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The Collected Regrets of Clover

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I received this copy of The Collected Regrets of Clover, for an honest review from Net Galley and St Martins press.

Wow. What a beautifully written story. Mikki Brammer really wrote something bittersweetly beautiful. I loved it from start to finish. This book wasn’t a book you’ll read in one sitting ( okay it may be) but for me I took a slow pace, taking in the life of Clover, a death doula. From the beginning I was pulled in from start to finish. I was indulged in rhe story. Especially the main focus of one character Claudia. That’s where the story really begins and sends Clover to understand her life more. This read is absolutely brilliant!

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Very emotional, touching book about Clover, who is a death doula. I have heard of birth doulas before, but not a death doula. Basically it is the same thing. A birth doula welcomes a baby into the world, (somewhat like a midwife, I suppose, but not the actual birthing). A death doula helps a person dying. They assist a person with getting closure and to a place of peace. They help finalize practical things like a last will, but it is more to help the person accept dying and come to terms with what they did or did not do, in their lives. It is a beautiful story encompassing difficult subject matters of death, loneliness, grief, dysfunctional families, bullying, and people that are labeled misfits.

I would classify it as a Women's fiction book, I suppose. Clover has lived most of her life basically as a loner, and now in her mid-thirties, after her grandfather has died (he raised her when her parents died, when she was 6 years old), finds herself very lonely, but doesn't know how to make friends, feels awkward talking to people, never has fit into the crowd. It is the story of an amazing woman, at a point when she wants a change in her life, but is afraid to make the change.

So often while reading, the author was expressing my exact feelings about life. Making the same statements I often tell myself. I felt such a connection to Clover, which I suppose could be a good thing, or not, depending on the characteristic I was identifying with. Sometimes while reading, I research things in the book, and this was one of those times. Clover goes to Death Cafes and yes, they are a real thing. Very interesting and needed in our society that often does not want to talk about this event that will come to us all.

A huge thank you St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for giving me the immense pleasure of reading the advance reader copy, with no obligation to write a review. My review is written freely as a hobby, and is totally my own opinion, not influenced by receiving the ARC.

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Clover is a death doula, someone who like a doula to women giving birth, helps a dying person through the end of their lives. Unlike hospice workers (people I admire immensely who can administer medication and provide assistance with the activities of daily life), death doulas primarily listen or just sit with their clients. The difference between hospice personnel and death doulas is a bit hard to describe except to observe that the doula is there to provide emotional support and to help their clients tie up any loose ends before dying. I had the pleasure of meeting one once and had kind of an idea of what they did.

It’s fair to say that death doulas are shepherds of the dying, and Clover is a magnificent example of these fabulous people. She only takes on one client at a time, and devotes as much time to that person as needed. The story primarily involves one particular client who she meets through her grandson, Sebastian, at a “death cafe”.

While Clover is brilliant at helping people express their regrets and other feelings, which she catalogs in journals after they are gone, she’s dismal at having a life of her own. Raised by her grandfather from the age of six after her globe-trotting parents are killed in an accident. she lives in the apartment she inherited after he died. The bits about her life with her grandfather reminded me of Frederik Backman’s brilliant book, My Grandmother Told Me to Tell You She’s Sorry, not so much in content but in style. The grandparents in each of these books are loving and delightful people, who also have a lot of secrets that are revealed later. Clover has kept the apartment exactly as it was for her entire life, and to say it sounds depressing is an understatement.

Clover has one friend, Leo, who was a friend of her grandfather, and with whom she plays mah jong. Her other companions are a dog and two cats. She has told herself that she likes her life just the way it is, thank you very much, and “I don’t need any friends and actually run away if someone tries to befriend me.” But her life begins to unfold after she meets Sebastian and his grandmother, and after a new neighbor in the apartment building won’t take no for an answer when it comes to befriending Clover.

I can’t summarize the story except to say that it is a remarkable story of life and death, and allowing oneself to truly experience what is in the middle - romance, friendship, trying new things, and adventures. The writing is outstanding and every single character has depth and many dimensions. Ms. Brammer most definitely has a gift, and she has written a story that I will not soon forget.

Thanks go to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the profound experience of reading this lovely and wonderful book as an ARC. I would give it infinite stars if I could.

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I'm so glad to have taken a chance on this novel. A death doula isn't my typical vibe, but this was beautiful. It reminded me of so many other books - specifically A Man Called Ove and Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting. This book was all of the things I loved about those books.
I do feel like there was a missed opportunity for Clover to eventually lead her own death cafe. From her not speaking at the beginning, I think it would have been a fitting growth opportunity for her to run one.
Thank you very much to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this amazing debut.

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Having working in hospice, I have encountered patients that often express their own regrets or things they would do differently. After reading the Collected Regrets of Clover, I felt a strong connection with Clover and her work as a death doula. The writing and story reminds me of all I wish I could've done when I was in hospice and what I can do for the future. The writing is easy to follow and the author illustrates Clover's world through a relatable lens. This novel was an excellent tribute to not only death and facing death, but to life and the importance of living life to your fullest.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC.

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The best book I’ve read in a very long time. Kudos to the author for her debut novel! Betting this book will be in the top 3 for debut authors when eligible in the GoodReads readers choice awards (wish it were this year but the publication date is June 2023).

I was not familiar with death duhlas until I read Jodi Picoult's The Book of Two Ways. (Skip Jodi's book and read this one! How is that for a recommendation?!?!?!)

Clover's parents died unexpectantly when she was six and was raised by her grandpa. Even at a young age, Clover was there providing comfort for the dying.

I don't want to give away too much of the storyline. The author (Mikki Brammer) develops characters that you will love. I'm not a crier (and I didn't cry), but I did get pretty choked up at one point.

Loved The Collected Regrets of Clover. Now following the author. Please keep writing. Bummed the advance review copy did not have anything about the author.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read the advance read copy of The Collected Regrets of Clover in exchange for an honest review. Once again, thank you for introducing me to a "new-to-me" author. Also many thanks to the author Mikki Brammer and the publisher St. Martin's Press for approving my advance read request.

Book setting is New York City.

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what a lovely, touching story on death! — not a sentence i ever imagined myself putting together, but maybe that’s the point… this book put a spotlight on something our western society has taught us to fear and ignore, and as the plot progressed, i felt clover’s insights, compassion, and gentleness slowly work at breaking down that barrier. poignant yet uplifting and thought-provoking, “the collected regrets of clover” explores clover’s relationships (platonic, familial, and romantic) as she learns to transform her life full of regrets to a life full of love and risk-taking. my only critique is that the characters tend to feel more flat when they are in casual conversation. in my opinion, the author really shines when it comes to delving into deeper topics rather than the subtle nuances that are involved in fleshing out minor interactions.

overall, i really do recommend this book! i got so attached to the characters that i cried several times towards the end! 4/5 stars, but 5/5 would recommend!!

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The Collected Regrets of Clover is a wonderfully written book about a little known profession – death doula. A death doula, is similar to a birth doula. Birth Doulas usher new lives into the world and prepare the mom, death doulas prepare the person dying for the journey of death.

From a young age Clover has known death. In kindergarten it was her teach who died reading Petter Rabbit, then as she was a little older, it was her parents. An orphan, Clover finds herself living with her grandfather who mainly keeps to himself. Clover never feels like she belongs but feels a calling helping people pass into the next life. Clover ends up spending so much time with the dying, that she doesn’t have any time for the living and she never makes any meaningful connections until a feisty elderly lady enters her life and Clover sets off to uncover a forgotten love story. Will she learn to find love and make friendships? Or will she lack the courage to put herself out there.

This book was simply lovely. It was a wonderful telling and I loved following Clover on her self discovery journey. This book made me think of the lovely hospice volunteer that sat with my grandma during her final days, now after reading this, she could have been called a death doula. People with this profession may not be well know, but they touch many lives.

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to @netgalley and @stmartinspress for my e-ARC in exchange for this totally honest review. I cannot recommend this book enough. Please place it on your radar for next May.

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This was a truly wonderful story. While is skilled at helping people pass from this life she has never really known how to live her own life. As someone who has had the honor and privilege to attend death, it is a very moving and powerful experience. Beautifully written with well developed characters, this book deals with the topic of death in the most natural way and one that should really be discussed more openly.

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Thank you to St Martin’s Press and NetGalley for sending me an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

What a beautiful story of dealing with loss, regrets and living life to the fullest. Clover feels such guilt over not being with her Grandfather when he dies that she devotes her life to assisting others express their dying thoughts and wishes. In doing so she stops taking chances and living her own life. It can be difficult to take chances in life and I enjoyed her journey as she struggles to let friendships in and face her fears.

Overall a lovely light hearted take on a subject that many people avoid. I really loved this thought provoking book and highly recommend it!

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Our main character is Clover Brooks, a thirty-six-year-old death doula raised by her maternal grandfather in New York City after her parents died in accident when she was six. She lives in her late grandfather’s apartment and her only friend is her elderly neighbor, Leo, who has known her since she was a child. Clover has chosen to live a vicarious life, simultaneously fearing and longing for human connection. As her little world closes in on her, she takes a chance at friendship with her new neighbor Sylvie, whose zest for life leads her to new realizations about her own. A chance encounter leads her to elderly Claudia, who regrets the road not taken back when she was a young, aspiring photographer. As her time with Claudia shortens, Clover seeks to find a degree of peace for Claudia embarking on a road trip to meet her lost love. In the process, Clover faces the motives and regrets that led her to her chosen path and must decide whether it is too late to live the life she longs to live.

This was a hopeful, life-affirming read and a celebration of life. We get to see Clover’s world through her eyes and experience her fears and hopes. New York City is the perfect backdrop to her story; a vibrant city full of lonely people. She is a self-aware introvert that despite all her past disappointments and heartache, resolves to evolve and try the human connection she has not yet fully realized she needs. In the process, she is guided by the love of friends and her collection of her patients’ advice and end-of-life regrets. A beautiful novel, the author provides meaningful reflections about loneliness, grief, death, and second chances. The story moved me in ways that will not be easy to forget. I highly recommend it.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing me with a free digital copy to review this book prior to its release.

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This was such a wonderful book! Clover is the gentle, sweet, and thoughtful protagonist that we all crave in the soft hearted feel good stories we crave when the world outside is heavy with sadness. I imagine this book will be a big hit among those that enjoyed The Midnight Library, The Measure, and The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot. Thanks so much for a chance to read an early copy of this book! I really enjoyed it.

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The Collected Regrets of Clover by Mikki Brammer was an amazing novel! Clover is a death doula who has isolated herself in her late grandfather's apartment in NYC after his death, In her mid 30s, she's never dated, kissed a man or had a close friend, aside from her grandfather's friend Leo, who lives in the building. When a new tenant, Sylvia moves in, she's forced to make a friend, then a new client, Claudia and her grandson Sebastian make Clover question all that she's done, or hasn't done in her life.

I loved this novel, it was just perfect! Interesting characters wrestling with interesting problems. I also find the profession of the death doula fascinating...something I could never do! Thank you to the author, St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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I wasn't sure what to expect when I read the synopsis for this book, but I was pleasantly surprised as I was reading it. The author did a great job handling such a heavy topic and trying to normalize it for the reader, just as it is for the main character. The story teaches us about living our life without regrets and living life to the fullest. It's definitely going to stick with me for a long time. Looking forward to what other novels the author writes.

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This book was so beautiful to read. I was captivated by the story throughout the entire book, never once finding a lull to overcome. I was drawn to the character of Clover and found myself feeling sorry for the pain and loneliness she felt her whole life. Her unlovable view of herself left her in a tension between moving forward with her life and being stuck in the isolation she built for herself. Her dedication to her work as a “death doula” arises not only out of her own curiosity, but also due to her own pain in regard to death. The descriptions of New York, included in memories with her grandfather as well as her present reality as a woman in her 30s, lets the reader step inside the bustling streets and city dwellings. The message of this book was painted throughout the pages and leaves the reader wanting to live the most out of their life, without fear and without regrets. Death is such a nuanced experience, and this author paints it beautifully as Clover reflects on each of her clients in her book of Regrets. Truly a magical book and one I believe everyone should read.

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The Collected Regrets of Clover by Mikki Brammer (May 9, 2023)

Death has always been a part of Clover Brooks’ life; she watched her kindergarten teacher die during story time and her parents died in a tragic accident shortly after. After Clover’s beloved grandfather dies alone, Clover becomes a death doula, who aims to ease the transition from life to death for terminal patients and provide companionship. Clover journals the life lessons and regrets of the people she’s helped, trying to both atone for their wrongdoings and right their regrets for a life not fully lived. When Clover helps a dying elderly woman get closure for a long-lost love story, she learns to live well and love.

The Collected Regrets of Clover feels both novel and nostalgic; the beginning of the story deals with death through the eyes of a child in a way reminiscent of Lemony Snicket, Clover’s upbringing with her grandfather and elderly neighbor calls to mind A Man Called Ove, the themes explored are reminiscent of Tuck Everlasting, and the character Clover would be fast friends with Tova of Remarkably Bright Creatures. Clover is a loveable character and is well-developed; the reader can appreciate how Clover’s tragic experiences have shaped her personality and lifestyle. Brammer’s descriptions of the advice and regrets of terminal patients teach universal lessons of love and the meaning of life. The Collected Regrets of Clover is a love story; it explores romantic love, love for friends, family, strangers and pets, self-love, and love for the human experience.

I adored The Collected Regrets of Clover! It is a charming quick read with loveable characters and a unique plot. I highly recommend The Collected Regrets of Clover to readers who enjoy realistic fiction, books with the themes of death and finding yourself, and love stories. If you liked Remarkably Bright Creatures, give this one a try!

Thank you to NetGalley and Grand St. Martin’s Press for providing an advance reader copy for purpose of unbiased review.

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I'm very happy that I took a chance on this debut novel that is somewhat out of my wheelhouse. The author did a great job bringing the characters to life, and I found many of the issues related to end of life very thought-provoking. Although the book could have been depressing, it was handled in a way that was more life-affirming. I appreciated that the events of the book took unexpected turns. This unique book has left me with lots to think about, and I think it will stay with me for a long time. I believe the book would be a great choice for book discussion groups, and I highly recommend it.

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This was a wonderful book about death and how people grieve. All people process things differently and Clover, a death doula, helps people not be alone as they pass from this life to another. Finding friendship and love in the end really kept me going to see what would happen next for Clover.

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This is a sensitive, insightful beautifully told journey by the main character who happens to be a death doula in NYC.
Clover's calling is to assist her clients to "the other side" and fulfill their final wishes. She listens without judging and truly cares. She will not let them die alone.
She will not allow her emotions to get in the way of her job. She just can't.
However- in the process she has forgotten to care about herself. her feelings and has stayed a loner.
"Don't let the best parts of life pass you by because you're too scared of the unknown." This is from Clover's journal that was spoken to her by a client she had cared for.
Can she perhaps learn to love, care for herself and move forward with her life? How do you do this?
This is one lovely, unique story that I believe everyone needs on their bookshelf. It is well done with incredible detail to feelings, fears and hope.
I was a hospice nurse and i can guarantee that it is great!

I look forward to anything this author will write next.
Thank you NetGalley and to St. Martin's Press for this ARC and allowing me to read and provide my own review. Well done!

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Quirky and whimsical, with a heroine you root for and a compelling plot! I loved the pacing and story, and sympathized with Clover throughout her journey. Very feel-good and makes you want to live life to the fullest.

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