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The Do-Over

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Ooh, it’s been a while since I’ve read such an egotistical, self centred character as Christopher Miles, and guess what? I loved him. The youngest of the Miles brothers, and quite possibly the most entitled (also could be my favourite), comes down to earth with a bang when he decides to up and leave his privileged life and go backpacking around Europe for a year, with limited funds I might add. His adventure begins when he gets scammed by a ‘lady’, wallet, cards and cash stolen. Lesson learned, but it doesn’t matter anyway, because once he meets sweet, caring, lovely Hayden Whitmore, he doesn’t desire any other woman, and that’s a new experience for him. She is everything Christopher isn’t. I just love it when a sexy billionaire is taken to his knees by the unexpected appearance of a woman who has no interest in his money or status. This book also has the added bonus that said woman doesn’t have any knowledge of said billionaire’s fortune. Lies and deceit (in his defence it’s unintentional deceit from our sexy billionaire). Christopher is so out of his depth when it comes to relationships, and Hayden is so patient and good with him. They make a wonderful couple, until reality sets in and Hayden finds out what she’s up against. Highly entertaining, with some truly endearing moments, Christopher was so over the top selfish it was funny, that said, he also had a very sensitive, kind side to him. Eddie I have to say was the real star of the show. I loved him. I’ve got to be honest and say I did shed a few tears. I was sad when the book ended. I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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The completion of the Miles High Club series is finally here. 🥹 This series is one of the first ones I read when I got back into reading, and watching it end is bittersweet [buuut we have the extended epilogue coming so that’s a plus!]. In true TL Swan fashion, she has given us two new characters to fall in love with. Hayden is from upstate New York and works on her family’s farm. Christopher is the youngest Miles brother and lives between New York and London. For different reasons they both decide to go on a backpacking trip and end up meeting at a hostel [a Miles brother in a hostel is almost as funny as Jameson Miles attempting to camp]. Christopher and Hayden hit things off from the start and become fast friends. At first, that’s all they are : best cuddly friends, but over time things get hotter and feelings get deeper. Throughout this backpacking trip, Christopher isn’t exactly honest about who he is, and when the trip comes to a close and it’s time to return to real life, their relationship is put to the test. Our small town girl, Hayden, isn’t built for the big city rich life and she struggles to acclimate. I’m leaving out some of the story because there are a few hidden nuggets in there [cute tidbits + cameos] that you’ll just have to find for yourself, but I promise you’ll love them. Overall, this story is so cute and so funny. I found myself smiling while reading it and laughing out loud many times. Admittedly, the spice was lacking for me. There were quite a few fade to black scenes and that was disappointing [hello ass play I really really wanted you]. Annnnd Christopher was a bit of a softy for me - I’m sorry - maybe I just prefer villains and anti-heroes at this point, but I just wanted a bit more edge to him. All in all, if you’re a fan of this series, you already know you’re reading this one, so enjoy!

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4 Stars for this backpacking pair!

I just loved Hayden ... she's so sweet and sees the good in everyone and everything. Then there's Christopher ... his attitude was over the top and I really didn't like him at the beginning, but as the book went on, my opinion changed (slightly). I thought that in the first half of the book the characters were way too immature for their age, but they were redeemed in last half of the book. I did like that the other Miles brothers made appearances in this book and we found out a little more on their stories.

Christopher has a life crisis and decides to backpack across Europe for a year. Hayden broke up with her boyfriend two years ago and her life is at a standstill, so to shake it up she decides to go backpacking across Europe. Christopher and Hayden meet at the hostel and there is an instant connection, but Christopher is keeping a big secret that could end things before they even begin.

I received an early copy courtesy of Amazon Publishing UK through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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The Do Over did not go as expected but was better, way better! Christopher and Hayden are opposites in every way! Christopher comes from money, he has the world at his finger tips and he knows he’s one of the most eligible bachelors. Hayden comes from small town USA. She’s a hard worker and doesn’t take anything for granted!

When Christopher decides to backpack for a year he meets Hayden and group of amazing friends that he decides to travel with! A friendship quickly blossoms which turns to more. The only problem, Christopher doesn’t want Hayden to know who he is!!

The first part of this book is spent on getting to know both Hayden and Christopher. You get to see their relationship blossom. Then we get some time jumps through their year abroad and then the good part, life back in reality!!

I loved seeing both Christopher and Hayden grow and find their way in the world! I loved the friends they made and also their hilarious families!

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Thank you to Amazon Publishing UK for gifting me an advance copy of The Do-Over by T.L. Swan, through NetGalley – it comes out on August 30, 2022!

I have been waiting for Christopher’s book, it’s easily been my most anticipated romance book of 2022 – and it did not disappoint!

Hayden was a breath of fresh air, so witty and resilient and very much relatable. There were so many times I was pleasantly shocked at how logical she was being – which I find helps me connect with characters (especially female MCs, and even more so in romance novels).

Christopher…oh Christopher, you make me smile. I did not know if I had enough space in my heart for another Miles brother. I was wrong. Christopher was so charming and hilarious, even when he was being frustratingly ignorant and clueless – which he redeemed himself in every way!

T.L. Swan’s writing is fantastic as always – grabs the reader right from the first sentence. I loved all the traveling aspects of The Do-Over and the sweet connections with the side characters. As always, the banter was perfect, and the steam was bang-on. I am so very sad there are no more Miles brothers as I love being a part of their world.

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This book follows the youngest of the Miles brothers, Christopher, and Hayden who meet at the start of there year long backpacking adventure around Europe.

Despite the fact he's a billionaire Christopher decides to do backpacking the proper way (staying in hostels, working random jobs), which leads to some pretty funny scenes early on his adventures as he's way out of his depth

There were times I wanted to slap some sense into Christopher, and just get him to talk to Hayden, he (like the rest of his brothers) really is a sweetheart deep down, it may just takes the right people (and some time apart) to bring it out of him

Overall, I loved this book, the ending was super cute, the spice was spicy and the banter between the Miles brothers is top tier as always

Thanks you to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK for gifting me the eARC to read and review

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thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing for this ARC copy of The Do-Over!!

this book was a pretty okay read. it was quick and easy to read as it had shorter chapters and each chapter was broken up quite a bit which moved the story along a lot faster. for me, i didn’t love the start of this book. it felt quite rushed and like it was skimming over the start of their relationship and friendship. i felt there was no building towards their friendship it just sort of started and then the book would skip a few days or weeks and their friendship was in a different stage.
i did, however, like the development of christian though. he wasn’t my favourite character but he did go through quite a bit of self development. he spent time trying to figure himself out and sort through his struggles with forming relationships. i also really liked how he did this to try to be a better and more self aware person for hayden and their relationship.
there were quite a few parts of the book that i really enjoyed and found were really funny and entertaining throughout. such as the Mykonos scenes and the ending.
but overall the book was a pretty okay read. it wasn’t my favourite and wasn’t as great as i expected it to be.

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A great finale the Miles High Club series. Although I didn't really care for Christopher at the beginning of the book, I loved him by the end. Hayden was an absolute angel. I loved getting to see glimpses of the other brothers throughout the book. The odd jobs made me laugh. Eddie's story was my absolute favorite. I will definitely be going back to reread this entire series.

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I have been waiting for this book ever since I closed The Casanova and take a bow Tee because it was a perfect ending.

Christopher is the youngest of the Miles brothers and he definitely shows it, he looks up to his brothers and their relationship just makes me melt but also had me in stitches it felt so real. Christopher is the epitome of the youngest child always trying to compete with his brothers and prove that he is just as worthy as they are but there are parts of his personality which show that he just can’t fail and so he takes steps not too become a failure including not being I a relationship. After his brothers make fun of him during a board meeting he takes the drastic measures to disappear for 12 months and go back to basics.

Hayden is a simple farm girl who booked her trip to try and get over her ex and when she meets Christopher in a hostel in Spain they don’t exactly hit it off but quickly become friends and can’t bare to be apart. Their relationship was so beautiful and so organic, he was content to just cuddle her while she read - the dream!

Everything was going swimmingly for these 2 and I could just tell something was brewing and when it hits they needed their heads banging together, and Eddie that boy needs protecting at all costs he was a star in his own right and can we please have a book for him in the future please and thank you?

In true Tee fashion we get some proper laugh out loud moments ‘the yacht’ that’s all I’m saying. And I adored the little cameos from the boys from the misters series, I love them so much. Christopher has zero filter and basically says what he feels and doesn’t care about the consequences which had me howling at times. And from the first chapter Christopher’s personality shines through and let’s say Tee doesn’t guide us into it 😜

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Oof what a mess. The writing was subpar at best and I didn’t find any of the characters to be likable.

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Tropes: chance encounter, friends to lovers, second chance, opposites attract

Christopher Miles the baby of the Miles clan who needs a do over. He wakes up one day and realizes no one takes him seriously and his life doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere. He decides to take a year off and backpack through Europe with a different name and no money. On his first day there (after a disastrous beginning) he meets Hayden (who also just arrived) and a little group that becomes their found family. Hayden is resistant to his charms because he is the opposite of what she thinks she wants. They quickly become best friends (hello cute cuddle scenes) as their group starts traveling together. Christopher doesn’t understand how she can resist their chemistry and she tries really hard to, until she can’t.

They all spend a year traveling without her knowing who he truly is (also insert some fun cameos here) until the last day when they fly home together and she learns just who she fell for. Once home they must learn to come together or fall apart.

This book had so much that I loved. The relationship was adorable. I loved the character growth. This book was also hilarious. Christopher was a little bit of a drama queen so watching him learn real life was the best. My only complaint was that the last quarter felt rushed to an abrupt ending. I wanted more! I wasn’t ready to say goodbye that fast. I’m SO grateful we’re getting an extended epilogue for all the brothers because I wasn’t ready to say goodbye!

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I feel something being wedged up my ass.
"Ahh." I turn around to see that same kid who was kicking me before. "Fuck off, kid," I yell. I push him hard, and he goes flying back.
He stands, infuriated. Then he charges me. I push him back. "Diego," I yell.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5

This is the 4th and last book in The Miles High Club series by TL Swan.
I’ve already read book 1 and 2 of this series and I loved the Takeover to a whole other level, since it is said that Tristan and Christopher i had quite high expectations. And although nothing will ever top The Takeover for me, this was a pretty good one!!
I must be honest, at the beginning I couldn’t stand Christopher: he was way too arrogant and basically a sex maniac lol.
However, going into the story and learning about his perfectionism made me actually relate to him a lot (who could have said that!?) and some scenes were funny as hell!😂
I loved Hayden’s character too, especially when she standed up to Chris’ slightly spoiled behaviour. 😅

I can’t say how much I appreciated the introduction of Eddie’s story, once again the streght on this book was the bond between kids and one of the Miles brothers.

There were a few fade to black scenes that felt weird considering it’s a TL swan book but I didn’t mind them since there were explicit ones as well.

Also it was so nice seeing the other members of the family gathered together!!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I totally enjoyed this and it was full of the usual sarcasm and banter that I would expect with a TL Swan book. Opposites attract of course and I liked the premise of getting away anonymously backpacking which was so outside Christopher's comfort zone. Also there was the sizzling sex that was hot hot hot. Hayden was also in a situation outside her comfort zone and I think she reacted reasonably when she was blindsided by the truth of who Chris was. Absolutely entertaining read.

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The Do-Over had me laughing out loud from cover to cover!
(Well, minus the part where I was nearly in tears.)

Thank you to TL Swan, NetGalley, and Amazon Publishing UK for this ARC!

Before starting this one, I honestly couldn't remember much about Christopher from the rest of the series. But when I heard this book centered around backpacking through Europe? I knew it was going to be good! The Miles brothers had already proven they don't do well when things are below their standards & I knew it would make for a fun book!

I absolutely loved the found family that Christopher & Hayden developed with their hostel roommates! Especially after Christopher had such a rough start with them. Although the entire plot point with Eddie just felt *off* for me. Even once we learned why he had to be a big part of the plot, it still felt very forced.

Overall, I really loved this book & I'm so excited for the extended epilogue, Miles Ever After!

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Christopher & Hayden

Dual POV throughout with one brief extra POV from a side character. Book 4 in The Miles High Club series. Slow burn, friends to lovers.

Christopher Miles (31) is the youngest of four boys, a billionaire playboy, and the head of marketing for his family's company, Miles Media. Christopher's life lacks depth and he has never been in a monogamous relationship. When his brothers harass him about his playboy ways Christopher decides to take a year away from the family business, his wealth and privilege, to backpack as far as he can on a limited budget, working where he can to support himself.

Hayden Whitmore (25) is the only child of third generation New York farmers. Hayden planned a trip to travel the world after the devastating break up from her childhood sweetheart two years ago. Hayden has her life seemingly mapped out and just needs a break before her next chapter begins. Her mom is convinced Hayden will find the one on her travels.


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5 stars

I like rant reviews because they make me get off my chest all the anger and frustration I have with the book but I can't do that here because I ADORED THIS BOOK!
The only bad things in this book were Tristan and Jameson; I detested them in their book and I detested them here. Aldo Mr. Masters... I hate you.
Now, Christopher was one of those characters that I was intrigued about in the previous books and because I didn't have much luck with them I was a bit wary on picking his book but I'm glad ibdid because he was everything I hope and more.
The way this man grew on me... when he first met him he's the epitome of a spoiled brat and to see how he grew up and became the most amazing guy?!?! Oh my God! He's one of my favorite heroes.
Hayden, it took a bit for me to fully like her because sometimes I wanted to smacked her in the head when she acted stupid but she was fantastic by the end too.
Together we see how they helped each other become a better person. Their friendship is amazing 👏 and also the bond they make with the rest of the "Fossils". The adventures they have are hilarious and so much fun to read.
And yes we have miscommunication but we all knew it was going to happen but the way it was handled and we didn't get stuck in it... amazing.
I honestly didn't expected to love this book as much as I did because again I didn't have the best experience reading this particular series but to be honest I think because of the so much fun story and the super sweer romance (it was so good!) and the steamy scenes (they were amazing!) and mostly because i adored Christopher, i think this is easily one of my favorite books this year.

Btw... that ending... I cry 🤧 absolutely beautiful.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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What I liked: Out of the four brothers/books this was was my second favorite because of the memorable storyline. I loved Christopher and Hayden when they were backpacking and in the hostel. I thought their relationship from friends to lovers was very well developed. A great opposites attract with a city boy and a country girl. I enjoyed the change of scenery from the other books and that is what makes it more memorable. It was hilarious to see Christopher struggle and navigate a privileged- free lifestyle. I absolutely loved Eddie/Christopher/Haydens relationship.

What I disliked: Their relationship when they got back home was so messy. It's expected, but it's like their personalities changed along with their relationship. Especially Hayden. She became a doormat. Christopher's anger issues got 10x worse. He was in the wrong and messed up so many times and Hayden was the one groveling and asking for forgiveness?! Girl Stand Up!! It was very frustrating! By the end I really thought that Christopher made all those changes not because of Hayden but for Eddie. All that said, this was still better than the first and third book.

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“We could win the war and blow up the world.”

I had been so looking forward to Christopher Miles book and The Do-Over did not disappoint. Christopher comes to the realization that he needs to grow as a person and embarks on a yearlong backpacking journey where he meets Hayden. These two are complete opposites but somehow their relationship works. Hayden and Christopher were fun, playful, steamy, angsty perfection.

“She has this calming effect on me. As soon as she’s in my arms, all is well in the world.”

Hayden is a sweetheart. She has been hurt badly by her ex and spent two years hiding from life. Now she’s trying to break out of her shell and learn about who she is as a person. She is trying to embrace new challenges and with Christopher’s encouragement, she pushes herself out of her comfort zone.

“Your life has been so perfect that you’ve never had to dig deep to find out who you really are.”

Christopher starts out as a shallow, selfish man who never thinks of others. When this is brought to his attention, he realizes that he needs to make a change in his life. When he meets Hayden, she shows him that his heart is what matters most and that he’s enough without all of the flashy material wealth. He made a lot of mistakes along the way, but in the end, he realized that in order to be truly happy, he needed to grow up and embrace love.

“Everything about our love is crystal clear and yet, in so many ways, messy and complicated.”

The banter between these two was so delightful. They truly developed a friendship before they embarked on a relationship. Their chemistry was electric and their spark jumped off the pages. They both had a lot of growing that they needed to do, but they were always supportive of one another through everything. All of the angst and heartbreak they encountered helped to strengthen their bond in the end.

“I thought to be happy that I needed to be a diamond, but you showed me that it’s okay to be coal, and you loved me just as I was. You didn’t need me to be anything else. I was enough.”

This was a lengthy book, but I absolutely devoured it. Full of sparkling banter and friendship, so much steam and a lot of heart, The Do-Over made my heart full and I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. Now I can’t wait for the epilogue for all of the brothers. It can’t come soon enough.

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Real rating: ♾

Oh my freaking god. I haven’t stayed up late reading a book in a HOT second. And I finished this bad boy in less than 24 hours.

This book was actually amazing. I thought I laughed a lot while reading “the takeover”, but I was actually CACKLING almost throughout the entirety of this book!!! I loved it.

I love Christopher. Like with a passion. Him and Hayden 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼are just something else, in the best way!!!

This entire story was just downright phenomenal. It felt different somehow, but it was the absolute perfect ending to the miles high club series. I am so sad that the series has come to an end. I’m not ready for it to be over!!!!!!!!! But y’all. I seriously loved it. I laughed, but I also cried. My emotions were all over the place. I was so in my feels and I can’t wait to talk to y’all about it.

Also I love EDDIE. Jesus. My heart.

Hayden is so awesome and she will not get walked on!!! We love a country girl with a good ole back bone! Christopher is a playboy but goddamn he has an amazing heart.

I will need 7-10 business days to recover from this.

Friends to lovers
City boy/country girl

Spice: 🌶🌶🌶

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When Christopher Miles decides to go backpacking under a new identity of broke, teacher Christo, he wasn’t counting on farm girl Hayden being the woman of his dreams. Building a beautiful friendship can their year abroad turn into something more? Oh my god this was just perfect! Super funny, super hot and super romantic!
Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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