Member Reviews

Allisaid is a lady in trouble. She's on the run and grabs a plaid she finds on a rock in her haste to escape. This is an unfortunate decision for Calan, who also needs that plaid! He chases her down and inadvertently knocks her unconscious. Once he brings her back to his castle, it appears that she has amnesia. Actually, she's biding her time until she can recover and determine whether Calan and his clan are friend or foe. In the process of her healing, Calan and Allisaid fall in love. But her enemy's not going down without a fight! It looks like Calan needs to do more than win her heart. He needs to fight for her life!

I was very pleasantly surprised to encounter my first cinnamon roll highlander! I just loved the scenes in which Calan took care of Allisaid. I knew I was going to like him when he merely held her hand in an effort to relieve her discomfort. He has very sweet relationships with all of the women in this story, including his mother and sister. Calan is a great caretaker! Tankards of mead or cider (he brought both), delicious fruits, meats, and cheeses...all delivered to her bedside by a very attenttive man. What's not to love?

Ultimately this story didn't really work for me. Trigger warnings: It was too violent and gorey for me, though I understand the highlander subgenre often contains these types of situations. Two women are beaten (off page) and another woman is stabbed and then dragged around while dying. There's also an attempted sexual assault. Calan falling for her and making romantic advances towards her while she was still recovering felt morally grey to me.

A great deal of this story was spent explaining events that had already happened, either in previous books in the series or in the characters' pasts. That made for a less exciting story. However, much of the events were so gruesome (such as a violence explained above, or a plague that made Calan's father's limbs fall off), it was probably better to hear vague reference to these events rather than fully experience them. The last 15% of the book was a surprise in terms of twists and action, making for a more satisfying ending.

I'd like to thank Avon and Harper Voyager Publishers and Netgalley for this eARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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When I requested this book I didn't know that it was part of a series, and that probably would have made me pause. While this can totally be read as a standalone, I started getting annoyed at how much from the previous book kept being brought up over and over and over again. Though honestly, there was so much of everything being repeated over and over again throughout the whole book that it was all getting annoying.

The last two historical romance books like this that I read, I really enjoyed. So I fully expected to enjoy this one too. But while it was good, I can't say that I really liked it. And it all comes down to it's not you, book, it's me. Because overall it was well written (minus all the repeating), easy to picture, and believable. My problem was that it was a sweet read with respectable characters. RESPECTABLE characters. While Calan most assuredly took liberties with Allissaid's body a couple times, he was always so much more concerned with her reputation and things being proper. And Allissaid was always too much an innocent lady. Which isn't fun for me. The last two books I did like had fierce women who were fighters just like the men that claim them, and I think that makes all the difference to me here.

Allissaid was kidnapped by the bad guy who plans to force a marriage on her, kill off the rest of her family, and then take over the land that her father controls. She suffers greatly at his hands before making her escape in a way that could have very well killed her. She manages to stay free until she attempts to steal another's plaid and finds herself tackled from behind and knocked out. Calan thought it was a boy stealing his clothes and is horrified to find out it was a female. Though he is more horrified by the amount of bruising and swelling her whole body has suffered. To protect her modesty and reputation, he sneaks her into his keep and hides her in his own bed until he can figure out what happened to her and how he can help her.

The majority of this book does indeed take place in Calan's bedroom. Another strike against it being an exciting read. At first Allissaid fears she has ended up in enemy hands again, but I was very happy that it didn't take long at all for the truth to come out. Her lying about everything irked me. Once Allissaid is awake, misunderstandings cleared up, and she's on the mend there's a whole lot of talking. And then more talking. In fact it's pretty much all talking with maybe a few trips here or there. But it's during all this talking that these two learn more about each other and really start falling for the other. But the threat to her family and what happened when she was taken still looms over Allissaid and it'll be weeks before she can finally relax about some of it.

I will say that how the situation is rectified was quite underwhelming and the spy was painfully obvious. But in the end, the horrific things that Allissaid suffered thru did lead her to where she was meant to be.

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I’m loving this series! Allissaid and Calan come together in less than ideal circumstances but it’s not long before you realize the chemistry is there.
It’s heartbreaking how Allissaid came under Calan’s care and evokes a lot of emotion. I loved how Lynsay Sands brings all that emotion to the front and makes you angry on everyone’s behalf. The ending was a bit abrupt but I still can’t wait for more from this series!!!
5 stars!

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In Her Highlander's Bed is the eleventh book in the Highland Brides series. This is the first book I have read in the series or by Lynsay Sands. There were enough references to the past that made me think I picked up another book mid series. However, this can definitely be a stand-alone read but it was soooooo gooood, do yourself a favor and read them all, I know I am going to add them to my to read list.

We start with Alissaid learning, her older sister (book 10) has married the night before, consummated and left early to avoid MacNaughton, the villian (also book 10,) trying to marry her and then kill off the remaining members of Alissaid's family.

Since none of the family is to leave to in order to stay safe, Alissaid is told her younger brother is missing and goes to find him. But she encounters danger while out, escapes and finds a plaid to cover herself while she attempts to return home. Only she is seen by the owner of the plaid who chases her. Thinking it is a young lad he charges after him while knocking the lad down and rendering him unconscious. Turning him over he realizes his mistake and it is a young woman, naked, beaten and bleeding. Determined to protect her he takes her back to his home but keeping her a secret until he can discover what happened to her.

Calan will feel drawn to her as he nurses her back to health. But Alissaid's life is in danger she does not know if he is friend or foe. So, she pretends to have lost her memory until she knows the truth.

We all know how these stories end, but it is the carefully growing love story that is created that makes them so special that we want to read more. The characters are written with depth and wonderful traits that make them endearing and worth caring about.

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Lynsay Sands Highlaners, I love a sickbed/healing trope, and I loved that both Calan and Allissaid needed to physically heal in different ways. From a 'faked' amnesia trope to the possibility of spies all around, the seclusion of the main characters brought a heightened believability for me that they could fall for one another so easily. Add in a Buchanan sibling and Calan's cousin, sister and mother, and we get a hint of matchmaking hilarity.amazing and finished in a few days as it was hard to put down.

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I loved this book! The excitement from the beginning pulled me in immediately, and I couldn’t put it down!

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I am a huge Lynsay Sands fan. Her books are what got me hooked on romance stories many years ago. So imagine my excitement when I was chosen to review an ARC of In Her Highlander's Bed.
In this book Calan Campbell just wanted to relax after battle, but while swimming in the loch his clothes are stolen by a naked "lad" running through the woods. After chasing and tackling the "lady" Cal an learns its actually a last who is all beaten up.
Allisaid MacFarlane was kidnapped by her clans biggest enemy who tried to force a marriage. While risking death she escapes but then finds herself in a struggle while trying to "borrow" some clothes. When she later wakes in a strangers bed everything changes.
Now she has to depend on this highlander to save her, all while falling for him. He is determined to save her and help her family while finding feelings himself.
This book is so fun and I couldn't get enough. I hesitate to give details because I know you'll wanna experience every moment of this story for yourself.
As always Lynsay Sands does an exceptional job at story telling. Her amazing writing is the perfect blend of humor, intrigue, and some spicy fun romance. Her attention to details and grabbing the reader are amazing. You feel like you are part of the story.
I will definitely be buying this to add to my Lynsay Sands Collection.

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Allissaid MacFarlane wakes to learn that Maldouen MacNaughton tried to kidnap and marry her elder sister Claray for the sole purpose of killing their family and taking over the MacFarlane’s holdings, but thankfully she was saved by the man known as the Highland Wolf, who is actually Bryson MacDonald, her thought-to-be-dead betrothed. Now married to Bryson, Claray is safe, but it seems that MacNaughton has decided to turn his attention to the next sister – Allissaid. To save his family, her father has decided to marry off all the sisters and has sent for their betrothed as well as his nephews Aulay and Alick Buchanan. Ordered to stay in the keep and prepare for the arrival of her groom, Allissaid is trying to make sense of everything when she is told that her brother Eachann is missing. Against her father’s orders, she slips out of the keep to look for him and is soon captured by the MacNaughton and learns that he murdered her betrothed, he then tries to force her to participate in a marriage ceremony, but Allissaid refuses to speak, he then tries to force himself on her, brutally beating her when she fights back, but when the MacNaughton leaves her alone, she escapes by jumping out of a window into the Loch. She is on the run when she sees a man swimming and tries to steal his plaid and is tackled by him.

Calan Campbell is Laird of the Kilcairn Campbells and his lands border those of the MacNaughton. Calan and his cousin are out investigating a recent raid on their lands – by the MacNaugtons – and on the way back to the keep, Still recuperating from a recent injury, Calan decides to take a dip in the loch and sends his cousin Gillie back to the holding. he is in the loch when he sees a young lad trying to steal his plaid and takes off after them, knocking the boy to the ground, only to find out that it is not a lad, it is a badly beaten lady. Thankfully, Gillie comes looking for him and between them, they sneak Allissaid into his keep. He hides her in his chamber and has his sister Inghinn come and examine her. When she wakes, Allissaid isn’t sure she can trust them and pretends to have amnesia, but when his mother Lady Fiona gets involved and recognizes Allissaid, she tells them the whole story of her abduction, attempted wedding, and the beating. The Campbells vow to help her and decide it is best if she remains hidden until the MacNaughton is defeated. Lady Fiona insists that Allissaid stay in Calan’s room and that he must stay and protect her, a task Calan is happy to perform, as he has come to admire Allissaid. They are getting to know each other and attraction blooms but is brought to a halt by the arrival of her cousin Alick, who takes his job to protect her very seriously – much to the annoyance of Calan, who has already decided that Allissiad will make the perfect wife for him. He just has to convince her and defeat MacNaughton…

This story picks up exactly where Highland Wolf ends, but there is more than enough backstory given to read this book without having read that one first. Allissaid and Calan are very likable leads and the passion between them burns brightly, making it easy to root for their HEA. The story has a lot going on, some of it quite dark, but Ms. Sands manages to keep the story from turning too dark by the use of her signature humor and witty banter between characters. In addition to that you will be treated to action, great secondary characters, lots of Buchanans, murder, a matchmaking mother, steamy love scenes, betrayal, and finally a HEA that sees the villain getting his due. I enjoyed this book, it did drag a little in the middle, but the ending more than makes up for that in my opinion and I am happy to recommend this title. This is the eleventh book in the series, but it is a loosely connected series and as I mentioned before, it can be read as a standalone title.

*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC that I requested and was provided to me by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.*

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I love a good highlander romance, especially Sands’ Highland Brides! In the newest release, we meet Allissaid, the sister of Claray, the FMC from the previous book. Ally goes through so much, a kidnapping, attempted SA, and a harrowing escape from a vicious, scheming captor, that eventually lands her in the arms of Laird Calan Campbell.

I don’t consider this a spoiler since it’s in the synopsis, but there is a slight amnesia spin to this story. When Allie wakes in Calan’s bed, she doesn’t know if she can trust him, so she pretends she doesn’t remember who she is or what happened to her. This doesn’t last long and is quickly resolved with little conflict!

I thought the romance between the two was super sweet! Calan is definitely a cinnamon roll hero, and it’s so cute how he takes care of Allie and his mother and sister too. Allie is a strong character, after all she’s been through, it would have been easy to give up, but she continued to fight. The side characters, some new, some from previous books, all added to the story and made for a well rounded cast of characters.

The ending felt somewhat rushed and anticlimactic. I’d have liked for the final confrontation to have been more dramatic, but given how heavy some of the subject matter was in regards to all Allie went through, I can see how having a quick, no-nonsense ending made sense for Allie and Calan.

I love Lynsay Sands Highlander novels, and while I don’t think this was my favorite, it was a welcome addition to the series, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the complimentary copy of this e-ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This is the latest addition in Lynsay Sands series and at this point the stories are pretty clear cut. I enjoy the series for it's humor, seeing old characters, and just being in a Highland setting with men in kilts. While In Her Highlander's Bed did fulfil the above, I truly did not enjoy how the female lead was in physical pain for most of the book. Pain that was so terrible she had difficulty moving, and yet she was still in such pain when the male lead lost his head to lust??? *scratches head*. I did not enjoy that at all and it colored the rest of the book for me.

Overall, this book worked for me until it did not.

A huge thanks to Avon and Harper Voyager and NetGalley for the ARC.

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I enjoy the author's Argeneau series and a few years or so ago had read some of her earlier historical romances enjoying them (highly rating a number of them) but for some reason never started her more recent series of which this is the latest installment. The plot of this story appealed as did getting back into a more medieval-ish period historical so was happy when got the chance to read an ARC of it. While it does work as a stand-a-lone novel, i think it would have been better enjoyed if I had read the prior (at least) book as some of the characters, dynamics, and issues seem to have been introduced then. The story didn't disappoint. it is well written and moves along a decent pace. both Calan and Allissaid are smart, capable, and likeable characters and well matched. However, for me, there was still some disconnect in the story that kept me being fully pulled in as I hoped. I'm not sure just what it was -- that I hadn't read the prior books, some minor plot point(s) or some other unrelated item. I do feel it is more a "me thing" than a "book thing" and therefore I would still recommend the book to someone looking for a sexy highlander story with smart characters, steady pace, some humor and a sweet romance.

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Thanks #NetGalley for the advanced copy of #InHerHighlandersBed by Lynsay Sands in exchange for an honest review.

I've read a few Lynsay Sands novels but they have all been part of her Argeneau series (paranormal romance). This was my first historical romance by Ms. Sands and I have to say I loved it. I am a sucker for a good medieval Scottish Highland romance and this one delivered that and so much more. Big, protective Scottish hero meets strong Scottish heroine who is in trouble and running for safety. Some great caretaking scenes give these two plenty of time to fall in love. Great set up for a future romance between a couple of side characters and small references to a past couple in the series that makes me want to read more of this series. I really couldn't ask for more from this book.

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A Lynsay Sands Highlander Brides novel is sure to cure me of any reading slump/hangover and In Her Highlander's Bed fits in perfectly with the previous books in the series. Yet there is something a bit different about this one. The high stakes suspense which is typically threaded throughout the novels takes a bit of a back seat. The reader gets the majority of it right at the beginning/the end and through a flashback. And what we are left with is what I found to be a deeper look at the characters when both of them are forced to remain in one room in order to keep Allissaid safe from possible danger.

I love a sickbed/healing trope, and I loved that both Calan and Allissaid needed to physically heal in different ways. From a 'faked' amnesia trope to the possibility of spies all around, the seclusion of the main characters brought a heightened believability for me that they could fall for one another so easily. Add in a Buchanan sibling and Calan's cousin, sister and mother, and we get a hint of matchmaking hilarity. Again, there is something about this novel which had me completely invested in the characters and I found myself finishing the novel within twenty four hours.

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The book ties into book 10 because of the sister from the previous book. Allissaid returns as the villain as though he didn't get enough from the previous book. In the beginning this book was a little slow and that's shocking because I'm in love with this historical series. Calan was a character because of his shyness and was a sweetheart. The romance was amazing and so so sweet.. The books other side characters were a pleasant read in the book. Its a beautiful feisty happily ever after!

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I enjoyed every minute of this highland romance! Calan and Allissaid are perfect for each other but they don't get the chance to find that out until everything goes from bad to worse for Allissaid. I loved watching their relationship bloom from distrust and confusion to something looking a whole lot like love.... I can't wait to get my hands on more of the Highland Brides series!!

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Allissaid MacFarlane her father, Gannon MacFarlane, Moire the maid, lass’s uncle, Gilchrist Kerr, the Wolf Laird Bryson MacDonald, Claray older sister married Bryson. Alick Buchanan, Aulay Buchanan, Buchanan nephews, Dougall and Niels cousins.

Calan Campbell , Laird o’ Kilcairn. Lady Fiona mother, Inghinn (wee Ginny) daughter/sister. Gille, cousin, friend and second in command.

Maldouen MacNaughton, a sneaky, sniveling little shite and bully.

Our cast is set here, our plot is greed and power verses love and family, our drama is want. Add a dash of suspense into the mix and voila! You have an amazing experience written to enthrall, entertain, and enliven your enjoyment.

Allissaid is taken when she goes in search of her brother after being told to stay in the keep. She escapes, battered and bruised to end up at Kilcairn. Clean works to figure out how he can keep her safe while she recovers as she tries to figure out a way home.

When Lady Fiona sees her, Allissaid realizes where she is and with who. She tells Lady Fiona all as Calan listens and plots. Now Calan has the proof he needs to deal with his foe. As Lady Fiona plots for the two to marry, word is send to her family that Allissaid is safe.

As Allissaid recovers and Calan protects, the two have long chats over chess, games, and meals as a picnic on the bed, they get to know each other, find common likes and dislikes. When an outside threat brings danger to them.

So join in the fun and excitement these two have as you live vicariously through their love story. I have yet to find any of her stories that will not keep you reading, It say Sands is an amazing author.

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I appreciate Lynsay Sands historical novels for two reasons: they're fun and they often address tough topics in nuanced ways. I mostly love the way love is approached thought, and In Her Highlander's Bed doesn't disappoint! The heroine, the hero, the development of their romance (consent is a great thing!), it was all lovely.

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Calan Campbell, Laid of Kilcairn was just hoping for a quick morning swim, not a thief making off with his plaid while he was in the loch. Catching the lad and retrieving his plaid was no issue, but when he discovers he’s just inadvertently tackled a young woman, leaving her unconscious, and unable to explain how she came to be bruised from head to toe and naked in his woods, he realizes he must take her back to his own castle so she can heal, and he can get some answers.

Lady Allissaid MacFarlane risked her life to escape the tower her family’s enemy had locked her in after forcing a sham marriage on her. After struggling over a plaid she hoped to borrow, she wakes in an unfamiliar room with an unfamiliar man seated next to her. Not knowing if he’s a friend to her clan or to their enemy, she claims to have lost her memory in order to gain herself some time to learn where his allegiances lie. But the more time she spends talking with Calan, the more Allissaid realizes he’s a caring, honorable man she could fall for, someone she’s quickly come to trust with her life.

If you’re a fan of Sands’ style of highland hijinks, this should be another hit for you. This story was very simple, a quick read with a pretty readily identifiable villain, but I was immersed in it quickly and found it to be a page turner for me. I adore the protector heroes and it’s even better if they’re highlanders and the heroine has been injured or run into some sort of trouble from which she needs saving. I know this is old school of me, but I just don’t care; it’s the ultimate escape for me and I love it. I think it does need to be said that Allissaid did feel a bit flat to me as a heroine, without too many original thoughts coming from her, but I was happy enough with this being a light read that it didn’t much bother me. Calan was pretty adorable as the strong, silent type of hero who came out of his shell a bit around Allissaid and became charming and likable. There’s some mystery here and a villain, but this is still a low angst, slow burn story and I really enjoyed the escape it provided for me, and I’ll keep hoping for more installments to the series.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Allissaid and Calan meet in a very unusual way. Calan thinks his plaid is being stolen as he is bathing in the loch. He gives chase and tackles the lad and accidentally knocks him out. But as he turns him over to check his head wound, he realizes the he is really a she. She is naked and badly beaten. Who is she and who attacked her?
Calan doesn't know but he takes care to conceal her location and identity until they find out.
This story picks up right where the previous book ended. So even though it can be read as a stand alone, reading the other books adds to this one.
That being said, this book isn't a lot of action but more of a slow burning romance. I enjoyed both characters and enjoyed the storyline. I look forward to the next book in the series.
I want to thank Netgalley for the opportunity to review this book

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This book did not work for me, and I am so surprised given that I loved the last two books in this series. This book just started off agonizingly slow, which I thought may be related to a recent book hangover but eventually came to terms with the fact that it was definitely the pacing of the book. There were moments that peaked my interest, and I do love the hurt/comfort trope, which was HEAVY in this book. The hero carried around the heroine a lot, and one of those times is when they had a very swoonworthy first kiss. Unfortunately, it just wasn't enough to save this book in my eyes.

The heroine spends over half the book completely covered in bruises. Bruises that are SO painful that she can barely walk, stand for more than a minute or two, and she can't even get herself up out of the bathtub. At one point she is swollen, bruised and crying in pain that the hero takes her to the cold loch to help get the swelling down. And that was the scene where the author lost me. He proceeds to kiss her, then claim he shouldn't given her pain, and within a sentence or two seemingly changes his mind. He starts fondling her, kissing her supposedly bruised and painful breasts, and then brings her to orgasm which OF COURSE causes her even more pain. The author tries to play this off like the heroine is totally fine with this and experiences pleasure...which I'm sure she does, but what hero decides that taking advantage of an obviously vulnerable, injured woman is a good idea? He couldn't wait a week or two until she is more healed? Seriously?

I did push through to finish this book, because it's Lynsay Sands and I thought she could redeem herself. But nope, still didn't work for me. It was definitely a shame, and I hope the next book is better.

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