Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley and its author for providing me with an advanced copy
Where does money come from, what do I need it for, and where do I store it?
Why will I be better off later if I spend less and save more now?
How does creating a budget help me reach my money goals?
What is the stock market, and how is compounding a kid’s most awesome superpower?

An incredible book where it says how to earn money to buy an objective, but it narrated by two ways. The first one taught us what's the real purpose of it. After that, a short story of two friends but different perspective, a good worker and the other one, he didn't.


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This book is divided into chapters with a variety of themes related to using money wisely, such as earning and saving money. In each chapter are exercises and activities to help support development and understanding of the concepts and skills discussed. There is quite a bit of text on a page and I could see this book being used with support from an adult. The content is pretty thorough and the pictures support in demonstrating ideas. As a grade 3 teacher, I would recommend this book to parents and teachers of children in the age 7-11 range. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the chance to read and review this book!

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