Member Reviews

Wasnt a fan of this one. Only good thing about the book to me was the short chapters that made it for a quicker read. I think if you were up for a YA thriller then this might be a good one to read with missing people and getting interviewed by the police, who is telling the truth etc etc.

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This was okay. I expected a lot based on the plot, but it fell short for me. I would have appreciated more dialogue from the officers to make it seem like a real interview/interrogation. It just sounded like the characters were talking to and arguing with themselves. The main character's reasoning for wanting to go camping was just so dumb. It shows how social media influences people though.

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Going into this I was really excited because the premise sounded really good. I was drawn in pretty quickly by the characters and thought we were in for a wild ride. I was not wrong. This was fast-paced and full of suspense. I didn't love the ending but did find it to be pretty clever in some ways. There were a lot of twists and turns along the way and I really was shocked by what was revealed. Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I liked this a lot. It was pretty good and I enjoyed the whole mystery and writing.

Essentially this is about 5 friends, Maylee, Petra, John, Nolan and Abigail, who go camping and then one goes missing and now the other 4 friends are in an interrogation room being questioned.

One of the reasons I loved this book was the writing. its set up like an actual interview having the questions as the chapter title and then having the 4 povs, in the same chapter. it made it very easy to read and keep track of what was going on. The whole mystery with the way it was written was executed really well, and, at least for me, it almost feels like your interrogating them. The characters are also not boring and you can kinda tell how their feeling.

As much as I liked this, the only thing about this book I didn’t really like was how anticlimactic it was at the end. I was able to figure out most if it when it came to what happened, but I was still expecting it to be a bigger thing especially from the plot twists during the book.

So, overall it was pretty good and the mystery was executed really well, it was just a bit underwhelming to me. I would 100% recommend this book though! I think it would be a great read for anyone getting into mysteries or reading in general because of how easy it was to read.

Thank you to SourceBooks Fire and NetGalley for giving me a copy of this book to read and review!!

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Who doesnt lovely a creepy camping story? Throw in a group of teens, a scary monster and some misbehaving. I couldnt put this down til the very last page.

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"Tell Me What Really Happened" by Chelsea Sedoti is a thought-provoking exploration of truth and perception in a small town shaken by a mysterious event. Sedoti's narrative skillfully navigates multiple viewpoints, each offering conflicting perspectives on the truth, morality, and community dynamics. The characters are deeply flawed yet compellingly human, their secrets and motivations gradually revealed through nuanced storytelling. While the plot unfolds with gripping suspense, Sedoti's exploration of ethical dilemmas and the consequences of secrets adds layers of depth to this contemporary mystery. Overall, "Tell Me What Really Happened" is a compelling read that challenges readers to question their own perceptions and judgments.

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This was such a great book! I could not put it down, I had to know what happened. I did read it in one sitting! I would definitely recommend this book.

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Tell Me What Really Happened was a very fast read. It is told in interviews which helps to make the story very interesting. Fans of young adult mystery/thrillers will enjoy this one for sure.

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*Review will be posted 7/10/24

I. Loved. This. Book! The author chose to tell the story through an interesting format and it definitely paid off. It was so easy and fun to get totally wrapped up in the story. I got sucked in so fast. The story is told exclusively through police interviews so it feels like you're investigating right alongside the cops. You get the thrill of trying to pick apart their story and connect statements to other interviews. It was so fun!

Each character played a bit of a stereotype, but in a good way. I could tell them apart and each of them had a unique lens that changed the way certain events were seen. It made it that much more interesting to try and put the facts together. What was true and what wasn't? 

The ending was a bit anti-climatic. In the end, it was so simple, but I really hoped for something more. At the same time, I think it was interesting to look back on everything and see how each character's memories had been a little flawed and influenced the way they looked at things. It added to the confusing and made it harder to untangle the mystery.

Though I wasn't a huge fan of how things ended, I still had so much fun reading this book that I would still highly recommend it to anyone who wants a quick mystery/thriller to get through!

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My favorite part of this book was the framing device: each chapter was a different member of the crew speaking to the police about their perspective on the night their friend went missing. The ending was a bit anticlimactic, but otherwise a great read.

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Thank you to Sourcebooks Fire, NetGalley and to Chelsea Sedoti for the advanced copy of "Tell Me What Really Happened". My unsolicited review is as follows:

Initially, I found the narrative structure of this novel to be very jarring. The "Police Interview" style and the rapidly shifting, first person, narratives made the story difficult to follow. I found myself going back and rereading portions just to remember who each character was supposed to be and what their relationships were with one another. About 7% in, I was very tempted to just give up and leave this book unfinished. However, I steeled myself to push forward and soon found myself growing comfortable with the interview style narrative. It actually kept the story moving at a strong pace, and the author wasted no time in introducing intriguing/tension building elements to the story. By 15% I was happily reading the story without any issues and looking forward to seeing where things were leading. A fast read, this is an excellent novel for young adults. I believe it will keep them entertained, throughout, and well stimulated by the social media commentary and spooky narrative.

Ultimately, I still think this story would have played out better as a traditional novel, rather than relying on the police interviews. At times, the narrative device seemed like it was being used to stretch out a very simple premise to be a bit longer than necessary. Not a bad summer read, though, and one that I'd recommend to a younger reader!

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Thank you NetGalley for this arc!

Five friends go into the woods, four return. Told only through the perspective of police interviews, we learn how Maylee disappeared and all the crazy circumstances that followed.
Very interesting format, definitely worth the read.

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When five friends take off for the woods, but only four survive the night, everyone's story is different.

Each friend tells a different story about why Maylee disappears, or how it even happened. What they knew beforehand, and how they are all connected makes each perspective so different that unraveling the truth gets complicated.

This is a fun whodunit for teens--fans of Mindy McGinnus will appreciate Sedoti, and I always love it when a Bigfoot shows up.

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I almost DNFed this book. But I kept going just to see how it turned out.

First of all, honestly, I believe it wouldn’t last that long. I’m having hard time the interrogators would be interested how they met and anything back in the kids’ pasts be irrelevant right away. One thing that pisses me off is that one character kept claiming race card all the time. I can fully understand what happened in the past but every single time when minor thing happens, he’d claimed tace card. It gets pretty old. There’s so many things which were pretty unrealistic (maybe I’m from another world!) I could go on and on.

The ending…..Seriously?….

2 1/2 stars from me for being creative with the plots and being creative with the kids being interviewed/interrogated. It dragged on too long for this story line with some unnecessary details. I was honestly looking forward to a good read when I saw the title.
Thank you Sourcebooks Fire for this copy ofeARC. Asusual, all of my reviews are purely my own opinions without any influence from any publisher.

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Chelsea Sedoti's Tell Me What Really Happened is a mesmerizing tapestry of suspense and intrigue, woven with the delicate threads of truth and perception. This young adult mystery plunges into the heart of a shadowy forest where reality and memory intertwine, leaving readers to navigate the labyrinthine paths of four teenagers' recollections after a friend's mysterious disappearance.

The story unfurls with the vanishing of Vanessa during a camping trip, leaving her friends Nolan, Jade, and Liam in the wake of her absence. Each of them holds fragments of the truth, like shattered glass reflecting different facets of the same event. Through a series of interviews conducted by a detective, Sedoti masterfully unravels the narrative, each character's perspective adding a new hue to the mosaic of that fateful night. The shifting viewpoints create a kaleidoscope of memories, each turn revealing new shapes and colors, keeping readers enthralled as the lines between truth and fiction blur.

Sedoti's characters are drawn with a deft hand, each one vibrant and distinct. Nolan's introspective caution, Jade's rebellious loyalty, and Liam's enigmatic turmoil come alive on the page, their voices resonating with authenticity and depth. As their stories unfold, readers are invited into the labyrinth of their minds, exploring the corridors of their fears, secrets, and desires. The narrative's Rashomon-style storytelling not only heightens the suspense but also underscores the fragile and fragmented nature of memory, making the quest for the truth both tantalizing and elusive.

Themes of memory, perception, and the elusive nature of truth are interwoven throughout the novel like delicate filigree. Sedoti delves into the murky waters of human consciousness, exploring how trauma distorts perception and how personal biases shape our understanding of reality. The novel poses poignant questions about the nature of truth and the reliability of memory, compelling readers to reflect on their own perceptions and the stories they tell themselves.

Chelsea Sedoti's prose is a symphony of sharp, engaging, and evocative language. Her writing captures the emotional intensity and suspense of the story with lyrical grace, painting vivid scenes that linger in the mind. The cadence of her words, the rhythm of her sentences, and the imagery she conjures create a reading experience that is both immersive and haunting. Each page turns with a sense of urgency and anticipation, the atmosphere thick with the tension of unspoken truths and hidden fears.

Tell Me What Really Happened is a masterwork of mystery and psychological insight. Sedoti's narrative prowess and her intricate exploration of memory and truth make this novel a compelling journey into the human psyche. It is a story that lingers long after the final page, a haunting reminder of the shadows that lurk in our minds and the elusive nature of the truth we seek.

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An intriguing mystery, layered with complex characters and an interesting narration. Using interrogation following the disappearance of a friend while camping, four teens recount the day/night of camping and how Maylee disappeared. This technique, while hard to follow in places, made for a fast-paced and compelling story of perception and deception. Everyone knows something, everyone holds a secret, and everyone has had their night clouded by emotions from fear to anger. While some characters were unappealing, the narration still made what they had to say interesting and integral to the plot.
I recommend this to people that like Natalie D. Richards books and fast pace mysteries.

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I tried so hard to really get into this book but I just could not connect with the plot line or the characters, It was a quick read but overall did not leave an impact on me.

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I am not sure where to begin with this one....
I don't feel like I've read anything like it before. 5 friends go into the woods, but only four come out.....alive anyway.
There are stories about the people who have gone missing around/in Salvation Creek, but these friends certainly didn't think it would take one of their own...did they?
Maylee, John, Nolan, Petra and Abigail decide to go into the woods for the weekend, thinking it'll be a good break away from the stresses of teenage life. The trip is pretty much chaotic from the beginning, as some of the "friends" didn't exactly wanna go camping in the first place. You can see that they weren't getting along, and were out for one another at the start. At the end of the night, we hear a gunshot in the woods and suddenly it gets eerily quiet.
I loved how each chapter started with the investigators asked the teenagers about what happened in the woods that way they can see the big picture from A all the way to Z. The entire book is written in an interrogation process, with the teenagers filling in the gaps from what happened that fateful night to Maylee.
I thought it was a good read and it kept me engaged, but the ending just left me wanting more!
Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for this ARC! :)

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** spoiler alert ** I think that the format of this book was very cool, but I was extremely disappointed with the ending. There is so much going on and the interrogation setup is actually really cool and innovative, and then plop, the ending happens. It's like all the build-up was just sort of dropped on its head.

Okay, so Maylee, who is not the greatest, has this very specific plan, and her friends are there with her and some know and some don't. One thinks that a bigfoot is around, the other feels left out, the other has a history dealing with racism and a car accident, and all of these things are supposed to come together to wow and amaze the reader with the complexity of each character and you go on this adventure with the narrator(s) and have all this investment and then that's it. The book gets wrapped up. Petra seems like she knows what she is going to do, but the others? Poof. Bye bye. Bigfoot? Nonsense. Dealt with an incident that you were profiled for? Oh well, get over it. Your family isn't a bunch of MAGA-loving rednecks? Congrats. I mean, I don't really understand why I even cared what was happening to the characters, it just happened. There was a lot of possibility with this book, but not even water laced with psychedelics was an answer. It was really lame. Oh well. There are some good ones and some bad ones. This one wasn't great.

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I enjoyed how this book used a unique form of storytelling. The whole book took place in the interrogation room solely from the input of four teenagers recounting what happened to their missing friend. It was easy to read as each section was relatively short, but it did seem a bit repetitive. That being said, it kept me guessing as to what really happened, and I was eager to find out next. I did feel a bit let down by how the book ended.

Thank you to Netgalley and Sourcebooks fire for the chance to read and review this ARC.

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