Member Reviews

Thank you for the chance to read this ARC in return for my honest opinion

I had read the previous 3 books and although it would be possible to read this as a standalone book it would certainly be much easier to understand the character dynamics is one had read the whole series.

I t was certainly great to catch up with old characters and meet new ones and learn the dynamics of family life in WW2 in Cornwall.
There is a thread that runs through all the books with the family that had been evacuated in book and new evacuees from London and their sadness in losing all that was dear and precious to themselves.

Betty Walker's writing style is like a warm hug on a cold Winters day - but not in an over sentimental way.
I was in a way sad when it became obvious that the book was coming to an end.

Along the way there are babies born and injuries to servicemen - as well as the odd wedding or two - and family differences.

All in all a fabulous read - I think there is a book 5 and I can't wait.

Thank you again

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Another fantastic book from Betty Walker about the Cornish Girls. Definitely need to read them in order in order to understand the different characters. This one focuses on Midwife Lily, Nurse Stannard and Mrs Thorpe. Given the title you can also guess that Mothers and Babies are a highlight.
An easy 5stars. Thanks to Betty and your publisher. Thanks also to NetGalley.

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A book full of love and so aptly named as we read about motherhood in different stages. As the overprotective mother, the nervous caring new mother and the mother in waiting. Though some have had to wait so much longer than others to experience that feeling!
The book centres mainly on Symond hall , orphanage and convalescent home. The three friends from nursing together, Rose has married local doctor Lewis, Lily has decided to change to midwifery when she receives some worrying news about her old flame Tristan Minear!
Mary isn’t that sure that nursing is for her when the matter is taken out of her hands.
Sonya has been companion to lady Symond since she was a young girl and is rather taken aback when Babs tells her she is going to move away, what could this mean for Sonya who is stunned when it’s suggested that she track down her daughter that she was forced to give up as a young woman.
This book has everything and while there is a lot going on I found it easy to work out who was who and the family connections. That said I have enjoyed the others in this series.

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Ugh my heart! So happy. This book hit all the marks and felt like a huge comfort hug. It left me feeling so fulfilled and gah, I want to go back and read it again.

I’ve honestly loved reading this series and I so hope there will be more! I can read them forever. I adore the characters and Sonya was a wonderful addition. I loved getting to know her character and I was behind her all the way from the get go. Sonya, Yvonne and her Walter were great and so many life revelations and character development in this for all the other characters we know and love. It was all go go go.

With Lily and her new position as midwife, Mary undergoes a job change and Rose has a lot going on with her new life as Dr Lanyons wife! The wartime drama, vibes and friendship were strong and the whole book was so heartwarming. I loved the plot in this. I just loved it all. I couldn’t say more, it was 20/10 !

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I was so happy to read the latest book in this wonderful series.Visiting with the girls catching up on their lives their families and friends is a true pleasure.Betty Walker writes beautifully and I am looking forward to more of her novels.#netgalley #avonbooksuk

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It was lovely to catch up with the Cornish girls once again. I love following their stories of their lives during the war. I do love how the girls all help each other. True community spirit. They work so hard during what must have been such difficult times. It was heartwarming and sad at times.. An excellent read.

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Love this series, really entertains, captivating and emotionally charged. Very evocative of the war period.

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A Mother's hope for the Cornish Girls; imagine sitting around with friends and everyone sharing their or their grandparents' life stories, that's how this story was to me.

It follows a few women mostly young and how their first borns came into this world and their present situations.

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I LOVE this series!! We meet all the people we know well from the previous books. Lily once again takes center stage. Her career as a nurse steps up and she's loving her job. Then something happens to turn her life upside down and she has big decisions to make.
Sonya, companion to Lady Symmonds has her life completely turned around. Life suddenly takes a turn for the better even though it has it's complications.
Nurse Mary Stannard has a big chunk of this story. She has the 'new' storyline for this book.
I knocked off a star because this was wartime but all the stories were neatly tied up. Too neatly. One romance and it's outcome in particular was way to quick for me. I know there were hasty marriages at this time but there was no real reason for this one. I thought a bit of conflict and uncertainty would have made it all more realistic.
Saying that I'm looking forward to the next one and catching up with old friends.

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Another brilliant book be Betty Walker that takes you into the lives of the cornish girls,the story brings the characters to life for the reader.I love these books 5*

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Another brilliant book in the series. I thoroughly enjoy reading about the antics of the characters who are becoming like friends the more I read about them. As with other books in the series there were lots of twists and turns that I didn't see coming! I look forward to reading the next in the series!

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I enjoyed this new book following the lives of The Cornish Girls. It did take me a few chapters to remember where we left everyone at the end of the previous book but I soon caught up.
The story of Sonya is lovely especially when she was expecting to spend the rest of her life alone. Britain is still at war and the girls are coping the best they can,
Very real characters written beautifully by the author.
This can also be read as a stand alone book but as the series is so good I urge you to begin at the beginning.
Now I'm looking forward to and hoping there will be more in the series.

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I haven't read any of the other books in this series but the book itself was a delight to read. It tells the story of a few friends during wartime and how it affects their lives. I will be looking out for more books from this author to read.

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I was so excited to be given the opportunity to read the next in the Cornish Girls series and Betty certainly did not disappoint.

It was lovely catching up with the characters again.

Beautifully written, easy reading and had me totally hooked from the beginning.

Finger's crossed there is more to come in the series.

Highly recommend.

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Loved catching up with all the characters, how the girls still keep in touch with each other and loved the storyline where Sonya finds her baby that she had to give away, love and hope all round, love these books and can't wait for the next in the series
Fabulous writing as always and a storyline you can never tire off

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Many thanks to NetGalley for the privilege of reading an advance copy of Betty Walker's latest In The Cornish Girl's Series.

I had a vested interest in this book as I spent a week in Cornwall two years ago and visited St. Ives, Truro, Penzance and other towns in this beautiful area of the world. Reading about these locales brought back many fond memories of cobbled streets, beautiful flowers, small towns, and an incredible view of the blue ocean nestled by the outcropping of cliffs.

The writing was interesting and I especially enjoyed reading about the dilemmas faced by women filling in for men in various occupations during WWII. One of the main characters, Sonya, said how she felt working during WWI only for the war to end and women making no further advancements in the workplace. Unfortunately even in 2022 this is still not rectified.

I recommend this book to those interested in the bravery of the English amidst the destruction of their way of life.

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Each book in this engaging Cornish Girls series has been better than the last! I really enjoyed seeing this interesting group of women making courageous choices that brought their happily-ever-afters to within reach. The interweaving of their lives in WWII Cornwall was neat - Babs’ bold decision led to Sonya’s brave move, which changed the future for….well, read it and find out for yourself! The deprivations and challenge of wartime made each story so starkly realistic. Air raids and ration books were interspersed with weddings and babies, proving the more the world changes, the more it stays the same. I can’t wait to see a glimpse at the next chapter in these determined women’s lives! I received a complimentary copy of this book via NetGalley and was not required to post a review.

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Another great book in the Cornish girls series. Romance, babies and the war still going on. You find yourself in the Cornish countryside cheering them all along.

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A Mother's Hope for the Cornish Girls by Betty Walker

The 4th in the series and set in 1943 . We are still following the lives of Sonya , Mary and Lily and their ups and downs managing to cope during the war years.
Things are not always destined to go well , and at times friendships are put under strain, but this just goes to prove that in times such as this you get by and put differences aside to get through what the country is going through.
A great read. The author always manages to capture the era perfectly.

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This is the 4th in the cornish girls series by Betty Walker and it did not disappoint This book is set in 1943 and follows
Sonya, Lily and Mary. 3 very different characters with 3 very different backgrounds.
Excellent as usual.

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