Member Reviews

I struggled to get into this book, however I think it would be a hit for Bangles fans! I have tried reading it a few times, and am moving this into my DNF stack.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing a copy of this book for my honest review.

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Reading this book felt like a glimpse into Susanna Hoffs' life at the height of her music career. I was often left wondering how much, if any, of the story was inspired by real events and people, which was both fun and somewhat distracting. Jane as a character is an enigma in that her maturity level seems to vary by scenario, a trait somewhat explained by her personal history. I really felt for Jane and her struggles, and I was rooting for her and Tom the entire time. It got a little slow in places but the parts where it picked up held my interest enough to keep going, and I'm glad that I did.

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Drawn to this book solely because of the author (Bangles forever!), but it turned out to be a worthwhile read!

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Unfortunately this was a DNF for me. By 20% in, I had zero interest in the main character or plot. I was very intrigued by the cover & description. Wished I liked it more

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Good story for music and romance lovers. It was interesting to read a book by a musician and I enjoyed the developing story.

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Such a fun read! I've always been a Bangles fan, so I was extra excited to discover this read. This book is fun, playful, steamy and such a great escapist read for anyone who isn't a rock star or in the music business!

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This was probably my favorite romance read of 2023.

Jane Start is broke and recently single musician whose one hit wonder 10 years ago continues to plague her existence. When a series of events on a plane trip introduce her to an intriguing Oxford professor, Jane is attracted and inspired. But both of them keep a lot of secrets and as Jane’s past reaches into her present, complications arise.
It’s frank, funny and steamy with a very British vibe. The insider view into the entertainment industry and all the musical references are a huge plus. Highly recommend. 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown and Company for an advanced readers copy of this book.

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC of this book. This was a tough read for me. I liked it in the beginning but it started to fall flat about half way through. It felt like it could have been "more". Overall an ok read

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As far as debut novels go this wasn't TERRIBLE but the character development was seriously lacking. Jane is a stock character that never really grows or changes over the course of the story and the supporting characters are just straight up forgettable. Overall, This Bird Has Flown is a disappointing read. It is a well-intentioned novel with some nice moments, but it is ultimately let down by its underdeveloped characters and predictable plot.

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My reading tastes might continue to change over the years, but I’ll always be in the mood for stories like these. Definitely one riveting read for me.

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I wanted to love this book. I idolized Susanna Hoffs and wanted to support her as an author as I have supported her in music. Unfortunately, the book fell flat for me. I didn't really like Jane, nor Tom really. The setup had lots of potential, but the story itself didn't take off.

I received a copy of the book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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2.75 out of 5. I automatically requested this ARC as I am a huge fan of the Bangles and a book written by Susanna Hoffs I had to read. This might be a case of not all pretty voices are meant to narrate, I read this book fluctuating between the physical book and the audiobook and the voices were just not working for me, especially the male Tom one. I liked the concept of the book but i really did not understand the spark - why did she fall in love with him? Was it just physical?. I understood his attraction to her but here he barely said a word and its the love of her life. Insta love is a trope I am noy a fan of. There are some cool aspects, especially all the behind the music scenes, and that's where the author clearly shows who she is as she has all the inside info for it.

Side note: it was pretty obvious Jonesy is based on Prince and prince wrote one of the standouts of the Bangles so is art imitating life here? i want to read the non fiction stories of Susanna with Prince and all his behind the scenes drama!

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I loved this book! I will definitely recommend it. Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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The book blurb hooked me immediately. Unfortunately, the story itself was not very compelling. Thank you NetGalley for the advance ecopy.

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I really wanted to like this book. I put it aside a few months ago and then revisited it this past week but couldn’t get past the first few chapters. I really didn’t like the writing style.

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I tried to read this ARC, couldn't get into it, and once the audio was out I tried a second time and didn't even get as far as the first time.

I wanted to like this so badly but I it wasn't well-written and I already felt totally lost only a few chapters in. I couldn't follow what was happening and had no investment in the story. Ultimately, this was a flop for me.

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Thank you for the advanced reader copy of this book. This is the first book in a long time that I have not finished- I just can not get in to this story. I’m hoping to circle back eventually but it just did not grab me.

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Did not finish. Could not get past the first few pages due to the writing style and the clunky dialogue.

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I loved this in the beginning, but ultimately it fell a little flat for me. The story was a bit difficult to follow at times and I just didn't find the characters relatable. Thank you for this advanced copy!

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The Bird Has Flown was a delightful surprise! I enjoyed the characters and plot and recommend you pick this book up! Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown and Company for the ARC!

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