great to follow with the Ebook. Blech! is Lola’s new pet cat and he stinks!!! So she gives him a bath and discovers the shocking truth. Her “cat” is a smelly pet skunk! lol.
But Lola is one smart cookie, and she quickly realises the power of having a skunk for a pet. Together, they set out to fight crime in Lola’s neighbourhood, with hilarious results.

Lots of laughs were heard from my garden - Best sound ever listening to you little nephew laughing out loud. Now my nephew wants a new pet!!! Not a Cat or a dog! but a Skunk!!! Phew! I'm so glad we can't get these in the UK! Explain that pet if I could get to his Mum!!!!! But, what fun he would have if he could! lol!

This book was Fun..........I highly recommend My Crime-Fighting Pet Skunk. Loved it.

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Fun read with a creative story line. Audiobook version is very entertaining with nice sound effects. Looking forward to Volume 2!

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A hilariously gross book about a clumsy girl and her adventures with a pet skunk. Lola is very excited to get her perfect kitty but she ends up with a pet skunk. That doesn’t stop her from training it to be her crime fighting partner.

Very cute and quirky with a lot of gross humor. Not inappropriate gross but kid gross.

Audiobook is modestly done with a lot of sound effects to help new readers get into the story. As an adult I found it lacking but I think a child would find it fun and engaging.

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What a disappointment! This could have been good, but sadly is not; it's not even average. I hope the author sells lots of copies and can afford to pay a professional narrator to re-record the audiobook because that was, without a doubt, the worst narration I've heard. Lola starts off sounding like a parrot and keeps changing voice; Lola's mom sounds as if she is about 3 years old.

"She had a several..."
"He'd already had been..."
I'm sure these were just due to poor narration, rather than poor editting.

Why spoil the"surprise" that the newly purchased cat is actually a skunk? It's announced at around 60%, and could have come as a surprise, but the title of the book shouts it aloud, before you open to the first page.

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The narrator was so creative and exciting I felt I was there in the story book living all the excitement.

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My 3 and 7 year old kids thought the title of this book was hilarious and immediately wanted to listen. Overall, they both had some laugh out loud moments, but said they wouldn't listen to it again.

Parent perspective, it is clear this was a low budget production. The volume swings up and down wildly throughout, and the last 30% off the book it sounded like the narrator was gurgling the whole time (bad audio artifact maybe?)

The narrator seemed to stumble here and there, the sound effects were too much, story was okay.

Thank you to Secret Golden Pages Press, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Audiobooks and Netgalley for the ALC!

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My son who is ADHD loves audiobooks, and anything with crime and fighting and SKUNKS it's a 7-year-olds dream.

The story was cute and fast-paced, and the audiobook was great and kept his interest. I didn't care for the sound effects in the audio but once again, I am not the target audience and my son LOVED everything about this!

I can't wait to see more from this author.

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Humorous with the fact that you have a crime fighting skunk that kids can relate to. Loved the sound effects. Pretty funny. My kids thought it was great and laughed continually.

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The narration was not for me oh my goodness. It was annoying with the voices and sound effects - but I’m an adult so I decided to get opinions from the target audience…ie my children. They loved it. They found it easier to get sucked into (at least when compared to other books we’ve listened to) and they definitely wanted to know what happened next.

The story itself was okay. It’s definitely geared completely for children. I’ve read plenty of childrens books and I can usually handle them and even enjoy them. This was not the case here. The narration was grating and the story was so-so. Again though, my kids loved it.

So if you’re looking for an enjoyable book for your kids, this is it. If you’re planning on reading along, I’m not sure this is what I’d grab.


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