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What Have We Done

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Fast paced thriller told from multiple viewpoints. The book jumps back and forth between past and present as the group of characters tell the story from different vantage points, having grown up together in a pseudo group home. They are drawn back together as adults after becoming targets due to an event in their pasts. The twists and turns in this story pick up more towards the end of the book. Overall easy to read due to short chapters which was nice. Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy!

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Moved quickly but I was a little confused towards the end. I liked most of the characters. Not my favorite book lately but will give another Alex Finlay book a read when it comes out.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the DRC

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If you’re a thriller fan then you have got to give this book a read. It hooked me from the very beginning and I didn’t want to put it down. Fast paced, short chapters, multiple points of view, and twists I didn’t see coming. It’s one of those books that gives movies vibes!

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This was okay, I listened to the audio and it was a little hard to follow. I don't think this will be a memorable thriller for me, but I did enjoy the ending.

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What a fantastic thriller. I loved the alternating timeline from past to present, and any book that slowly uncovers secrets is one I'm all in with.

The residents of Savior House, a foster group home for children, find they are all targets when threats and danger enter their lives. As each person tells their story in the present, we get a glimpse into the past and into how all of their lives intertwine.

This is my first Alex Finlay book, but it won't be my last. I need to go back and read some of his backlist.

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Thank you to the publisher for a free copy of the e-book in exchange for my honest review. What Have We Done was a middle of the road read for me. The novel structure featured alternating chapters for the various perspectives and that made it really fun. At first, the storylines were disconnected and as the reader, you weren't sure how they would intersect, but at a certain point, they collided, and the characters all came together in the same scene; I really enjoyed that moment. Finlay wrote interesting and whacky characters, and even though they were written as hyperbolic caricatures, I really enjoyed them, especially Donnie. The twins were so annoying and meant to come off that way, so kudos! Overall, the writing was just a little blasé. I predicted some of the twists, but that isn't what brought this down for me. In general, I felt like the writing was kind of dry. The end really picks up with twist after twist, delivering quite a dose of redemption.

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This one was a miss for me!

I like my stories to be character-driven, or at least to feel some connection with the characters. I've read a lot of romance this year, but even in thrillers, I want a chance to buy into the character so I'm rooting for them. I didn't get that from this story. Instead, the POV hopped between several main characters as if in an action movie montage. However, you might really enjoy this book if you like the Bourne, James Bond, or Taken franchises.

Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's press for the opportunity to review this book.

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This is my third Alex Finaly book. I'm becoming a fan. This wasn't as good as the last two, but it was still an interesting read. There were multiple layers which I've noticed is typical for his books. It kept me guessing.

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This was my second Finlay book. Unfortunately it fell short for me. The story and the writing lacked intrigue, especially in comparison to Finlay's previous novel.

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I liked this book but also didnt find it as memorable as I thought i would. Honestly that is me with thrillers though. After i read it and it ends, I basically forget what the story was. Anyway, I raced through this book but finished it a little while ago. Sorry for the late review!

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I have enjoyed every book I have read from this author and this was no exception, I enjoyed this one too. I think it might be because his thrillers have a faster pace and bit more action than some I have read lately.

This one is told in the POV of three friends and the killers and I feel like it will be hard to explain without spoiling so this might not be a very long review.

The three friends (or sort of friends) all lived in a home for orphaned teens, it wasn't a great place and something they did long ago is now coming back to haunt them.

They each lead very different lives but when someone starts targeting them it leads them all back to the Savior House and to that one night.

You get a glimpse into the past from each point of view of the friends and then you get to figure out how a bad person could be in two places at once by learning from the killers point of view.

I listened to this one and I didn't figure out the twist, but upon a lot of thought I should have and might have if I paid a bit closer attention because it really seemed very easy once I really thought about it so I think it could be easy for some to figure out.

I still thought it was an interesting thriller, but Every Last Fear is still my favorite. I do know that I will probably try anything this author writes after reading three of his books and enjoying them all.

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I know that this is listed as a thriller on here, but it read more like an action movie. I love action movies! I thought it was fast paced and an easy read, like candy for my brain.

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I always enjoy this author's writing. The story and writing hook you in, and there's always twists and turns to enjoy. Highly recommend
5/5 stars

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Really enjoyed this one. I like Alex Finlay’s writing, and he crafts a great plot. Character development and action throughout the book was top tier. Highly recommend!

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I liked this book a lot. It is the story of a group of kids that became friends at a home for orphan children. They bonded while they were there because the place was so horrible. They were treated badly by a corrupt system and the adults at the home were unethical. While they were at the home, girls started disappearing and they tried to help but couldn't. This is told in flash backs from all of the characters after things begin to happen to them and one of them is killed, I like the character development and th story kept me involved and interested throughout. I recommend this book and gave it 4 stars.

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25 years before the mystery's main events, 5 teenagers from the Savior House group home' in Chesterton, Pennsylvania shoot into a shallow grave. They lose touch after the home is shut down.

Then they are targeted one by one. 3 survivors end up back in Chesterton, desperate to understand why this is happening to them.

I highly recommend this action packed chiller.

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This was a very middle of the road thriller for me. I did enjoy Nigh Shift last year, but it wasn't a favorite. I think I loose interest halfway through on most of these thrillers. I really need a senerios, and atmosphere that draws me in. Whether it is fast paced or slow burn, I need it to grip me. If you are an all around thriller lover, you will really enjoy this. If you are looking for something page turning, I am not sure you will find it here. I did enjoy this one, but I don't think I will pick it up again.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for a honest review.

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If you haven't yet read a story by Alex Finlay, this is your sign to do it! Don't sleep on this author and the stories! This is the third gem by this author I've read, the third tense, thriller that's kept me on the edge of my seat and guessing until the very end. I absolutely flew through these short, well-woven chapters and managed to guess almost none of the twists!

We have kids who grew up together in a foster care type home. They are now adults and something, or someone, is threatening them and forcing them all back together. They are being forced to go back to their small town, their nightmare childhood, to finally find out what happened all those years ago.

I loved these characters. This author has a unique way of giving short, snappy chapters but giving us just enough details to really know our characters. The tension is always high, the story plays out like a movie in my head, and I love the twists and turns of this one. Trust me, don't skip this story or this author, both are a must read!

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.

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This story was told from four different perspectives. From kids in a group home to their current lives. When mysterious things keep happening to each of them, it brings them back to a place they have all been trying to forget.

I enjoyed this read and it held my attention! I did guess the big twist but even with that I still enjoyed this read! I am a big fan of Alex Finlays books and I think this was my least favourite of them all so I would definitely start with his others!

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The last thing he told me

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This was a GREAT READ. Definite page-turner & quick read (because you won't want to put it down).

SKILLFUL story-telling and momentum gathering with each chapter. The plot unfolds through alternating perspectives, providing insights from all angles. This technique adds depth to the story—kept me guessing and engrossed in the unraveling mystery.

The characters are well-developed and relatable; their flaws and vulnerabilities make them feel authentic. The psychological nuances and emotional depth given to the characters enhanced my investment in the story, making the stakes feel higher.

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