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𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤: Advika and the Hollywood Wives
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫: Kirthana Ramisetti
𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰: Thank you to NetGalley for the e-arc!

Advika and the Hollywood Wives follows an aspiring screenwriter, Advika, who is grieving the death of her twin sister. In order to the pay the bills, she bartends at A-list parties. At the Governer’s Ball, the official afterparty of the Oscars, Advika’s life completely changes when she meets the famous producer Julian Zelding. Despite their 41 year age difference, Advika falls for Julian and they soon elope after a short courtship. But Julian has been married three times before Advika and his past seems to be filled with more secrets than she knows.

I was so happy when I saw that I was approved for this ARC. After hearing great things about the author’s debut novel, Dava Shastri’s Last Day, I couldn’t wait to read her new novel! But, I ended up mixed feelings with this one. While I was reading it non-stop on a flight back home, I was a little underwhelmed with the overall plot. The premise really hooked me and had me very intrigued but it didn’t hit the way I thought it would. The storyline seemed expected to me and the “shocking revelations” towards the ending weren’t very shocking. Since this book deals with the glamour and glitz of Hollywood, I would have liked it to have a plot twist that played out on a grander scale.

As for the characters, all of the supporting characters seemed very two dimensional and not well fledged out.

Overall, I would say this was a good read but I wanted more from it in several aspects.
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: ⭐️⭐️ ⭐️

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My interest in the book was immediate when I read the description but after finishing it fell kind of flat for me. I feel like this story had so much promise but didn’t quite get there.

The characters were extremely unlovable for me. No doubt that Julian would be the villain but Advika was portrayed immaturely and selfish. Which I understand was the point but didn’t allow me to fully connect with her. I couldn’t get myself to buy into the story to root for her. The secondary characters seemed to only serve the purpose of making sure Advika had just anyone with her at a given time. They were never developed, which I would have loved to see more of.

There were some plot points that I would have liked more answers on but just turned out to be plot holes. I feel like the majority of the book was spent before learning Evie would give Advika $1 million to leave Julian, but her journey to find out, and ultimately to find herself, why felt hurried. the ending also fell flat - and felt too hurried.

Overall, the book didn’t live up to the expectations but would recommend if someone is looking for a filler book in between their reads.

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I really wanted to love this book but it just fell flat for me. Initially I struggled with the big age difference between Advika and Julian, and then I didn't see many redeemable qualities about each character.

Advika has truly had a horrific event happen with the death of her sister. I feel like what she really needs is therapy and a support group, to accept support from her friends, and to truly process the death of her sister. I would have enjoyed this book if she had some more endearing traits - I really wanted to like her. It made me so sad how she blocked out her childhood friends when they were just concerned and trying to help her.

And sadly I found Julian to be so unlikeable and controlling, I cringed at so many moments with him. Their relationship happens so fast, and so quickly he shows his true colors and seems to want to separate her from her old life. I feel like the relationship didn't have much substance. The rushed timeline of their relationship felt unrealistic and added to the lack of substance.

I always love a book about Hollywood and enjoyed the discussions about Julian's movies and the looks in to his previous wives.

I did find the end very sweet and I liked the note that it ended on - Advika had some personal growth, a new purpose in life, and friends and support.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book!

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🦇 Book Review 🦇

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

❝ She was in a sisterhood with three other women who knew what it meant to be married to a man whose desires and narcissism threatened to blot out their spark, the essence of what made them whole. These women were a constellation in her sky, and even if some of the stars had burned out long ago, their light still traveled through the darkness to reach her. ❞

❓ #QOTD What lessons have you learned from the women before you? ❓

🦇 After losing her twin sister--and soulmate--in a tragic accident, Advika Srinivasan distracts herself by bartending A-list events while neglecting her cinematic dream of becoming a screenwriter. At the 2015 Governors Ball (the official Oscars afterparty), she's swept off her feet by five-time award-winning producer Julian Zelding, who captivates her with his charm and encouragement. Falling for his spell--and the financial stability his life of luxury provides--Advika loses herself in the process of becoming Julian's fourth bride. It's not until four months into their relationship that Julian's first wife sends both a warning and gift, with the promise of $1,000,000 to "Julian's latest child bride," on the condition that Advika divorces him first. What secrets will Advika uncover as she digs into Julian's Hollywood wives and dark past?

💜 This dark, modern-day Cinderella tale is a story of female empowerment; "an ode to the women whose accomplishments have been diminished, their careers unjustly derailed, or whose worthy stories have never been told." Ramisetti's prose flows with such ease and eloquence that it's difficult not to rush from one page to the next. She brings in plenty of pop culture references for film lovers everywhere while balancing intense social issues like racism, inclusion, and feminism. Sometimes, happily ever after doesn't meet the fairy tale standards we're accustomed to seeing on-screen.

🦇 Despite the beauty in Ramisetti's prose, there are a few scenes that stretch without purpose, making a four-month courtship feel like four years. However, the daunting intensity of such scenes contributes to Advika's mindset of feeling trapped. It's not until the second half of the novel that the pacing picks up--at which point, readers rush alongside Advika to find answers. In the first act, it's difficult to connect with Advika, who sees plenty of red flags before the proposal only to cave to Julian's persistent gaslighting. Much of the dialogue falls flat as well, making it difficult to emotionally connect with Advika when she never challenges Jilian's power or manipulation. As much as I appreciate the underlying themes, there's still much to be desired in the execution.

🦇 Recommended to fans of strong, independent, not-taking-your-nonsense women. Ideal for mystery lovers who enjoy the satisfaction of that final piece clicking into place. Kirthana Ramisetti is a powerful writer with exquisite talent. I can't wait to see what she pens next.

🇮🇳 Diversity Representation
✍️ Contemporary Fiction
♀️ Strong Women
🎬 Found Family
🎟️ Age Gap Romance

🦇 Major thanks to the author and publisher for providing an ARC of this book via Netgalley. 🥰 This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.

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This book had so much promise and I was very intrigued after the first few chapters. The premise could have been done so well but alas. A young woman marrying an older Hollywood producer and then being offered $1 million to divorce him by one of his ex wives?! This could have been gold!

The book quickly went downhill for me. First off, I really disliked the main characters and they were hard to sympathize with. Advika is young and grieving but she is also incredibly immature and selfish and makes so many poor decisions. Julian is controlling and unlikeable from the get go. I never bought into the romance and that is one of the main reasons this book does not work. The whole relationship gave me so ick vibes.

The side characters never were properly developed, especially Olive and there were some plot holes that were never closed which bothered me. Most of the conversations and relationships felt inauthentic and contrived.

This book was so drawn out and longer than it needed to be. I kept being intrigued by the premise of Evie leaving Advika $1 million to leave Julian but when it finally got to that part, it was a let down and very anticlimactic. The ending was a bit frustrating because it didn’t tie up some loose ends and rushed others.

Overall, I’d say skip this one.

Thank you netgalley for the advanced reader copy!

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This book held so much promise but just failed to deliver. Advika is an aspiring screenwriter who lives in LA with her other Indian friends, some of whom she grew up with, some she met as an adult. She does odd jobs with her friend Olive, and one night finds herself bartending at the Oscars. That night she meets Julian Zelding, 5 time Oscar winning producer, just off the stage from winning his 5th Oscar. They flirt, they banter, they date for 3 months, then Julian proposes.
First of all, I thought this was highly implausible, but I decided to go along with the ride. Instead of doing research on her fiance, or seriously thinking the decision through, she asks advice of her friend Olive, who says 'go for it', and so they do. Oh, and by the way, Julian is 41 years older than Advika! Not unusual in Hollywood, but still, ewww.
Advika is grieving the accidental death of her twin sister, she's having challenges making ends meet, and her career has stalled. Marrying Julian would give her a rent free home, someone else's income, and the love that seems to be missing in her life. And she is attracted to him right?
Julian has had 3 other wives, and upon the death of one, the will reveals an unusual request. If Julian's latest bride divorces him, she'll get $1 million dollars and a special film reel. This is where I thought it would get interesting, as Advika finally digs into Julian's past lives and wives. But the dialog seems stilted, she can't make her own decisions, and uses her friends to help her justify her hasty marriage.
Here's one cringe worthy example:
"The curtained windows gave Advika no sense of time, but her appetite came alive like a race car driver gunning the engine of his vehicle."
The big reveal at the end was also a disappointment. Was Julian a horrible, selfish person? Of course, but she could have figured that out long before the reading of the will. Did he manipulate women and their careers to his own advantage? Most powerful men do so that was no newsflash.
At the end the author dedicates this book 'to all the women whose accomplishments have been diminished, their careers unjustly derailed..
This author's' prior book got great reviews so I was really looking forward to this one, but disappointed in the end.

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When I think of books about Hollywood, I think of glitz, glamor, and stardom. While this book had that, it was such an interesting concept to have the book centered around the relationship between Advika, an aspiring screenwriter and Julian, someone 41 years her senior and a very famous, very powerful Hollywood film producer. With it's blend of feminism, mystery, and drama, interspersed with a character driven plot, I cannot say enough good things about this book.

The triumph of this book truly is how the author gets the reader to understand how Advika ended up married to Julian in the first place and the power dynamics that created this relationship. What struck me is the author's ability to make me understand Advika's choices, even if I didn't agree with them. This ability to create that connection, that understanding, was what made this book so compelling and engaging.

This book also speaks to the author's ability to tell a story, especially when it came to her female characters.
Each woman was strong in their own ways, dealing with the power, control, and manipulation of their relationship and carving out a way to gain their identity, in healthy and unhealthy ways. To understand these women, to have their stories told, even fictionally, when so many of these similar stories are dismissed, was another amazing part of this story and another reason why I loved the book so much.

Overall, this was a great story filled with Hollywood intrigue, fantastic writing and storytelling, female empowerment, diversity, and mystery. This book is a must read.

Thank you to Grand Central Publishing and to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Advi (or Addi) finds herself swept up in Julian's world after she meets him at the Governor's Ball. So swept that she marries the director almost immediately, despite some concerns. She's still grieving the death of her twin Anu, missing her parents who have moved back to India, and struggling with her screenplay and Julian's life- well....She knows something's not quite right (he's sooo much older than she is) but then his first ex-wife's will offers her $1 million to divorce him and Addi's off to find out why. The answer to this is more complicated than the rest of the novel (I struggled a bit to understand it). There are several very good characters here, starting with her roomie Olive, but others are ciphers, especially Julian. While I ate this up, I kept wondering where it was going- what was Julian's secret? I also didn't understand why Addi didn't google Julian and his wives earlier (seriously). Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. This has all sorts of vibes (I kept thinking Aggie was going to morph into something evil) but in the end, it's a good read with issues.

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This is like if you took The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and twisted it into a contemporary mystery. Needless to say, I freaking loved it. Advika is by no means the heroine you'd expect - she's an aspiring screenwriter bogged down in catering. But when she meets Julian, she's swept away in a whirlwind romance. As a reader, it was tantalizing watching Advika realize the truth about her husband and work out how to escape his grasp. I can't remember the last time I read a character-motivated mystery, but this one is amazing. For those who loved Dava Shastri's Last Day, the writing style and focus on celebrity is still consistent - I'd argue that the pacing of this book is better and the plot a bit more compelling. Really, just all around applause for Kirthana Ramisetti.

*Thank you to Grand Central Publishing and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

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This title was a lot of fun - I was pulled in by the beautiful cover and the interesting premise.

Here is the setup: Advika is a struggling screenwriter in Hollywood who has lost her twin sister in a tragedy, while being a bartender at an Oscar's after party she meets the award winning director/producer Julian Zelding. Sparks fly from that first meeting and before she knows it she is the 4th Mrs. Zelding. After her marriage a news report breaks that the first Mrs. Zelding has died and left Advika 1M dollars and a mysterious film reel, but only if she divorces Julian. This leads Advi down a path to dig into the history of the past wives of her now husband and see if there is more than what first met her eye.

This was a story I really enjoyed reading. Advi is not someone who you like off the bat, she is 26, she's still figuring her life out, she's self centered, grieving and wrapped up in her world, but you see her grow through that! The subtle things to point out her group of friends and her husband's group was also interesting to me. He and his group would always call her Addi, never mind that she goes by Advi. He is staking his claim and in so subtle ways trying to mold her into what he wants her to be.

I loved how each of the wives had their own story and that the few things I thought/suspected were going to happen didn't. Some of the clichés I was worried about didn't come to pass and the author Ramisetti kept me on my toes throughout.

I found this to be a great read, potentially one to buddy read or read with book group because I would love to discuss this with someone!

I received an ARC of this book from Netgally in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

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I was surprised at how much I liked this book. Normally I judge a romance with such a wide age gap, but I could definitely see what Advika's reasons were for marrying Julian, and how he manipulated her into it. The old hollywood glam was fun, and how we value powerful men in society was made clear. Advika was a flawed character, but you could really feel her pain from the loss of her sister. I also liked that she immediately knew things were wrong, and she trusted her gut when it came to the other ex-wives. This was a quick read, but I couldn't put it down. Thanks to netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an unbiased review.

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This could have been another retailing of Cinderella with a Prince Charming who is 40 years her senior but no mam. No mam! It was so much more. This is a story about strong women, strong supportive friendships, and found family. The writing was also amazing and the story had me hanging on to every word!

Truly loved so many things about this book and I’m so pleased to have gotten it from Netgalley and Grand Central Publishing!

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My Thoughts
This book had everything I enjoy reading about drama, romance, and Hollywood.
We meet Advika a young women who meets Julian a producer at a after party. Julian is much older and more experienced. Soon after meeting their relationship takes a turn and they end up married. But did Advika make a big mistake she finds out more from one of Julian’s ex wife’s who left a message in her will. This is one of those books that you’ll lose sleep over to find out what happens next.
I really enjoyed reading this. Thank You @netgalley

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Advika is an aspiring screenwriter working at celebrity events to get by. When she meets Julian, a much older famous producer, while tending bar after the Oscars, she is immediately swept off her feet, feeling something for someone for the first time since her sister's death. After a whirlwind romance and an odd bequest in an ex-wife's will, she finds herself uneasy about Julian's life before her and his previous marriages, realizing she knows very little about her husband and what she has gotten herself into. I really enjoyed the ending of this. I liked it better than the author's previous book, Dava Shastri's Last Day. 4 stars.

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I was completely sucked into this book! Just like Advika gets pulled into her new husband's mysterious past, I couldn't stop turning the page! It reminded me of some of my favorite elements of Evelyn Hugo and blended together old Hollywood culture and stories with a totally fresh perspective. There were a few elements I would have liked to have seen fleshed out more (friendships repairing, new friendships growing, etc.) and maybe some more aggressive revenge but overall it was a fantastic read.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book, although the ending felt rushed. There’s a lot of time dedicated to getting to know Advika and understanding her circumstances when she first meets Julian, which helps to explain how she got so caught up in his charms. Throughout the book, much as Anu’s voice in Advika’s head cautions her that this is all a little too good to be true, I felt as a reader as if I were just waiting for reality to hit. And boy, when it hits, it hits hard.

As Advika digs into her husband’s pasts, by learning more about his previous wives, the pacing speeds up - it’s like Advika, and the book itself, are on a collision course hurtling toward the climax. To be honest, I was left disappointed by the ending. The showdown between Advika and Julian felt rushed and ultimately unsatisfying, and I was really frustrated by the final chapters.

I love Kirthana Ramisetti’s writing, and felt her portrayal of how Advika is working through her grief after losing her sister was beautifully portrayed. However, I wish the pacing were a bit more consistent. Still a very enjoyable read so I’m rounding up to 4 stars, and I look forward to future books from Ramisetti as she continues to grow as an author.

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I loved Advika and thought she was a wonderful character. Is she a little naïve and makes some questionable choices? Sure, but she's 26 and struggling so it's understandable.

I read this over Oscars weekend, which ended up being perfect, as the story starts at an Oscars after party. The book starts with a charming, whirlwind romance between the struggling Advika and the Oscar winning producer, Julian. But as the relationship progresses, the doubts begin to creep in about how much she actually knows about him. And about his multiple famous ex-wives.

I couldn't put this down. It perfectly combines drama, mystery, and fictional Hollywood gossip to create a captivating story. Advika is a main character you will love and root for, even if occasionally frustrated with her decisions. The story will keep you interested from the first chapter to the last as Advika unravels her new husband's past and discovers why his ex's may think she needs rescuing.

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DNF at 25%

There are a lot of elements about Advika and the Hollywood Wives that I love to read about - Hollywood, twisted relationships, and domestic secrets waiting to be unveiled. However, this book is taking far too long to get to all of those things and neither of the main characters are quite fleshed out enough to hold my interest in getting there. Because of that, I'm making the executive decision to DNF.

Thank you to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for an ARC of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review!

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This book was entirely believable. Unfortunately, when reading a book about a whirlwind Hollywood romance, I was hoping for an unbelievable, salacious story! Everything from the characters to the twists was expected and tied up in a pretty bow. Overall, an entertaining read, but not a good one.

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This was a fun book! It's a bit mystery, a bit family drama, a bit Hollywood gossip...I enjoyed reading about Advita's story as an aspiring screenwriter in LA. While bartending for an Oscars party, she meets Julian, a legendary producer, much older, but still a "silver fox". They embark on a whirlwind romance, but is he too good to be true? Advita becomes curious about his former wives. Why did they all leave Hollywood? As Julian's demands on Advita start suffocating her, she decides to deep dive into the lives of her former wives and finds secrets that shock her. This was fun, and I enjoyed following along as she learned about the ex-wives. However, the ending was unsatisfying to me--there's some threads that were kept hanging and I didn't like seeing where Advita ended up. I couldn't see her having that ending. The writing is excellent, and I definitely want to read more from this author!

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