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You Can Hide

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Rebecca Zanetti was known to me as a paranormal romance writer then a romantic suspense writer but she is a master at writing suspenseful thrillers! You Can Hide (Laurel Snow #2) is an example of that. Laurel Snow is back in Genesis Valley, WA, it seems another serial killer is on the loose. I had to agree early on that it seemed odd for two serial killers to be in this area of WA within a few months. Still it brought Huck and Laurel back to work together. Character development remains strong as Laurel and Huck continue to partner in work but dance around anything personal. I love these two characters!

Like the first book this is a story that following FBI protocols to solve. Laurel Snow is logical, following the clues and working the case. The one hiccup in her life is her equally brilliant newly discovered half-sister, who is at the least a sociopath maybe worst. Be sure to read the first book to truly get the whole story on that discovery. Just like that book this story is a gripping read with me wanting the case once again solved as much as Laurel did. However, the ending leaves some very disturbing questions. Can hardly wait for the next book.

Highly recommend You Can Hide to all readers of thriller or police procedural novels. This series is one of the best.

An ARC of the book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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That was some ride! A unique lead character, her ragtag team, a serial killer, and lots of twists and turns, make for a good thriller. Add to that some sexy time and I’m sold.

If the previous book introduced Laurel and her quirks, this one shows us how her current situation–work-, friends- and family-wise–is slowly changing her. Or more precisely, how she decides to change to fit better with her new environment.

Of course, there’s the romance between Laurel and Huck. There’s some progress here, and I couldn’t be happier. The “injured and at the hospital” plot point is cliché–and used twice!–but it works. Though it’s snail slow, they’re clearly developping deep feelings for each other, that the fact that they work together and have more than just flirting interactions enhance. I wonder where they’ll go from there in the next book.

In fact, Laurel isn’t the only character changing their ways. Two important people in Laurel’s life do the same. Huck’s changes are subtle, as he’s definitely not ready to become less than a grumpy mountain man. Abigail, Laurel’s half-sister, has a new goal, and though her personality stays the same, her actions paint her in a new light.

We see more of the town’s main characters during the investigation. I loved that aspect because it’s a perfect counterpoint to the serial killer plot. In small town stories, everybody knows everybody, secrets can’t keep, and you can’t do anything without it becoming gossip. Yet, here, there’s a serial killer roaming the streets, their victims have double lives, the suspects hide things from Laurel… You never know what to expect.

Like in the first book, the murders are pretty graphic and gruesome. Definitely not for the faint of heart. It isn’t gratuitous though, as the staging and the victims’ state have significance to the investigators.

If you love your thriller with a side of romance, that’s the book.


- Series: Laurel Snow #2 (can be read as a standalone)
- Hashtags: #romantic suspense #thriller #neurodivergent #serial killer #mountain man
- Triggers: gruesome murders with graphic depictions, mention of rape
- Main couple: Laurel Snow & Huck Rivers
- Hotness: 3/5
- Romance: 3/5
- + the final twist was perfect!
- – I like Laurel and Huck’s relationship, but it’s so slow…

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You Can Hide is the second book in Rebecca Zanneti’s new Laura Snow Thriller series. This is a romantic suspense novel that features profiler and FBI Special Agent Laurel Snow as she tries to stop a yet another serial killer in her hometown of Genesis Valley, WA. This story is written in third person from the point of view of several characters, which allows the readers to experience the story from several angles.

Laurel Snow returns to Genesis Valley when a handless body of a badly beaten women is found in a remote area. This case has all the signs of an organized psychotic serial killer and Laurel will need the help of Fish and Wildlife Captain Huck Rivers to help solve the case. Distractions and suspects are abundant, but will Laurel be able to manage her challenging half-sister, Abigail and stop a killer who seems focused on her? Read it and find out!

I have read and loved most of Zanetti’s books and series. She is a fantastic author with a great talent in writing this genre. I love the chemistry and interactions between Laurel and Huck. Their skills and personalities complement each other in ways that benefit both complicated characters. I can’t wait for the next instalment of this series to see how Laurel and Huck’s relationship develops, and discover what else Abigail gets into. She devious!

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This is a first from this author for me - keep in mind I have read 50 books by this author - I am DNFing. This book is heavy on gratuitous death and strange and deeply problematic language around mental health and then the romance... that isn't there. If I didn't know this was Zanetti I wouldn't have known... it doesn't sound or feel like her at all. I also can't tell if it is ableist that Laurel is described as odd/ strange/ without emotions and then also used like a literal encyclopedia. On top of that is her sister - her obviously antisocial personality-disordered sister... but honestly couldn't get past it in any way. The romance is not there to speak of in any way in the beginning.

Thank you to the author and publisher for my complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Really great FBI/serial killer romantic suspense! I loved the chemistry between Rivers and Snow and felt like it was balanced well against the crime and suspense element!

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Laurel Snow, cool analytical and methodical. Huck Rivers, impulsive, quick off the draw and hot tempered. Could these two have enough in common to forge a relationship or is really a case of opposites attract?  Regardless fate is giving them another chance with a new serial killer killing in the Pacific Northwest where Huck makes his home and Laurel has been considering relocating to. 
Readers are pulled into the killer's mind from the get-go as he watches his victim and executes his plan. Turns out the victim is the mayor's sister-in-law, and the local police is not going to give jurisdiction of this one over to the Feds or the county.  While the law-abiding folks are still marking territory and getting organized the killer strikes again in quick order leaving a trail of body parts as clues. 
The case is further complicated by a publicity seeking reporter who looks as these murders as her way to fame and fortune. Did I say she was once engaged to Huck Rivers and hopes to use Huck as a source of bodily heat in the cold as well as an inside scoop and if that throws a curved ball into his once again developing relationship with Laurel the more the better. 
Laurel is trying to offer protection to women who fit the profile one of whom happens to be her half-sister while trying to follow the clues and figure out who the killer is.  Readers are following along, and it seems pretty obvious who the killer is, but the author definitely surprises us all and keeps us in suspense until the very end. 
Assisted by her very able supporting cast with a couple of new members thrown in, Laurel is off and running and putting things together to nail the bad guy who will come as a total surprise to readers. Of course, as if that wasn't enough, the author throws in another thought provoking in the zinger in the end. I can hardly wait for the next book in the series.

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The second book in this series finds FBI Agent Laurel Snow and Huck Rivers, an officer with Fish and Wildlife, investigating a horrific murder. A highly successful and prominent woman was stalked, and murdered, found frozen and naked. Laurel is asked to try to evaluate what would cause someone to kill in this extreme manner. Laurel’s half-sister Dr. Abigail Caine, possibly a psychopath herself, believes that she is also in danger. When another high-profile local woman is murdered in the same way, the pressure is on to find the killer. After their previous personal intimate time together, Huck is used to Laurel’s comments that, yes, she is a “brainiac” and sometimes forgets the “niceties”, but she is not a complete “dork”, but she is used to people not liking her (think Monk or Sheldon). Is there something more for them than their working relationship? How many more women will die before they finally stop the killer? The dialog between Laurel and the other characters adds a touch of humor to this gritty police procedural. I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (paytonpuppy)

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This series is turning out to be a real edge of your seat suspense with twists and turns throughout. And just when you think you know who did it, you find out you were so far from the truth.

Laurel is very easy to like. Sshe is very task focused and doesn't approach the world in the same way as most people, which is a refreshing change.

Huck wants to be a loner but as much as he tries to keep his distance from people, Laurel and her unusual ways are slowly bringing him back to the land of the living and his friends and colleagues and the way he is warming up to Laurel and life in general is nice to see.

The relationship between Laurel and her half sister is an intriguing one which could easily take a very dark turn and makes me wonder what Abigail is really capable of and what lengths she will go to in this competition she seems to have in her mind with Laurel.

I'm really enjoying this series and can't wait to see what happens in the next book as with all the twists and turns in You Can Hide I have no idea what will happen in the next book but based on the series so far it will be a thrilling read.

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I love this author and this series. There was lots of suspense and unexpected twists and turns. Laurel and Huck work well together and I like the Laurel's team and the way they always have her back. This installment was great and I am looking forward to what's next.

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Read the first book in the series before this one. You don’t want to miss out. Lots of action, great plots, and characters that will keep the series going. You can run, you can hide, but you won’t want to miss this series.

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There needs to be another book! Laurel and Huck have themselves hunting another serial killer so close to solving the previous one. There’s too many suspects and not enough evidence or reason for the killing. Throw in her crazy sister, Abigail, and Laurel has her plate full. She and Huck have similar minds and I enjoy their small talks, he gets her no filter/don’t care way. They have a connection that’s hard to avoid and makes for a great murder hunting team. I highly recommend reading the books in order to understand Laurel and her sister, even more about Huck. I’ve enjoyed reading an early copy and wrote my review voluntarily.

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You Can Hide is book #2 of the Laurel Snow romantic thriller series by Rebecca Zanetti. It is told from various POV with a resolved ending. Tropes: women sleuths | romantic suspense

Once again Rebecca Zanetti delivers a gripping and bone chilling romantic suspense that had me on the edge of my seat throughout.

When Laurel’s brilliant and possibly sociopathic half-sister calls her saying she might be in danger from a stalker Laurel doesn’t hesitate to act especially when not soon after bodies start popping up with the same stalker signs pointing at another serial killer in her hometown.

The good news is she already has a temporary team in place, including the very protective Captain Huck rivers from Fish and Wildlife. But will it be enough to catch this killer who’s several steps ahead of them and only seems to prey on brilliantly smart and independent women like herself?

Right from the start, this book is bursting with intriguing tension, action and a dash of romance. I had a really hard time figuring out who the bad guy was, but was truly enjoying reading every little bread crumb Zanetti gave us and before I knew it I was almost at the end and wanting to keep reading more.

I loved Laurel’s character development where she questions the effect of nature and nurture and how she is as a person especially compared with her half-sister who grew up without a loving parent. She’s logical, doesn’t play games, she’s loyal and honest. I loved that Huck appreciated all this about her.

I also enjoyed having the supporting characters from the previous book and a couple of new additions I hope to read about in the next one. Although this book can be read as a standalone, I think it can be better appreciated if read in order.

★ World building: 🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎
★ Character development: 👤👤👤👤👤
★ Plot: 📚📚📚📚📚
★ Romance: 💕💕💕
★ Suspense: 🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢

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Rebecca Zanetti did it again. You Can Hide is the perfect follow up to Laurel and Huck's thrilling lives. It left me on the edge of my seat and convinced I knew who the killer was (I didn't by the way!). There were so many twists and turns, and I loved every minute of it. I genuinely struggled to put this book down.

You Can Hide picks up shortly where You Can Run (book one) ended with Laurel being called back to the same small town she had just finished wrapping up a serial killer case for. Why? Because there's another serial killer on the loose.

I loved so many things about this book, I don't even know where to start.

First, the characters. Laurel is still wonderfully Laurel. She's neurodivergent, and despite being super smart, she knows she is still learning when it comes to social skills. That doesn't stop her from kicking a** and taking names, though! She's independent, fierce and exactly the person you want in your corner if being targeted by a psycho killer. Then there's Huck. He's also independent, stubborn and grumpy (in the best way). Laurel and Huck work well together, both on and off the case. My only little comment is that this series is slow burn, so prepare yourself for a lot of wishing they'd just kiss (again) already!

Next, the plot. As previously mentioned, this book is thrilling. I was so sure I knew who the killer was, with only a very teeny tiny suspicion it was another character. But I was wrong on both counts. I really loved that I never knew who or what was going to be next.

As for the rest of the series, though, I've already spoken with another bookstagram friend about our theories on the overall story arc. I'll have to re-read both books to see if I can pick up any other little tidbits but it's safe to say that I cannot wait for book three!

Something good to mention as well is that this story was so easy to get back into. I loved You Can Run (book one) but couldn't remember many details. When I picked up You Can Hide, I immediately started remembering details of the first book and it was like all the little puzzle pieces started fitting back together easily.

Overall, this was such a fantastic addition to the Laurel Snow series and RZ is a phenomenal author. I've read several of RZ's books (across various series) and I feel like they just get better and better. I would highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys romantic suspense/thrillers, slow burn, or fans of series similar to JD Robb's In Death.

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4 stars!

The second book in the Laurel Snow series, and we’re back in the wintery remote Pacific Northwest for another mysterious and suspenseful adventure as FBI Special Agent Laurel Snow goes on the hunt for another killer.

Brilliant and analytical Laurel is back in her small home town and investigating a murder with Fish and Wildlife Captain Huck Rivers by her side. It’s a gruesome and pre-meditated killing, and when another body appears, it looks like there’s another serial killer on the loose. With more women targeted, strange pre-killing rituals to be on the lookout for, and more suspects than they can manage, Laurel and Huck have their work cut out for them.

At the same time, Laurel is dealing with her newly-discovered half-sister, Abigail, who is a complete enigma with questionable motives of her own. But hey, she’s family, so Laurel accepts her… while doing her best to figure her out.

We’ve also got devastating chemistry sizzling between Laurel and Huck. They got it on in the last book, but there’s no sign of real romance yet. It’s a very measured slow burn but things are definitely heating up in this one, with signs of what could be a sensational love story to come, with little moments like these having the hopeless romantic in me excited for the possibilities.

“I can promise that you are not a psychopath. You are warm and kind and a very safe place for a battered ex-soldier like me to land.” It wasn’t a love sonnet, but it was the best he could do."

The story kept me guessing, and I think I suspected pretty much everybody at some point during the book. It’s an exciting ride with a satisfying ending and a tiny bit of a cliffhanger. I’m excited to see what happens next in the series.

4 stars!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Run to buy this book!

So good! I’m hooked on this series. Laurel Snow is turning out to be one of my favorite FBI agents. She just solved a serial killer case and now there’s another in her hometown. What are the odds of that? As she says, she can’t even compute it.

There were so many suspects and they all had me guessing. I did guess the murderer but then changed my mind. But while there was a person caught, were they the only one at fault? Anxiously awaiting word on book three and hopefully seeing how Abigail, Laurel’s narcissistic sister comes into this.

The suspense is high and the romance low in this series. Not to say there isn’t any, but its more of a natural progression over the course of the series. Which TBH, is a nice change of pace considering they ARE trying to catch a serial killer.

Thank you to Kensington Books for the ARC

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I have been a die-hard Rebecca Zanetti fan for more than 10yrs now. I don’t know the exact number of books I’ve read but it’s probably somewhere around 50. I stopped counting a while ago. My fandom initially started with a few of her urban-fantasy/paranormal romance series. Then I started in on several of her romantic-suspense series. I even read the anthologies she puts out with other authors. Zanetti is a good writer and a wonderful storyteller.

My fave MC’s are bad@SS females in predominantly male dominated professions like law enforcement types (police, sheriffs, FBI agents). I like this new series. Laurel Snow is an FBI agent/profiler assigned to the Pacific Northwest. I like that Zanetti has made Laurel more of a quirky kind of character than a cocky, bad@$$ one. So many female law enforcement types tend to be cocky in an effort to stand up to their male co-workers, which is fine, I like that. Laurel is head of a small team in a remote area far from DC so she doesn’t have a lot of the issues that so many other female law enforcement characters have to deal with. This second installment picks up a couple of months after the end of the first installment.

The book summary lays out the two storylines with the primary one being the recent killings, that from the get-go, all seem to have some kind of dotted line connection to Laurel’s half-sister, Abigail, who is a VERY complicated character (introduced and characterized in book 1). Without getting into the nitty gritty details of the first book, suffice it to say, the relationship between Abigail and Laurel is also VERY complicated.

The book summary also mentions the secondary storyline: Huck’s involvement with the case. What the book summary doesn’t mention is Huck’s and Laurel’s complicated relationship and how they move on from their one-night stand (in the first book) and forge a professional working relationship without making the mistake of jeopardizing it with a romantic relationship that neither of them wants. Of course, in typical Zanetti fashion, she sets this story up for a little romantic tension. LOVE IT!!! Who doesn’t love a little romance scattered in with a boatload of murder and mayhem and edge of your seat terror?😊

Typically, in a murder mystery story, I tend to zero in on primary suspects for the murders in the first half of the story. I couldn’t do that in this story because I could not figure out who the suspects were, neither could Laurel or her team so Zanetti had the mystery pretty well tied up there. As the murders continued, in the second half, and the killer was escalating fast, Laurel and her team began to zero in on a small group of suspects. When the killer came after Laurel and Huck, the team began to focus on two different suspects.

The end came fast after the killer abducted Abigail. It got really scary and dangerous for Laurel (who came to Abigail’s rescue) and Abigail. However, it was the last page of the story, which became the cliffhanger, that gave me chills. OMG!!! It will be interesting to see what Zanetti does in the next installment and the direction she will take the story. Whatever she does, this is sure to make things MUCH more challenging for Laurel. She has a whole new danger and threat she has to deal with.

This is NOT a book to be read as a standalone. You MUST read book one in order to understand the relationships of the various characters of both stories, especially between Laurel and Abigail. If you don’t read book one first, you will not understand the dynamics between them and so much of the story will just be confusing. Additionally, there are so many references to incidents in the first book.

I want to thank NetGalley and Kensington Books for sending me this eARC.

@NetGalley @Kensington Books @YouCanHide

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Another good book in the series. While Rebecca Zanetti is primarily known for being a romance author, these books are surprisingly light on romance. The relationship between Huck and Laurel is pretty awkward given their personalities. They do hook up in the book and I expect that they will eventually become more to each other. Huck seems to get Laurel and her personality is just what he needs. Huck's acceptance of Laurel's differences is what makes the chances likely.

The real relationship in this story is between Laurel and her sister Abigail. Both are frightfully intelligent with one using hers to find murderers and the other most likely to be a murderer. The question is how far will Abigail go to get her sister's attention and keep in on her. Abigail is as fascinating as the mystery of who the killer is. While you might suspect, there are plenty of suspects to make you change your mind several times.

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Release Date: 11/29/22
Kindle Unlimited: [ ]YES [X]NO
Stand-alone: [ ]YES [X]NO
Author: Rebecca Zanetti
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫/5
Spiciness rating: 🌶️/5
POV: Multiple, third person
Main Characters: Laurel & Huck
Genre: Thriller


Laurel and Huck are back again investigating a new case involving a serial k1ller who now is focusing his attentions in women with a high education.

Besides work, Laurel has to deal with Abigail and her obsession. Also, for the most part in this book I kept thinking the romance factor between the main characters wasn’t adding anything worthy to the story, not the whole time, but most of it.

I couldn’t figure out the guilty person until it was revealed and Rebecca kept me guessing. The story is fast paced and you have to pay attention because she gives you clues and new facts here and there. It was highly entertaining and the ending was exciting.

I guess by know you also might be thinking there must be something bigger connecting all these crim&s to such a small city. I’m already anxious to get to the bottom of this in the third book.

*** I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. ***

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Loved this followup to You Can Run with Laurel Snow, Laurel is once again investigating a serial killer in her small town; no one is above suspicion, even her half sister. This action-packed story has many twists and turns as Laurel tracks down the suspect; and she and Huck grow closer as they work together to identify the killer. Great read that kept me on the edge of my seat!

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Another edge of my seat, slow burn, fantastic read. I love the intrigue, the twists and turns, and the chemistry. There is a serial killer, and Special Agent Laurel Snow is on the case. With Huck Rivers to help her out. From the prolog to the end, the suspense and intrigue kept me guessing until the end. I like the ratio of action and suspense with a side of romance.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books, Zebra for the advanced copy; this is my voluntary review.

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