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Going Rogue

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I have been reading her for what? 20 years and they never get old. This was another fun romp! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher!

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A delightful addition to the Stephanie Plum series. This one was a little surprising because it pulled in more characters. Funny as always!

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Stephanie Plum and gang continue their highjinks in Janet Evanovich's latest novel. Stephanie continues to track down people who haven't shown up for court dates, but in the midst of this Connie ends up kidnapped, and Stephanie has to find out why. Turns out Vinnie traded a bond for a valuable coin, and someone wants it back.

The book is filled with the usual shenanigans--explosions, a couple hot boyfriends, donuts, and Lula's insightful commentary. It is fun, entertaining, and light, just as I've come to expect from Stephanie Plum.

There's nothing particularly new or revolutionary, but it's the familiarity and comfort that keep me coming back for more.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This book made me laugh. The characters are funny. I wish Stephanie and Morelli were more serious.

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Another Stephanie Plum mystery. Office manager, Connie, hasn't shown up for work and someone makes a threatening call to the office. Stephanie suspects kidnapping & she's got to find a mysterious coin to get Connie back.

I've only read a few Stephanie Plum books, so I don't have the emotional connection that her fans have. I enjoyed the humor and appreciate the characters, but the story just didn't grab me. I wouldn't recommend this one as an entry to the series, but it's definitely a "must read" for fans. Otherwise, it's just fair.

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What’s to say? You don’t read this series for the character development - nothing has changed and still I keep reading. I’m 27 books in so why stop now.

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I’ve read some but not all of the Stephanie Plum series but the books continue to be fun mysteries. In this adventure Connie who works at Vinny’s Bail Bonds business is missing. A coin that was used as collateral for the bail is being demanded in exchange for Connie’s safe return. But the coin is missing. Stephanie and sidekick Lula are grabbing donuts and hot on the trail to find the coin and figure out its importance. Of course she has help from Ranger and her delightful Grandma Bella. This is a fun outing and a well paced mystery. As the author is 80, I’m happy to learn that she is still writing the books herself.

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Stephanie is back again and she gets into even more trouble...
Atria Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you). It will be published on November 1st.

She starts out trying to find a coin that has been in several hands. She finally locates it and finds out that it has it identified where money had been hidden. The men who found it stole the money and spent it all. The men who stashed the money thought she got it and are after her.

It's a good thing she has two boyfriends to protect her. However it doesn't save her from trouble...

Evanovich's stories are never boring and have lots of action in them. This was a good read as all of hers are. I enjoyed it.

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Going Rogue is the latest book in the Stephanie Plum series. I have read the entire series, and like her other books, Going Rogue is a fun and entertaining read. In this one, Connie, the office manager, has been kidnapped. The ransom is a lost game token which is very valuable. Stephanie must find it to save her friend.

In the last few years, I have enjoyed the books in this series, but they haven't been as good as Evanovich's earlier ones. Going Rogue is one of her better ones. There seemed to be more of a mystery.

I recommend Going Rogue to all readers who want a mystery that will make them laugh.

Thank you to Netgalley and to the publisher for providing me with an advanced review copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Stephanie's back...this time to rescue Connie who has been abducted by bad guys who are searching for a lost game token that is connected to a bank-load of money. Lula takes over as the temporary office manager and makes some executive decisions and changes around the office. Granny Mazur takes a more active in role in helping Stephanie with the fugitive chases, and Morelli and Ranger have her back, as always.

Typical Stephanie Plum book, but how can you not enjoy bad guys who have excuses for doing what they did (inducing stealing a firetruck and crashing it into a flower shop), Bella's evil eye, exploding cars and buildings, and Lula's one-liners. I can always count on an SP book to make me giggle!

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I forget how fun the Stephanie Plum series is. Book 29 picks up when Stephanie comes into work, and her co-worker has been kidnapped. We follow Stephanie along as she tries to find out who is behind the kidnapping and how to get her colleague back. Along for the ride are her two handsome boyfriends. I have to say I think I am leaning to team Ranger. I love that I could pick right back up in this series, even though I haven't read one of these in a few years. Great fun, and definitely had a few laughs along the way. Thank you, NetGalley for the eARC. 4 stars.

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Janet Evanovich is one of my most favorite writers.
I adore this series.
I hope they are all a TV show or a movie someday.
I cannot wait to watch RANGER!
I want a ranger! and a Joe Morelli

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Going Rogue
by Janet Evanovich

Going Rogue is book 29 of the Stephanie Plum series - I have read the last few books in the series and I have really enjoyed the character and the situations Stephanie ends up in - both in the crazy shenanigans and in the romance side of things.

I love learning more about Stephanie and her love interests. I enjoy the exciting sequence of events following a mysterious coin, an abduction and of course murder. I loved the going rogue part and throwing caution to the wind in solving this mystery. Fantastic side characters and always love the twists and intricate plotting.

Fun read! Cant wait to read more!

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I am a HUGE fan of the Stephanie Plum series. HUGE. It’s hilarious, quirky, a little steamy, with a good who-dun-it.

This time Stephanie and Lula rush to find Connie- their friend and fellow co-worker at the Bail Bonds Office. Turns out she’s been kidnapped. Stephanie has to find a mysterious coin. She’ll need help from Grandma Mazur, Morelli, and of course the undeniable Ranger.

I hope you pick this up! They are all 5 stars for me!

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We're in the 29th book in the Stephanie Plum series and Ms. Plum is just as energized and confused (romantically) as ever.

Monday's aren't the best of days on a good week, but when Stephanie shows up for work at Vinnie's Bail Bonds and Connie, the office manager isn't there, the day gets worse. Connie's as regular and dependable as a fine Swiss watch. A bit later Stephanie receives a phone call confirming that the day just gets worse and worse. Connie has been kidnapped and the kidnappers want Stephanie to turn over a special coin. Said coin was left in the office as collateral for a man who was released on bond and then murdered.

Stephanie has no problem turning over a coin for Connie's life - but the coin isn't anywhere in the office. Stephanie and her 'team' - which include her grandmother, her friend Lula, her boyfriend Morelli, and her other boyfriend Ranger - have to track down the strange coin, learn its value, and make the exchange for Connie. The longer it takes for each step the more Connie's life is in danger.

This is a pretty straightforward action/mystery, with just the right amount of humor and sex to get it on the bestseller list for a few weeks once it comes out.

I haven't read very many Stephanie Plum novels (my wife has read them all) and I was a bit surprised at how direct this was - there were very few subplots or side stories (romances, red herrings, etc). The story does take an unexpected turn near the end and all we had was a brief sentence earlier in the book to hint at what would come. Personally, I'd like a few more clues dropped in so when the story takes its turn I can look back and realizes that the hints were there.

Though I haven't read a lot of Stephanie Plum novels, I know that a big part of the charm is Stephanie's romance with two men - the cop Morelli with whom she seems most at ease, and Ranger, the man who offers lots of excitement (in more ways than one). But even the romance(s) were pretty subdued in this book.

It won't take long to read this, and if you like the genre or are a Stephanie Plum fan, you'll be glad to pick this up.

Looking for a good book? Going Rogue by Janet Evanovich is a quick read with lots of thrills. It would make a great summer beach or winter cabin read.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

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Going rogue sees us returning to New Jersey and the world of Stephanie Plum. It is always comforting (which is weird because she does not live in a comforting place!). I love Lula, Connie, Bob, and even Vinny!

We also get the always interesting criminals on bond. Seriously, there are some crazies. In this story, the focus in on 1 bond-ee in particular and a seemingly worthless coin. There is kidnapping, dinner with the Plums, a funeral, and plenty of Grandma Mazur! Stephanie is officially back with Joe, but there are some moments with Ranger that are hot too. And the obligatory car bombing. Bella (Joe's grandma who gives people "the eye") has several appearances in this book and I loved every one of them.

Honestly, the books get a little repetitive but I still enjoy them! The story in this one was interesting (crypto currency) and Stephanie is starting to really question her future.

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I view Stephanie Plum and her family as old friends at this point. I've read them all -- and will continue to read them all as they come out. I enjoyed this one (because I enjoy them all). We once again get Stephanie trying to financially stumble through life, Lula with outrageous outfits and hilarious one liners, Grandma Mazur with weapons and snark, and two hunky men who compete for Stephanie's affection. It had everyone you'd expect and the same sort of drama and humor that feels like a warm hug of a read for me. It's light and easy and funny, and I am HERE FOR IT!

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I received a copy of this book for review from NetGalley. This book has enough kidnappings to make even Nancy Drew take pause. Other than that, this has everything you'd expect in a Stephanie Plum book. There are multiple car explosions, some love triangle tugging, a vicious attack grandmother, and a whole bunch of bumbling thieves. It took me a chapter or so to really get into this, but once it gets up to speed, it keeps the momentum. If you are a fan of the series, then you know exactly what to expect, and sometimes, that is just what you want.

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If you've read one book in this series, then you've read them all. Same tired jokes that just aren't funny anymore, same character quandaries (will Stephanie choose Joe or Ranger? Will Stephanie find happiness with this job or another), same repetitive plot points (Grandma goes to viewings, Mom sneaks a nip to cope, Lulu eats ever astounding quantities of food). All while every character stays exactly the same throughout the series, not even aging. At this point, Stephanie should be in her 40's, right?

I loved this series when it started and thought the writing hysterical. I loved the characters and their quirks, but now it feels tired and uninspired. I'm hoping that #30 will be the last of the series and we'll finally get some answers to our questions and watch Stephanie grow, just a little.

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The Stephanie Plum books are ones that I will always read, even though I know the formula, and know that I will get irritated about her being wishy washy between Morelli and Ranger (because I am Team Morelli and think that honestly Stephanie is too). I appreciated the drama of this book, and seeing more of Morelli’s grandmother was very entertaining.
I was provided with a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review.

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