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A modern-day continuation of Washington Irving’s classic Sleepy Hollow following the descendants of the original characters. As Halloween approaches, the Horseman’s getting a little too close to Victoria Van Tassel for comfort. But, a far more sinister force may be at work as the veil between the worlds thins…
I’m always down for some spooky season sapphic romance—using a classic ghost story as the setting just ups the fun.
Although it’s YA, I would’ve liked the scares to hit harder to really capture that Irving gothic goodness. That said, this was a fun romp and I’ll look forward to any future adventures in the Hollow universe.

Read this if you enjoy: graphic novels, ghost-stories, classics reimagined, diverse stories, sapphic/LGBTQ+ romance

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Now if spooky is what you're after then this is packed full of it, aimed at young adult readers this story is a re-telling of the headless horseman but not quite as we know it.

Here we are introduced to one of our MCs, Izzy. She and her family are new to the town of Sleepy Hollow, and so far, she is not impressed. Izzy isn't used to such a small town and finds its obsession with the legend of the headless horseman weird.

However, I soon learnt that Izzy was the sort of character who needed cold hard proof as it was clear from the beginning that she didn't believe in the supernatural, so I understood her scepticism at first and
It was for that reason that I probably liked her so much, but also because she wasn't rigid in her thinking, especially when she learnt that the legend was true.

Izzy soon befriends our two other MCs, Victoria & Croc, now I initially had my doubts about Croc. I thought he was going to be one of those typical jock-type characters who turn out to be horrible but he was far from it and I'm so glad I was wrong about him! I found him to be sweet and caring and a really good friend, all be it a bit of a prankster but he has a good heart! I'd say out of our trio, Croc was my favourite, he seemed to be the most open-minded out of the three & the funniest, I loved his reaction to the headless horseman and how he randomly just re-named him, that was one of his funny moments for me.

Being a fan of this story already I liked that it took a different direction, they really managed to make it their own. Also, the illustrations were amazing and I loved the colours, the only thing I felt didn't do it justice was reading it online. I think I would have probably enjoyed it a lot more having an actual physical copy just as I had to zoom in to read the text bubbles, I didn't get to fully appreciate the illustrations and then it kept jumping from page to page as I tried to enlarge the images/text.

Asides from that, I really enjoyed it and so would like to thank Boom! Studios & netgalley for providing me with a copy to read.

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I'd like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an e-ARC.

This was such a fun read. I haven't read a graphic novel in ages and I had a great time reading this one.
I really liked the diverse characters and I'm totally in love with the whole illustration style in this novel.
The dynamic and friendship between the main trio was adorable and entertaining.
If you're looking for a fun and spooky read for this Halloween, you should definitely choose Hollow!

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This was a fun graphic novel. I really liked the art style and the colors, it had spooky and autumnal vibes, so it is a nice read for Halloween.
I loved the representation of diverse characters, in race and in abilities and there were some cute and funny characters among the teenagers.

It was a bit immature for me, with all the high-school drama and too fast paced insta love, and that was not too believable.
I feel like the story did not had so much depth to it, it felt a bit shallow, but I guess it’s because its meant to be a fun read and not too serious.

All in all it was a fun young adult spooky read.
Thank you for the e-arc for Netgalley!

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This is such a cute graphic novel to read now that it is officially spooky season! I love the legend of the headless horseman, so of course I loved reading this too. I adored the small town spooky vibes and friendship of the 3 main characters and even some LGBTQ+ rep! It’s funny and easy to read and just perfect for season🎃

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I requested this arc from NetGalley hoping it would be a fun, slightly spooky (emphasis on the slightly), lighthearted graphic novel to enjoy at the end of this extended Melbourne Winter and this was everything I could have wished for! Although I haven't read Pumpkin Heads, I feel like the art style and its tone would be very similar, so if you enjoyed that one I'm sure you will enjoy Hollow.

This was a very fast read with a plot that's easy to follow and characters that you can easily get attached to. I do wish there would have been an extra 20-30 pages to explore the characters' personalities and backgrounds a little more, but overall they were still well-defined and all quite different from one another. I particularly enjoyed Byun aka Croc, and this really reminded me of my childhood mornings spent watching Scooby Doo before going to school! I also loved the little somewhat-enemies-to-lovers romance between Izzy and Vicky, they were cute and it made sense, although they did get past the enemy stage a little too quickly in my opinion. And finally, the art style was great! The e-copy I got is pretty low resolution but I'm sure it'll look a lot better with the finished product.

This is definitely a graphic novel I'd recommend to all the Halloween, spooky season readers! I feel like this will be very popular for Halloween night and I wouldn't be surprised if I see a whole lot of booktubers hauling this book in October. If you want to immerse yourself in the season but keep it to a cute story, this is the one for you. I will easily read book 2 if there ever is one.

Thank you to NetGalley and BOOM! Studios for providing with an advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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With Halloween coming up within the next month it was hard to resist a cover like the one of Hollow.

Hollow is a Sleepy Hollow retelling. I would advise you to know the general gist of Sleepy Hollow before reading this graphic novel because it doesn't explain a lot. It banks on you knowing the story for the most part.

The town of Hollow has been banking on the legend of Sleepy Hollow for ages and the Von Tassel family has been using their teen daughter at various events throughout the year. This does not make Vicky very happy. Enter Izzy Crane, who just moved to the town and doesn't quite understand the towns obsession with halloween and the legend. When the ghosts is being seen again and shows itself to Izzy, it turns out the ghost itself isn't quite the bad guy the legend makes it out to be. Izzy, Vicky, the headless horseman and another schoolmate team up to save Vicky from a bit evil.

As a whole I thought the story was a lot of fun. From Izzy's questioning incredibility at the town, to Vicky who is trying to find who she is outside of the Von Tassel legend and the happy excitement of their classmate. There could have been more deepening in places like with Vicky's predicament and the supernatural deity but it was a fun read regardless.

The art looks great and the colors match with the vibe.

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Another queer graphic novel from BoomBox! stealing my heart? More likely than you think.

I love Sleepy Hollow and I really love this "retelling" as well! The main characters Izzy, Vicky and Croc are all so cute and I instantly felt love for them the moment I saw them. And the sapphic romance was the cherry on top. I wouldn't put this on the book but the arc I received from Netgalley is a bit low-quality and the images are grainy so it took me out of the story a couple times. And of course, not everything can be fitted into a 200-page graphic novel but I would have loved to know more about Croc. I'm not sure if this will have a sequel but fingers crossed!

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picked this up on a whim because it was listed as a read now on netgalley and that it has queer rep. and i'm really glad i did! this was a short and sweet lil graphic novel that had some spooky elements. it retold a story about a town's fable not too far from where i reside, and i loved seeing how they handled it all. perfect if you want a cozy mystery with lovely graphics.

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As soon as I saw that Shannon Watters was involved in this project, I knew I had to read it. Because Shannon Watters is an absolute genius storyteller and there is magic in the projects she touches. I was NOT disappointed by this one. This book a graphic novel with lovable characters, a queer-inclusive romance (although, it's chaste romance and fine to share with my kids. In fact, I am going to let my kids read it as soon as I finish this review), The art is perfectly balanced between bright colors and strong lines, and the kind of spooky ambiance you expect and deserve in any Sleepy Hollow book.

Recommended for: LGBTQIAA+ kiddos and their allies, folks who love spooky stories with contemporary storytelling and diverse casts, fans of graphic novels like Lumberjanes, and anyone who needs to break a curse on their family line.

This is ultimately a book about believing even what you thought was unbelievable, whether it's the power of friendship, your own self knowledge, or fighting against a curse that's been killing people for hundreds of years. It is the kind of book that encourages young people to find and know their own true North Star, and follow it, and to find people who can be your allies, even if it takes work to get to the point of trusting each other. We all need each other!

The story is set in Sleepy Hollow, the town made famous by—and obsessed with—Washington Irving's legend of the Headless Horseman. The story circles around the three main characters, who befriend, support, and crush on each other. Izzy is a recent import, a city slicker, a masculine queer girl, who doesn't believe in magic and ghosts and uses logic to shield herself from the creepy edges of Sleepy Hollow. Vicky Van Tassel is the town's teen royalty, from the original Van Tassel family. She's blonde. She's gorgeous. She is very much shoehorned into a role and a life that she did not choose for herself. And Croc Byun is a varsity joke, a prankster, and an all-around lovable guy who is pining for Vicky so hard he doesn't notice she is making romantic eyes at Izzy. It could just be a teen love triangle, but this is like, actually an amazing book where the characters have emotional depth and evolutions. They are complicated and messy. They get mad at each other. They make up, in really healthy and beautiful ways. They see each other through the terrifying ghosts and curses and monsters and haunted holes in the ground that seem to be par for the course in a town like Sleepy Hollow.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to read ahead of publications.

A fun take on one of America's spookiest legends. Featuring some great humor, queer romance, adorable friendship, and spellbinding illustrations! Totally worth a read during this spooky time of year.

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Delightful! Hollow by Shannon Watters is a new take on the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. It's a fast-paced supernatural adventure with the queer rep we've all been craving. The art is gorgeous to look at, too. Not one to miss!

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I receive a copy in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Netgalley and Boom! Studios!

I love sleepy hollow and I absolutely enjoyed this retelling! I loved the main characters and I think the trio was well written. I already knew the story of sleepy hollow, so I understood some details easily, but maybe it's not that easy for those who don't know.

It's a perfect graphic novel to read for spooky season and the lgbtqia+ representation was chef's kiss. I really liked the art style and the colour palette is great! The main character's friendship was great and I really liked the way that Croc was written, without the "dumb and bad" jock stereotype.

It's truly a queer paranormal mystery perfect for spooky season!

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Hollow is an absolutely delightful graphic novel that puts its own spin on the famous Legend of Sleepy Hollow. The art is stunning and very fitting for the story and dialogue. Izzy is a great main character - a Crane who does not know much about or care for the town's folklore. The friendship between Izzy, Vicky and Croc is endearing and allows for plenty of comedic moments. There's just the right amount of romance and suspense to keep readers turning the page. If you're looking for a not so scary graphic novel to get you into the Halloween spirit, Hollow is a solid choice.

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Thank you to Netgalley and BOOM! for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

I adored the Lumberjanes series, so as soon as I saw that the author had written another comic, I just had to snatch it up as soon as I saw it. I also love Sleepy Hollow retellings--this seemed like a cocktail of perfection made for me, and it certainly was. Hollow was exactly the spooky, fun, and amazingly-illustrated story to tide me over as summer turns to autumn.
Hollow is an LGBTQ+ Halloweeny modern-day reimagining that follows Izzy, a descendant of the Crane family, who has relocated to Sleepy Hollow. She quickly becomes enamored with the mysterious Vicky Van Tassel and friends with varsity guy Croc Byun. The three of them end up haunted by the Headless Horseman and try to uncover his mystery.
I absolutely adored the Sapphic rep in this book. Izzy is an incredibly engaging protagonist to follow, one that I found incredibly relatable and entertaining. The romance was sweet and the central trio of the story was such a blast to read about. The art style is adorable and fit the tone well, and the pacing was excellent. Overall, I enjoyed it!

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*Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy in exchange for an honest review*

Hollow follows Isabel "Izzy" Crane and her family have just relocated to Sleepy Hollow, the town made famous by—and obsessed with—Washington Irving's legend of the Headless Horseman. But city slicker-skeptic Izzy has no time for superstition as she navigates life at a new address, a new school, and, with any luck, with new friends. Ghost stories aren't real, after all...

Then Izzy is pulled into the orbit of the town's teen royalty, Vicky Van Tassel (yes, that Van Tassel), and loveable varsity-level prankster Croc Byun. Vicky's weariness with her family connection to the legend turns to terror when the trio begins to be haunted by the Horseman himself, uncovering a curse set on destroying the Van Tassel line. Now, they have only until Halloween night to break it—meaning it's a totally inconvenient time for Izzy to develop a massive crush on the enigmatic Vicky.

Can Izzy's practical nature help her face the unknown—or only trip her up? As the calendar runs down to the 31st, Izzy will have to use all of her wits and work with her new friends to save Vicky and uncover the mystery of the legendary Horseman of Sleepy Hollow—before it's too late.

I loved this. Not only is there an LGBTQ+ rep (sapphic couple), but there is also disability rep, which I wasn't expecting! I loved this story, and I loved the art style.

I love Lumberjanes, and this gives vibes similar to that! This is a perfect story for Halloween, and I can't wait to see people enjoy this graphic novel like I did!

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I received an advanced reader copy of Hollow by Shannon Watters, Branden Boyer-White, and Berenice Nelle in exchange for an honest review.

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow could always use more gayness. That’s how Watters, Boyer-White, and Nelle approached their Sleepy Hollow retelling, Hollow, by developing a lesbian teen romance between Crane and Van Tassel. Izzy has just moved with her family from San Francisco to Sleepy Hollow, and she quickly becomes immersed in a plot to save Vicky Van Tassel from an evil spirit. I really enjoyed this story, and I loved the art style, especially how they handled the headless horseman.

Hollow has excellent representation, with a non-white lead and even a disabled love interest. I appreciate that they featured a variety of diversity in this book because that made me feel seen. There were no tired gay tropes of “will my family accept me” or “what will my peers think?” When Izzy talks to her parents about it, there was no uncomfortable coming out, or parents struggling to grasp the concept of “lesbian,” they just helped her figure out how to talk to Vicky. They were queer, and all that mattered was their relationship to each other and stopping the forces of evil.

Hollow was an entertaining queer read and great to pick up for the Halloween season. Thank you NetGalley and BOOM! Studios for the advanced reader copy.

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"Hollow" follows Isabel Crane as she adjusts to life in the town of Sleepy Hollow, where the legend of the headless horseman pervades year round. She remains unimpressed with the town's obsession with its storied legend, until she meets Vicky van Tassel and the horseman himself! When Vicky's life is threatened by an ancient foe, she works together with Croc, Vicky, and the ghosts of Sleepy Hollow to protect Vicky's life and put a stop to this once and for all.

I'm not a huge fan of spooky season, and don't generally gravitate towards these kind of books. I do, however, appreciate the original story and was interested in the adaptation. I thought it was an interesting spin, and loved the addition of the LGBTQIA+ representation. I do wish the characters were a bit more fleshed out and that the romance developed more naturally between them. It existed purely on tropes and genre expectations. I liked Vicky's subplot with her struggling to make her own decisions about life or to comply with the expectations of her family -- this seems very relatable for teens, who I believe would be the target audience.

I suspect there will be more of these in the future. While I'm not sure I'll read them, I can see it being a nice little break for me during the fall months, and may give it a shot!

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Hollow combines the legend of the Headless Horseman, queer characters, and friendship. Isabel Izzy Crane moves with her family to Sleepy Hollow. There’s a mystery to solve along with new friends, Croc Byun and Vicky Van Tassel. Hi-jinks and romance ensue. This graphic novel is a perfect introduction to spooky season for the middle grade and young adult crowd. Thanks to NetGalley and BOOM! Studios/ BOOM! Box for the ARC.

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Izzy Crane is new to Sleepy Hollow. Vicky von Tassel is struggling with her family's wants and her needs. Croc Byun is just there for the pranks and adventure. Set in modern day Sleepy Hollow, 200 years after the original events, Izzy is chased by the ghost of the Headless Horseman when her bike skids out over a tree branch. With few options, she confronts the ghost...only to learn that he's been trying to make contact with someone from Sleepy Hollow for 200 years to help save the von Tassel family from a mysterious entity bent on destruction of the entire von Tassel line. Can she, Vicky, and Croc figure out how to stop the entity before it succeeds with its nefarious plans?

This graphic novel is cute, sapphic, and a really fun take on the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. It also looks like it's going to be a series, which will be a lot of fun! I absolutely adore the Horseman's horse, and the interactions of the three unlikely friends (class clown, new kid in town, and town royalty) are well done and just so much fun to read. A great read for fans of the original legend who are looking for a fun adaptation, for fans of sapphic ya novels, and just for anyone who wants something fun to read.

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