Member Reviews

This book is a dark horse. I went in not knowing what I was in for and the first 75 pages or so had me thinking one way only to be pleasantly surprised with the direction it turned for the rest of the book. I wish I had gotten to this on my shelf sooner— not to be missed!

This book really just took me for a ride. I loved the build up, the character development, and the writing. I would definitely read more from this author!

Advika's life has been a tailspin since her twin sister, Ann, died tragically. Tending bar to make ends meet, she ends up working the bar at the 2015 Oscar Governor's Ball. When Julian Zelding, a renowned Hollywood producer begins to flirt with her, she is shocked. Could this famous man be interested in her, 40 years his junior? This story sounds like a rom com plot, but it isn't, although pop culture references are peppered throughout the novel. Instead, this is a look at a young woman who makes an impulsive decision that comes back to haunt her. I really enjoyed this book, although at times I couldn't figure out where it was leading and the main character was a little off-putting. Overall, though, it was a good summer read.

Thank you to GCP and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. Advika Srinivasan is an aspiring screenwriter working as a bartender for high-profile events attended by those whose company she hopes to one day join. While she is bartending an Oscars afterparty, she catches the eye of astronomically popular film producer, Julian Zelding. The two establish a connection (never mind the DECADES that separate their ages) and eventually, a romance. After some time, Advika's idyllic Hollywood life begins to sour as she dives into Julian's past, and the lives and downfalls of his past wives.
I was very nearly turned away by the 60-something-year-old-falling-for-the-20-something-year-old element of this book... but I am sincerely happy that I stuck with it, because I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I think it perfectly captures the two-facedness of much of Hollywood (speaking as someone who has never been, and never will be, anywhere near that echelon of society). It would've been easy to make Advika a relatively static character that rides into the elite level of Hollywood on the coattails of a white man, but she's so dynamic. There's an element of danger and suspense to this book. You're rooting for Advika the whole way through, but you're holding your breath for her at the same time. The intricacies of Julian's life that are slowly unraveled are simultaneously fascinating and harrowing. Ramisetti's characters were all wonderfully crafted. I'm very glad Advika amended things with Olive and the Oakies (I would've been sad....) I obviously don't want to spoil too much. Just go read it.

Advika is working a Hollywood party when she meets Julian, an Oscar-winning producer who is immediately taken by her. Although she feels an attraction to this older man, she also feels a sense of “why me?” He’s been married a few times before, but doesn’t talk a lot about his past, just the future he wants to provide for Advika. After a whirlwind romance, they elope, with a bright future ahead. But Advika quickly realizes that Julian wants her only in a certain way, and she wants more than to just be his pretty wife on the red carpet. When she starts to hear some things about his past, she starts to do a little digging of her own into his past relationships, and what happened to them. The links between her and his ex-wives start to become completely unavoidable as Advika has to decide what to do about her future.
I really liked the character of Advika. She was complicated, with her dynamic with her friends and family, the loss of her sister, and her goals and ambitions to be a screenwriter. In my head, I couldn’t picture Julian as a handsome older man. To me it seemed more like Blair’s stepfather in Gossip Girl…a lot of power, but he couldn’t possibly have it all.
I felt that the overall story was a little long and boring in parts. But as the moments lead up to the climax, I was excited to see what was going to happen. The second half of the book I had a hard time putting it down.
Overall, I’d give it 3.5 stars, rounded down to 3. It was enjoyable, but probably not something I’d go back to read again.
Thank you to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for an advanced copy of this book!

CW: misogyny, grief, gaslighting, toxic relationship
Thank you @grandcentralpub and @netgalley for my ARC of Advika and the Hollywood Wives - out today in the US!!
Advika falls for Julian hard and fast. He sweeps her off her feet immediately despite the age difference between them. His glamorous lifestyle as an Oscar winning movie producer adds to Advika’s intrigue as she has always wanted to be a screenwriter.
Before Advika can even take breath, her and Julian are married. But Julian’s five precious wives are secretly nagging her. Julian requested that Advika never Google him, but now that’s all she can think about doing….
This was an enjoyable read that had me anxious to figure out everything about Julian’s previous wives along with Advika. It gave the reader a peak into old Hollywood and all the glamour we associate with it. A quick read that was easy to follow with a very unexpected ending.

I loved this author's previous novel and high hopes for this one, but unfortunately, this book has a plot that makes little sense. The main character makes terrible choices again and again, and the reasons presented don't ring true . The story does not deliver, and there's no real payoff at the end.

26 year old Advika is an aspiring screenwriter who is very close to giving up on her dream. As she is bartending for an Oscars after party, she meets legendary producer Julian Zelding. Despite a 41 year age difference, Advika and Julian strike up a romance and eventually get married. A few months into their marriage, one of Julian’s ex wives dies and in her will leaves a film reel and 1 million dollars to “Julian’s latest child bride” if she divorces him first. Advika decides to look more into her husband and his past relationships and begins to learn more about her husband, and in turn looks more into her own relationship with him.
This book is filled with Old Hollywood glamour and a touch of mysteriousness. I loved the writing and thought this made for a very interesting plot. However, I wanted a bit more drama. It was such a slow burn I found myself struggling to stay interested at times. I also was frustrated with the main character for most of the book - why on earth would she marry a man she just met and not even Google him? Maybe it’s just me but I could not understand her thought process there. I wanted to love this one, but in the end felt it was just okay.
Thank you to Grand Central Publishing and NetGalley for the advance copy.

Advika is a young aspiring screenplay writer when she meets Julian Zeldin, a famous movie producer. Advika is still mourning the tragic loss of her twin, Anu, feeling lost and alone, when she becomes enmeshed in Julian’s web of control. The first half of the book was hard to stick with since Advika’s naïveté was hard to accept, but once she realized that Julian took control of his three previous wives, and her attempt to free herself from that situation, the story really picked up. I would recommend the book. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

I ended up DNF-ing this book about halfway through. I wanted to like this book as it had a premise that reminded me of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo but I just could not get into the story. I didn't really look forward to reading the book and ended up kind of dreaded reading as a whole all of April because of it. The writing was not bad, the characters were just not super likable and I did not find myself interested in the story.

Ok, what am I missing? Advika is a 20-something aspiring screenwriter who falls for a wealthy, successful, thrice married, 60-something movie producer. What was she expecting? He is obviously not good at marriage. I think one knows what one is getting oneself into in this situation… Advika seems to be physically attracted to Julian and enjoying the perks $$$ of the relationship. He’s 67 and has been married three times, um, duh, he has a past. She didn’t seem too upset until Evie offered her the 1 million dollar ultimatum and then she was like a dog with a bone. I was desperate for Advika to stop obsessing about all of his ex-wives. She claimed to be stuck and living with the consequences of her past mistakes…just leave already! Julian didn’t look so bad until about the last 20 pages and then he gave up the fight pretty easily. I just didn’t get this one.

This book was captivating from the beginning and I adored the character of Advika. Was a little lengthy at the end with details related to movie industry. I would have loved to hear so much more about characters. Will definitely look for more writings from this author!

Advika's story is that of a Cinderella fairytale... but with a twist. Courted by a much older man who sweeps her into his life of luxury, Advika dives into this escape from reality, her struggle to find a career, and the grief of losing her sister that overwhelms her. A few months later she is married and stepping into the role of a Hollywood wife when her her husband's first wife makes her an offer she might not be able to refuse
I liked how this author plays with the edges of feminism and how women/fairy tales are not always what they seem. I also found Advika's subconscious very interesting and what her transition from her old life really symbolized. Did she love her husband, or was she simply playing a part? A little slow in parts but overall a very interesting read.

🎥 Advika and The Hollywood Wives - Kirthana Ramisetti
3 ⭐️- this was a slowww burn for me. I liked it, but I had higher hopes. I thought I was getting glitzy glam Hollywood drama, but instead I got a mix of some romance and some mystery?
At 26, Advika considers herself a failed screenwriter. With a need to pay her bills, she takes a job bartending an A list event, the 2015 Governor’s Ball. When the legendary, oscar winning film producer, Julian Zelding shows interest in her, she has totally fallen under his spell. After months of dating, living together, and marriage, a surprise ex-wife’s will shakes Advika out of her love spell and suddenly she is realizing she might not know her hollywood movie star husband as well as she thought she did..
This was a book I had super high hopes for and was very excited to get an early ARC copy and was somewhat underwhelmed. The premise hooked me but when I started reading, I felt bored at times and the pacing was off. When the mystery entered the story more, I definitely enjoyed it more than I originally thought. I enjoyed the ending and it felt “revenge-y” which gave more to the story too. Overall, I liked it, but wanted more in a lot of aspects!
Thanks Netgalley and Grand Central Publishing for the early ARC copy!

Advika, a floundering 26 year old screenwriter mourning the death of her twin sister, is working A list catering jobs to pay her bills. While working an Oscar party, in a movie like scenario, Oscar winner and Hollywood producer Julian Zelding takes an interest in Advika. Swept off her feet and lured by the powerful producer and his luxurious life, Advika falls in love and elopes with Julian. When Julian's ex-wife dies and bequests Advika a film reel and $1 million on the condition she divorces Julian, Advika is shaken by this bequest, and belatedly begins looking into Julian's relationships with his previous wives. It's only then that she realizes the control he has exerted over her through isolation and dependence.
I had to suspend belief in the beginning of this book because of the fairytale way Advika and Julian's romance began. Once I got over that, I could imagine the realness of their relationship despite how disturbing it became. Ramisetti illustrates how a powerful mogul can exert control over a naive young woman who is alone, in mourning, struggling financially and perfectly vulnerable. Slowly she gains the courage to try to regain control over her own life. Wishing this was only a story of fiction, I can imagine this may be the story of many women, and not only in Hollywood. And that's what makes this book one that will stay with you. Be sure to read to the end of the acknowledgements!

Advika is an aspiring screenwriter who meets famous producer Julian Zelding at the Oscars afterparty where she was bartending. She is instantly swept up in his charm and soon finds herself becoming the 4th, or possibly 5th, Mrs. Zelding. During this whirlwind romance, Advika is still dealing with the death of her twin sister, the likely death of her screenwriting career, and the estrangement from her friends and family. . When Julian's first wife dies and leaves Advika money and a film reel, on the condition that Advika divorces Julian, Advika starts to investigate what really happened with Julian's previous wives. Julian may seem charming, but its quickly clear that he's looking out for his own interests and Advika is realizing she's in the same situation as her predecessors. Overall this book was about finding oneself and dealing with past traumas. The connection Advika felt with the previous wives was the strongest part of the book as she learned more about their lives. Advika's actions with Julian came off a bit naïve, but that did improve by the conclusion.

This was a solid 3 star read for me. I finished it, and there were bits I liked, but overall, it was just "meh."
What worked for me:
I loved the Old Hollywood glamour aspects of the the storyline. I am a sucker for that. I liked that the wives all had things in common and formed a "sisterhood" of sorts, though two of them were dead. I really enjoyed getting the backstories of all of the wives and seeing the parallels in how they were all treated in their marriages. Advika's friends were badass, and I wish that they had been in the story even more. I loved how it ended. I felt like it was a very fitting ending.
What didn't work for me:
There was an overused storytelling device, and it really drives me nuts when an author uses the same device so many times that I begin to notice the repetition. This one was the "Later, she would look back and realize that...." I felt like SO many chapters ended with that or a derivative of it, which got a little much at times. I didn't like that Advika fell so hard into the "girl can't see through guy's bullshit and alienates everyone who cares enough about her to say something" trope. She seemed a little TOO naive for a twenty-something who has been working shit jobs and making ends meet for years. I just felt like she was smarter than that, which she demonstrated many times in the last half of the book, so why so foolish at the beginning?

I really enjoyed Dava Shastri's Last Day in 2022, so I was excited to receive this advance copy! The novel immediately sucked me in. I loved being in Advika's world. I absolutely adore Ramisetti's writing style. It's so sumptuous and fun. When we meet Advika, she is a struggling screenwriter in her mid-twenties living in Los Angeles. She is working a catering job after the Oscars and happens to meet a well-known older producer. He is interested in her, she is charmed by him, but a little put off by their 40 year age difference. I found it intriguing to be in the back seat viewing the different power levels of their relationship. He has had multiple marriages before meeting Advika, so we learn more about them and understand why Julian is so keen on Advika and pursues a whirlwind romance. I would definitely recommend this if you're a fan of Taylor Jenkins Reid. Ramisetti gives such wonderful descriptions of Hollywood and actresses of different times.
Thank you Grand Central Publishing and NetGalley for providing this ARC. All thoughts are my own.

I enjoyed the beginning of the book much more than the end because there was more of a focus on Advika and her writing. As I continued to read, I got a bit lost in the storyline and it was a bit sad to see how diminished Advika felt I’m her marriage. It was hard to tell where the story was headed next because there was so much development with Olive’s friendship and Advika’s childhood friends. By the time the book concluded, I wasn’t sure how everything goes together.

I loved this book so much! I really didn’t know what it was about when I started reading it, but I quickly was obsessed! The characters are well developed, and I couldn’t help but love them all!