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Beneath His Silence

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I just finished this amazing book the other day, I couldn't put it down! 🩷 I don't know how Hannah Linder has this much creativity and talent for her books, it feels like I'm watching a movie instead of reading, it's all so vivid in my head, it's incredible. Highly recommend this book! 🩷

*I received an e-ARC copy, all opinions are my own

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I loved that the plot heavily involved the leading man’s son. That isn’t something I see done a lot in Gothic or Regency books.

The drama was perfect for the Gothic genre, and the emotions were rich and deep. I especially enjoyed how complex the plot was–superb for a debut!

My favorite line was: “You cannot think I would laugh at your tears.”

Another favorite was this exchange:
Dorthea: What shall I do if you are killed too? How can I bear such guilt?
Ella: You need not worry. I promise I shall not be murdered.
Dorthea: One usually cannot prevent such a thing.

Content: taverns, profanity, marital affairs, suicidal thoughts, alcohol, gambling

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Wow, wow, wow. Beneath His Silence is incredible. As captivating as the cover is, the pages inside are even more so.

I love all of the Austen vibes and complex characters in this regency mystery! The setting is both comfortable and eerie at the same time.

The mystery, itself, is not terribly difficult, which is actually really nice. It allows you to really focus on the right-now instead of getting overly distractedtrying to solve the puzzle at hand. That said, there is still a definite air of mystery and a lot of unknowns that are revealed as the story progresses.

This is such a stunning debut novel for Hannah Linder and I can't wait to continue reading through her backlist!

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I only read the first few chapters of this book before deciding that I didn't want to read more of it. Part of what I didn't like may have simply been due to the fact that I was reading a galley copy - the format felt unfinished and sloppy, which made for an uncomfortable reading experience. It didn't help that the author made the unfortunate choice to flip back and forth between the perspectives of the two lead characters, without any sort of warning to the reader and even within the same chapters.

To add to this, it didn't feel like the author had a good sense of her historic setting. On one hand, the characters' dialogue felt unnaturally formal in an effort to mimic the style of speech from the era. Rather than giving an air of authenticity to the characters' speech, it came off as awkward. On the other hand, the author displayed a lack of understanding of societal norms by making plot choices such as having the main character literally just show up on a stranger's doorstep with the mention of a long-deceased sister, and then be taken in to stay indefinitely with no further inquiry. She then forms an insta-friendship with said stranger in order for the role of "best friend" to be filled.. These and similar plot choices felt forced and amateurish.

I do wish that I had had the time in my schedule to read this book prior to its publication - I apologize for taking so long to send my feedback that it probably won't be of much help. I do appreciate the opportunity to read this book - it is always an honor to be given a chance to review work! Thank you for allowing me to read and review it!

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A perfectly lovely debut novel into the Christian fiction genre. For fans of the Regency historical era (with Gothic hints), Jane Austen, and Sanditon.

Our heroine Ella is bound and determined to solve her sister's murder -- by posing as a governess in her brothers-in-law's manor. She's quite sneaky, that Ella, wheedling in under his nose, snooping out any clues possible. Why did her sister have to die?

The story does contain inspirational Christian content throughout, and for that, I am happy.

The audiobook is very well narrated. Would recommend for audio listeners.

Looking forward to Hannah Linder's second novel!

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This adventurous historical read took me by surprise I must say as Ella takes on her father’s quest to find out the truth about her sister’s death. There are some bad rumors’ and suspicions about the man who may be responsible. The book cover is really nice.
If you enjoy a good read that has a tad bit of a maddening man in it with some spooky mystery I would suggest this book for you. In the middle of the book I thought I had it figured out, but I was way off.. lol. The hardships that Ella and Henry, and his son Peter experience until they can have peace and love continues to the very end.
I received this book for free from Celebrate Lit Tour and the opinions I express are honest and my own.☕︎

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This book is in the Christian Historical Romance category. I found this book really hard to get into and understand. I tried to read it a few times, however, couldn't seem to get past the 50 page mark. It is a book that is not my regular type read, Gothic Regency Romance that seems to be all over the place or missing something. I couldn't figure out why I couldn't understand the storyline or; why it didn't interest me. I can't recommend because I didn't finish the book, however, if you like this type of writing, then you may enjoy it. It just wasn't my type of book, nothing against the book or story, it is a personal choice.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit Books. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, "Guides Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.

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This is an excellent, atmospheric Gothic romance. I loved the message of faith throughout the story.
Many thanks to Barbour Publishing and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Beneath His Silence

by Hannah Linder

“Gothic-Style Regency Romance” encapsulates Hannah Linder’s new historical fiction novel Beneath His Silence. The beginning of this romance did not appeal to me at all with its mishmash of characters, settings, and mysterious motives. The first part of the book is confusing but gradually straightens itself out into a reasonable plot that continues to tease the reader with questions of who did what to whom and why. With the main male character, Lord Henry Sedgewick, consumed by guilt and admitting his crime, the reader must persevere along with the female protagonist, Ella Pemberton, who struggles to find the truth and control her emotions.

My favorite character is Lord Sedgewick’s son Peter, a loved and lovable lad. Ella assumes a new name and identity and becomes his governess to get into the household and avenge the deaths of her sister and her father.

The ending of the book is packed with action, danger, and heroics. Mysteries and love are revealed, but not without a cost. There are several romantic overtures to Lord Sedgewick who is a widower. The characters’ actions conform to the requirements of the times for the various classes and genders and stand out in stark contrast to expectations for the twenty-first century. The themes of the book revolve around a relationship with God, guilt, and forgiveness. Despite my initial misgivings, I did stay up late to finish what became a page turner.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 3/5

Category: Christian, Historical Fiction, Romance

Publication: November 1, 2022—Barbour Publishing

Memorable Lines:

There’d been no laughter for a long time…But maybe now things would be better. If Miss Woodhart could offer the boy love, if her presence could bring him laughter, if truth of his own mother could forever be kept from his ears…Maybe Peter could escape the punishment. The punishment Henry had brought on them both.

Was this how all inferiors felt? How demeaning to be treated as if one’s presence was not noticed. Had she ever treated anyone thus at Abbingston? Ah, yes. She most certainly had. Not out of meanness, of course, but rather from a lack of thought or consciousness. She resolved to do better in the future.

“I can believe that God created the world,” she whispered, “but how can I believe He is the author of such dreadful circumstances?” “I cannot convince you, Miss Woodhart, nor can I make you believe.” The evening shadows deepened around them. “I can only testify of Him. I am afraid the rest is something you must discover yourself.”

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This story was very well written and kept me on the edge of my seat for the entire ride. This book has intrigue, murder, betrayal, despair, fear, kidnapping, forgiveness and love. What a wild ride!! The story is woven so well to introduce new characters and complete the stories of others. In the end, there is a happy ending but it takes a lot to get to that point for the characters.

This is a new author to me and I am certain it will not be the last book of hers that I enjoy. I can't wait to read more by her.

I was given an arc copy of this book and I willingly offer my honest review.

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This was a strong debut for a new gothic author. I enjoyed this story and trying to find out what is going on and how everything will end.

I was totally captivated in the period and the relationship development between the main characters. And the underlying atmosphere that something dangerous is lurking behind the corner, made this mystery plot one which will keep readers up late at night.

I will read any new books published by this author, and if you enjoy Gothic Regency romance stories, you should read this book.

The audiobook is also very well done if you prefer that version.

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Jane Eyre meets Lizzy Bennet in this thrilling gothic novel!
Beneath His Silence by Hannah Linder is fantastic regency gothic romance filled with mystery and suspense. With a Jane Eyre feel, this book will hold your attention from the start! A Byronic hero haunted by his past, a brave heroine searching for answers to her sisters death, and danger lurking in the shadows. Grab a blanket and a drink read your's today!

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I devoured this book in one day! Wow, this is a debut?! I cannot wait to read more from this author. Beneath His Silence has some amazing Bronte vibes - the perfect amount of imperfect hero coupled with Gothic, spooky scenes. I gobbled it up! Perfect for fans of clean, Regency romance and for historical mystery fans as well!

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Beneath His Silence by Hannah Linder is not your typical romance novel. Instead, it’s a thrilling tale about a woman who is determined to find out what actually happened to her sister and ends up living with the man she believes to have murdered her. This premise alone is enough to keep one turning the pages. But Linder throws in plot twist after plot twist, suspenseful moment after suspenseful moment, heartbreaking emotion after heartbreaking emotion that will make you refuse to put down the novel until you have reached the last sentence.

This book, however, also deals with harsh realities that may be hard to swallow for some. While, for me at least, it made the book that much more interesting and real, it might turn off some readers. This book isn’t for people who like Hallmark-type love stories and are looking for a novel to escape into. Linder dives into deep and hard truths and draws on raw emotion, which includes mental health issues.

Overall, though, I would highly recommend this novel. It combines faith with romance and suspense in a way that I have never experienced before.

I had received a copy of the book as part of the Celebrate Lit Blogging Team and was required to give an honest review.

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First of all! The cover! Beautiful! I loved it and am so glad I was able to read this gorgeous book! I am a huge gothic romance lover! It all started with Jane Eyre and I will read that again and again. This book gave me those same vibes and I loved it! I enjoyed the characters and fell in LOVE with Henry! Someone please make this into a movie and get Henry Cavill to star! Perfect. The story was fast paced and kept me guessing! I love that! I hope that this book gets the accolades it deserves! Way to write a book Ms:. Linder!

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There was so much to enjoy in this debut novel! I loved the gothic feel and definitely felt invested right from the get-go. Some fun twists and turns and, of course, I love me a brooding hero. :) I'm excited to read more from Hannah Linder!

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Ella Pemberton has lost enough and is now determined to find out how her sister Lucy really died. So she does what anyone else would do: assumes an alias and takes on the role of governess for her late sisters son and with her late sisters husband.
Lord Sedgewick is an angry man, angry at his past and angry that his future was chosen for him. He is guilty, sad, angry, yet kind and considerate. He is grateful for the arrival of Miss Woodhart (alias) but keeps his distance, until he finds he doesn't want to.
An atmospheric Regency mystery with a romance (or two) at its center. If you love a Regency romance with multiple tropes, check out this one. While this one is not full of surprises the characters pull you along their story. Henry's pain and hidden compassion and Ella's honest nature and kind heart suck you right in! While I knew to expect a HEA I was eager to find out how Ella and Henry get there.

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Beneath His Silence is a fabulous Regency story with a gothic setting, a well thought mystery, some angst and suspense .

Miss Ella Pemberton wants to find out what's happened to his sister at all costs, even sneaking into the solitary manor on the cliff pretending to be a governess. Will she make Lord Sedgewick confess all his dark secrets?

I liked the characters, they are well charaterised with such strong and clashing personalities, but in the end you can follow the organic blooming of a loving feeling.
My faourite character is Ella, I adored her. She is a woman that doesn't subdue to any man, she is bold and stubborn, at times she is impulsive, but all these and many more traits made me love her and care for her.

"In her moments of greatest despair, she would return to this view. She would open her heart to the beauty, tranquility, and brightness of the endless waves."

This was Hannah Linder debut novel and for me it's a very good begin, I've enjoyed the writing style and the pace. I was shocked for the religious theme at first but my bad because I didn't have seen that this novel was listed as a Christian read.

I recommend it.

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I always look forward to reading a well-crafted Regency romantic suspense, and that is what I found within these pages. As a debut novel, I think this one made a captivating entrance. Ms. Linder’s excellent storytelling skill drew me in from the beginning and held me tight to the end. The intriguing plot flows smoothly with some intriguing twists and turns. Compelling, well-developed characters captured my heart. I could feel the attraction between Henry and Ella despite the anguish, guilt, and doubt. Their slow-building, unlikely romance is enthralling. I appreciate the strong, inspiring faith thread woven throughout the story. I totally enjoyed this book and highly recommend it. I plan to read more from this author.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Beneath His Silence had a gothic and Jane Eyre feel. The reader is introduced into a manor that hides secrets and lies. A young lady comes to find the truth about her sister Lucy's murder and ends up as the governess. Lord Sedgewick hides secrets and contempt for society. His one and only concern is the care of his son.

The plot is a storm that is fueled by hatred. There are many times that the characters judge others unjustly. Emma is the perfect example. She comes with the notion that she knows what life was like in the home and that Lord Sedgewick murdered her sister. Lord Sedgewick has developed a persona that is aloof and uncaring. Something that he has spent years creating. The storm subsides as the characters get to know each other, but there are still secrets residing in the manor.

I was intrigued by the story and grew to love the characters, imperfections, and all. The story was an example of forgiveness, of oneself and others. Emma scoffs at religion, but as she grows to trust Lord Sedgewick, she begins to heal and believe. I enjoyed their interaction and the sweet romance that grew between them.

Underneath all of this, there is still the issue of Lucy's death and the mystery of someone "imprisoned" in a room in the manor. If you enjoy mystery and the power of secrets, you might want to read this book.

Source: I received a complimentary copy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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