Member Reviews

Scottish historical romance? Count me in! I love Lynsay Sands and ALL of her books! I have yet to read one I did not enjoy. I loved how the H took care of the h after he found her(after she stole his clothes lol) it was so sweet. I loved the chemistry between the mains. Beautifully written love story

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As Calan is swimming he sees what he thinks is a naked boy running off with his clothes. Much to his surprise when he catches the thief it is a woman who has been severely beaten and is unconscious. Allissaid MacFarlane was kidnapped and forced to marry her family's enemy but escaped. As she does not know where she is and who she can trust she decides to fake amnesia. As Calan and his family take care of her they grow closer but when her enemy finds her again will he destroy her HEA? Great read with heartfelt characters , romance and a little suspense to spice things up. You can't go wrong with a Lynsay Sands historical romance.

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I finished book 10 (Highland Wolf) just before moving onto this book, and what can I say - it was excellent. There is a slight spoiler as to what is happening in this book in Highland Wolf, but more than anything, that helped me see that these books were on a similar timeline, and helped to get to know the family better as a whole.

Damsel in distress, fake amnesia, one room (one beddd) tropes all made this excellent. It was also nice to see one of the Buchanan brothers! If you like the series, this book is an amazing continuation that extends the world. If this is the first book you're picking up, it still works as a standalone. We get to see some crowd favorites, and get to learn to love new characters as well.

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for an advanced copy of this book. 10/10 would read again.

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I love a new Lynsay Sands book and In Her Highlander's Bed is no exception to this. Following the sister of the previous book's protagonist, it's hard not to quickly fall in love with her and feel sympathy for her plight. Since the previous book's villain did not succeed in his plan for her sister, he's refocused his efforts on our new heroine, Allie. But this leads her to meeting and getting protection from Calan, a neighboring laird.

Calan and Allie's bond is well written and develops slowly and naturally, instead of instant love and affection, the two grow to care for each other while Allie recovers from what she has been put through. I also loved the appearance of Alick Buchannan and hope that his love story is the next book planned in the series, especially if it happens with a certain someone who appears in this one.

Like all Lynsay Sands book, this balances the drama perfectly with moments of comedy and levity that make you fall for these characters and want to live in the world with them. This is just another reminder why every book in the Highland Brides series is a must read.

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I really wanted to like this book, because what could be better than a historical Scottish romance and Lynsay Sands? However, it features several unfortunate plot and structural devices that distract unnecessarily from the central romance. First, the prologue is dedicated almost entirely to rapidly summarizing a complicated political backstory that is so quick and uninteresting it was hard to even start the book. Second, the main heroine is almost raped right at the beginning of the book — and though we don’t read the scene itself, we read its recounting repeatedly. And third, the early plot relies on a feigned amnesia plotline that is cheesy and doesn’t match the tone of the reason for that pretense. In general, there was too much political intrigue plot (and too much of it triggering or cliched) and not enough development of the romance between the two lead characters. At times it felt like he was just protective of her out of masculine instinct and leadership skills, rather than any specific or genuine interest in her.

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