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Immortality: A Love Story

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While I enjoyed this book MUCH more than the first one. It was still just a ok read for me.

I truly loved hazel and I found the plot more intriguing BUT For me this is easily a read, enjoy, forget kind of book.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing the ARC of Immortality: A Love Story. The narrator for the audiobook was perfect! The book itself was fantastic. I loved the new characters. I liked this one even more than I liked Anatomy: A Love Story. 4.5 stars.

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***ARC received from Wednesday Books and NetGalley in exchange for honest review, opinions are all my own. Thank you!***

I was somewhat surprised to here Dana Schwartz mention on her podcast that she had written a sequel to Anatomy. While the book did set up for a potential sequel I thought that it ended Hazel’s story fine but wanted to see how it really concluded.

Immortality takes place shortly after Anatomy and Hazel is continuing her work as a doctor in her town. Most of the story though takes place in Britain to care for the ailing Princess Charlotte. I found that I liked the first half of this book the most, not much is going on plot wise but its still enjoyable. In the first half much is driven by Hazel’s interactions and growing friendships with the other new character, Eliza and Simon. Eliza brings a female friendship into Hazel’s life that she was missing previously, especially as they are supportive of Hazel’s want to practice medicine. Simon was probably my favorite of the new characters. He doesn’t subscribe to the belief that women can’t practice medicine as a man can, he is fully on board with supporting her.

I also liked the inclusion of the Companions to the Death, they give Hazel another thing to think of but are also fully supporting on her position as a surgeon. Its with the Companions of the Death that the author’s love of history and exploring history events and people really shine through. I think that’s why I liked the first part the best, it felt like the author was in her element and while it didn’t really go anywhere it was still an enjoyable read. Unfortunately at about the 70% mark a plot suddenly emerged that completely lost me. It also felt incredibly rushed as there is no real set up for it making it feel like an afterthought as the book felt like it needed to set up a resolution it hadn’t been working toward.

Hazel is a force to be reckoned with just sounds like an excuse for her to get whatever she wants no matter how improbable. Like people don’t even question it to the point it felt ridiculous and just an excuse to keep the plot moving, particularly at the end. Also it made Hazel’s decisions at the end so frustrating, it ran counter to almost everything she had stood for in the first half of the book and left me feeling that the ending was unsatisfying. For a book titled A Love Story, I wasn’t as invested in the love story aspect as others and wished that Hazel had dedicated herself more to her passion for medicine instead of making the decision that she did at the end.

The writing is good, I’d say a little better than her previous book. I found it most enjoyable as previously stated when she was delving into history, studying the people of the time. Unfortunately with a slow start came a rushed ending that left for an unbalanced feeling conclusion to Hazel’s story.

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Still fighting the norms, Immortality follows Hazel Sinnett in the aftermath of Anatomy, navigating the world without the boy she loves and in a society where being a female doctor is shunned upon.

It follows her from practicing what she loves to being imprisoned to treating royalty and becoming a member of a club that isn't what it seems.

Immortality is in part, a filler with the same atmospheric energy as the first book, filled with more history, secrets and of course, death.

Needless to say, it was easy to read, easy to understand, entertaining and with the perfect ending, even if it did feel somewhat rushed.

I loved Hazel and Jack, and what Ms. Schwartz did with all the other characters, fictional or not.

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DNF'd at about 30%
I just couldn't bring myself to care.
There seems to be either no plot or just way too many plot points, I'm not sure what they were going for here. The pacing was so slow, and the characters were boring.
This kind of put me in a reading slump honestly.

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i read the previous instalment in this duology last year and i enjoyed it quite a lot – it was a fun read and i truly liked hazel and jack as protagonists. “immortality”, however, was quite the disappointment to me as i didn’t quite get what was the point of it. it felt messier than the first one, plot wise and i didn’t like a certain character that appeared in this one. i feel like his character was changed a bit too much for my liking, compared to how we acted in “anatomy”.

i loved the simon and hazel together and i’m kind of sad they weren’t end-game, as they fit a lot better compared to the character hazel ends up with. i still liked hazel and how strongly she wanted to be a surgeon – i’m glad hazel’s character stayed coherent to how she was described in the first book.

the plot was lacklustre and i think many things happened for no reason at all, which made everything a bit confusing. some plot points were thrown in just to fill the space and they had nothing to add to the story – i truly believe that the story would’ve been fine without them. truthfully, the action is contained mostly in last 20% and the rest is mostly filler. i also kinda disliked how little of the actual surgical stuff we got, as i expected more gore-y scenes.

at the start of the story – and by that i mean a good 20% of it, hazel gets into a bit of trouble with the law and she gets arrested and there’s absolutely no consequences to that. we just move on and it isn’t spoken of again. also, why does nobody from hazel family cares that she was in jail??

the way the author explored the immortality trope that was introduced in the first book was definitely…interesting. i didn’t find the ending to this plot point satisfying and i think the ending was a set-up for a third novel. the idea was fun and the characters involved in this were truly well-crafted – their personalities were fun and i liked the parts when we were showed a bit of the secret society, but they were severely misused as plot devices.

the book simply tried to do too much and it fell flat in all aspects because of it. jack’s character was butchered compared to the first story, there was none of the “doctoring” that happened in the first book, the companions were an interesting addition to the cast of characters that, eventually, did absolutely nothing for the story. granted, the writing was consistent and the dialogue didn’t feel forced at all and i loved the chemistry between simon and hazel. perhaps this book will work for someone else, but it hasn’t for me.

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Warning : A few spoilers from the previous book Anatomy : A Love Story.

Immortality : A Love Story is the sequel to one of my favorite reads from last year Anatomy : A Love Story. The first book follows Hazel Sinnet in her quest to become a surgeon in early 19th century Edinburgh. Hazel was one of the most well-written young heroines that I had read in a long time. Her quest for her dreams and her love story with the one and only Jack Currer stayed with me long after I put the book down. The Gothic setting with a supernatural and fantastical twist consumed me from the start. However, the ending was left so ambiguous that I was left quite unsettled. And then the announcement for Immortality : A Love Story came. My excitement began to build again.

Immortality follows in the wake of Anatomy. Hazel builds her life as a surgeon to the poor and the secret doctor in the shadows to the wealthy. She's is growing as a surgeon, but she's lonely. Jack has left a hole in heart that will not go away. Her reputation builds and certain happenings come to pass, leading Hazel to the job of attending to the Princess of England who has a mysterious illness that no doctor can crack. Hazel is spirited away to London with its secret societies and court intrigue. She uses what she has learned to try and do good while figuring out the loose threads within her own life.

To put this simply, it was wonderful. Dana Schwartz whisks the reader back into such a romantic, yet sinister atmosphere with complex characters and a love story that will truly melt your heart. Every puzzle piece fits into place, which gives a much more satisfying feeling in the end than the last book did. The characters that enter this stage of Hazel's story are such intriguing takes on people that have graced the history books. The discourse on being a woman in this time period was thought-provoking and well put. I was worried that this book would try to do too much. But it continued the story and maintained the same air and tone of the first. The ending was a little too fast, but that could probably be attributed to me not wanting it to end.

Many thanks to NetGalley for the ARC; all opinions are my own.

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Dana Schwartz just gave me everything I didn’t know I needed. Continuing with Hazel wondering if Jack is alive or not, and handling royals. It has so many twists and turns to keep you turning pages!
Love this book and will be recommending it to my class to read for sure.

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First, thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book early in exchange for my review!

I was interested in reading this book because I enjoyed the first novel and found it so unique. Immortality was equally unique and had some fun moments and some moments that I felt were lacking.

The beginning felt as though it dragged on and it took me quite a while to become invested, but once I had reached the halfway point, I finished within a day.

The new setting of the majority of the book was a very fun change and I enjoyed the royalty aspect. The mystery plot line was fun and the new love interest was intriguing.

I am rating it 3/5 stars because I felt as though the storyline didn’t know where it was going. Reading it felt chaotic and I had a difficult time connecting.

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Thank you to Wednesday Books/MacMillian Publishers and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

I am absolutely obsessed with Hazel Sinnett. She is inspiring, intelligent, daring, and brave. I could read a dozen more books with her as the main character, I love her!

Author Dana Schwartz deserves a lot of credit for the way she expanded this series and developed a second novel with such an intriguing, addicting plot that managed to be so different from the first book. I was fascinated by the story and had a difficult time putting this book down. I especially loved the Companions of Death- they were hilarious- and the concept of Beecham's vial of immortality.

Schwartz paints a descriptive picture of the history of medicine throughout this novel. Even though I don't have much of a science or medical background, it's all very easy to understand. The reader is able to learn about medicine through Hazel's eyes as she perseveres despite the obstacles others want to place in her way because of her gender.

This book was phenomenal, but I strongly recommend reading the first novel, "Anatomy," before reading this one. You will miss out on so much of the plot and connections if you read "Immortality" first.

Lastly, this COVER! It's gorgeous and so eye-catching.

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This was the perfect sequel to the first book, Anatomy. I love Jack and Hazel so much. Dana Schwartz created a masterpiece with this duology. Immortality takes you for a wild roller coaster of emotions. Hazel is thrown through the wringer. She is by far my favorite female main character. No matter what she comes out on top and even more determined.

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The cover for this book is every bit as exquisite as the first book in the duology was. They are creative and eye-catching. So clever. With this being the second book and a follow up to Anatomy, I eagerly awaited it. The last book left the readers with a bit of a cliffhanger and I was curious to see how things resolved themselves.

This book picks up where the last one left off with Hazel Sinnett continuing to pursue her medical goals while still pondering her love, Jack's fate. Hazel puts herself out there though and doesn't turn anyone away when treatment is needed. This tends to put her at potential risk that can endanger all she holds dear.

As her adventure continues, Hazel will have the opportunity to meet many interesting people including royalty, members of a secret society and more.

This was a fun and satisfying follow-up to the first book and it provides a solid and satisfying conclusion.

AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: The audio narration was simply wonderful. The different accents were done well and it helped immensely when it came to differentiation between characters - - especially with the secret society members. I find that a good audiobook truly helps me escape into the story. This one was truly enjoyable. 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley for both the early review copies of the ebook and the audiobook. I voluntarily chose to read and listen to them and write a review. The opinions contained within are my own.

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This is one of the best duologies I have ever read. I loved, loved, loved the first book and was delighted and honored to get an ARC of the sequel. I will definitely read this book again. I so enjoyed all the historical medical bits. The cover of this book is absolutely gorgeous. Highly recommend!!

My thanks to Netgalley and Wednesday books for this ARC!!

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I really enjoyed the first book in the duology, Anatomy . I daresay this one is even better than its predecessor. We catch back up with our protagonist Hazel, who is basically shunned for acting like a dude so she can practice medicine, but plenty of people are in dire need of her services. So she's holed up in her family home, helping people who need it the most. Because she's awesome like that. Until she's accused of murder, because of course we can't just let the nice lady doctor live in peace.

Problem is, not only did Hazel not murder anyone, she hasn't a clue who she's even accused of murdering. But again, we all know society is not really concerned about fairness, so. She finds herself in the unenviable position of being told that her life basically depends on curing Princess Charlotte (no, not that Princess Charlotte, this Princess Charlotte) of her mystifying illness that no one has been able to figure out.

While she's tending to this pretty serious new job, she ends up in the company of some... well, let's just say some great historical minds. But maybe not in the way you'd think. Anyway, they want her to join their club. But of course, nothing is as it seems on the surface, and Hazel knows this. She's trying to help the princess, figure out what happened to her lover, Jack, and you know, stay alive among the rich and powerful who see her medical ability as useful to them. It's a lot for Hazel, and the stakes are therefore quite high- especially when put into context with the royal court's future.

I loved this story even more than the first, found it exciting and entertaining. Hazel has certainly grown as a character, and continues to in this book, all while being charming and witty and certainly likable. I loved that we got to change the setting in this story, and were introduced to a lot more historical figures in this fabulous alt-historical fantasy.

Bottom Line: Immortality ties up this duology splendidly, with characters we grew to love, and great new introductions, as well as a storyline that keeps the reader guessing. Can'r wait for more from this author!

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<b> Women were not objects on a shelf waiting to be selected for marriage; they were as much a part of the society as the men at their sides.</b>

A great ending to Hazel’s Sinnett’s story! There is so much going on in this book, and at times it felt like it was almost completely separate from the first book until the end. I love that Hazel cares for a woman who attempts an abortion, and that it completely upends her world when Hazel is sent to prison because of it. And I love that even though the time period this takes place has a different view of women, Hazel is still herself and does not change who she is to fit society’s expectations.

<b>“I would give up anything for a life I was allowed to build anew with you. In a heartbeat.” </b>

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Immortality is the second book in Dana Schwartz's captivating Anatomy Duology, and it is an enthralling, fast-paced journey of mystery, romance, and cadavers. Schwartz masterfully combines the historical with the supernatural, taking readers on a thrilling ride from macabre graveyards to Scottish castles with two captivating protagonists you cannot help but root for. I was left breathless and wanting more of this extraordinary story.

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I loved the first book and couldn't wait to see what happened with Hazel and Jack. I was a little disappointed that the story moved away from Hazel's home laboratory, but enjoyed the historical characters thrown in once Hazel gets to London. Hazel even gets to work alongside another doctor, and some past characters make appearances as well. All in all, a great sequel that fans of the first book are sure to enjoy.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martins Press/Wednesday for the advanced readers copy and advanced listeners copy!

Trigger Warnings to note: Rape, Abortion, Graphic scenes involving blood.

I read Anatomy nearly in one sitting. It was so good and I did not want it to end. I was super excited to hear about book 2 as I felt that the first book ended on a fairly sad note. I am happy to report that this book gave me all the closure that I wanted from the ending of the first.

Although this book is set in the 1800s, I felt like some of the themes were still applicable to things women face every day. Hazel is a female in a very male dominated field. She encounters hurdle after hurdle just trying to do what she loves. I absolutely loved getting to see Hazel grow and thrive, and break down so many barriers.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story. I felt it to be not as good as the first book but it was also everything I was hoping it would be.

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Immortality by Dana Schwartz
A horror love story that will last an eternity.

Hazel Sinnett, a character I adore, returns to fight again for her right to be a doctor and surgeon in a man's world. There are some squeamish moments when it comes to the actual practice of medicine and dealing with body parts/corpses which I loved. Romance, mystery, horror, and royalty! It was fun to go on one more journey with Hazel. All loose ties from the first book, Anatomy, are wrapped up and the ending is perfect.
The cover is clever and fun to look at.
Thank you, St. Martin’s Press, Wednesday Books, and NetGalley for an eBook copy prior to its release in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you so much for an advanced copy of Immortality in exchange for my review. I really liked this book!

I liked that the tone of Immortality was a bit different than the first book in the duology. This book had a much lighter feel, and I think Hazel really came into her own in this story. I liked her storyline of helping Princess Charlotte, and I enjoyed her flirtation with the other palace doctor...honestly, I quite preferred the palace doctor to Jack! I didn't really buy into the "love" she felt for Jack in book one, and I didn't buy into it in this story, either. It felt forced to me.

That being said, I loved all the other elements of this book, even if I couldn't get on board for the romance aspect. I liked the secret society, the twistedness of their immortality, and of course, their villainous ways. I enjoyed that this book introduced a new "baddie" and didn't carry the conflict from the first book over. It gave the story more layers and interesting elements, I feel like!

Overall, this was a solid YA read. Fans of Stalking Jack the Ripper will especially enjoy it, I think! I'm looking forward to reading more by this author.

Star Rating: 4⭐️

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