Member Reviews

I was really looking forward to diving into this book because I thought it would bring back memories of some of my favorite TV shows and characters from when I was younger. While the characters were decent, I have to admit that the story just didn't captivate me like I had hoped it would. Some parts felt like they were dragged out for too long, which made it difficult for me to stay engaged. I was expecting a fun read, but unfortunately it turned out to be quite challenging to continue and I ultimately couldn't bring myself to finish it.

I do thank Netgalley and publisher for the opportunity to read and review.

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Olson skillfully explores Liv's internal conflicts as she navigates the reunion, confronting past traumas and rekindling old relationships. Liv's chemistry with Ransom is undeniable, and as they fall back into their old rhythms, Liv begins to question whether returning to the past is the key to her happiness.

One of the novel's strengths lies in its exploration of the effects of fame and the pressure to maintain a perfect image. Liv's struggle to reconcile her public persona with her private self is poignant and relatable, highlighting the sacrifices made in the pursuit of success.

The dynamics among the cast members add depth to the story, with new rivalries and tensions emerging as the reunion progresses. The looming possibility of a reboot further complicates matters, forcing Liv to confront her fears and desires for the future.

Overall, "The Reunion" is a compelling read that will resonate with anyone who has ever grappled with the ghosts of their past. Kayla Olson's engaging prose and well-drawn characters make this novel a page-turner from start to finish, leaving readers pondering the nature of forgiveness, redemption, and the pursuit of happiness.

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I thought this would be fun...but it wasn't and became a chore to finish. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher

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The premise of this book was something I’ve never really picked up before. I loved the idea and the child stars, to lovers in a more complicated way. I was just missing more. Overall, a solid read.

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This book is charming and so timely with all of the reboots happening. This is a new author for me, and I can’t recommend her highly enough.

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I love the concept of this book but was underwhelmed by the execution. I ended up not finishing it because it didn't hold my interest.

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I did not like the plot of this one and decided to put it down. I do recommend if you enjoy romance with film stars. Thank you negalley for the early copy.

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I’m not sure how I feel about this one still. I liked it while I was reading it but I found it very forgettable. I did really like the characters and the story line.

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In The Reunion we follow Liz, an actress most known for a show and character she played growing up. Now the cast is back together after 20 years to record a reunion, including her co-star and once best friend, Ranson,

This story is a friends to lovers story.. I liked how the author brought the characters together and set up scenes for the show. Intertwined with the story, the author includes press clips and detailed scenese the actors were shooting for the show.. For me this added to story giving us the private and public perspective of the fmc.

The cast of characters felt like reading about the characters from your favorite show. You can feel the bond through the story and see how each played a part in the show, The author wrote the main character so the reader could really get an idea of how she is feeling about the reunion and her career.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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The Reunion focuses on the two stars of a teen drama TV show, and the readers felt that. As Liv and Ransom meet again for the first time since their teen TV show finished filmed, they start right where they left off as they are doing press for a reunion special and potential reboot of the show. I really enjoyed how Liv developed throughout the book, coming to realize she can share parts of herself with the press and the public without giving up everything in her private life. While parts of this book were a little predicable, it was still fun to read, and I definitely enjoyed the vibes of it.

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3.25 stars!

I think this book was just "there". It was pretty boring and unmemorable, but it wasn't like a bad book. This book was short, yet it still felt like it dragged on. I wish there was more character and relationship development, to keep me more entertained. I know we got the story behind why they didn't speak for so long, and I'm aware that many friendships withstand the test of time, but I thought it was way too normal the way that they just reconnected. I also think that there should've been more romance, considering this was a romance.

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I have a bit of a hard time reading romances that involve celebrities -- that's just a personal preference -- so I'll preface this review with that.

I didn't love this. I found myself not really caring about or feeling invested in the characters, which made the book difficult to read. I didn't really have any buy-in to their relationship, either. Just fell a little flat for me.

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I tried to read this book a couple times, but I found I could not connect with the characters. As well as was not a fan of the famous tope either. So, I did DNF at around 25%. I think readers who enjoy the tropes and are fans of books with a TV show appeal may enjoy this one more.

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This book, despite promising potential in the reunion of former teen show stars Liv and Ransom, falls disappointingly short of expectations. The narrative takes an unexpected turn from an angsty second-chance romance into insta-love territory, robbing the story of the anticipated emotional depth. While Liv's character stands out as a redeeming factor with a well-rounded portrayal, the unconvincing chemistry between her and Ransom undermines the authenticity of their rekindled connection. The novel's attempt to incorporate trendy elements, occasional brand mentions, and the obnoxious inclusion of gossip articles and social media inserts between chapters disrupt the narrative flow. Despite Liv's character offering depth, the overall lack of substance in the central romance leads to a forgettable reading experience. The constant name dropping and overzealous descriptions of outfits and food further detract from the overall enjoyment. Unfortunately, as a Book of the Month choice, "The Reunion" fails to deliver a compelling reading experience, lacking the depth and substance needed to make it stand out in the genre. Special thanks are extended to NetGalley and Atria Books for providing the ARC, but the novel ultimately disappoints with its predictable plot, lack of spark, and underdeveloped characters.

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I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook.
The story itself was okay. It was a bit slow and I really didn't care about the characters or their background and the whole Hollywood thing was boring.

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2/5 Stars

I felt nothing while reading this book. The synopsis sounded so good and right up my alley but it just wasn't a hit with me. I couldn't connect with the characters so I just really didn't care about anything that happened with the romance. The Spark for me just wasn't there. I'm not sure if it was the writing or just the general story for me. Everything about this book should've been a hit. Overall this was just not the book for me, hopefully, others found love with this second chance romance.

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Delightful second chance romance set in a glamorous world that most readers can only dream about. The world feels very real, too. I felt as though I was invited backstage for a peek.

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"The Reunion", by Kayla Olson, centers around the main characters of a world-famous TV show who must come back together years later for their show's anniversary and reunion special. Liv and Ransom practically grew up together on set as stars of the hit show "Girl on the Verge." Despite growing feelings for each other, time and distance kept them apart through the years. But now, 20 years later, the whole cast is reuniting for a TV special and Liv and Ransom discover that they haven't hidden their feelings for each other as well as they thought they had. Upon reuniting, they realize their love for each other hasn't diminished through the years. However, can they keep these feelings hidden in order to limit distractions on the rest of the cast?

I enjoyed the format of this book -- switching from narratives, Twitter threads, articles, etc. -- and enjoyed the ease with which Liv and Ransom enjoyed their time together. This was a cute and enjoyable book! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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this was so so so SO cute. I had so much fun reading this book. I loved the blog chapters, I loved how so much of it felt like I was on the outside looking in, but also very personal. I loved ransom and liv, but I wish there was more emotional angst due to their separation instead of automatically reconnecting. There were definitely things that I wish could've been different but overall it was so much fun. like I always say, best friends to lovers you will always be loved by me.

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I love a famous person meets normal person rom com - but this one is a famous person & famous person fall in love which was so much fun! I loved the setting of the TV reunion and these characters getting to be back in each other's lives after so many years.

This was cute, funny, heart warming - if not a tad forgettable. I would definitely recommend this one if you are looking for just a quick fun palette cleanser especially after a heavy book. You won't be disappointed.

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