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Thank you to Boom! Studios and Netgalley for the ARC of Hollow.

Hollow was honestly such a delightful graphic novel? The art was so cute and so full of character, and it made reading it absolutely a delight. Of special note is the fashion, since one of the protags changes up her entire aesthetic every day, so the artist really got to flex those fashion chops and I was always so excited to see what the character wore next.

The story was a fairly simple spooky one, and it was very YA, but it was cute! And sweet! It left me very much in a content and delighted state post-reading it. While it wasn't a book that like, shattered my world or left me wanting to mull over the contents of it for days to come, it was a nice break from the havock of the world, and I would absolutely recommend it if that is what you're after.

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This was fantastic! I loved that this is a contemporary Sleepy Hollow with main character Izzy Crane recently moving to town after her mom gets a job there. I like how Croc gets introduced and Izzy isn’t quite prepared for her new show her around school friend, but Croc is very enthusiastic and supportive. He’s such a fun character! I liked the introduction of Vicky, a Van Tassel who’s been tasked with entertaining tourists with her presence to the point she’s not even sure who she is anymore.

Then the horseman starts showing up as well as a mysterious new substitute teacher. Izzy and Vicky also start realizing they’re attracted to each other, which is so adorable! I really enjoyed the backstory for the horseman. The research mode that Izzy, Vicky, and Croc get into as they try to unravel how best to keep Vicky alive was fun to read! I was a little worried when I realized that Croc is also interested in Vicky romantically, but I liked the way the narrative handled this.

I’ve already pre-ordered a copy so I can have it on my bookshelf! It’s one I know I’ll enjoy rereading!

Thank you to Netgalley for the advanced review copy. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Really enjoyed this Headless Horseman graphic novel I’ve been wanting to read it and it was on my read now list on Netgalley! The artwork and illustrations are absolutely stunning in this book! I was mesmerized. Only thing I didn’t like was the file couldn’t be sent to my kindle it had to be read on my phone. I loved all the characters and story line as well!

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Hollow is an upcoming coming-of-age tale where Sleepy Hollow meets queer romance, from the co-creator of Lumberjanes! I had the opportunity to read it in advance through NetGalley and my review is bellow.

Hollow is a retelling of the Sleepy Hollow tale and a perfect graphic novel for the Halloween season! The main character is a queer girl named Izzy who just moved into town to find out that the there might be more truth to the legend than she expected. With the help of town royalty and love interest, Vicky Van Tassel, and the prankster, Croc Byun, she has to help fight a bigger terror than the Horseman. The trio goes on a wild adventure while also dealing with school, new friends and their teenage crushes.

Overall it's a good story for a younger teen audience and good representation of LGBTQ+ themes as well as filled with diversity and also a disabled character. I rate it 3.5 perhaps because I'm not so much the target audience. I did enjoy the art though and had this come out when I was younger I would have been overjoyed to read it. More LGBTQ+ themed comics are always welcomed in my opinion!

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Really fun and amazing graphic novel! Loved the story, loved the characters in it, absolutely LOVED the artstyle in it! It was really nice! And I will for sure be rereading it around halloween time!

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If you are in the mood for a mildly spooky read this is the right choice!
This graphic novel has such a fun, cute and queer story, with an hint of spookyiness since it's set in Sleepy Hollow (yes, that one) and the legend is at its very core but in a modern fashion. I really enjoyed the style of the narration, its flow and also the drawings. The characters are lovable and the novel itself is definitely worth a check.
It's out on October 4th, don't miss it!

Thanks NetGalley and BOOM! Studios for the ARC

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

Hollow is an excellent choice for fans of Sleepy Hollow, horror, or cozy Halloween reads. The story follows Izzy Crane, Vicky Van Tassel and Croc Byun as they team up to protect Vicky from danger. The story takes readers on a fantastic adventure at each twist and turn, and the artwork compliments the spooky-feel of the story beautifully. I recommend this title for Young Adult collections at any library.

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*I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks for the free graphic novel*

"Hollow" is the new comic by the "Lumberjanes" creator (and I loved "Lumberjanes") and is a modern Highschool retelling of Sleepy Hollow, which has nice Halloween and autumn vibes. Overall I found the story slightly boring though and could not really connect with the characters, but it was a nice seasonal read, a bit queer.

3.5 stars

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Hollow OGN is colorful, eye-catching visual storytelling for comics fans and youth. I would gladly add this book to my classroom shelf, and appreciate its appeal as an LGBTQ+ text and supernatural story.

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A fun, queer retelling of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow you won't lose your head over!

Hollow is a delightful ghost story about, yes, ghosts, but also about speaking up for what you want, crafting your own future, exploring outside your comfort zone, and making friends (with both the living and the dead). Full of beautiful art and just stunning color, it's a must-read for spooky season!

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This was a cool graphic novel, a hint of history but in such a new perspective.

I loved the art and the initial plot but as the story progressed it became even more interesting.

The ghosts had me smiling and appreciating them, the characters were cute, lively and fun. At times the emotions could have been portrayed even more better than what was done.

I wished for a backstory of all the characters, it would have just made the entire book a little more fabulous. The details in the art were very good and had me revisiting the parts even after reading them.

On the whole this book is for anyone who loves a quick spooky yet fun read.

Thank you @netgalley for the ARC.

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This is a very fast paced and cute queer graphic novel that is perfect for a fast and fun Halloween read. The plot like is really simple and the romance is very quick as well but it achieves what it aims for which is a very fun spooky themed read. It's not a personal favourite of mine but I had some fun reading it.

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I am quite surprised at my feelings for this book. I went into it expecting to love it but I came out in the opposite direction. I didnt like it at all. The story felt like it was missing pieces, especially in Izzy and Vicky’s relationship. I felt as if they’re relationship needed to be developed better over time. The anger outbursts that both girls had, to me, felt unnecessary and really confusing. I did however like the colours and the artwork but unfortunately that’s all I liked. It’s highly possible that this book is just meant for readers at a lower level or age. although the book wasn’t to my taste, I know that it’ll bring someone a lot of joy.

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Thank you, NetGalley and BOOM! Box, for an advance copy of Hollow in exchange for an honest review.

First of all, I saw this on NetGalley and immediately opted to read it because I loved Lumberjanes and had a feeling that I would also love this graphic novel. And I was right!

This graphic novel is the perfect read for Halloween time. It takes place in Sleepy Hollow where everyone loves Halloween and everything Headless Horseman. Izzy, our main character, has just moved to Sleepy Hollow from San Francisco and basically isn't sure if the Halloween hype is all that it is cracked up to be.

However, when she stumbles into a spooky mystery, her and her new friends will do everything they can to save someone they care about (and their town).

Hollow has the best kind of Scooby-vibes and is filled with wonderful characters. I absolutely loved the representation, the relationship between the main characters, and the story itself.

Highly recommend!

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Hollow explores a modern day Sleepy Hollow with the assumption that the Van Tassels' descendant, Vicky, is stuck with the kitchy duties of dressing up as Katrina Van Tassel and hosting all of the town events. As she grows more irritated at her duties and chafes under the mounting pressure of being everything her mother expects of her, someone new moves to town: Izzy Crane.

Izzy is a cool, math savvy new kid on the block, who has eyes for Vicky the moment she sees her. Lucky for them both, Vicky seems to be in need of a math tutor. As their young romance blossoms in their picturesque town, so does something sinister. Rumors of the headless horseman grow while several unexplained accidents haunt Vicky. Can Izzy accept that perhaps there really are magical forces at play?

Hollow is a truly adorable read with a fun and heart warming cast, with Izzy and Vicky's queer relationship lighting up the narrative. Refreshingly, the plot doesn't fall prey to contrived miscommunications for drama's sake and instead lets our young cast of characters learn and grow from mistakes.

The art style is also enjoyable- the headless horseman's design is unlike any I've seen, and the characters are drawn with depth and variety.

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Great book for anyone who likes reading spooky books that are not too spooky during halloween/fall season! I really enjoyed it and it made me want to read the authors' other books. Its definitely a book some of my younger cousins would also enjoy.

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I adored this graphic novel. I am enamored with the take on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and that even before I get to waxing poetic about the characters, the dialogue, and the fabulous art. While the format of this ARC was not the most conducive to comfortable reading, I enjoyed immensely anyway. I cannot wait to recommend this to the young adult population at my library.

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This fun and spooky found-family adventure was the perfect read to start off the fall months. I adored all three of our main characters -- outspoken and caring Izzy, self-proclaimed master prankster Croc, and Vicky, the royal with secrets. I also loved seeing queer, POC, and disability representation handled gracefully throughout. And the fantastic art style sucked me into this world right away. My main issue was that character relationships developed much too quickly to be believable, and their arcs might play out better over several books/installments. I'd recommend to younger YA readers, fans of Cemetery Boys, and anyone who wants a little heartwarming adventure this Halloween.

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{ review for hollow }
thank you Netgalley for sending me an advanced copy of hollow by shannon watters, branden boyer-white and berenice nelle
Publication Date: 4 October 2022
this graphic novel is a retelling/homage of the classic Sleepy Hollow tale.

i loved this! perfect for spooky season (in my heart it’s spooky season okay) i loved the characters and the story, i thought the retelling was super fun!

i loved the queer rep within this, you’ve got a POC MC, sapphic romance as well as a disabled side character!

i really enjoyed the classic Headless Horseman story being updated so to speak, i thought it was a great storyline and it had its funny moments that i loved 🥰

and of course i have to mention the artwork, which is absolutely stunning! it was so beautiful to look at and such a joy!!

such an excellent read to start (or getting ready for) spooky season! 🎃💀

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This was my first time reading a graphic novel, and I thought this Sleepy Hollow retelling was so much fun.

I love the artwork in this. It gives me all of the information I need about the characters without even needing to read the text. The characters are all very unique and diverse. The vibes are spooky but cozy, and definitely reminds me of watching Scooby-Doo as a kid. It's perfect for Halloween.

This has inspired me to read more graphic novels. I love it and recommend it to everyone!

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