Member Reviews

I appreciate the chance to read and review this book however it wasnt the right book for me.. I was lost in parts and had to go back pages to pick up where I got confused.. The writing style wasnt bad and the plot was interesting but it just didnt do it for me..

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One flew over the cuckoo’s nest

This concept of this story is not what I have read before.
I liked how he has his mom in his head.

I’m not sure though how having memories in his head would let him know his mother’s opinions on what he does.

The seeing visions and other parts made it a bit hard to follow.
I may reread when there is an audiobook

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This was definitely not my cup of tea, as far as books go, and wasn’t what I was expecting. However, if you’re into horror, violence, gore, and strange other worldly type of reads then this will be right up your alley. I won’t say this is a bad book, because it is well written, there’s definitely a thought out story that makes sense with some twists and turns, it just was hard for me to get through.

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Born to Die by Sawyer Black was one I was looking forward to reading.
I had heard Sawyer Black was an author to watch and even though the description for the book was actually an author description I thought I would give this book a shot.
Unfortunately, this book just wasn't my cup of tea. I think it had to do with the fact that I found the main character to be incredibly annoying and self-indulgent.
Thanks to #NetGalley, #Sterling&Stone and Sawyer Black for the ARC of #BornToDie.

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Now this book does not guide you in gently to the character's, Casey's, world, but more picks you up and throws you down into a well of graphic descriptions and eerie sensations. It is brilliant, the working is great, and it holds you to the page even when you have no idea what is going on, which is about half the time.

There are a great many twists and turns in this book, some I saw coming by picking up on some things characters say, and others spring up and boop you on the nose and leave your eyes watering.

These books are amazing, and worth a read, as long as you are not squeamish, and not scared of the dark.

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Born to Die by Sawyer Black was received directly from the publisher and I chose to review it. This book was one of the top 5 books I have read this year. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I started reading this book, then I noticed this was volumes 1-6 and I saw there were 1155 pages to read. With modern electronic books, the average reader obviously doesn't notice this like the olden days with the six inches thick books. As always I will not go into the plot, there is too much going on anyway to ever attempt to go into plot, but if you, or someone you buy gifts for like a constantly moving book that never bores the reader, grab this book and start reading, the reader is in for a good time.

5 Stars

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This book was decent enough. I liked the story but just not something I would really read again.

I do recommend though .

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This was very enjoyable felt lots of tension, dread and was a real page turner. Its definately different from what I was expecting going into it and was strange in parts which was a plus for me. Definately not for the faint of heart and suggest all horror readers check this one out.

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When Casey was born on the same day his mother died not from childbirth but from more sinister events. Casey isn’t your ordinary guy he can still speak to his mother and even carry her around on his shoulder he sees things through what he calls the gossamer and although he cannot kill himself he can’t be the cause of his own death. This book was so strange it’s so good I truly enjoyed it and enjoyed it so much I bought the book. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and think anyone who loves horror strange stories would love this book. It does have some triggers like sex and drugs but not so much that I think it would cause issues it also talks about murder and suicide but if you can stomach all that you’ll love this book I know I did. I received this bookfrom NetGalley and the publisher but I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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4.25 stars

This was a fantastic horror book. The tension and creep factor were high. The writing was easy to read and understand. Definitely a must for horror readers.

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I really enjoyed reading this, it was a great horror novel, it had a great spooky atmosphere that added to the tension. The plot of the book was well-written and it was what I was hoping for based on the cover. The characters were what I was looking for and am glad I was able to read this.

"I feel the bunker above me. I pass under it like I’m waiting for it to fall off the side of the hill. Bring its metal tower with it to crush me under the rubble. I get to where the private driveway cuts through the trees. A single lane, but out in the open. Cracked asphalt cooking under the sun."

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