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A Day of Fallen Night

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A Day of Fallen night can only be described as one word. Epic. What a sweeping, masterpiece of a book. She’s a chonk but well worth the work.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely devoured this beast of a book. Dare I say that this prequel is even better than The Priory? Either way, it definitely captured my full attention and has made me want to reread The Priory all over again, which is quite a feat considering the size of the book.

Samantha Shannon's worldbuilding is so intricate that I can't even fathom how she keeps it all organized in her mind. This is the definition of an epic fantasy. But despite its intricacies, it wasn't hard to follow for me at all - and I usually find it very difficult to follow books with more than 2 POVs. I actually had a harder time with Priory, and I was worried about having that same problem with this book, but I'm so glad I didn't. Each character and setting stood out from one another, and the way their stories intertwined was captivating. My favorite was probably Tunuva's story, which takes place in the Priory itself, but I honestly loved all of the characters. And of course, I am SO glad this book is also incredibly sapphic. Thank you, Samantha Shannon.

I can't wait for the third book of this series! I'll be preordering it ASAP.

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A Day of Fallen Night is an epic fantasy that delivered an epic reading experience, I went into this as if it were a true standalone-- Priory has been sitting on my shelf, unopened for quite some time-- and I knew nothing about this world.

It was very slow to start as it took me at least 10% of the book to fully grasp this amazingly inventive world and all of its MANY, overwhelmingly so, characters. I've read that Priory eases you into the world a bit better, and that would have been helpful here. Also, I was reading a digital arc and didn't realize until the end that Shannon included a helpful timeline and character summary. In any event, once I got my bearings the book really picked up for me and was mostly unputdownable through to the end. However, I do think it suffered from some pacing issues throughout and could have been shortened by at least 100 pages without any significant substantive loss.

This book is written through multiple POVs and it was a rare experience for me to not want to skip over any one character's storylines. Each character was richly developed and I loved the little overlaps between them (I was also DEVASTATED, in at least one instance, when the overlap didn't pan out the way I had hoped). For me, there were certain characters whose storylines felt somewhat unfinished-- Canthe, in particular, left me with a lot of questions, but I have a feeling that I may get some answers in Priory. I also thought that Shannon did an excellent job of having these characters deal with and balance their individual responsibilities to their world and it's crisis, with their own more personal but equally as a grand (to them) issues. This is something that is often poorly done in fantasy and made the characters believable and relatable. Shannon also did an excellent job of foreshadowing what was to come, without making the book predictable. Without spoiling anything, the book's ending was perfectly crafted in the way that it impacts each individual characters, as compared to the world as a whole.

One thing that stood out to me: this book had an overwhelming theme of motherhood, which I wasn't expecting. It is usually a theme that I dislike, but it was represented in so many different forms and with so many different views that I actually ended up really loving the way it was done, I also thought it was an interesting take to see the monarchy viewpoint from the perspective of a female, and specifically the lack of bodily autonomy that comes with it, So much of this book focused on responsibility and the choices/sacrifices that we must make, and I think those lessons will sit with me.

I will be Priory and perhaps re-reading this one. One problem with the scale of this book and its world is that I do feel that it's impossible to really consume it fully with one read. As I sit with this review, even, I feel that this novel very subtly imparted some important perspectives on me, that will definitely resurface again.

I'm not big on star ratings, but sometimes they are requested. I will say that I started this review convinced that this very solidly was a 4 star read for me-- due to pacing and what felt like unnecessary length. In writing this review, I'm realizing just how well done it was, and that it may linger for a while. I'll round up and call it in the middle at 4.5 stars, for now.

Thank you so much to Bloomsbury USA and to Shannon for providing me a digital copy of this novel in advance of publication,

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An excellent prequel to the well-received The Priory of the Orange Tree. Once again, Samantha Shannon's work is not for anyone who isn't into world building and info dumping. That said, this work is magical and mystical, and perfect for fantasy fans.

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A Day of Fallen Night is a fantastically rendered standalone fantasy novel. It has everything you could want: dragons, queendoms, mystery, battles, politics, and multiple POVs spanning four continents.

For you if: You like (very sapphic) epic fantasy and don’t mind very long books.


I, like so many others, loved The Priory of the Orange Tree, and so I, like so many others, was absolutely HYPED to learn that Samantha Shannon had given us a standalone prequel. I’m happy to say that I loved A Day of Fallen Night just as much, if not more. It is LONG (like 900 pages, lol), but it was worth it!

DAY takes place about 200 years before PRIORY, and it’s a true standalone — honestly, I think you could read either one first and enjoy them both just as much. This one spans all four continents of this world and has four main characters: Tunuva, a member of the Priory; Glorian, princess of Inys; Dumai, a godsinger in the East, and Wulf, a member of the King of Hroth’s house guard — all of whom are more connected than they think. When the fire under the earth births horrors not seen in centuries, it throws the whole world into chaos. (And yes, this book is EXTREMELY sapphic.)

How do they stack up? Well, DAY is slower-paced than PRIORY; there are a lot more political plotlines. But I didn’t dislike that; in fact, I think I fell in love with the characters of DAY a bit more for all the time we spent with them. Tunuva may have been my personal favorite, but honestly I loved them all. Also, I’m happy to say that DAY’s ending is better paced than PRIORY, which many agreed felt a bit rushed.

This book is not for fantasy beginners; in true epic-fantasy style, there are lots of characters, places, and more to keep track of. But if that is your thing — and especially if you enjoyed PRIORY — I think you’ll love this one too.

Death and grief; Death of a parent; Death of a child; Violence, blood, war; Pregnancy and childbirth; Animal death

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Priory was an immediate fav when I read it the first time, and I loved it even more on a reread so I was beyond excited to read "A Day of Fallen Night". I am absolutely in awe of this book and the world Samantha Shannon has created. It is so stunningly written with an amazing cast of characters. I will also say that this is even more queer than Priory and with even more dragons. I was captivated by every single storyline that we were following and I loved seeing the creation of cultural aspects that were a regular practice in Priory. Namely, seeing the creation of the Red Damsels in Lasia and seeing how the Priory got entwined with Inys, giving more context as to why Ead was sent to protect Sabran, and the beginning of dragon riding in Seikki. And just like in Priory, I loved how seamlessly the different perspectives came together. In Priory it felt more like they clashed together in the most epic way and in Fallen Night, it was more like they entangled together, unknowing that they were all fighting the same enemy. I truly can't praise this book enough, it can be read as a standalone or you could read it before Priory though I am very glad to have read Priory first, giving me an immediate attachment to the world that only grew as I read Fallen Night.

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Shannon's Priory of the Orange Tree had such an impact on me that it's been my favorite book for years. I never pass up an opportunity to recommend it to new readers. So I absolutely smashed the request button (and preordered a physical copy) when I saw A Day of Fallen Night.
A Day of Fallen Night is a stand alone prequel to Priory. Though it is set in the same world, and Priory readers will recognize many of the characters, you do not need prior knowledge of this world to enjoy this title. Shannon does an excellent job of expanding upon existing characters and locations without retconning her previous work.
It was an excellent story, in a vibrant world, and I will absolutely be rereading it in the future.

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This book was a very enjoyable read! I really loved the complex world building.
It was really nice to return to the setting that I loved in Priory of the Orange Tree. Every character’s arc felt pretty well-developed, and I enjoyed the pacing of this book more than I did with Priory. Overall, an excellent book! Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley.

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I absolutely loved Priory of the Orange Tree, so I was slightly worried going into A Day of Fallen Night because my expectations were so high, but Samantha Shannon absolutely slayed.

I will say that this one was a bit slower to start for me, and it took me a little while to truly feel like I was connecting with all of the different storylines. However, once I did, I couldn't help but be swept away by the rich imagery, beautiful prose, and epic plot. A Day of Fallen Night is (as reflected in the covers) a lot darker than Priory, but I still really enjoyed it. I definitely want to reread Priory now with all of the additional context and history A Day of Fallen Night brought, but I definitely need some time before my brain is ready to process more epic fantasy.

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Thank you Bloomsbury for the advanced copy on NetGalley!

Though it’s a prequel it can easily be read as a standalone. One that will have you gripped from the start as you are immersed into the beautiful world Samantha Shannon has built. Set five centuries before THE PRIORY, it follows four women, each with their own story to tell, and how a series of events ultimately shape the course of the lives of all in their world.

I loved this story as it was enriched in themes of motherhood, strength, and the bonds of love and devotion to each other. Dragons, magic, and a powerful sisterhood, it has all the elements for a phenomenal fantasy that will sweep you off your feet. Thank you Samantha for creating these magnificent stories and sharing them with us all!

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I requested this one because it might be an upcoming title I would like to review on my Youtube Channel. However, after reading the first several chapters I have determined that this book does not suit my tastes. So I decided to DNF this one.

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A Day of Fallen Night revisits the much beloved world of Priory (just 500 years prior to the events in Priory).

I found this book was a lot easier to initially get into, as I had already be introduced to the world in Priory of an Orange tree. I personally find the character storylines actually more interesting! I really enjoyed the book and Im so thankful I was given a change to read an advanced copy!

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When I think back on Priory of the Orange Tree, the details are fuzzy. So much so that I looked for a recap before I dove into this one. To be clear: that isn’t necessary. I just wanted a reminder of that world. But frankly, the recap just doesn’t do it justice.

A Day of Fallen Night is everything I wanted from Priory that fell short. This one builds up slowly for sure, but that slowness lets you get to know the characters and the world so much better than I felt Priory achieved. I didn’t hate Priory (I rated it 4 stars), but I definitely struggled through it at times. In contrast, I savored this prequel. I didn’t want to finish almost as much as I wanted to finish, eager to know the story but not ready for it to end.

Were there still issues? Sure. I’m not sure I’ll ever remember every detail Shannon weaves in her web. To be fair, I’m not sure you have to. The details show the care and thoughtfulness and planning that went into this. Still, at some points I did wish for fewer details so I will acknowledge that.

But looking at the novel as a whole, I was wholly satisfied. I enjoyed finding the nods to Priory I was able to recognize (a testament, perhaps, that some of those details do stick). I also fell in love with these characters. Every one of them.

Plain and simple: this one is stunning. Savor it to the last word.

Thank you to Bloomsbury for providing me with an arc of this novel via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review!

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A Day of Fallen Night is another epic female-centered tale by Samantha Shannon.

The prequel takes place 500 years prior to The Priory of the Orange Tree. There are rumors of destructive creatures having been released from Dreadmount, and each of the four different countries must decide how they will respond to this unleashed evil.

I am grateful that I read The Priory of the Orange Tree first as it established my affinity for the world. I was sucked in from beginning to end. A Day of Fallen Night is a slower burn. It took a while for the characters and places to develop, but once they did I was invested.

I’ve recommended The Priory of the Orange Tree to friends who grew up devouring Tamora Pierce and that recommendation holds true for this novel too.

Thank you to Bloomsbury Publishing for providing me with a digital copy to review.

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I want to thank NetGalley, Bloomsbury & Samantha Shannon for the opportunity to let me read this book.

Let’s start off with the amazing cover. Whoever the cover artist is did an amazing job & with it being so cohesive with Priory.

I enjoyed how many povs there were. I feel like so many books would be better if we got more povs & this one just was dont perfectly.

I do wish that I had read priory first even though i know i didn’t have to. I think finding connections, especially since this is a prequel, would have been so exciting.

This book is high fantasy so if that’s not you vibe then i suggest finding something else. World building can be super tough for those who don’t typically read these types of books. I’d say about 200 ish pages of world building in the beginning but it’s definitely worth it.

I love the representation that the author brings to the book of people with all backgrounds. It’s wonderful to see authors including everyone.

I don’t want to give anything away because if i start talking I’ll spoil it for everyone.

Thank you again!

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I was so incredibly excited to get back to the world from Priory of the Orange Tree. I originally read that book two years ago and was amazed by the world and the characters Shannon created. It was the ultimate peak of high fantasy that was led by the most badass of women. When I think of some of the "most popular" high fantasy, women authors and women characters are sorely lacking but Shannon is here to say "hold my beer" and puts them all to shame.

And that is how I felt about Priory of the Orange Tree but it holds exactly true for A Day of Fallen Night, as well. This is not a fan-service sequel, this is a beautifully crafted work of art.

If you take one thing away from my review, it would be this epiphany I had at about 70% of the book. There are four of what I would consider "major" POVs (Tunuva, Glorian, Dumai, and Wulf) and a handful of other major characters who have the occasional section. I realized I never once had an "I wish it wasn't /this person's/ POV right now" moment and not that books have bad POVs but there is always either one that is your favorite, one that is your least favorite, or one that just comes at a time when you're DYING to know what happens next somewhere else. This book? No such thing. I accepted each POV and said, "thank you, Shannon" because they were all so great and tense and moved the story along, even in ways I wasn't expecting.

Also, with this standing at just under 900 pages, there is so much going on in this book. It feels a bit more political that Priory as both Glorian and Dumai are navigating various degrees of hostility within the courts of their respective areas. There are heavy topics and themes around womanhood and motherhood (again, within courts with expectations of heirs but also the joy of choosing motherhood which was balanced really nicely). The price of duty and loyalty (to yourself, your people, your title). There are dragons and wyrms and magic. Lots of battles. It was very intense and very gripping. I read it quite slowly, usually around 100 pages per day, but it never dragged. If anything, there were parts I wish were longer.

My only regret? I do wish I had reread Priory before starting this one. Purely for selfish reasons because I am so curious how the events of Fallen Night are referred to in Priory and just the extra bit of context to how they lined up. But realistically, this would still act as a great standalone.

I really hope we continue to see books in this world because I will be reading them.

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I didn’t know it was possible that I could love an epic fantasy as much as I loved Priory. In the beginning of 2020, I picked the book up and lived in it, breathed it, hid in corners and positively devoured it. It was the perfect place to escape into; a true feminist fantasy, completely self contained and ready to invite anyone in if they were only willing to move past its density. I find myself nearly three years later still trying to get people to pick it up, and many do! It’s such a lovely thing to be able to talk to others about Priory and muse on the lore.

Now. What if I were to tell you that A Day of Fallen Night is even better? Better pacing, stronger characterization, more depth and feeling? Would you believe me?

I took this one on slowly, and I regret putting this review out into the world so late, but I wanted to be sure it was out there before release day tomorrow.

Taking place 500 years before the start of Priory, A Day of Fallen Night has a few familiar faces, but is mostly new and fresh. We learn far more about other parts of the map, unexplored before, and the lore is extraordinarily organized, answering many of the questions I had been holding on to for a long time now. The world prior to the Grief of Ages is a very different one from the one we come to know in Priory, and watching it come undone as the Dreadmount erupts is devastating… but as devastating as it is, watching each of the protagonists tackle it in their own way was so satisfying. I can truly say I cared a great deal for each of the protagonists, and can’t say enough good things about Shannon’s pacing and character progression in this book.

I know I haven’t said a great deal here, but I’m keeping this review mostly vague on purpose. I knew very little of what to expect jumping in, and truly think this is the best way to experience Fallen Night. The book is a masterpiece, and I can’t wait for everyone to have it in their hands tomorrow!

Thanks to Bloomsbury Publishing and Netgalley for providing me with a free digital copy of Fallen Night!

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I realize I‘m one of only a handful of people (at least on Goodreads) panning the latest book by Samantha Shannon, A Day of Fallen Night. But after attempting to connect with it for six weeks and 55 percent of the book, I‘m tapping out.

Here‘s why. I didn‘t connect with or enjoy more than one character. That one character only makes up a small portion of the book. The writing is ponderous, lugubrious, and dull. I‘ve considered DNFing since about 20%. Around 25%, I thought the pace and action would pick up, but it just hasn‘t for me. Life is too short to read books I don‘t enjoy.

I enjoyed two other books by Samantha Shannon, so it isn‘t her imagination or world-building overall. It‘s just that this prequel is not worthy of the later book, The Priory of the Orange Tree. I will certainly try more books by the author in the future. As always, YMMV.

Thanks to NetGalley, Bloomsbury Publishing, and the author for a digital advanced reader’s copy in exchange for this honest review. The expected publication date for this book is 28 February 2023.

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As a huge fan of Priory of the Orange Tree, I simply could not wait to get my hands on this next installment set in the same wonderful universe. I was worried that A Day of Fallen Night would not live up to its predecessor, which gave us brilliant characters, storytelling, and world-building, but I need not have been concerned because Samantha Shannon outdid herself with this prequel.

Taking place about 500 years before Priory, A Day of Fallen Night provides even deeper insight to this world while following a new set of characters. There are four main POV characters, and though I oftentimes find myself with a preference for certain characters over others in multiple POV stories, I was fully enraptured by each character's storyline and the ways they intertwined. I also loved the diversity of all the characters - it is something I especially enjoyed in Priory and I think it is handled even better in ADOFN.

Similar to when I first read Priory, I found ADOFN a bit slow to get into due simply to the amount of world-building needed to craft an epic fantasy of this caliber, but it was well worth the work needed to understand it. By page 150 I was absolutely hooked, totally drawn in by Shannon's beautiful storytelling, which manages to be both incredibly intricate and strangely comforting. I truly didn't want this story to end and even though it surpassed 800 pages, I honestly think I could have read 800 more. Alas, I will just have to hold out hope for a third installment!

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Thank you Bloomsbury for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

Total confession, I read this before Priory of the Orange Tree and I absolutely loved it. Shannon is the master at fantasy world building, so I don't think readers will be confused starting with A Day of Fallen Night. I was extremely interested in the characters from the get go and the writing is masterclass. I cannot wait for the release of the audiobook so I can experience it all again. Also, just a huge thank you to Samantha Shannon for writing LGBTQA+ characters that feel so authentic. Truly, this is everything I have ever wanted in a fantasy series! Dragons, political intrigue, magic, diversity... the list goes on.

Shoutout to the cover artist, because you can't tell me this isn't the most beautiful book cover!

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