Member Reviews

Isadora has spent a decade working in state politics with dreams of working in DC, and Karim has recently relocated to California and is working for her boss’s rival. When they cross paths in their professional lives, their personal chemistry can’t be denied.

I listened to the audiobook, and it was a quick read. This was fine - it wasn’t the best book ever, but it wasn’t bad.

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I was so excited to read this book! My friend Cassie recommended it to me and I was hesitant -- generally romcoms with the political trope involve cross-party dating and result in compromising on our values. Thankfully, this book was not that!

As a NYS legislative chief of staff, I loved the inter-democratic party pettiness. While the conflict was a little dramatic, many parts of the different alliances within a political party rang so true.

But I do want to say, thankfully, there are plenty of young women in their 20s who have become chief of staff so the characterization of Isa as being SO historically accomplished was a little much.

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Gia De Cadenet delivers a captivating tale of passion and political intrigue in "Not the Plan." Isadora's strength and determination, coupled with Karim's charm and desire for a fresh start, make for a compelling romance. The author skillfully portrays the tension between their growing feelings and the high-stakes political environment they find themselves in. The result is a page-turning story that keeps readers hooked until the very end.

While the intense focus on workplace politics and the rivalry between their bosses may overshadow the romance at times, the undeniable chemistry between Isadora and Karim shines through. "Not the Plan" offers a spicy blend of love, ambition, and the fight to protect their futures. If you're in the mood for a passionate political romance with plenty of drama, this book is worth a read. Just buckle up for a thrilling ride filled with desire, challenges, and the pursuit of true love against all odds.

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NOT THE PLAN any Gia De Cadenet is a fun political romcom romp - a love story between two staffers in the opposing side of the political divide. The meet cute was fantastic - on a plane then going separate ways until they meet again.

I loved and enjoyed this quick read that had amazing chemistry. The characters were fun to read about with incredible backgrounds that brought depth to the story.


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This one surprised me in how much I enjoyed it. I don't generally enjoy politics, but this book didn't really touch on that at all--similar to how Legally Blonde 2 was about Elle in "politics." Politic-light, I guess, used more for situation and circumstance rather than actual discussion. I did like how it echoed some of the frustrations I feel about our current political environment, though. Anyway, the characters were excellent. I always like a dual POV and an enemies-to-lovers situation (or reluctant lovers more like in this case). A great choice.

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NOT THE PLAN is a fun political romance filled with a swoon-worthy meet cute, legislative staffers to political enemies, and seamlessly incorporates the impact of interpersonal violence and mental health on a person and that person's subsequent relationships.

Isadora and Karim were flawed, loveable characters. I appreciated just how real Isadora and Karim were - they could've been my own friends from college now working their way up in the world. I can never say no to a workplace, political romance and Gia De Cadenet hits all of the right spots. However, the book does at times lean heavily into the political jargon, so some language may be over the readers' heads unless the reader was a little bit of a political wonk (ahem me ahem).

Overall, this was a fun, fast, enjoyable read.

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I really enjoyed the authors 1st book Getting His Game Back ... but this one fell a little short for me. I just really enjoyed the characters in the first book. This could definitely be read as a stand alone. This had dual pov, some sexy scenes but it wasn't keeping my attention all that much but I did finish it and glad I did I hate not knowing how a story ended.

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I love a romance with politics that doesn’t deal with crossing the isle or compromising one’s beliefs!

This was a perfect follow up to Getting His Game Back as it continues to explore the importance of talking about mental health, especially in BIPOC communities.

I’m really excited for the final Sarda brother’s book!

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I absolutely loved the dynamic between Isadora and Karim, and I never would have predicted that I could have been so interested in a romance between political staffers! The choice to show different POVs massively improved the story, and was probably one of my favorite aspects of it. Full of scandals, secrets, and politics, "Not the Plan" was more "Romeo and Juliet" rather than "The West Wing," but it still succeeds at being a solid political romance.

Thank you to NetGalley and Dell for this ARC!

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Unfortunately Not the Plan fell flat for me. I’m very interested in politics so I thought a romance with political rivalry at the center would be right up my alley. But the plot dragged to the point that I had to DNF. The romance was good at first but then it fizzled and felt forced—especially the pet names.

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Not the Plan is a great romantic comedy with political intrigue and wonderful characters. I really liked Karim and Isadora, they are both dealing with some emotional abuse from family members and ex's and i think it was handled well. There is descriptions of it as well as frank talk of therapy, which was very appreciated. I loved the chemistry between the two of them, and the politics was a nice surprise as well. I recommend.

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I was loving this until about 40%. I love politics and the meet cute and subsequent Capitol interactions between Isadora and Karim were great. I could feel the pining jumping off the page. However, once the couple finally took the leap into being together; I felt things went downhill from there. The relationship didn’t flow naturally to me. Karim majorlyyyyy overused “beautiful” in his interactions with Isadora — it felt unnatural and cringey. Also, the mental health rep about personality disorders felt Clunky, unnecessary and not very well done.

I made it to about 43% but I’m DNFing here. I don’t have an interest in continuing 😭

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Thank you to Gia de Cadenet, Random House Publishing Group, and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of a digital advanced reviewer copy in exchange for an honest review!

The book follows Isadora, who is an ambitious chief of staff whose dream is to be a Congressional aid in D.C., and Karim, who has recently filed for divorced his first wife after an abusive marriage. The two meet in an airport where the sparks begin to fly. Once they realize they work under rivaling bosses, they attempt to stay away from each other, but they find themselves working together to negotiating a bill and cannot seem to stay away from one another as their chemistry builds for one another.

I wanted to like this book, but it taught me that political romance is NOT my thing! Some parts of this book gave me PTSD of sitting in my high school government class. A lot of the scenes when Isadora was swooning over Karim just made me want to hurl. Isadora seriously forgave Karim because he intentionally didn't shave and knew that she loved him with scruff? A little more effort in conflict resolution could have taken it so much further. I do commend the author though on being able to intricately touch on multiple types of abuse and I thought it was well done and made me feel sympathy for the characters.

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Agh I wanted to love this sooo bad but I think political romance just isn't for me. Great presence & the vibe was absolutely there but just too much political speak for my fiction preferences !

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I enjoyed this book! I listened to this an audio which made it a quick read for me! I enjoyed both main characters and liked that we got to see Karim get a happier love story in this book after what we saw him go through in Cadenet’s first book! I enjoyed the political aspect of the book! I look forward to future books by Cadent!

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While working for rival senators, Karim and Isadora meet and their instant attraction is off the charts. Also, it is absolutely the last thing they should give in to. They’re both good people who deserve to be happy and yet there are so many reasons to stay away from each other. Professional suicide, bosses who hate each other, both trying to heal emotionally from toxic people in their lives and more. And yet…I sat down and started reading and didn’t getup until I was done. Smart characters along with a great storyline kept me in my chair.

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This book was soooo good. I wasn’t sure how much I would like the political aspects. It provides a good balance of a love story intertwined with political drama. Never a dull moment. The story developed at a great pace. I didn’t feel like it was too slow or fast. RJ was a great wingman. I would’ve liked to have heard more from him. Maybe a spin-off? Very well written 10/10

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I really enjoyed this book. I loved the chemistry between Karim and Isadora. The immediate attraction, the flirting, the angst between them…. I loved it. Normally, I’m not that fond of romances that feature political storylines, but the author made this one interesting. I enjoyed the Shakespeare reference to Romeo and Juliet and the houses of Montague and Capulet. Their love was forbidden in a way, but it didn’t stop them from falling in love at the end of the day. The insecurities that each character felt were realistic to me. A man being on the receiving end of abuse is also a rare thing in literature, so I appreciated that angle. The book also references mental health, specifically Borderline Personality Disorder and its impact on the people around those with the diagnosis. Isa’s mom is a piece of work. Whew. The thing is that I know people like that, so the character was portrayed realistically to me. I understand how Isa felt about risking her career for a man, her fight to ensure that she was being taking seriously in her field, etc. Everything she went through are things many professional women, especially women of color, deal with on a regular basis in the work world. The novel is pretty solid from start to finish. I expected more from Karim’s ex-wife and from Isadora’s mother, but I understand why the author resolved those storylines the way she did. I definitely recommend this book. (Oh…and the spicy scenes are top notch.)

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Overall, I enjoyed this book. I didn’t know that I had any interest in romances set in a political workplace until I watched Scandal. The best part about this book is that this story covered some important personal issues. Also, Karim is a sweetheart, and I officially added him to my book boyfriend harem.

The characters: Isadora is the youngest chief of staff at this level. She is an invaluable member of the team and works diligently at her job. She has a complex and toxic relationship with her mother that makes it difficult for her to put her trust in others. Her best friend RJ is an absolute treasure and I wish we saw more of him.

Karim is a shy sexy man who is trying to get a divorce from his wife. She was emotionally abusive and eventually abandons him for reasons unknown. Thankfully, she doesn’t show much because Karim is a real sweetheart and it would have been heartbreaking to watch him go through what he went through with her.

It was easy to connect to both characters. The pain they carried was familiar, and it was refreshing to see how they tried to consider what each had been through when it came up. Also, even though it is sad, I was glad to see a male victim of domestic violence and emotional abuse. People usually believe that men cannot be victims, but this is false.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. It was a fun palette cleanser for me in between the school books I’ve been reading lately. I loved the political rivalry and even if the Capulets and Montagues thing was ludicrous; it was funny to see both Karim and Isadora be annoyed by it as well. I didn’t like the ending, however. It made little sense for Julian basically to snitch on himself. I know the groundwork was laid for him to be this pompous, egotistical jerk who likely thought no one would ever betray him even though he was running around being a massive asshat to everyone but the ending felt rushed and I think it cut the legs off this story.

I don’t agree with this being an enemies-to-lovers trope because they were never enemies. At most, Isa was just annoyed with him a couple of times. I also think the forbidden love is a stretch, but it fits better than enemies-to-lovers. Given the tension between their bosses (mostly Karim’s boss because he was an absolute piece of sh*t.), it would have been difficult for them to date openly.

Rating: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️/5

Spice: 🌶 🌶/5 (Consistent sex, but mostly vanilla.)

I’ll get this posted to the Reading Robyn blog just as soon as this school semester is over.

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This started out really strong for me, but ultimately I just didn't really connect with the chemistry between the two leads; it felt a little forced/contrived.

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