Member Reviews

This needs to be made into a film - it would be utterly perfect on the big screen. It feels like an adult fairy-tale, wrapped up in a love letter to Paris, set at Christmas, and has echoes of Aladdin running through it.

It's wonderful and without a doubt my favourite book from Leonie Mack so far. I even started to think about Paris in a whole new light, as Sacha was showing Ren his Paris, and including many fascinating snippets of history about the city at the same time.

And Ren watching her grow from the slightly naïve, completely un-streetwise pampered heiress, into who she truly is once she has acquired some freedom, had me hooked and smiling throughout.

Seeing Ren's wide eyed wonder at Paris at night at Christmas is magical to see, and I just loved the character development at play here.

And also I fell for Sacha early on, they had a memorable meet cute and from there we get a really entertaining fake boyfriend plot that, that feels different to others in the trope.

The writing is warm, evocative, descriptive and painted a vivid picture in my mind, one that I would love to see matched on a big screen. After all this book has a little bit of everything you could possibly want in a story, and I was just hooked.

A wonderful addition to this year's festive reading TBR list, and is completely and utterly recommended by me.

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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Im a sucker for a cute rom com....and really enjoyed this cute romance by Leonie Mack. Perfect as we head into the holiday season without the holiday being the main focus and adding rather to the ambience of the story. The use of French throughout made it feel like you were transported right to Paris. Sasha and Rens story is cute, lots of personal growth with some mishaps along the way. Definitely a cute holiday book

Thank you to Boldwood Books & NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this Digital ARC

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As soon as I heard about this book I loved the idea of it. An heiress, a hot guy, Paris, some fake dating … what’s not to like?!

Can I also say the cover is absolutely beautiful, I adore that!

This is a quick and easy read but I didn’t find myself as absorbed in the characters as I could have been. In spite of that, it’s very enjoyable and I think the author will find a lot of readers for this.

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Thank you, NetGalley, for an ARC read of Twenty-One Nights in Paris. I sadly DNFed this about 25% in.

I’m not sure if it’s the time in my life, it’s warm and summery or what, but I tried and tried to love this and it wasn’t for me. I found that even as a decently okay French speaker, I struggled with the random French terms or phrases and I needed something to grasp me a LOT quicker.

I may try this again in a few months, but I had a really hard time with the plot and lack of excitement. While the big moment happens right off the bat, I was hoping for a little more chemistry, but I think the language barrier is definitely a hinderance in this situation.

Seeing what others wrote, it sounds like I may just need to get through some more of the book but for now, I just didn’t find it to be what I wanted.

I was so intrigued by the cover and description and tropes and the writing was well done, I just needed a little more excitement at the beginning, despite the slow burn.

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Ren meets Sacha in a chance encounter and continues to rain bad luck upon him in a series of unfortunate events. An Heiress and the man from the wrong side of the tracks proves to be just the cover Ren needs to escape the clutches of her controlling grandmother. A fake to real romance, self discovery and overcoming past demons are the main focus as the story unfolds. Unfortunately, this book just wasn’t for me. Despite an intriguing plot, I didn't feel the spark between the main characters and felt that their personalities fell flat. Rather than quick witted banter, I found the dialogue to be a bit clumsy and it was hard to become invested in the story. Either way, it's a quick read that pays tribute to all there is to love about Paris.

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Imagine the impossible, that you've never heard of Paris. Well, then, you're in the right place for the author's depiction of The City of Light is delightful, captivating and also balanced. As with most cities, Paris has its lesser known arrondissements, the places tourists don't see and probably don't even believe exist. So, taking a young man from the very poorest (financially speaking) part of the city and matching him up with an heiress whose knowledge of Paris revolves around The Ritz is quite the paradox.
Ren (Irena), raised by her grandmother, is until recently engaged to marry the son of another wealthy family. That their forthcoming marriage will also seal a lucrative business deal is neither here nor there ;)
Until that relationship falls apart and Ren can't face the public glare nor the wrath of her grandmother.
She decides to extend her visit to Paris and promises to stay under the radar, which for a social media star will not be easy. Quite literally running into Sacha and spending time in his world is the perfect solution. Who would ever expect to find her so far away from The Ritz?
Sacha is refreshingly unassuming, he cares not for material wealth or the trappings of fame that accompany Ren. It's very easy to like Sacha, but it's harder to warm to Ren who is a victim of her privileged upbringing ...and it shows!
Ren quickly learns that hanging out with Sacha and his family and friends is very different to her own relationships, and the fact that her grandmother does not approve only seems to spur her on.
But a fake relationship? Eek - at this point I start to worry. Meddling with people's feelings is a dangerous path, even when they both insist they know what they're doing. Because, of course, the laws of romance state otherwise.
While this is not really a Christmas story, it does take place during the run-up to the festive season, so it's pretty normal to expect there to be some magic in the air. Isn't it?
There are many scenes in which Ren and Sacha convince themselves that nothing can come of their relationship, maybe too many scenes of that kind (the lady doth protest too much, comes to mind) but the inevitable cannot be ignored forever. Fate has spoken, and the more time they spend together, the better we understand them, and well, when you know, you know ... <3
Many thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was a bit slow at the start, but the funny characters and charming setting made for an enjoyable read. Perfect for a cozy autumn day. 3.5/5 stars.

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Cute book. I liked the sheltered star crossed lovers feel of the title. Not as holiday feeling as I expected it to be. This will be easy to hand sell.

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Der Klappentext klang nach einer beschwingten, witzigen Lovestory, und ich hatte darauf mal wieder so richtig Lust – vielen Dank an dieser Stelle an den Verlag und Netgalley für das Rezensionsexemplar!

Und kurz der Inhalt auf deutsch: Ren – Irena – ist eine hochkarätige Erbin eines alteingesessenen Londoner Auktionshauses. So richtig glücklich ist sie nicht dabei. Ihr ganzes Leben wird bestimmt vom schönen Schein und der rigiden Herrschaft ihrer Grossmutter. Ren ist das glitzernde social-media-Aushängeschild des Hauses, und hat in ihrem Leben eigentlich nicht viel selbst zu bestimmen. Das ändert sich, als Sacha in ihr Leben stürzt, und zwar im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes: im dichten Pariser Verkehr überfährt sie ihn buchstäblich mit seinem Fahrrad, und begleitet ihn ins Krankenhaus. Sacha, ein Pariser mit libanesischen Wurzeln und Migrationshintergrund, ist das Gegenstück zu allem, was Rens Leben bislang ausgemacht hat, und da sie verzweifelt einen Weg sucht, ihren Paris Aufenthalt gegen den Willen ihrer Grossmutter zu verlängern, kommt ihr eine brilliante Idee: Sacha soll ihren neuen Boyfriend mimen und ihr ein paar Tage Auszeit in Paris verschaffen. Und der Plan geht auch auf – allerdings wird aus der gefakten Lovestory langsam aber sicher eine real love story …. und das zieht Verwicklungen und Dramen nach sich, die Ren nicht hat hervorsehen können....

Mein Leseeindruck: Das Ganze ist tatsächlich eine witzig-beschwingte Romance. Die Autorin schreibt mit leichter Feder sehr flüssig, es gibt viele Dialoge, man ist direkt im Geschehen drin, und auch als Nicht-Muttersprachlerin konnte ich in die Story eintauchen. Das liest sich hier einfach gut weg. Allerdings hatte ich etwa das erste Drittel so meine Probleme mit Ren. Die Lady ist 30 Jahre alt und benimmt sich teils wie eine 16jährige. Es fiel mir echt schwer zu glauben, dass sie noch nie abends im dunkeln allein ausser Haus gewesen sein soll, noch nie die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel benutzt haben soll, und ausserhalb vom Ritz noch nicht viel von Paris gesehen hat. Das war mir zu viel der Naivität. Ich hab mich mit der Hauptdarstellerin ziemlich schwer getan. Hier waren echt alle Klischees der überbehüteten armen reichen Millionärsenkelin übererfüllt, und zwar so weit, dass ich mit dem Gedanken gespielt habe, den Roman abzubrechen. Andererseits hat mich der locker-charmante Erzählstil bei der Stange gehalten, und ich hatte auch das Gefühl, echt einen Ausflug nach Paris zu machen.... Ms Mack hat die das Pariser Flair schon gut aufleben lassen....ja, und dann hat die Story noch mal Fahrt aufgenommen, und Ren hat sich gemacht. Ich mag jetzt nicht spoilern, aber in dem Maße, in dem sich Sacha und Ren nähern, gewinnt Ren an Tiefe. Und sie ist mir echt ans Herz gewachsen. Und das macht aus der lockeren Winterlovestory doch tatsächlich einen Liebesroman mit Tiefgang. Ich konnte das Buch nicht mehr aus der Hand legen, und habe mit den beiden mitgefiebert. Beide haben ihre Kindheitstraumata, und ich fand es dann doch extrem spannend, hier dabei zu sein, und zu sehen, wie die Liebe alle Hindernisse überwindet.
Ach ja, und jetzt muss ich doch kurz spoilern: es gibt am Ende ein Happy End. Ren liebt nämlich happy ends. Ich übrigens auch. Und der Epilog lässt mein Herz dann nochmal überlaufen. Auch das verrate ich jetzt schon mal :-) Das war so richtig schön.

Aufgrund meines etwas zähen Starts mit Ren gebe ich hier 4 von 5 Sternen, und die Autorin merke ich mir vor. Leseempfehlung meinerseits!

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This was a great book! Cute storyline and easy read! Thanks to NetGalley for my advanced copy. Will be recommending to friends!

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This was a slow burn. At first our lead character just grated on me. Wealthy and extremely sheltered she still struck me as overly naive. But as the story continued the character became more realistic as she grew from her experiences. Obviously not super realistic, but enjoyable romance by the end.

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Cute story and engaging read.

This book was enjoyable for me to read and I loved every minute of it

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the advanced copy of the book.

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This book had a lot of potential to be great but it fell flat for me. I didnt really like either of the main characters which made it difficult to root for them.

I am not a fan of when authors use an apostrophy (') to indicate dialogue instead of quotation marks (").

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Cute Christmas reads.

The main characters, Ren and Sacha are from opposite ends of society however they meet in a lovely way by colliding into each other. Later, they develop a relationship which can help Ren out of a situation with her family.

Ren is from a very wealthy family, but she is incredibly naive; She hasn’t explored and knows very little about real life, to the point where it’s almost frustrating. Sacha leads a relatively normal life as a teacher, helping out his family and travelling around Paris on his bike. As Ren persuades Sacha to act as her boyfriend in the lead up to Christmas so that she doesn’t have to go home and deal with her family-business crisis, they spend more time together and you start to understand more about the way they both are.

I wasn’t particularly keen towards Ren the beginning, she comes across as spoilt, but the way the author develops her throughout the story, giving up pieces of her background slowly throughout made me empathise with her.

In the end, their relationship felt equal with them both being able to teach the other something about themselves.

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I absolutely LOVED this book. So much that I read it in like 4 hours LOL! Ren went through so much as a child. Her Grandmama was a total B to her, yet she still loved her. Sacha put up with so much BS in such a short amount of time because he loved Renn. I won’t give out to much of the story, but Im so glad I was given the chance to read & review this story. I will def be buying this book, and mentioning it my local book club!

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Irena and Sacha come from two very different worlds.
An heiress to a fortune, Ren’s home-from-home is the Ritz, while the handsome and brooding Sacha has grown up in Paris’s less salubrious suburbs. So when an accident brings them together, romance seems an unlikely outcome.

When Ren’s society engagement reaches a very public end, Irena’s over-protective grandmother wants her home in London. Ren needs an excuse to stay in Paris, and so after some persuasion, Sacha agrees to pose as her new boyfriend. But only for the twenty-one days Ren's grandmother has allowed her to nurse her broken heart before heading home to face the music.

Over the course of three weeks, Ren realises the world outside her exclusive bubble is more beautiful than she could have imagined. While Sacha reluctantly begins to see the goodness of the woman behind the wealth. When their time is up, will Ren want to return to her gilded cage, and will Sacha be able to let go of the woman he’s been ‘pretending’ to fall in love with…

I loved the couple, they are so cute together and I loved their dynamics. I also liked the writing style a lot !! Fresh, light and immediately captures the reader inside the story!
I will definitely read other Leonie Mack books as well and definitely recommend Twenty-One Nights in Paris!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with this digital ARC.

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Ren and Sacha are from different worlds but in a lovely meet-cute they collide with each other and develop a relationship which can help Ren out of a situation with her family.

Ren is from a very wealthy family, but she is incredibly naive. She hasn’t explored and knows very little about real life, to the point where it’s almost frustrating. Sacha leads a relatively normal life as a teacher, helping out his family and travelling around Paris on his bike. As Ren persuades Sacha to act as her boyfriend in the lead up to Christmas so that she doesn’t have to go home and deal with her family-business crisis, they spend more time together and you start to understand more about the way they both are.

I wasn’t a fan of Ren’s at the beginning, she comes across as spoilt, but the way the author develops her throughout the story, giving up pieces of her background slowly throughout and seeing her through Sachs’s eyes, made me empathise with her. In the end, their relationship felt equal with them both being able to teach the other something about themselves, which I loved.

Leonie Mack’s descriptions of Paris are wonderful! I wanted to be there and often felt like I was! This is the perfect, atmospheric, romance read in the lead up to Christmas ❤️


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<i>Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.</i>


I really wanted to like this — the premise sounded wonderful, and I was ready to get into the holiday spirit. But unfortunately, this book didn't live up to my expectations at all.

First off, I was very disappointed by the casual racism displayed toward Sacha. I understand that it was necessary to show the differences between him and Ren, their backgrounds and personalities, but I don't think it was done well. I found it all extremely distasteful, especially Sacha's own thoughts and reactions to the way others treated him. I'm not sure if the author is white, but if she is, that would explain a lot.

In addition, the writing style was extremely underdeveloped and weak. I felt like I was reading someone recounting the events instead of being with the characters as they lived them. The romance was unconvincing and happened way too quickly, the twists were predictable and badly timed, and the history and literature loaded bits were hard to follow and boring.

None of the characters were developed well, and some were so one-dimensional that they actually seemed parodic. The characters' motivations and intentions were murky at best, and it seemed like the author was much more concerned with including a bunch of popular tropes in the story than developing it. I also think the author didn't really handle the language switching that well, but that might just be me.

The one thing I did like were the descriptions of Paris. It really felt like I was right there in the city at times, which shows that Mack does have skill. She just needs to spend time honing it. As it is, it indeed needs a lot of work.

If you enjoyed this one — good for you. But it definitely wasn't for me.

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This was such a cute romantic read!! I love the fake dating and strangers to lovers trope. The setting of Paris made it even better in my book! I felt like it was a bit of an unexpected holiday feel to the book - nothing wrong with that, just didn't realize that the main plot occurs around the holidays.

Overall, I enjoyed it. I really like this author's style, and will definitely look for their books in the future!

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This was my first Leonie Mack book and I loved it.. ❤
I instantly fell in love with the setting (I mean how can you not) if the story is set in Paris 😍 ..
Perfectly written. Leonie delivers a cute romantic comedy full of laughter, with hot chemistry and witty banter.
An entertaining rich/poor with a HEA
Now it made me want to go to Paris and look for my Sacha 🤭🤩
Read if you like:
☆ cute romance
☆ rich / poor
☆ fake dating
☆ Paris setting.
Release date: 10/06/22
A special thanks to Netgalley, Publisher and Author for sending me this fabulous ARC in exchange of my honest opinion

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