Member Reviews

Lucky Girl by Irene Muchemi-Ndiritu is a tender and evocative debut. It's a coming of age story that covers themes of immigration, identity, and belonging. I'll look to read more from the author in the future.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for sharing this book with me. All thoughts are my own.

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What a wonderful novel. Soila shares her entire life with the reader—her heartbreaks (and omg there are so many), her coming of age and beginning to make her own decisions, her assimilation into a foreign culture, her struggle with the differentiation between Black (mixed), Black American, and Black African, and how each sees being Black in America, and what the history of oppression means to each. We also see a guy-wrenching perspective on 9/11, how she tries to find love, and every way that love is tested when a parent gets sick.

She is both a lovable and hateable character, and sometimes I wanted to thump her in the head for her decisions. But it was a wonderful book, the writing was almost lyrical.

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What a poignant, meaningful, thoughtful book about family, relationships and culture.
The characters are so well developed. The plot follows Soila as she has to make life altering decisions and we get to accompany her on her journey to self discovery. Loved it.
Thankful for the ARC

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Without saying too much this book is also about survival about trying hard and fighting for what you are and believing even if an entire country or culture wants to erase your story or not let you shine..

this book was a mood swing i spent most of the time feeling sad for the main character and what she was going through but at some times I felt like she was empowering

Thank you, NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Random House, Dial Press Trade Paperback, for the advanced copy of Lucky Girl in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! No spoilers. Beyond amazing I enjoyed this book so very much. The characters and storyline were fantastic. The ending I did not see coming Could not put down nor did I want to. Truly Amazing and appreciated the whole story. This is going to be a must read for many many readers. Maybe even a book club pick.

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This coming of age story was a welcomed break from my normal reads. It was hard to get into, but I soon found myself rooting for a happy ending. With many characters to keep track of it felt like not all their plots were fully developed. The characters emotions were described in such a way that the reader does not feel them, it is just words on the page. The ending felt rush, and as if the happy ending was forced.

I want to thank Netgalley and Dial Press Trade Paperback for an ARC of this book.

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“Lucky Girl” is an interesting read about a young female African immigrant trying to make her way in America. You see her story as a young woman, trying to find herself and happiness while managing the expectations of a demanding mother. It aims to point out the (sometimes contentious) differences between Africans and African-Americans and their respective viewpoints. This aspect certainly seems to run true and while I appreciated the depth of these topics, it sometimes came off rather preachy and heavy handed. Overall, I looked this book and that it was thoughtful, so it’s a 3.5 stars ⭐️ rated up to 4 for me. Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the advanced copy for review.

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Solia is an African immigrant and so many consider her a Lucky Girl to have the chance to go to America. Lucky Girl tells Solia's story and helps the reader see that there are many sides to the immigration story. I don't know why this stayed on my shelf so long but maybe it was waiting for me to be in the space for it. Highly Recommend!
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Lucky Girl is available now.

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First of all, what an absolutely breath-taking cover! This livens up any bookshelf or coffee table. Though I was initially attracted by the stunning cover, this book really shines in its content. I could not get enough of this book! The complexity laid out in the telling of Soila's story is so heart-achingly real and tangible, as a reader, you feel all the emotions of the character through all of the ups and the downs. Will Soila choose new found love after escaping her Kenyan roots in NYC, or will the tug on her heart to honor her upbringing prevail? Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for a copy of this book for an honest review.

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This story has it all, a rich heritage and immigration story with the painful backstory of slavery and oppression. It is tragic and wonderful.

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“You’re a lucky girl to have a mother who cares for you so much”

In ‘Lucky Girl’ we meet Soila, who objectively is lucky. Despite the tragic passing of her father at a young age, her mother and aunts have raised her and given her a protective, well-financed life in Nairobi, Kenya. However, the strict rule of her mother has become too much for her to handle and she sets off to start her dream life in college in New York. But life away from home in NYC is not the fairytale she dreamed of and we see Soila battle between her life in Kenya and her new life in America.

“— the joy and pain of life were unforeseeable... much of our lives would never make sense to us, even if we lived three lifetimes”

I loved this story. I read this within two days. It reminds me a lot of Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (one of my all-time favs) so if you loved that book I think you’ll enjoy this one too.

This was a great blend between a coming-of-age story with romance. It covered so many great topics from navigating different cultures, complicated parental relationships, grief, empathy, love, friendships, race dynamics, and carving your own life.

Soila had to unlearn a lot, especially about Blackness in America through her friends which I felt was a very honest and interesting conversation. Her best friend (who is arguably the best character) was also Letitia which had no influence on my rating whatsoever hehe

We learn about her father's secret tragic passing and the effects secrets can have on a family. I loved how much she grew and the ending was a little bittersweet. Relationships are challenging, especially with parents that can appear unforgiving and unrelenting in their expectations for you. Soila seeks her mother's love constantly and it is tough to see her battle the feelings of feeling responsible for the opportunities her family gives her while balancing the passions and the life she wants to live.

loved it and I am so happy with who she ended up with!

Other quotes I liked:

“You’re never going to regret going for what you really want in life. It’ll be hard at first, no doubt. But in a few years, you’ll be out of the trenches, and you’ll be fulfilled in so many more ways”

“I see now that ’30 under 30’ lists are there only to make adults feel hopeless and unaccomplished when the truth is that most of us are late bloomers. But when we finally bloom, we bloom beautifully”

“Here we were, all of us the same skin color, the same dark-brown eye color, the same hair — but our histories were so starkly different”

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I felt this was a book with a lot of feelings. The main carachter had life struggles with her mom, and found out a lot when she move to NY from Nariboa. It was a good story and kept my interest.

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Rounding up to five stars. This is a sweeping and moving debut that kept me hooked. It reminded me of the types of literary fiction novels I read in my youth and there was a comfort in that cadence and pacing. Interestingly, it was the second litfic novel I've read this year that centres on a young woman with a complicated relationship with her mother moving to NYC with an interest/aspiration to be a photographer (The Light of Eternal Spring was the other one.) To an extent, this is a simple book that is really about Soila's coming of age between her home in Kenya and time in NYC. Her journey is familiar and relatable in many ways - helping the reader work through some of the same issues that Soila is facing. At the same time, it is uniquely Soila's story - about her experiences and relationships with her mother, family, friends, career and love life. I enjoyed spending time with her and was rooting for her along the way.

Content warning for some pretty heavy stuff: sexual assault, religious trauma, parental emotional abuse, suicide, racism, abortion, 9/11, dementia.

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Soila was a young girl growing up in Kenya with her Mother and her Mother’s sisters. Soila’s ila lmother was grooming her to take over her many businesses but Soila had other plans. She always dreamed of going to America and studying Art.

After a lot of hard work and defying her Mother Soila was accepted to a college in New York. There was adjustments to the American lifestyle even after coming from a privileged background. Soon she was making friends. Part of the deal for going to America was that Soila was to study business but the Art classes were calling to her.

Her family in Kenya is never far away and Soila is feeling guilty about leaving her Mother and aunts.
She is very torn.

This is very interesting story about being true to yourself and also to your family and your traditions.

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This is a compelling coming-of-age tale that follows a young Kenyan woman’s journey to independence despite her mother’s controlling presence. Soila, raised in a relatively affluent Kenyan family, grapples with profound traumas during her childhood, including her father’s passing, further exacerbated by her emotionally distant mother. Her deepest desire is to pursue higher education in the United States, a dream she pursues against her mother’s wishes.

The book effectively explores the contrasting perspectives and experiences of racism among African Americans and Africans.

Despite its concise length of around 350 pages, the narrative felt quite extensive. While it unfolds with significant events, it also delves into numerous everyday moments.

Overall, this marks a strong debut and I look forward to reading more from the author.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for sending a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This story was so good and so strong, and the writing was wonderful. It was one of those books that when I next sat down to read I was sad I wasn't reading it any longer. It's in the running for my favorite book of 2023. It gives a thoughtful comparison of the Black immigrant experience and the racism American born Black citizens experience. Something White people don't often think about, if at all. Read it; you will be happy you did.

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If you’re looking for the next good book you found it!!! I loooooved this story so much it was an interesting experience watching Soila’s journey to independence and the various challenges she faced while living in the United States. It was bold and beautifully-written, the beginning has a slow build but the deeper you get into the novel the more connected you become with the MC.

It follows Soila a young Kenyan woman from Nairobi who lived a sheltered life and was raised by a stern and dictative Catholic mother along with her aunts and grandmother. Soila always longed for independence and freedom after years of dealing with her mothers strong beliefs and controlling ways. When she finally made it to New York Soila realized the US was not all it claimed to be and begins to challenge all her beliefs about race, love, and family.

The author did a great job getting the reader emotionally invested in Soila’s life. Most of the book I sympathized with her character and found that she self-sabotaged a lot because of her mother’s behavior. So many times I wished she would finally stand up to her mother and do what was best for her own life. I really wanted her to tell her mother what Father Emmanuel did just so she would shut tf up. When her mother was diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s I hated watching Soila break off her engagement and move back to Kenya to care for her. Not because I didn’t like her mother because I didn’t lol but I felt Soila finally found happiness yet she still chose her mother over it.

Overall, the book was amazing it provided a fascinating exploration of finding independence and the cultural differences between countries. A few family secrets are also revealed and there are a few trigger warnings surrounding sexual assault, suicide, and abortions. The flow and atmosphere of the book also meshed well with the character development. Special thanks to the author & @thedialpress for my gifted copy!!!

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Unfortunately, this one didn't quite work for this reader. It falls in the vein of other books I've read, like "Girl, Woman, Other" and "Behold the Dreamers", so perhaps it was that the content of the story felt repetitive for me. The biggest issue with my experience was the pacing--the beginning felt slow with a lot of explaining, and when it did pick up, it never really hooked me. While I did enjoy watching Soila's life unfold and there was plenty of dramatic/tense moments, I never really connected with her as a character, which made it difficult to make it through. The writing style was good, but I don't think this was the right book for me right now.

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Soila grew up in Kenya, raised by her mother and aunts. As time goes on, she decides to move to NYC for university, which is not what her mother wants for her. In NYC, Soila finds a whole new life and way of doing things, and finding and discovering for herself what she wants to do in her life. With such a heavy presence of her mothers raising, it is hard for her to do as she wants without her mothers voice in her head.

I loved this coming of age and self-discovery book. It deals with the clash of cultures and the need to reconcile how one will handle living in a new place that behaves differently than you are used to. I really loved getting to "know" Soila and rooted for her in finding her way!

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House, Dial Press Trade Paperback for the e-copy of this book.

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Lucky Girl by Irene Muchemi-Ndiritu is the story of a Kenyan girl, Soila, who comes to college in America to escape her overbearing mother. As a young new adult living on her own she navigates many experiences of life and love as she learns her way in the world.

Prior to reading this book I read Maame, which is also about a girl from an African country coming into her own adulthood as she moves out for the first time. However, where Maama was more lighthearted, at least until the last third, I found Lucky Girl bittersweet throughout.

Soila experiences an assault early in the book at the hands of a trusted family friend that leaves her with emotional scars that affect her relationships throughout the story. She also struggles with her identity as a black woman, her perspective as a Kenyan being very different than the perspective of the black friends she makes in New York. Last, Soila struggles mightily to balance her newfound independence and separate life in America with the expectations of her mother and family in Kenya.

I enjoyed all the thoughtful cultural commentary and watching the ARC of Soila's growth. It felt very authentic and gave me insight into her experience and the differences in family life and expectations of African girls.

I did find this book quite heavy overall, but Soila finds bittersweet happiness and purpose at the end of the novel. I appreciated that she was given some lasting happiness in the end.

Overall I rate this book 4 stars. It was a lengthy but meaningful read. I'd recommend it to others who are up for a bit of heaviness or to read in conjunction with Maame. These two were very interesting together.

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