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The Sweetheart Fix

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The Sweetheart Fix” by Miranda Liasson
Some Wise Advice
I loved this story. A story with laughter and tears and some sage advice; although most likely a bit too late to do me any good, but then, that is what hope is for. Meanwhile I did thoroughly enjoy my time within this story. I hope you will enjoy your time here also. Oh, did I mention this is a sweet clean romance? The kind of story you could read aloud to family, friends and even strangers and not be embarrassed by any of the scenes.
Happy Reading ! !
NOTE: This review expresses my honest opinion
I received an ARC of this story from the publisher via NetGalley.

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A sweet small town romance that you’ll just adore! Full of quirky scenes and undeniable passion! Very cute, enjoyable book that you’ll love!

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A sweet, small town romance, was the best thing for this weekend. I adored the setting and would LOVE to visit Blossom Glen. It reminded me of the town where my parents live and that played into my enjoyment of the book. I thought Jack and Juliet were well written and enjoyed the opposites attract trope. This would be an amazing Hallmark Movie. I would definitely read more by this author.
3.5 stars rounded up to 4.
Thank you to the publisher and author for providing me with an ARC copy, in exchange for my honest review.

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We are back in Blossom Glen, Indiana where another of the Montgomery sisters gets her story.
Juliet Montgomery is a relationship therapist . But her past relationships, 2.5 engagements, puts doubts on her and her potential clients. Thus leading to being told o take a break from work by her boss.
Jack Monroe, is the mayor in town. His goal is to help his grandmother keep her land instead of having a developer taking it. He’s kept his heart secured. His childhood left him believing he wasn’t good enough to love.
When a chance attendance to a town meeting brings these two together, he offers Juliet a temporary job. Never expecting that this woman whom everyone likes, would change his life forever.
This is a story about family, whether one created by blood or strong friendships. It’s a story about finding that special person that “gets you” , let’s you be your true self, and in doing so, helps you be a better individual.
It’s a story about letting go of old hurts, and opening one’s hurt to unconditional love and finding “home”.
Another wonderful story by this very talented author. Looking forward to what else she has in store for us in the next book.
I was entrusted a copy of this book by Netgalley and Entangled Amara. The opinions expressed are solely my own.

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I really loved this book. I found that I knew the characters having read the first book in the series. Juliet and Jack were made for each other and they each were helping each other with things in their lives that needed to get them out a spot of bother. Juliet being a marriage and relationship councilor, and she has a few problems with her own relationships, not going through with three engagements and one being a very public break up. And Jack was trying to save his grandmother's home and land from being sold out from under her. As mayor he was trying sway the town council and the residents to not let a big developer take the land.

There are lots of wonderful moments in this book that will have you laughing and sighing, and you will want to have a few tissues handy too. You will fall in love with this handsome cowboy and cheer for him and Juliet. It’s a story that will give you a heartwarming feeling when you finish the book. I can’t wait for the next book in the Blossom Glen series.

Thank you to Miranda Liasson, the publisher and Netgalley for a copy of this book to give my honest review.

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The Sweetheart Fix was amazing! It is part of a series that can be read as a standalone which I love and now I can’t wait to go back and read the first book in the series. It was a great romance story with a great small town setting and I really liked both of the main characters. Juliet is a therapist and Jack is the Mayor. They were so cute together especially how it starts of as an enemies to lovers romance and I use the word enemy very loosely. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I highly recommend it. Thank you to Netgalley, Entangled Publishing and Miranda Liasson for an opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.

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Absolutely adored this book. The writing was beautiful and painted such beautiful imagery in my head. Adored every second of reading this. At times had difficulty following who’s POV we were viewing from, but overall still enjoyed!

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The Sweetheart Fix centers around Juliet Montgomery, couples counselor, and Jack Monroe, Blossom Glen’s mayor. Juliet after getting her dream job as a counselor is basically ‘suspended’ due to her issues with past relationships. How can she guide others if she can’t figure out herself first? This begins her power walk to find out what happened in her past relationships. She is driven to find out and get back to her job! Almost immediately following the suspension, she walks into town hall to pay a parking ticket and becomes involved in a grievance town meeting. The mayor is obviously having trouble relating to the constituents and their issues. Jack and Juliet have an antagonistic relationship at best. Because they are in a small town, everyone including Jack knows she’s on hiatus from her job. He offers her the position of Town Counselor to help him not only with the problems at hand but the larger issue of fending off a developer from buying his grandmother’s land and building a golf course/ resort thus destroying his town.

I loved watching Jack and Juliet get past the surface of each other’s personalities and really see the person beneath. They each have baggage to overcome, and they work together to solve not only their issues but that of the town as well. As Juliet and Jack put aside their differences and work together, they realize they’ve misunderstood each other and not only work together well but begin to like each other. It’s not far from there to attraction and the next step in a relationship neither is interested in having for their own reasons.

Enemies to lovers, slow burn. Community pulling together. All trademarks of Miranda Liasson. I love each give-and-take pull on my emotions as read. Knowing that laughter and heartbreak (which are part of life) are intertwined in her stories makes the book even more enjoyable to read. Jack and Juliet are both likable characters and I found myself rooting for their HEA from the start. I was captivated not only by them but Juliet’s family whom we met in book one (The Sweetheart Deal), the other townspeople, and especially Jack’s Grandmother. This is a stand-alone book, you don’t have to read the first book in the series, but I think you’ll enjoy that one just as much! I received an arc of the book from NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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This was such a cute read!! I fell in love with Jack and Juliet. There was a good amount of banter but now the overly done banter that can happen sometimes. This book will give you all the feels. You will feel like a part of there family and community! I highly recommend this book and will also be reading more by this author!! Thanks for letting me read this in advance.

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I really enjoy these stories set in Blossom Glen. Jack became mayor specifically to help out his grandma. He's a doer, not a talker. He'd rather do his job with a minimum of personal contact. Everyone knows Juliet. She has finished her degree and is ready to become a couples counselor except for that tiny PR problem she has: she's been engaged two and a half times and has backed out at the last minute twice. The half shouldn't count. Jack needs to learn how to communicate and Juliet needs public credibility before she can start her career. They just might be able to succeed if they can work together.

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A really great story abut trust, selfeteem and facing our past and our fears in order to have a chance at happinness, love in our future. Adam and Juliet are not looking for a relationship but he needs help in gaining the towsfolk's trust as a mayor and Juliet needs a boost of confidence in her job as counselor. Will they be able to face their fears and find a future together also bringing their town togheter or will they lose their chance at love?

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(Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the ARC! I am leaving this review voluntarily.)

This book is just as cozy and sweet as the title suggests. You know how it goes: ''He was a (cow)boy. She was a girl. Can I make it any more obvious?'' But will these two have their happy ending after all? Will a woman that has two and a half engagements behind her be able to say ''yes'' to a new lover - and stay, this time? And him: will he be able to get over his commitment issues and for once take a relationship seriously and voice his feelings?
This book is so sweet, cozy, family-oriented, and heartwarming. It's such a light story - perfect for falling-leaves weather! That our two MCs have a thing for each other is a no-brainer from page one, but how (or if) they overcome their obstacles is what we need to wait for and see. And if only it were and outside obstacle, like long distance, work, or whatever, that they have to deal with, but it's themselves they have to fight!
The book talks about mental health, as well. That annoyed me a bit because I don't take that topic lightly. I feel like, in this case, it was explored in a shallow way and kind of romanticized. I hate to say it, but it really bothered me. It might not be an issue for others, though!

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The Sweetheart Fix is the second in the Blossom Glen Series, but can be read as a stand alone.

This was such a sweet clean romance and I really enjoyed it. I liked how Miranda has put mental health in the forefront of this story. Both Juliet and Jack have a lot of obstacles to overcome, but with patience and a lot of soul searching, they should be able to have a healthy grown up relationship.
It was nice revisiting characters from the previous book. I love small town romances, and this one is perfect! Even though everyone is up in your business, they are also your biggest fans and are there to help you succeed.

Looking forward to another installment in the series, as there is one more sister!
Thank you to NetGalley, Entangled Publishing and Amara for my advanced eARC. All thoughts are my own.

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I'm posting an honest review after reading an advance reader copy of this story.

Such a fun story, watching two people work out their feelings, past, present, & future. What likeable characters and, mostly, believable situations. Juliet and Jack are perfect together. I even loved the town, Blossom Glen. Ms Liasson even made the secondary characters full of life with stories of their own that melded into the plot.

#Negalley #MirandaLiasson #TheSweetheartFix #EntangledPublishing

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The Sweetheart Fix is a cute read. Juliet and Jack are just wonderful. This is a small town read that everyone knows everything about you and will not let you forget anything that has happened to you. Juliet is put in a tough situation when she tries to counsel couples and her credibility is questioned left and right. Jack is doing everything he can to save his grandmother's home and land from being bought by developers. There is this sizzle between Jack and Juliet the more time they spend together as Jack appoints Juliet to town counselor. I love how Juliet steps up and helps solve the little town problems that pop up. Jack has relationship issues, and you get why once you get to know him. I love the chemistry build between Juliet and Jack as they come up with the solution to help them both out. This is a cute read that you will not want to miss out on.

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The Sweetheart Fix
Miranda Liasson
November 29, 2022

We are back in Blossom Glen, Indiana. Juliet Montgomery has returned to accept a job at Headspace as a social counselor. She has had one session with a couple having trouble in their marriage. Although Juliet was nervous she felt it went well, as well as it could for her first day at work. When Char Gohara knocked on her door this morning Juliet thought it would be a welcome to the office, instead her boss sat down and formed a concerned expression on her face. Juliet knew something had come down after her first appointment and it didn’t seem that she was in for an ‘excellent job’ response. Char let her know that the couple was concerned about the fact that Juliet Montgomery had had 3 engagements in her young life and ended up breaking up with each man. They didn’t feel like she was an expert in the field and would like to see someone else. Her boss let her know that she had 3 weeks to work on her outlook regarding marriage and the best way to show her clients that she could help them solve problems. The story goes on with her heading to the town hall to pay a parking ticket on her first day of time off. That incentive drives the novel to point out all the different methods she would take to rearrange her outlook on life.
The Sweetheart Fix by Miranda Liasson will be published by Entangled: Amara of Macmillon on November 29, 2022. I appreciate their allowing me to read and review Liasson’s latest romantic comedy novel via NetGalley. I had read The Sweetheart Deal and this was a fun follow up with all the characters. For those who have started the Blossom Glen series be certain to get The Sweetheart Fix. This is an entertaining look at life beyond the college degree and what we might have to contend with. It is a delight to read. Do Enjoy!

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This is my second Miranda Liasson book and I liked it just as much as the first. Earlier this year, I read The Sweetheart Deal where we had the story of Tessa and Leo. In The Sweetheart Fix, it is a story about Tessa's sister, Juliet, and the town mayor, Jack.

The two have a mutual dislike for one another at the beginning which turns into a love/hate relationship for a bit before it fully develops into a relationship. Juliet is a counselor that ends up helping Jack settle community disputes in a much better fashion than how he was doing. She could see opposing opinions in a different light than he could.

I'm a fairly new romance reader and I like that there are usually series of sorts (even though you could easily pick them up as a stand alone) so that we get to know each family member or character a little better in their own book. Jack & Juliet had a chemistry that I loved and we also were updated on Tessa and Leo and their little sister & mom as well,

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The second in Blossom Glen series. Ms. Liasson writes with so much heart. Juliet is going through something tuff in her career. When she attends the forum the last thing she wants is to get involved, and that’s what happened. Soon she’s asked by one of the town residents to weight in on how she feels. So she does. That leads to the Mayor Jack Monroe asking her to help him with issues that further come up. So she will be town counselor. What has she gotten herself into? She doesn’t know. She doesn’t even like Jack.

Buy the book to see what happens. I assure you it’s funny, and also heartbreaking. But the town pulls together as that’s what small towns do for one another...

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A sweet, small town romance about two people who couldn't be more different finding their way to one another!

Juliet Montgomery is back in her small hometown of Blossom Glen starting her career as a therapist and the last thing she's looking for is love. The mayor of Blossom Glen, Jack, has bigger fish to fry and no time to deal with the fiery redhead that seems to have gotten underneath his skin. Will these two always be at odds or will they give up and give in to the attraction?

Blossom Glen is the sweetest little town and I absolutely loved the first book in this series, so I was super excited to read this one! I loved Juliet's fiery personality (and the hair that matched) and the banter between her and Jack. This was a slow burn, so it did take a bit to pick up, but it was so sweet once it did. I really enjoyed seeing Jack work towards being more emotionally vulnerable with Juliet and how they really brought out the best in one another.

Overall, this was a great small town romance and I really love how the author included characters from the first book to really build on their story as well!

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This is the second book in the Blossom Glen series. The series is about three sisters in the Montgomery family. Each book can be read as a standalone, but you will want to read them all. This family is full of personality and the supporting cast of characters blend well into the storyline. This book is about the sister named Juliet who is trying to get her career as a therapist off the ground. The problem is the locals know about her past and try to hold it against her. The main male character is Jack Monroe, the city mayor, who is trying to find a way to save his grandmother's land. The two have pressing issues facing them and really don't have time for a relationship. Love, however, never waits until the perfect time. I really enjoyed reading this book and look forward to the third book in the series. If you like chick lit, women's fiction, happily ever after stories, or sweet romance this is a book series for you. I actually enjoyed book two even more than the first in the series and look forward to book three.

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