Member Reviews

I wish I had this book a few years ago when my youngest grandchild was born. My granddaughter, the middle child really had her nose out of joint when her little brother came home from the hospital. Owen's Day with Daddy is about a young boy who is an only child, until his sibling comes home. He is very upset because Daddy spends so much time with the baby and he feels left out, so he stamps his foot and screams that he wants to spend time with Daddy. Daddy and Owen have a day together where they go to the park and have a wonderful time. This is a story about family, jealousy, sibling rivalry and the importance of spending quality time with each other. I read this to my grandchildren but they had varying interest. The oldest was not really interested at all. When I talked to my granddaughter about how she felt when her brother came home she related a bit, but kept saying she loved playing with him (no she didn't). The youngest related to Owen and spending a fun day with his Daddy. Overall, I think this is a great book to deal with sibling rivalry and would be a good one to purchase for children before their new family comes home. The illustrations are cute and evoke great emotion, although they are pretty simple and not as detailed as I have gotten used to with Clavis books. Although this was not a winner for us, that is because our family is not in this situation.

A great, short book with a powerful message for older siblings. Follow Owen and his dad as they enjoy a day just for the two of them after Owen uses his words to let his father know he feels left out with the baby in the house. Perfect for kids who might be able to relate to this feeling and know that a family is large enough for everyone to give and receive love even in little ways. Perfect for read aloud with engaging pictures that kids can use to follow the story and count items as they are mentioned.

I enjoyed this story and I thought it was a fab book for older children that have younger siblings
I know my friend struggled with the balance between her two children as there was an age gap of five years and she did very similar and started to make specific days for the older child to go out and have time just with them
The story was well written and it was easy to read and I liked that the activities that Owen wanted to do were fairly cheap and easy too, time with his daddy was more important
It is 4 stars from me for this one, highly recommended!

This is a very cute book about a dad and his son bonding together. This is an amazing book for children adjusting to a life with a new younger sibling. I alos like the cute illustrations!

A needy brat demands three things of his dad, just because the new baby is getting all the man's attention. So busy dad is forced to go and shout at the ducks (I'm serious – see if you think shrieking at them like these do will encourage them to come for feed!), then help needy brat with the larger slide in the park, then fork out for a round of cheeseburgers and milkshakes. It's after this we realise busy mum was still back home, probably doing the work of two parents, what's more. I think you could say I didn't take to this affirmation of family bonds – mummy is absent, the dad is a wet rag and the brat needed a clout to knock the selfishness out of him. These pages have a more optimistic conclusion, mind. I would never object if you or your institution loved it – I didn't.

A new baby in the house can be exciting for big brother or big sister but sometimes they can feel left out while the new baby gets so much attention. As a parent you want the family to bond during this time. Owen is feeling a little left out and Owen's dad takes Owen on a special day. Owen gets to pick 3 things to do that day with his dad.
When he gets back, he shares what he did with his mom. Your child may see themselves in Owen and not feel so threatened by the new baby and that mom and dad will always be there. It is also a great reminder for new parents!
A special thank you to Clavis Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

Very cute and fun Dad and son story. Simple, but full of paternal love and I just find it real nice!

This is a fantastic book, especially for the little ones that may be struggling to adapting to life with a new sibling and feeling jealous of said sibling. Owen is furious that his dad is spending a lot of time with the new baby. He demands to do something with his dad. In the end, Owen goes to a park and feeds the ducks with his dad, slides down the slide at the playground (with his dad helping him surmount his fear of climbing up the ladder), and even hit up a fast food drive through for lunch. In the end, Owen realizes that not being the baby anymore and growing up is a wonderful thing, and that his parents will always be right there with him, even though he isn’t the baby of the family anymore.

I really liked this one, great for kids with a new baby sibling! Also, not too many words on a page, which I'm always a fan of.

As the eldest child myself, I have been Owen. I have felt that frustration and loneliness you get when a new sibling comes along. I chose to read this with my eldest as well. Though his sister has been around for a while, he is the only child who fully knows what it is like to be the solo child with full attention. It can be struggle to learn to share that attention with other which he definitely struggled with. Its important to have these stories out there for those that do make this transition to sibling.

The perfect book to read when a new sibling is on the way, or any time a child is feeling like they have lost the attention of a parent for any reason, such as a job change.
Owen is feeling neglected and left out. He has a new little brother and now all the attention that used to be exclusively on his is divided. Owen feels that his dad doesn’t have time to play with him anymore. Dad notices that Owen's feelings are hurt and decides to do something special to make Owen feel better.
This is an important story for parents to read to prepare children for the inevitable arrival of a new sibling and open a dialogue about how the new baby will need a lot of attention, but that it doesn't change a parents love for their other children. This also is great if a parent is busy with work and needs to show that being busier doesn't mean they love their child less. Especially because young children can feel lonely if they feel their parent is not paying as much attention to them as they used to.
This story was both entertaining and educational, which can be a tricky balance to maintain in a children’s book, and I will be suggesting it to teachers whenever possible. Incorporating social-emotional skills and topics such as this into children's picture books is a tried and true way to teach an important life skill in a way that is fun. This would be an amazing addition for classroom libraries, counselling offices and more.

A heartwarming story that follows Owen, who feels left out following the arrival of his baby brother but gets his chance to spend a special day out with his daddy. This is a quick and sweet read that will help children navigate similar situations and feelings.
Personally, I found the book a bit too simplistic and one-dimensional. While Owen's tantrum and feelings are completely understandable, he does not learn or grow. Rather, it seems to imply that the solution is always to treat the neglected sibling to a dedicated day out. Yes, quality time is important but so is being considerate and gracious towards other family members.
Overall I enjoyed the story and illustrations, but was left with mixed feelings.

This children's book is portraying a lovely day of quality time between a dad and his eldest son who was feeling neglected because of the new baby at home. It's a story about nurturing that sweet bond between parents and children. I'm just not really sold on the style of the illustrations. Not my favourite aesthetic.

This book was really cute. Owen has a little brother and he thinks that his parents doesn't pay him attention. So with his childish way asks for it. His daddy, understands the importance of feeling loved and cared for so he spends time with Owen. This book teaches new parents that children must be safe and loved. Above all else. You should read this book, especially if you are a new parent.

Owen is an only child when a new baby comes into the family. Owen does not like all the attention the baby gets. His dad offers to let Owen do any three things he wants. What follows is a wonderful day.
This a perfect book for any child gaining a family member. I loved how the father took Owen out for the day because normally those activities are done by the mother. It is a cute book about overcoming challenges and feeling loved.. This is a little longer than some children's books so if your child is young, it would perfect to read to them rather than them reading it.

Thank you, Clavis Publishing, for the advance reading copy.
This book tells how important it is for kids and the entire family to spend time together. Specially for fathers who work.
I find the illustrations so beautiful and cute.
Will be looking forward to the team’s upcoming books!

Owen's Day with Daddy is a heart warming book about a father making time for his older son after the arrival of a new baby (that can't drink drink milkshakes yet)
I think that this is the perfect book for a newly appointed older sibling to help them understand what's happening in their lives. It is also a great reminder to the parents to make sure to make time for the older sibling(s) when the new one arrives. Even making meal time as much about them as possible shows that although you are busy and sleepiy, they are just as important to you as baby

Owen has just become a big brother, and he is having a tough time dealing with getting less attention from his parents. He and his Daddy go out for a day together in this sweet book. Owen gets to pick several places to go, and he begins to realize that it is fun to be bigger and able to do more things. He helps his Daddy order food, goes down the big slide, and feeds the ducks. The book shows him using his courage by going on the big slide and shows how being with his Daddy helped him be brave.
This would be a great book for a toddler boy becoming a big brother. Thank you to Clavis publishing and NetGalley for this adorable read.

This book is a great selection for new older siblings who are navigating how their relationships with their parents grow when baby brother or sister is brought home. I thought one of the activities could have included baby brother - quality time isn't always just one on one time, but overall thought the message was well executed.

Ridiculously adorable! Owen feels left out after his new baby brother is born. This book shows how daddy makes Owen feel special. Sweet illustrations throughout.