Member Reviews

In her Highlander's Bed is a Scottish historical romance written by Lyndsay Sands. It begins with Allie, the daughter of a laird going out onto her lands to find her brother. While searching, she is set up on by a group of men with nefarious objectives. In the name of claiming her family's land, they beat her and attempt to force marriage (tw: attempted sexual assault). By incredible ingenuity, Allie escapes and finds her way to Laird Calan Campbell, a neighbor of her captor. She tries to ascertain whether he can be trusted to keep her safe and help her get home.

Here are the things I loved:
- Strong male and female MC, both likable and smart
- Forced proximity, only one bed trope
- Earned romance- the two MCs really take time to get to know one another and become friends first.

Things that I liked less:
- A lot of exposition- Since most of the book takes place in one room, we have to get a lot of information told to us from the outside world

Overall, if you are a fan of historical Highland romances, you will enjoy this book.

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I received an ARC copy of #InHerHighlandersBed via #NetGalley

This is a bit of a sequel to Highland Wolf, taking place during the events of that novel. However, you don't need to have read that one in order to keep up with this one. All of the important info is recapped where needed.

This novel follows Allissaid, younger sister to Claray from Highland Wolf, who finds herself rescued by Calan Campbell, the Laird of Kilcairn. What follows is a series of steamy and sometimes hilarious escapes. Calan and his family go to great lengths to not only help Allissaid recover, but also keep her hidden from both enemies & others living in the castle. To keep her safe, Calan hids Allissaid in his own room which leads to some very funny moments...especially since Allissaid is pretending to have amnesia.

Overall, it was a very good read.

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I enjoy this series and love Lynsay Sands books. This book was no exception. In this story, Allissande is kidnapped by MacNaughton, who wants to take over her family's land. He had been trying to marry her older sister in the previous book. Allissande gets away and meets Claran Campbell. His family keep her hidden while she recovers from her injuries. The mystery of the mole in the local clans was easy to guess after having read so many other Sands books, but even though the story was formulaic, I still enjoyed it. I plan on continuing to read this series as long as Sands wants to put out new ones.

It seems like the next coupling might be Claran's sister and Allissande's cousin, but I had felt like Claran's cousin and his sister were going to be the next couple, and I want to see Gille get his love as it sounds like his life wasn't that happy based on what we heard about him in this book.

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This is the next in the Highland Brides series which features Calan Campbell, Laird of Kilcairn and Allissaid MacFarlane who is kidnapped and forced to wed but escapes before consummation occurs and ends up on Kilcairn land trying to steal the tartan of Calan and ends up injured in the ensuing struggle since Calan thinks she is a lad stealing and not a naked women fleeing from her kidnappers. This story happens concurrent with the previous hovel Highland Wolf Alllissaid is Clarays younger sister who is the protagonist. This was really great and fast read and I really loved how Calan and Allissaid fall in love and that Calan kills the villain in the end after he almost kidnaps Allissaid again. This was a great romance novel and I really loved it and this is a perfect cold weather cozy read. I can’t wait to read the next installment.
Thanks to Avon and Harper Voyager and Netgalley for the complimentary copy of this book in e-book form. All opinions in this review are my own.

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As a long-time reader and fan of Lynsay Sands’ romance stories, I was thrilled to see she had a new highland novel being released. This romance follows highland Laird Claray and his love interest Allissaid. They are both injured and fall in love during their difficult times, in a slow-burn kind of way. The high jinx humor was missing a bit from this Sands novel, however the feelings were cute.

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This book had intrigue, romance and sexy Highlander's! Allie is kidnapped by her family's enemy and forced to marry a man who wants to kill her father and siblings. She escapes and is rescued by Calan. As she is healing from the wounds given to her during her kidnapping, she comes to know and trust Calan and his family. Together, with the help of her cousins, they are able to confront the bad guy and thwart his plans.

Through all of this Allie and Calan find the love they both deserved.

I received and eARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Lynsay Sands does it again with her Highlander series. I really enjoyed reading Calan’s and Allisaid’s love story. Their villain was the evil MacNoughton. And I hope Alick Buchanan gets his story one day with Calan’s sister and would love to see Calan’s mother paired up with Allisaid’s father as well.

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In Her Highlander's Bed runs partially parallel to Highland Wolf, the 10th book in the Highland Bride series. As it is book 11, it does build on much that has happened in the series, but this can be read as a standalone.

Book 10 follows Claray, and book 11 follows her sister Allissaid, who we know from book 10 has had a dramatic time to get her happy ending.

When Claray is saved from the horrible MacNaughton and married to her betrothed, he comes after her sister and attempts to force an illegal marriage and consumation. But Allissaid fights back and escapes before he can succeed. Wounded, Calan mistakes her for an enemy and knocks her out, but realizing his error takes her back to his keep to hide her and tend to her. When Allissaid wakes, in an unknown place, she feigns amnesia in case Calan is an enemy, Yet, his care and the feelings he provokes are not that of an enemy...and Calan wants to know everything about the woman in his bed.

I enjoyed the intelligence of everyone and how the more complex nature of the issue was addressed. Politics, other clans, the King were all involved and it made sense and added more to the story. Allissaid was mostly smart and made intelligent decisions, while being brave and overcomming so much. She was pretty badass and I really liked her!

Calan was so into her and ready to marry, fight for, and kiss her as soon as he realized how tough she was. He just melted for her and was totally gone.

I always enjoy Sands' books and look forward to her Highland world. She continues to bring back faves and build a world I love to come back to. You can trust to have your fave tropes with a few new notes. I hope we can see Calan's sister's, Inghinn, book and the rest of Claray and Allissaid's sisters!

Read for: simp hero, brave heroine, "amnesia" trope, sickbed caring, highlander, forced proximity, and one bed trope

CW: attempted SA, physical abuse

3.25 stars
1.5 spice

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Lynsay Sands never fails to write an amazing book. Whether it be paranormal or historical, like this one. Read this book! Better yet, read all of her books. ❤️🖤

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2.5 Stars
I highly recommend this book if you are a full-on Lynsey Sands fan. A fast reading, light historical romance.

I am going to be one of the very few fans Of Ms. Sands that thinks that this book was not one of her best. Don't get me wrong, I did finish this ARC, but it was with a lot of eye-rolling that I did so.

Everyone has given you wonderful re-caps of this story, so I am not going to beat around the bush. I had to stretch my imagination just a little too far to believe most of what was happening in this story.

For example, our wonderful kilted hunk hero (and, of course, that is de-rigueur for Ms. Sands series.) has been hurt to the point where he has stitches in his chest, yet even though he has already ripped out one stitch, he is constantly carting around our thoroughly beaten up heroine. (By the way, just when do I get my own kilted hunk?! The heroine, Allissaid, is hurt quite severely and running from trouble. The descriptions of her injuries are quite graphic, yet it takes what *seems* like days for anyone to give her something for the pain. Of course, once she gets something for the pain, we are in for a bit of humor.

And that is where I have another problem. When this series started out, there was a bit of humor in these books. Over the years, I have seen that humor fade. Of course, I haven't done a re-read of the whole series in quite a while, so that may explain some things.

No matter how I tried, I could just not find a way to like either of these characters. Period. I pitied them, but I didn't like them. The repetition was annoying. Having things explained two, three, and sometimes four times within a chapter was an insult to my intelligence.

The ending was a forgone conclusion, with none of the extra creativity that Ms. Sand is usually known for.

*ARC supplied by the publisher and NetGalley.

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From a swim in the loch to catching what he thought was a lad, only the lad turned out to be a lass, and obviously a lady. Having hit her head when he’d tackled her to the ground, the woman was now unconscious and couldn’t explain how she had ended up bruised and naked in his woods.

Kidnapped and forced to wed her clan’s enemy, Allissaid MacFarlane risked death to escape. But after a struggle over a plaid she tried to “borrow,” she awakens in a strange bed with a strange man seated in a chair beside her. Unsure if he is friend or foe, she claims not to remember her own name or how she’d come to be in the clearing. However, the more time she spends with Calan, the more she falls for this strong, honorable laird. She soon decides she can trust him with her life. . . but can she trust him with her heart? To say that I cheered them on to be together was an understatement. Calan is a gentle man under the plaid that he wears and I came glad to that they didn't have to fight their attraction for each other for too long. When they ended up in a comprising situation they are forced to marry by her cousin. Being married they gave give into the passion they have together. This is my honest review, from an advanced copy from NetGalley.

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I love this series! This latest installment book 11 is just as good as its predecessors.

The heroine is the sister of the heroine in book 10, and the evil villain from book 10 returns to kidnap Allissaid MacFarlane. Fortunately, this small in stature lady is not weak at heart. She risks her life to escape completely nude and very injured.

She happens to steal/borrow a plaid from Calan Campbell, Laird of Kilcairn. Though also injured, he catches her and decides to nurse her to health in his master's chambers. From there, many events unfold before their happily ever after.

Both H/h are honourable and likable. The witty dialogue and unfolding of events are entertaining. This can be read as a stand-alone, but I highly recommend reading the entire series.

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Family, Muders, Desirous Romance and More:
I have been a fan of this author for many years, and I never get tired of her stories
This book was such a treat to read due to the wonderful fun sweet characters and a thrilling plot that had many surprises. At least one big shock that I didn't see coming at all.
The story was filled with enough tension, laugh out loud humor, horrible villains, heartfelt confessions, great mother's advice, excellently written wedding night scene.
Just simply a wonderful romance story that moved at a fast pace and kept me on the edge of my seat.
Adult Advisory:
Cover depicts Calan perfectly.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy.
All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Lynsay Sands knock this historical romance out of the park! Such a great addition to the "Highlander Brides" series and such a great ride. Calan and Allisaid are both loveable characters and their story is easy to follow and enjoy. In addition, their story is very sweet and endearing. This was a great read and I look forward to the next in the series!

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In Her Highlander’s Bed, by Lynsay Sands. Oh wow! This is a highly anticipated book that will not disappoint all the Sands readers out there. This story felt so true. The raw emotions. The love. The fear. The determination to make things right for the better. All of these factors played so well with the outstanding performances of Calan and Allis. Their story was so sweet and endearing. It was slow, but so cherished. The intimate moments were Calan and Allis discussed their family and friends, as well as their people exposed the real sides of the two. The dialogue and narrative moved the story very well. These moments kept me engaged with the characters and the story. I thought that the action scenes were fantastic. Adding these scenes here and there built on the excitement of the anticipation of what will happen next. I give this story two snaps and a twist. Until next time my fellow readers… read on!
#Netgally #Avon

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Ahhhhhhh this was just such a wonderful book and I just thoroughly enjoyed myself. I didn’t want to put this book down. I just fell in love with this wonderful story and it’s wonderful characters. I will most definitely be reading more stories from this wonderful author.

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In Her Highlander's Bed by Lynsay Sands was an entertaining story!

Warning this book contains descriptions of abuse, so if you don't like that this book is not for you. Allissaid is one of 4 daughters that finds herself married to a very vile man. She manages to escape and finds herself in the hands of Calan Campbell. Who as heroes goes is handsome and honorable in all ways. He wants to help her but given what Allissaid went through she is not keen on trusting anyone. Even though Allissaid went through a lot she is able to put her hands on Calan and his family. Caland and Alli were able to fall for each other rather quickly they got along right away. There was no real conflict between them. I usually enjoy a little conflict and my main hero's to be a little possessive but I can't fault Calan for being sweet and "sensitive".

I found the side characters very funny, especially Allissaid's cousins, who had me laughing during the book. I wish they were more in the book. Overall, I would definitely recommend this book if you are into Highlanders and adventure.

I will rate it 3.75 stars!

Heat level: 2 out of 5 flames! Some steamy parts but not too much.

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In Her Highlander's bed is part of Lynsay Sands Highland Brides series. This was my first experience reading a book by Sands and I did find I was missing out on a previous storyline. Sands did a good job explaining the complicated backstory but it felt like a lot of information being thrown at you in the first few chapters. This book is a slow burn with our hero, Calan, falling pretty quickly. This book focused mostly on character development and not as much on a mystery/suspense plot. The "villians" were pretty obvious from the beginning.

Calan is taking a dip in the loch when he spies a thief taking off with his plaid. He knocks over the thief to find it a naked and bruised lady. He (with the help of his cousin, mother, and sister) nurses Allissaid back to health and vows to keep her safe until they can catch the person to did this to her. I really enjoy books where the hero and heroine are forced to spend almost all their time on page together. The sick bed trope takes up the majority of book. It started to feel slightly repetitious. I really liked Calan. He was sweet and protective without being overbearing.; a real highlander cinnamon roll. The scene where he takes her to the loch to ease her pain was perfection. Allissaid was strong and loyal. It did drive me a bit crazy that she wouldn't stay put. I enjoyed seeing Allissaid interact with Calan's mother. It was a nice touch that she knew her as a small girl and added a layer of family that I look for in highlander books.

This book was a sweet well balanced romance. I would definitely be interested in reading more of Sands Highland Brides series. Thank you to NetGalley, Avon Harper Voyager, and Lynsay Sands for this eARC. All opinions expressed are my own.
#netgalley #lynsaysands #inherhighlandersbed #avonharpervoyager

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I'm always on the hunt for a Highlander romance that brings a bit of action, a lot of heart and some fierce attraction. Lynsay Sands delivers on all three. Sands draws us into a desperate flight, an accidental rescue and a concealment. I loved the pacing of In Her Highlander's Bed. We start out with a secret nighttime marriage, Allissaid MacFarlane's daring escape and Calan Campbell, Laird of Kilcairn finding an injured woman. One of my favorite tropes, forced proximity, takes up much of the novel which is a slow get to know you. I love how all the pieces come together in Allissaid's story and how Calan and his family shine. Perfect weekend read for cozy winters inside.

Thank you to #netgalley and #Avon for the advanced read. All opinions are my own.

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This past year I have been merrily making my way through Lynsay Sands’ Highlander Brides series and I can’t get enough of these kilted cuties. I don’t know if I’ve just consumed so much European media in my life, but I’m a sucker for a Scottish brogue. When I got an early copy of In Her Highlander’s Bed, I felt like a sporran full of sunshine. I was a bit wary about such a saucy title, but it was slightly misleading. While our heroine did spend a majority of her time in the highlander’s bed, she was recovering from serious physical injuries. This romance novel dealt with heavy topics such as sexual assault and death of loved ones. I didn’t expect to encounter such depth from a book with a naked Scot on the cover. I mean I’m not complaining, but it certainly took me for a loop.

We’re 11 books into the series and married off all the Buchanan brothers, so who’s next to jump the broom? I’m impressed that the author managed to connect a limb to a former character’s family tree in order to continue the series. I didn’t know anything about our couple and I suppose it was nice to get a fresh start. My main complaint was since our heroine was covered in bruises recovering from her injuries, we didn’t get any physical courtship until the 75% mark. I knew they were clearly endgame, but I was a little impatient for Calan to finally take off his kilt. It also inadvertently killed the mood how constantly the heroine’s colorful bruises were described. That’s uncomfortable to read and it just means the hero can’t touch you anytime soon.

Despite the saucy title, I always find great enjoyment in Lynsay Sands books. I’ve been reading her catalog since middle school and they provide constant comfort to me. I’ve even developed a fondness for picnics due to this particular series. I can’t wait to see what she writes next in this idyllic version of Scotland. I wouldn’t mind a one-way ticket to the highlander’s bed, as long as it isn’t a patient’s sick bed!

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