Member Reviews

I just couldn't put this down! It will grab you from the first chapter to the last. When you feel it could end it continues to surprise you once again. Just love a Scottish tale!

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I loved this book. Took time to read it and enjoy it. This authors books are beautiful. The series makes you hate waiting to see if more books come out. I really enjoyed the books in the series. The characters feel real as you read the book.

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I was really enjoying this at first but it started to drag for me at about the 50% point. There was simply not enough plot for my liking. I really did like her writing and characters so I would be interested in checking out other books in the series.

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In Her Highlander's Bed by Lynsay Sands is a historical romance with an cast of lovable characters. I have read many books in this series and they follow the same template of a damsel in distress saved by the strong highlander. They are always funny and intriguing. This story is slower-paced but keeps your interest. I think its a great addition to the Highland Brides series .

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I love a highland laird- I think this started with Jamie Fraser but man Calan really upped the ante.

I have always enjoyed Lynsey Sands- I find her books to be so balanced. They have tension, the have sex, they’re romantic and enthralling. This latest in the series is no different.

Allisaid escapes after being kidnapped from her clan- in an attempt to force a marriage on her- she makes it onto Campbell land and steals a tartan (a cardinal sin) to clothe herself, only to find that the laird is who she stole from. Calan then brings her to his bed, under his protection only of course.

This has a lot going on- there is a faking amnesia thing, there is a past relationship with the family, so all in all it keeps you involved.

I would read this again anytime but I recommend it if you are looking for something that will delight and entertain.

I am so thankful for the advanced copy!

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If you like Scottish Highlanders you will enjoy this book. A lass is kidnapped and forced into a marriage with a man who plans to kill her family. She fights with him to prevent consummation and he beats her badly. She escapes and is found by a Laird who protects her from him. They end up falling in love

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This was my first from Lynsay Sands, and unfortunately there just wasn't much here for me.

In Her Highlander's Bed, the latest in a long-running series of Highland historicals, is a sickbed recovery romance between two sweet characters slowly learning to trust each other.

Allissaid MacFarlane, on the run from a major series villain who brutalized her in an attempted rape, takes refuge in the castle of Calan Campbell, himself recovering from injuries sustained in an ambush. Calan quickly feels compelled to protect and care for Allissaid, who in turn quickly learns that she can trust him and his clan. They have lots of snacks and spend a lot of time negotiating the logistics of bathroom breaks (relatable).

The style is light and fast-paced and almost fluffy. I couldn't seem to square that tone with the setting and subject matter. There's a lot of violence (including a consistent looming threat of sexual violence) and the book dwells graphically on the hero's and heroine's significant injuries. The beginning set the stage for pretty intense drama, so it was strange that the book was so low-angst and superficial. We start out with major secrets and a pretty dramatic power imbalance, but anything that might lead to character conflict or internal growth just dissolves without examination.

Thank you to Avon for providing an advance review copy of this title at no cost. No money changed hands for this review and all opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this novel.
This is the 11th book on the series, so there are a few things you might want to know from the previous book, but some say you can read it as a standalone.
There is one part that doesn't make much sense to me, as the damsel in distress spends a lot of time in pain and suffering, and even with that the hero sees to give her an orgasm, when he might as well have waited until she was recovered.
Besides from that, I think the book works for those who like a nice romance novel with a highlander.

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In Her Highlander’s Bed is another book in a series that you can read as a standalone.

Allissaid MacFarlane tries to steal a kilt from the Laird Calan Campbell while he’s swimming since she’s in desperate need. Really, she’s only borrowing it, as she plans to get it back to him. However, she doesn’t get away with it and is tackled by a very sexy, mostly undressed Highlander. Realizing that she’s a lady and that she’s been attacked by someone, he hides her away to save her reputation until she wakes back up. When she does wake up naked in a strange man’s bed, she feigns memory loss until she can weigh out whether he’s a friend or enemy.

It’s odd to say that it’s chivalrous that he hid an unconscious woman in his bedroom to save her from ruin–but considering there wasn’t any other choice, it was. Their chemistry is pretty instant. It’s both sexual and on an intrinsic level where they find out they like the same things. There’s clan politics and of course, the very tangled webs of how various clans are related to other clans. It’s a sweet little romance that gives you the tingles because it’s just sweet and cute. You can’t help but feel the sexual tension until you’re just waiting for them to just realize they’re meant to be.

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In Her Highlander's Bed by Lynsay Sands is book 11 in the Highland Brides Series. Ms. Sands writes the best Highlander books. They are just wonderful. The best author and my go to for a great romance story. Loved it!

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Alissaid MacFarlane is captured by Laird MacNaughton, then beaten and
forced into a farce marriage. Alissaid escapes before the marriage is consummated. Calan Campbell, Laird of the Kilcairn Campbells, is surprised when he discovers it's a lass and not a lad he rescued. What Calan thought was only compassion for Alissaid, turns into something different. Is she really married?MacNaughton is suspected of several murders and pillaging against different clans, but there is no proof. What they need is help from the king to declare the marriage invalid and MacNaughton to pay for his crimes. Calan won't give Alissaid up without a fight, even if he has to kill MacNaughton. Violence and passion play a helping hand for Alissaid and Calan. Insert a little humor for a matchmaking mother, Calan's sister and Alissaid's cousin. Passionate kisses, heavy petting and mild descriptive sex. Physical abuse to a female maybe a trigger.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

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While this book is in a series, this book can be read as a standalone. The plot was interesting, and the romance was good although I am not sure this one is my favorite in the series. The forced proximity trope was done in a way that made this book better.

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I enjoyed the adventures and romance of Calan and Allissaid. Both were strong, brave, and perfect for each other. The secondary characters were all great, especially Calan’s family and I will need to look for some of the other books in this series!

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Being new to this series, I was not sure what to expect. I am hooked. I very much enjoyed the simple storytelling and characters. The plot was great and kept me flipping pages. The passion and romance were perfect, while the action was suspenseful. I enjoyed every minute of this book. Now, I have to read the rest of the series.

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I really enjoyed Calan and Allissaid's story. It was fun watching them come to know and trust one another.

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I enjoyed this story of a lady running from her kidnapper and a guardian protector hero. There are a lot of characters in this story that I believe have been introduced in previous books I would guess. I had no problem stepping into this world cold. It's packed full of clan alliances and a clan who raids his neighbors. The villain is a weasel and preys upon others so he doesn't have to do things right for his people. You could see his downfall coming from the start. The clans come together to stop his plans.

Allissaid MacFarlane being a responsible sister, goes out to rescue her little brother who snuck outside the castle their Dad has closed up tight to keep his family safe. Maldouen MacNaughton, their bordering neighbor has plans to take Gannon MacFarlane's holding by marriage and murder. He tried to marry the older daughter and was foiled by her father and uncle. Then he set his sights on Allissaid, the next oldest. He also was working on another neighbor's trying to marry Inghinn Campbell. Allissaid was captured because of a spy in the castle and Maldouen knew where the secret passage came out. When she came to she pretended to still be unconscious, and witnessed the body of her betrothed beside her and a sham wedding being performed between her and Maldouen. When he tries to consummate the "marriage" she fights him and is beaten almost senseless. When he leaves her she escapes through the tower window into the loch below figuring she had nothing to loose. She makes her way to the Campbell land and tries to steal Calan's plaid while he's taking a dip in the loch. He catches her, realizes she's a she, not a lad, and takes her secretly to his bedroom to recover realizing she's a lady and badly beaten. The adventure that follows is a matter of trust and finding the truth of Maldouen's treachery against his neighbors.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you to the author and publisher for this arc!
Ok, honestly the entire time I was reading this book I was reminded a lot of Outlander! Calan and Allissaid are adorable together and despite the bumps in the road, the story is full of humor, sweet moments, and adventure too. And that cover! How can anyone not enjoy it? LOL :)

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Picture it: I'm curled up on the couch with a weighted blanket, a large glass of wine, and this book.

I got EVERYTHING I wanted from this book. I'm an absolute MENACE when it comes to historical romances, but throw them into Scotland/the Highlands thereof? FORGET ABOUT IT.

I will devour everything in sight.

This was also my first Lynsay Sands, but it certainly won't be my last.

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Even though HarperCollins (Avon and Harper Voyager's parent company) has reached a tentative deal with their union (hooray), I think we are still holding back reviews and that's fine. I'll just say I'm glad I read a few of the earlier books in this series before I read this one and I'll finish the series out.

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In Her Highlander’s Bed is the 11th installment of the Highland Brides series, the 9th of the series to feature a member of the Buchanan family, and the 2nd where the heroine is a Buchanan cousin. Like all the books in the series thus far, there’s action, plenty of steam, and awe-inspiring romance with sexy Highlanders that are utterly loyal and absolutely fierce in both wooing and protecting their women. I could not put down Allissaid’s story—which takes place during the same time as the previous installment in the series, Highland Wolf, which was her elder sister Claray’s story—and I loved that Calan was a Campbell, and cousin to Cam from earlier in the series.
Readers who enjoyed Highlander’s Promise will definitely enjoy the premise of In Her Highlander’s Bed, where Calan comes across Allissaid in distress and carries her home unconscious. And though Allissaid doesn’t wake without her memories as Jetta did, Calan and his sister believe that she does. Which creates an interesting tension, with Calan doing his best to care for her in secret to save her reputation, and Allissaid trying to determine if he and his clan are friend or foe so she knows whether to ask for their help to save her family from the monster who kidnapped her and has nefarious plans for them all.
I remain thoroughly hooked on this series, and on Lynsay’s writing in general. And she writes a fantastic Highlander hero. Plus, I love seeing the extended Buchanan family grow and interact with each other. Looking forward to seeing what comes next for this family and series, whether that’s more of the MacFarlane cousins, Alick’s story (which is strongly hinted at in In Her Highlander’s Bed), or the MacKay children, or even exploring the next generation of the Buchanans!

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