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How I'll Kill You

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WOWWWW. This was a wild freaking ride!! I loved it SO much. It was super dark, but the way the narrator tells it, makes it seem almost normal – which then makes it feel even darker! It also has a lot of romance and some steamy scenes which I wasn’t expecting but made it a lot of fun. The ending of this was absolutely perfect but I have so many questions! And I think that’s the brilliance of this book! Thank you so much to Berkeley for sending me an early copy of this in exchange for an honest review.

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The author has quite the imagination to create this unique and crazy story. Through the eyes of Sissy, readers will see into the minds of the identical triplets as they plot to kill their next victim. Dark thriller! Twisted!

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And now…..

Back to my regularly scheduled dramatic rants on my love for blood, guts, gore, twists and shrills.

Well, lookey on over here for a book that checks off every box on my twisty little soul sucking list.


How Ill Kill You

I have read this book twice already . Repeating this read feeds my soul . It’s beyond disturbing, twisted, dark and has given me nightmares since the first time I read it. This is will be my go to book suggestion for anyone who asks for the most traumatic book I have ever read . This is one of those books everyone says they can handle and then the minute they conclude they find their hands shaking in fear . I won’t lie to you. There was no “walks around the neighborhood” for months after this one .

So although you may call yourself a psychological thriller lover please proceed with caution, this is not the book for anyone looking for a boy meets girl and maybe gets annoyed and disappears for a bit kind of thing .

I have searched the Internet far and wide from the shock of finding out this was a debut . Ren DeStefano writes with such talent you would believe they have wrote their entire lives . Move over James Patterson we have a new author to idolize.

I now have not only a new favorite book but also a new author to obsess over

Teaser :

Your next stay-up-all-night thriller, about identical triplets who have a nasty habit of killing their boyfriends, and what happens when the youngest commits their worst crime yet: falling in love with her mark.

Make him want you.
Make him love you.
Make him dead.

Sissy has an...interesting family. Always the careful one, always the cautious one, she has handled the cleanup while her serial killer sisters have carved a path of carnage across the U.S. Now, as they arrive in the Arizona heat, Sissy must step up and embrace the family pastime of making a man fall in love and then murdering him. Her first target? A young widower named Edison—and their mutual attraction is instant. While their relationship progresses, and most couples would be thinking about picking out china patterns and moving in together, Sissy’s family is reminding her to think about picking out burial sites and moving on.

Then something happens that Sissy never anticipated: She begins to feel protective of Edison, and before she can help it, she’s fallen in love. But the clock is ticking, and her sisters are growing restless. It becomes clear that the gravesite she chooses will hide a body no matter what happens; but if she betrays her family, will it be hers?

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This was a really unique read and I loved that the premise of this thriller was very different than other books I have read. You go into this knowing that the sisters are killers and yet, you still end up caring about them and sympathizing with them throughout the book.

Jade takes you on a wild ride as she picks her victim Emerson, who she’ll fall in love with and then do what her and her sisters do, kill him. But Jade’s plans get thwarted along the way for her first kill as she develops real feelings for Emerson and wonders if she could have a life with him, while still keeping her sisters in her life. Jade has always done what everyone had asked of her, so despite her character flaw of being a potential murderer, watching her discover herself and standing up for what she wanted her life to be like was a great journey.

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The premise sounded very interesting, but I just couldn't engage with the story. I tried on a few occasions, hoping it'd get better for me, but it never did. I didn't care for the writing style, and there was far more romance than I expected for the genre. It was also quite predictable.

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Fast-paced and voicey I thoroughly enjoyed this dark thriller about a set of triplet serial killers who go to a small town to find their next mark. I've never read anything quite like it!

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Iris, Moody, and Sissy are triplets who were torn from each at the age of five by the foster system, a system that broke their spirit and hardened them. Iris and Moody have already killed. Sissy was there to clean up after them so they’d never be caught. They move from city to city, adopting new identities as they go. This time, it’s Sissy’s turn to kill. They have rules. She’ll have six months to make her target fall in love with her before she murders him.

What she didn’t anticipate was falling for him herself. Even as she falls deeper in love with him, she imagines how she’ll end his life and cover her tracks. She’s sure that her feelings for him are just because she knows their time together is short.

This story is original, but I didn’t particularly enjoy it. It was a novel that when I put it down, I had to force myself to pick up so I could finish it and get to another book. I think that’s because while I have empathy for what they went through as children, no matter how damaged you’ve been by the system, slaughtering people makes no sense. I simply couldn’t relate to Jade, as Sissy calls herself when she gets to Arizona to seduce Edison.

Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this novel, which RELEASES MARCH 21, 2023.

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DeStefano’s debut novel caught my attention from the first page. The premise - identical triplets that happen to be serial killers - was intriguing, but what really kept me captivated was the intricacies of each of the women, and their histories. Born and left on the side of the road, the children spent their lives being raised separately in foster care, only to be reunited occasionally in group homes. When they were just 19, they had their first kill. Each woman had their own specific niche when it came to the kill - Iris was in love with the man who scorned her. Moody was the one who killed him. And Jade, our main character, always cleans up the mess - both literally and figuratively.

As the sisters moved on to new marks, Jade always cleaned up the messes. But now they are in Arizona and it’s Jade’s turn to pick a mark - her first love, her first kill. She has 6 months to make it happen. To make her mark fall in love with her and then murder him, with her sisters left to clean up the mess. Except Jade does the unspeakable - she makes friends in their new town. And she actually begins to have feelings for her mark. Which is something the triplets <b>never</b> do.

<i>How I'll Kill You</i> is an imaginative, thrilling, and fascinating novel that explores the relationships between siblings that always had to fend for themselves - and the demented relationships that come from murder and mayhem.

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I think this book has a really great title and concept. The author has done a really great job in supporting the concept and I look forward to more from her.

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How I'll Kill You is such a unique read and had I known it would be a bit of a mashup between thriller and romance I may not have wanted to read it. I'm so glad I went into this blind because the story is original, intriguing, and really hard to put down!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advance reader copy of this book. This was a fabulous first book by DeStefano. She has the ablility to surprise a reader who has read loads of psychological thrillers. This family of serial killers is super fun to read about. 5 stars and please write more similar novels

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This book was so good. A story about three sister growing up and having to deal with being in foster care and the horrors of it. I liked their moto love ‘em and kill ‘em before they can hurt you. The ending of the book was so awesome

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Let me start by saying this is not my usual type of book. That said, identical triplet women who all kill their boyfriends - wow! Then one of the women decides she likes the man she is supposed to kill. Wow!

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Darkness. Part romance. Part thriller. Part delving into family trauma. Three sisters abandoned as babies dealt with the horrors of foster care grew up to become murderers. Their motto: love 'em and kill 'em before they can hurt you. When the youngest is setting up for her first kill you will dive between the pages for this wild ride.

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OMG I absolutely adore this book. It is exactly what would have happened if Nora Ephron wrote the script for Dexter. Its deliciously dark and sumptuously steamy and I could not stop the pages from turning just to see how it would all end. Sissy and her sisters Moody and Iris are triplets that were found abandoned in their strollers as babies. All of their lives all they have had is each other (and a very dark secret). None of their boyfriends live to tell the tale of ever knowing them and they are gone before things can catch up to them. When the sisters arrive in Arizona its time for sissy to choose her first but the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray. This is a Steller debut novel that defies genres and expectations. If you have ever found yourself looking for a dark/romance/mystery/ thriller than look no further than How I'll Kill you. I look forward to see what Ren will come up with next because this one blew me away.

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Female identical triplet serial killers. Is there anything left to say? This story had SUCH an interesting and twisted premise.

Three sisters abandoned as babies dealt with the horrors of foster care grew up to become murderers. Their motto: love 'em and kill 'em before they can hurt you.

What happens when one of the triplets is tasked with making her first kill only to fall in love (for real) with her target?

HOW I'LL KILL YOU showcases a lot of themes about love and belonging: family loyalty, new love, innocent love, love gone wrong, friendship … there were so many different types of love our main character experienced.

Of course, the book is as dark as one would expect with this title and premise. Part-romance, part-thriller HOW I'LL KILL YOU keeps the reader hanging on because you just know the main character is going to have to make some tough decisions when it comes time to make her first kill.

I thought the story was a bit longer than it needed to be, but the pacing was good and it kept me on edge the entire book.

Thank you NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for an e-copy of HOW I'LL KILL YOU to review.

I rate HOW I'LL KILL YOU four out of five stars.

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In addition to my house cover addiction, I have to confess that if you put “kill” in the title, there’s about a 112% chance Imma want to read it. If for no other reason than to carry it around the office so others can see it while waiting for their turn at the coffee bar or the copy machine . . . .

Last week I read How to Kill Men and Get Away With It, then I read this, and coming soon it’s Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone. Ahhhhhhh, it’s like hanging out with my besties.

This selection was absolutely a had me at hello with the premise of triplets who spend their free time murdering their boyfriends. And having it not be all about the gore or twists and turns was once again super satisfying to my hate-everything lately self.

Sissy has always had the role of the “cleaner” when it comes to her sisters’ shenanigans, but now it’s her turn. She’s identified her mark and now has a maximum of six months to make him fall in love with her before offing him, disposing of his body and moving on to the next. It’s her time and she’s ready . . . until she starts catching some feels.

This slow roller didn’t include a lot of shock and awe, but it kept me engaged right from the jump and I read it in a day. There was a bit of jumping of the shark with the added neighbor narrative muddying up the waters, but for the most part I really enjoyed this one. 3.5 Stars and rounding up because I’m full of the holiday spirit.

ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Sissy, Iris, and Moody are identical triplets who have all killed men they loved. Well, all except Sissy. But it's her turn now. She's picked her mark and is ready to make her move. After all, Iris and Moody couldn't have gotten away with their crimes if she hadn't helped cover it up.

Well, if I'm a little dazed at work this morning it's because I had to stay up last night to finish this thrill ride! It sounded a little farfetched to start with but I was soon drawn in to Sissy's world. Her internal struggle and conflict along with the thrill and twists in the story kept the suspense and stakes high for the reader.

Highly recommend this for fans of suspense and thrillers who aren't afraid of a little romance and obsession in the mix (fans of "You"). I'm excited to share this one with others!

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Sissy knows two things in life: her two identical sisters are the only people she loves and trusts…and serial killing is their way of life.

They set their mark, they fall in love, and before there can be any heartbreak, they murder their lover.

It is Sissy’s first chance to kill and she’s found her victim. But then something strange happens, she starts to imagine a life with her new love and she doesn’t think she can kill him. Her sisters won’t allow for that so she must make the choice: the only family she’s ever known, or a chance of future where she’s not always running.

This book had great suspense and the main character was wonderfully manipulative. She is part of a pack of serial killers and preparing for her kill, but somehow you root for her. Even after choosing a mark that is completely innocent of any wrongdoing. Her journey from seductress to someone genuinely in love is believable and her torment palpable. Her sisters, while identical, are also completely flushed out characters who have unique personalities.

Overall a really enthralling read.

For fans of You by Caroline Kepnes.

As it is a story about killers, there is violence.

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How Ill Kill You is a fun, fast-paced, thrill ride. I love serial killer stories, I love sibling stories, so combine the two and you have a recipe for success. Then, add a hint of romance and you made yourself a five star potion. I love the inclusion of a abandonment of our triplets, it added an extra layer to the story that otherwise I felt would be lacking. I absolutely loved this book and think everyone should run to get their hands on it.

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