Cover Image: Too Wrong to Be Right

Too Wrong to Be Right

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I can honestly say that I’ve read most if not all of Melonie Johnson’s books. All of which I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing prior to their release. This newest release has all the character hilarity I’ve grown to expect from this author’s writing and for goodness sake.. now I want a hedgehog!

The developing friendship between the main characters and how they didn’t see what was right in front of them was so fun to read. And though I could relate with Kat’s frustrating search for “Mr. Right”.. sometimes the unlikeliest man turns out to be just what you always needed.

A must read for sure! Thank you so much to the author & publisher for sending me an early galley of this book!

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Rating: 3/5

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC! Too Wrong to Be Right was a light, easy read - and the floral shop setting is perfect for spring! I enjoyed the banter, meet-cute moments, and unique settings of this book. The side characters (including the pets) were so much fun too! I was a bigger fan of this book until it reached the third-act breakup, which just felt abrupt and too immature for these characters. The HEA was sweet, but was clouded by a conflict that was unnecessary in my eyes. Overall, I'd recommend if romcoms are your thing, but if miscommunication as a catalyst for the breakup is a big no for you, maybe steer clear.

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I wanted to like this. I struggle with this level of self-sabotage, which is very much what this felt like a lot of the way through. I already get a strong case of the icks when there's sibling romantic conflict, so I had a hard time completing the book.

Is there an HEA? Yes, and it is the one that makes sense but the journey is hard for those that are less into the angst (me).

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This book went at a very slow pace for me but I loved the love interest Mick. He seemed like a very sweet guy but I don't think the couple is compatible. The things they argued about and how quick they ended the relationship at one point from the argument made me think she isn't compatible with him. The book was more focused on Kat growing as an individual and I wished we got more cute moments of the couple. Kat also gave off the vibe that you need someone to be happy in life which threw me off a little.

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Year Pub/Re Pub: 2/28/23
Page Length: 368
Genre: CR
Tropes: friends to lovers, love triangle, meet cutes, lovable animals
Source: Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this e-ARC. I voluntarily give my honest review and all opinions are my own.
Standalone/Cliffhanger: standalone
Epilogue Included: yes, Kat's new ownership
Character(s)POV Spoken: Both H/h Mick and Kat
M/F-M/M-M/M/F-etc: M/M/F
HEA/HFN/etc Ending: HEA
Contains Cheating: no
Contains Children: no
HERO: Michael/ Mick O'Sullivan
Hero Description: works at family-owned funeral home. Has his own ideas about the business and wants brother to take him seriously
Hero Likability Rating: 4
HEROINE: Kat Kowalski
Heroine Description: manages a flower shop Allen's Arrangements. Lives in the upstairs apt. Wants to give up dating good looking, vain men. She meets Mick at the wrong time, but is he Mr. Right?
Heroine Likability Rating: 3
Secondary characters:
Joe- Mick's oldest brother- more uptight, cautious, responsible brother who runs funeral home w/ him. Kat thinks he is Mr. Right
Mary Kate- Joe & Mick's younger sister. Wants funeral home to have "go green" options
Seamus- O'Sullivan's cockatoo
JoJo- Kat's hedgehog
Julia and Andie: Kat's BFFs that meet weekly for cocktails, carbs, and comedies.
OW/OM/Exes: Tad- Kat's ex. They dated 6 months, Kat's longest relationship. He was an actor who broke up with her after moving to Canada. Didn't ask Kat to go, didn't want long distance relationship. Hosting "Hot and Single" reality tv show.
Cheating Before/During/Outside H/h Relationship: no
Did OW/OM/Ex Ruin the Book For You: no
AUTHOR OVERVIEW: Melonie Johnson-1st time author for me
Overall Rating: 3
Do You Recommend This Book: yes
Will You Re-read This Book: no
Would you read more books by this author: yes
Comments/Notes: This was too slow burn for me. Kat has to make some decisions about love and life with some funny animals and true friendships.

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I could not get into this books... even after 100 pages... sorry I could Not Finish this book. I hardly do that but it was not very thrilling for me. I think it was because it drug out tooo long... and the whole dead body thing.

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DNF at 32%
I really enjoyed the author's writing and their sense of the absurd, but I was disappointed in the lack of a plot. There needs to be more than just the two protagonists slowly falling in love with each other. There is a vague subplot about working together on a business proposal, and I could tell what the conflict around 75% would be, but there's no thread that pulls the story together: no plot.

(Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Any quotes are taken from an advanced copy and may be subject to change upon final publication.)

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This was a really cute romantic comedy that isn't afraid to lean in to the quirky and weird without getting too schmaltzy or going totally off the rails.

Heroine who works for a florist? Check. Man who works for a funeral home? Check. Countless awkward interactions between them? Check. It's all the perfect set up for love, if these two crazy kids can figure themselves out and get it together long enough to admit what is happening between them. But instead, poor communication and lack of honesty gets in their way in typical rom-com fashion and leads to hijinks, all to the delight of the reader.

Very cute!

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Too Wrong to be Right is a rom-com that is too right to be wrong! I requested to read it based on the cover alone, and found I enjoyed it quite a bit. The flower shop x funeral home dynamic was a lot of fun, and created opportunity for a lot of puns and banter, and I enjoyed getting to know all of the extended family members, friends, and co-workers.

The third act breakup conflict was hard to wrap my head around. The two really do seem like a good fit, but he was backed off so she could go on a date with his brother. That was something he did out of respect for her wishes, and he explained that, and she understood him. Still, she was mad at him for ‘not fighting for her’ when he liked her at the time. So her conflict, comes from him making a respectful, rational decision based on what he was told, TWICE. How is he supposed to assume that “you should go” means “you should stay and try to convince me otherwise.”

Despite my frustration about the conflict, I found myself telling my friends excitedly about this book as I was reading it, and found I really did enjoy it.

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I did really enjoy this book. I now want a pet hedgehog. I personally didn't care for how much Kat wanted her Rom-Com to be real life. Most people know that a movie or book doesn't happen in real life and to base your who love life on that is just a little too much for me. I did enjoy the book overall and would recommend reading it to anyone who loves romance, laughing and friendship.

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This book had a lot of potential and some cute moments, but I just did not enjoy it like I hoped I would. The pacing was odd and I found the two main characters to be incredibly immature and inconsistent. It just seemed to be an odd mash up of elements that I didn't enjoy, unfortunately.

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This was an enjoyable read, but I didn’t like it as much as the previous book. I enjoyed Kat and Mick’s friendship to being more than fiends. Despite Kat having a list of qualities she wants in a partner, she can’t help being attracted to Mick. I loved the adopted hedgehog and Seamus references. I listened to the audiobook and really enjoyed the female narrator, but didn’t love the male narrator. I enjoyed Kat just figuring out how she is and how it affects her relationships. I will definitely check out more books by Melanie Johnson!

3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

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Too Wrong to Be Right by Melonie Johnson is a funny and sweet read. The story line was realistic and Kat and Mick were so cute! I enjoyed the friendship dynamic between Mick and Kat. Their friendship helped into building their relationship. This book had me laughing out loud! Funny things happen in relationships and I'm glad the author wrote about it. Definitely a very fun read and I can't wait to read more from this author.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of this book. After a break up, Mick and Kat have a meet cute in a funeral home but Kat is reluctant to explore her immediate feelings because they have always led her wrong in the past, deciding to be friends with Mick instead. Plenty of signs present themselves that the should be more than friends, and Mick wants to be more than friends but Kat is reluctant. books ends with and HEA, with some bumps in the road. Perfect rom-com. Very pleasant read. Devoured the book in one day. Would recommend to anyone.

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This was super cute. It took me a little bit to actually like the characters and to understand them enough to really get on board with how they are, but it was a fun ride. I ended up flying through this one. I don't think I'd put it up there with my favorite romances, but it's definitely solid and a great choice for someone looking for a sweet story to dive into.

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I had high hopes for this one. I was laughing out loud in several parts, especially when Kat almost fell in the casket with the corpse. Yikes. The bird and the sarcastic comments he was repeating were absolutely hilarious. It just wasn't enough to hold my attention. I'm thinking this would be better on audio for me rather than reading e-copy.

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Unfortunately, this was not for me. I disliked the female main character so much. The author makes it seem like the FMC can and will only be happy if she finds love. Which is so ick. Then, she doesn't even recognize it when it is standing right in front of her. The male main character was a doormat. I never once cared about the couple.

The love triangle was so unnecessary. The humor was so cringy. The LGBTQIA+ representation felt forced like it was only added so they could tick a representation box. I could not wait for this to be over.

I will not be posting on my social sites, except for Goodreads.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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After her latest jerk of a boyfriend dumps her (and ditches her with his pet hedgehog), florist Kat Kowalski is done chasing after Mr. Wrong. With her two best friends moving on to more serious relationships, she’s ready to stop repeating the same mistakes that are leaving her stuck in the single lane. Armed with a list of qualities for her perfect Mr. Right, Kat swears off dating until she finds him.

Then in a meet-disaster involving a corpse and a salty cockatoo, she stumbles across Mick O’Sullivan at his family's funeral home. Their immediate chemistry warns Kat to keep things platonic; after all, following her heart never worked out in the past, and this time she’s determined to listen to her head. But can Kat and Mick be just friends? As she gets to know him better, the lines blur, and Kat starts to wonder if she’s gotten it wrong and Mick is exactly who she’s been looking for...

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I didn’t enjoy this book very much. The main characters were both annoying to me and I really hated all the dick jokes in the first chapter. I felt like it was included only to be funny.

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I don't think I've ever read a book written by this author and I have no idea why not. I loved this book! The story line was realistic and Kat and Mick were so cute! There were quite a few scenes in this book that had me laughing out loud and I didn't want to stop reading. I enjoyed the friendship dynamic that Mick and Kat had and I love how that carried over into the building of their relationship. Sometimes funny things happen in romantic moments and that's what makes them memorable and 100% relatable. It was definitely a very fun read and I can't wait to read more books from Melonie!

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