Member Reviews

This book was a whirlwind adventure in Ireland and I read it easily in a few hours.

Carla is in Ireland for her best friend's wedding (Anna and Keane from Float Plan, book 1 of the series) and she immediately kisses Eamon (Keane's brother) in a pub when he picks her up to drive her to the wedding.

They have an immediate connection and decide to take some off-road adventures on the way there. It starts at a fling until feelings become involved. I loved their side journeys, especially the run in with the bull, and loved them just having so much fun.

There are also some sad parts as Carla's dad has dementia so she eventually goes home after so much of traveling the world to spend (what turns out) to be his last days. I cried, I admit.

I also love the end where Carla and Eamon travel the world together.

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Will travelling the world ever bring peace to someone who only knows how to run away from problems?

Carla has been off-roading in her Jeep, backpacking and camping where she can, and basically living life to its fullest, all because her father told her not to come home and watch him slowly get sicker. In Ireland, where her best friend is getting married, Carla finally finds a reason to stop running.

This rom-com was funny, tender, and erotic rolled into an emotional rollercoaster. The epiphanies that Carla has while on her adventures are insightful and brings the reader on a trip as well, just not the outdoor kind. Carla’s background with her father was well rounded, and the reader couldn’t help but also share in her painful experiences. A tear jerker at times, but the tears were more happy than sad ones.

This ARC was provided by the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest response.

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"Off the Map" was everything I wanted from Trish Doller. I loved her characters in "Float Plan", so I was eager to meet Carla and Eamon. And they did not disappoint.

We get the most adventurous opposites attract couple that has me grabbing my passport because someone take me to Ireland stat.

The book is such an easy read. You get wrapped up in road trip shenanigans, a peak into what the characters in "Float Plan" are up to, and there are moments of tender growth for both Carla and Eamon that I found heartwarming.

You don't have to read the books in order, but as always, I find that if you do, you'll enjoy the journey for each character -- current and past.

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Thank you for the advanced copy of this book. My reviews can be read on my GoodReads account here:

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This one just didn’t have the same feel as the first two books in the series. Float Plan and The Suite Spot just absolutely transported me away to other places while reading and the characters and storylines were so captivating. Unfortunately, Off the Map fell short. It was a fast, easy read but the insta-love was a bit much. I don’t really have much more to say than it was just okay.

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I vibe so little with a personality full of wanderlust and adventure, my favorite weekends are ones where I don't leave my house at all. So reading about a couple who spent the whole book being spontaneous and adventurous what honestly kind of weird because I couldn't relate at all. It became clear they were both running away from something rather than toward something so it did become more relatable, but of the 3 in this series this was my least favorite for that reason. I couldn't even pretend I related to the character's for a lot of the book which makes it hard for me to love a book.

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Carla Black has spent her life travelling the world. She's visited every national park in the US and is now moving on to the rest of the world This time she is on her way to Dublin to her best friend's wedding. When she meets her ride (Eamon) at a pub, she realizes that she needs to help him loosen up and take an adventure.

This is a fun book, a pretty typical rom-com story. Predictable, but still a pleasant read. The best part is the story of the relationship between Carla and her father who is battling Alzheimer's. The angst and emotion expressed in their relationship is realistic and touching. The romance between Eamon and Carla is sweet and cute, but definitely no surprises there. A great "beach read" and a pleasant "vacation" in Ireland, but overall nothing special.

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Off the Map by Trish Doller. Pub Date: March 3, 2023. Rating: 3 stars. Even though I have not read the other two novels in this series, I still found it easy to navigate and a nice rom-com. Set in Ireland, this is a wild journey of a road trip in which the woman is teamed up with a male who is supposed to drive her to her best friend's wedding. Tension and chemistry galore, this book leaves the reader with some swoon worthy scenes and longing to visit the landscape of Ireland. Love can present in all shapes and places and this book is a great example of this. Thanks to #netgalley and #stmartinspress for this e-arc in exchange for my honest review. #offthemap

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As easy Beach Read for sure. Carla Black is heading to Ireland to attend her best friends wedding. She is being met in Dublin by the best man, Eamon, they choose a local pub to meet at, they'll spend the night at his place, and then he'll drive her across the country to Tralee where the wedding is being held. At the pub the two instantly hit it off. I don't know if I'd call this insta-love but it is definitely insta-lust for sure. These two are already between the sheets after a couple of hours and a couple of drinks. The plot is a bit predictable and the insta bedding with no lead up was a bit dumped on the reader. Then to believe it is not a one night stand and they travel/attend the wedding seems strange and provides a poor reflection of American women and women in general. I really wanted to like it but it fell a bit flat for me. Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Griffin, and the author.

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Trish Doller is on my list of romance authors to look out for. I was introduced to her through Float Plan and was quickly enchanted. Her writing is a very trendy modern woman's POV with a heavy dose of humor. I love getting into the inner monologues of the characters.

Off the Map is brimming with adventure, sassy characters, and wholesome fun. Carla and Eamon's growth as a couple and individually enriched the storyline.

I am not usually a fan of the insta-love but seeing how they complement each other, providing strength and reassuring the other gave me hope that true love does exist outside of the pages of a book.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review. You can check out my IG for more shenanigans @jessicareadsit.

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I really wanted to like this one more than I did. The premise sounded good - we all have a bit of wanderlust in us. But the main characters feel into bed just a few hours after meeting, which seemed a bit unrealistic for me. I did like how spunky the protaganist is, but this one just didn't hit the mark for me.

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This was so fun on audio! I loved the main character and was rooting for her as she made her way across Ireland. I also loved Eamon, my kind of book boyfriend!

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Doller has her own distinct writing. This book was full of cutesy, "aww" moments, in a foreign country. I love the way her main characters may find love, but first and foremost come to find and learn more about themselves.

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I really loved Float plan, but I feel like this series has gotten progressively worse. This one just really wasn’t for me and I was pretty bored with the lack of character development. Thank you netgalley for my free review copy.

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Carla Black has grown up following the lifestyle she learned from her dad – traveling the world in her vintage Jeep, following his motto of, “Here for a good time, not for a long time.” Her dad was diagnosed with dementia several years ago, but at his insistence, she continues traveling. Now she is headed to Ireland for her best friend’s wedding. Eamon Sullivan works as a cartographer but is unhappy with his job, wishing he could travel to some of the places he maps out. When Eamon is asked to pick Carla up in Dublin and drive her across Ireland to his brother’s wedding, the two take some detours, exploring their chemistry and the Irish countryside.

This is the third book of the Beck sister series but can be easily read as a standalone. My favorite part of this book was the time Carla spent with her dad. Carla and Eamon had insta-love, and then it seemed like it was just lucky that they both had personalities that could help where the other person needed to grow and both desire to travel the world. While it was nice not to see a couple struggle as much as some romance books do, I felt like it made the reader that much less invested in their relationship. This was an enjoyable book but likely won’t be one that sticks out in my mind.

Many thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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I loved this book! It's well-written, enjoyable, and a great read. The author did a great job of writing in a way that captures the readers attention, and makes you not want to put it down until you're finished! I would highly recommend it!

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Thank you for a review copy of this book. I went into this book completely blind and I am glad I did! This book was soooo good. I had a lot of laugh out aloud moments as well as moments that brought tears to my eyes. Both characters were so well suited to each other. I enjoyed the writing as well as the pacing of the story. Overall, a very enjoyable read! I can't wait to read more books by this author.

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A lovely send off to the Beck sisters series! This one is absolutely instalove, but it's so well done that I don't even mind. I loved getting to see Ireland with Carla, and Eamon is just dreamy.

Plus, it's Trish Doller. So you know it's going to be well written and thought out.

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Thank you NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. I read the other books in this series and enjoyed them all. This book continued the theme of the love of travel that began in Float Plan and The Suite Spot, as well as the importance of family and friends. All three books really conveyed the fun of travel and the way it can expand your world, and they all also featured strong romantic relationships. In each book, the main female character has to figure out what is most important to her, and then work towards the life she wants. I loved all the characters in Off the Map and feel like it’s just a matter of going into the right restaurant/bar in Fort Lauderdale to see one of the Beck sisters and their friend Carla. I strongly recommend this book if you are looking for a book that deals with serious topics but is still light and fun to read.

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I am such a big fan of Trish Doller. Her stories are always so heartwarming, cute, and feel like a big hug. Off the Map was no different and did not disappoint! I loved the spice, characters, and sense of adventure. A quick read that gave me exactly what I was expecting and wanted.

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