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Love Always, Christmas

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What a great Christmas story!
Libby and Adam met in their neighborhood and then again later.
The first encounters are messy and funny, but Adam isn't too keen on Libby. She wants to get Christmas over with as soon as possible as it was her parents' favorite holiday.
On the search for the sender of a Christmas card, she ends up in a Christmas village and within a few days, events take a turn for the worse.

Great characters, great Christmas setting that invites you to dream. A background story that is very sad.
Everything you need for a great Christmas novel.

Have fun reading!

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Pure and unfiltered Christmas spirit in a book! This book was full of of Christmas from the decorations, the food, the settings and emotions.
Libby is not feeling the Christmas spirit after losing her mother this year and is too busy with work to consider it. However she comes across an old Christmas card and is intrigued by its sender CeCe who she has never heard of. She goes off on a trip to the mountains to find her but also to find her lost Christmas spirit.
Perfect hallmark movie style book. Be prepared for it to make you hungry and Christmassy!

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This is a delightfully heartwarming romantic story set in Washington state, in Seattle and in a truly magical setting in the mountains. Libby is not doing Christmas after losing her last relative, her mom, the previous Christmas. Her parents loved Christmas and started a Christmas decorating tradition in their neighborhood of Evergreen Valley in Seattle that all the neighbors carry on each year. But Libby cannot do it this year and has thrown herself into her business and saving her parents' home. An unopened Christmas card in the attic among decorations addressed to her mom leads her on a new adventure to the mountains and a delightful Christmas village, Holly Peak, and the sender of the Christmas card. And she runs into her neighbors' son, Adam, in Holly Peak where he is the town manager and attorney. She had a prior encounter with Adam that didn't go well when he was visiting his parents. What ensues after is a whirlwind of events from Christmas activities, accidents, weather events, and a community coming together to save a Christmas celebration, ending on a note of hope, love, Christmas miracles, and surprises. Lovey story recommended to those who enjoy a story filled with Christmas spirit. I received a complimentary copy from Hawktale Publishing and NetGalley for the purpose of an honest review. All thoughts are mine only.

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Libby Larson was planning to spend her first Christmas without either parent by herself. Little did she know what unopened Christmas card would change her plans tremendously. She finds an unopened Christmas card in her moms things. The address is for a mountain town Holly Peak which is close by. She ends up heading to a Holly Peak to see if she can find the sender of the card and find out more. Her life will never be the same after this trip to Holly Peak. I am always a fan of Christmas stories especially those that could be a Hallmark Christmas movie. Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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This was a fun Christmas romance that I really enjoyed. The setting was very Hallmark-y but it was the perfect Christmas story where everyone in a small town comes together. Libby and Adam make a cute couple and I loved getting to know CeCe and the mystery that surrounded her. It was easy to figure out where this story was heading but I spent a very enjoyable afternoon reading Love Always, Christmas.

Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review. All opinions are my own.

Published 11 October 2022.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and I am voluntarily reviewing it.

This is a charming Christmas story. I adored the characters and the plot. There is a little bit of a mystery that just adds to the story nicely.

The book is written in a dual POV format. This is my favorite as I can better understand and connect to both of the main characters from their thoughts.

Libby is too busy this Christmas season to decorate her home. She lost her mother earlier in the year and her father passed during the Afghanistan war several years prior. She moved back into her childhood home but she is behind in the mortgage payments and there are a LOT of maintenance issues with the older home. She just started up her own business and doesn't have time to spare on a relationships.

Adam is Holly Peak's manager and he comes to see his parents in their new home and to help with their Christmas decorations (as the entire subdivision heavily decorates for the holiday.)

The opening scene was hilarious and it just set the tone for entire book. I adored the characters and the plot. It almost felt like I was watching a Hallmark Christmas movie it was so good.

I HIGHLY recommend this enchanting story to anyone who loves Christmas romances!

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I absolutely loved this book! It is a super easy read and clean! It’s very lighthearted and the storyline will have you hooked. Definitely think you’ll love it!

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Love Always, Christmas reads exactly like a Hallmark movie. It has all the right pieces for the perfect holiday rom-com. Karen Schaler is in her element when she is writing about snowy mountain towns whose community embraces Christmas to the extreme and the cynical "out of towner" who happen to find themselves stepping up to help those that need it most. Love Always, Christmas has the holiday spirit all around; but on the same note may be considered stale from the plot repetition of previous books.

If you like playing Santa or Mrs. Claus, read this novel ASAP with large glass of hot chocolate. If you are more of a "Let's holiday on the islands this year." person, definitely skip this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and HawkTail Publishing for the opportunity to review this work.

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Mannnn I love me a good Christmas story! I am totally ready for Christmas and this made me even more excited!

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All the essential elements of a frothy holiday rom-com.

Facing her first Christmas without her beloved mother, Libby shirks setting up the old family home's outdoor decor in favour of working at her new social media business. Meanwhile her new neighbours are going wild with the lights and inflatable Santas, aided by their handsome & irascible son Adam who is, thankfully for Libby, just visiting.

After a run-in with Adam over a runaway reindeer, Libby takes off to scope out mountain locations for her next gig. And who does she run into? Adam, of course. He''s the town manager, spearheading a campaign for the town to win the coveted accolade of Christmas Town, which brings tourism benefits to all the local businesses through the coming year. Weather, Fate, and icy roads, assisted by an old friend of Libby's mom, keep throwing the two together with predictable results. Intrigue is added by minor mysteries. Who is that girl in the photo with Libby's mom?' Why did that Christmas card remain unopened for over 20 years? Will the Christmas Kitty cooperate in his photo shoot for the new pet food campaign or will Adam's adorable puppy steal the show? Will Libby's promotion-stealing ex appear at an inopportune moment?

There's holiday decor galore, cookies, hot chocolate, snowstorms & delightful mountain towns filled with warmhearted locals eager to help out stranded Libby. And Adam, helpfully at hand while Libby samples the happy holiday traditions her mother once enjoyed.

A couple of elements marred my wholehearted enjoyment: Libby's frequent mental monologues about all her problems and how she doesn't have time for a relationship (once or even three times would have gotten those messages across), and some descriptions of interiors more strongly resemble the glossy captions on Instagram home decor accounts than they did a character's genuine appreciation. But hey, it's fantasy, right? So we too can throw ourselves wholeheartedly into believing in all those holly-wrapped bedposts, pristine white bed linens, and perfectly coordinated accent items.

As holiday rom-coms go, this breaks no new ground. But it is a fun festive read for any evening your Hallmark channel's been taken over by hockey fans..

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Love Always, Christmas by Karen Schaler was such a festive, heart warming, and heart breaking Christmas story. I didn't know what I was going to think about this book because I saw reviews saying it was like reading a t.v. script, but after I read this book it was so much more than that. Love Always, Christmas is about family, second chances, spending the holidays with those you love. I was surprised to find that a Christmas book can be a mystery, which this book had a little bit of. I'm so happy I didn't let these other reviews stop me from reading this book, because I loved every minute of it. I mean, let's be honest, the cover truly caught my attention, it's insanely beautiful, and gives off all the Christmas vibes. Christmas lights/decorations, snow globes, snow, cold weather, ugly Christmas sweaters? HELLO, I NEEDED THIS BOOK!!!!! This was my first book by Karen Schaler and certainly didn't disappoint. After reading this book, I did some research on this author and found out she's a queen of Christmas book, i'll definitely be checking out Karen Schaler's other books in the future. Please do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of this book because Christmas is right around the corner, YAY!!!!


Libby Larson's plan is to get Christmas over with as soon as possible. Libby lost her father in Afghanistan serving his country. Libby's father started a bunch of their Christmas traditions, but after losing him, Libby is determined to keep his traditions going to honor him. Libby also lost her mother, her only living family member, and now wants nothing to do with Christmas. After losing both of her parents, Libby is trying to save her parents house, but everyday something new comes up and Libby is running out of savings. Libby is a social media manager trying to save their family home, but with funds running low Libby doesn't know what to do. Trying to keep herself busy so she can ignore the sadness that comes with spending Christmas alone, Libby is working on her first big project since starting her own business, featuring "Christmas Kitty", a cat that goes viral all over social media with Christmas content. Libby lives in Evergreen Valley where Christmas is in full spirit.

In Evergreen Valley, Libby is out going for a run one morning when she gets taken down by a big inflatable Santa Claus, this is where Libby meets Adam Thompson, Adam's parents just moved to Evergreen Valley and lives across the street from Libby. Libby and Adam start off on the wrong foot when Libby punches the inflatable Santa and then hits their inflatable reindeer with her car because the wind blew it in front of her car. Adam calls Libby a "inflatable killer", the banter between Adam and Libby had me laughing throughout the whole book. Libby works with her best friend, Tammi. When Libby and Tammi need to film a video for Christmas Kitty but he doesn't seem to enjoy this Christmas setup, so Libby has a whole new idea to change the setup, which actually does work, YAY!!! when Libby and Tammi are going through Libby's mother's Christmas decorations, an unopened Christmas card slips out.

Libby goes to Holly Peak to find out who this twenty year old unopened Christmas card belongs to. When Libby arrives in Holly Peak, she learns that Adam is the town manager of Holly Peak. Even though Libby and Adam started on the wrong foot, Adam is the only person Libby can turn to, to help her find this mysterious person. Libby was always told she never had any other living family members, but when she finds out a family member sent this Christmas card years ago, Libby wonders why she was lied to her whole life. With secrets unraveling and getting help from Adam, Libby must join in on the quirky Christmas traditions Holly Peak has to offer. Holly Peak is in a contest with another little town to keep their title of the best Christmas town, Adam doesn't do social media, but since it's Libby's job, she comes up with all these hashtags to get more tourists to visit Holly Peak and win the contest. I loved and adored all these Christmas traditions, and now I want to visit Evergreen Valley and Holly Peak.

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Christmas is my favorite and Karen SCcaler is my favorite author when it comes to Christmas books. I can read her books any time of year and I am filled with the Christmas spirit all over again.
I loved getting lost in the town of Holly Peak. This is a fun story about love, loss, community, and secrets. If you start this book, don't plan on getting much of anything done for a while. YOu will be engulfed by its charm,

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3.5 stars

I love Christmas novels (any time of the year!), and I've read many of them so far. This one has a nice blend of love, loss, secrets, humor, the holiday spirit, and a cute puppy thrown in the mix. The setting is charming--perfect for a Christmas story. The characters were realistic vs. being too neat, as is the case with some stories in this genre. The unexpected mystery element added a unique twist from the typical Christmas read. Sure, it was a bit predictable, but it's still a great book to add to your TBR pile (especially for fans of the TV Christmas movies).

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If you love Christmas, if you want to read a real christmas book with lots of christmassy things happening and lots of descriptions of christmas decorations and atmosphere this book is for you!!! And to top it all, this book is super well written and the storyline is perfect! I didn't know what to expect, and actually I was a bit afraid to be a bit bored by this book but all the contrary happened! I absolutely loved that book and could only recommend it all the christmas lovers out there!!!

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Libby has lived in Evergreen all her life. This community goes all out for Christmas decorations. It was always Libby and her mother doing the decorating but this year she has lost her Christmas spirit. She's under stress and pressure to save her parents house. With a deadline looming for this promotional video, she doesn't need any distractions. Libby has new neighbors. It seems that there lawn decorations broke free and knocked her down. That is when Adam, their son showed up. From the very beginning the sparring broke out. Adam is the town manager of Holly Peak. There paths cross again in Holly Peak when she is scouting out a location for another campaign. She is also looking for CeCe. She finds her but also a wonderful little town. She's on a mission to help them win the best decorated contest. Sometimes things don't go as planned but they turn out better.

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Karen Schaler writes wonderful Christmas stories and movies. As I was reading LOVE ALWAYS, CHRISTMAS, I could easily see it being turned into a movie. The descriptions are that vivid, and the holiday romance is wonderful.

There is both an underlying sadness as well as a feeling of hope, happiness, and even second chances as Christmas traditions come alive in small towns. There are many stories being told that work together and add additional layers to this story.

Libby lives in Seattle, and Adam’s parents have moved next door. Her first meeting with Adam and some of his parents’ inflatable decorations doesn’t go very well, but it’s funny. As Libby and Adam’s paths continue to cross, they seem to rely on each other and even become friends. Could there be more?

I loved the Christmas lists we learn about as well as the new and old traditions surrounding Christmas. Adam’s dog is a cute addition to the story and seems to understand everything going on around him. There’s great flow and pacing, though there are a few loose ends I would have liked to have seen tied up. The cover is lovely and really conveys the feeling of Christmas.

I’ve read all of Ms. Schaler’s Christmas books and can’t wait to see what she pens next. If you love Christmas stories as well as clean, contemporary romances, then this will be a book you enjoy.

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Over the top Christmas.

Libby is being attacked by Christmas on all sides in Holly's Peake. She found a decades old card that has led her to this quirky town obsessed with Christmas. Complete with the handsome town manager, Adam, who happens to be everywhere Libby is. Its a total Netflix holiday movie, peeps.

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This ARC was provided to me via Kindle, from HawkTale Publishing and #NetGalley. Thank you for the opportunity to preview and review. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

Uplifting, heartfelt, charming holiday story.

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Firstly, thank you, Netgalley for the ARC

Brilliant cosy Christmas book if you love Christmas you will love this book

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This book is for anyone who is crazy about Christmas! It was fun to read about all of the different "events" the town came up with to make them the "best Christmas town". Some I've heard of, and others were just off-the-wall, but sounded like fun.

When Libby Larson's Christmas-loving mother died, she took all of the joy of the holiday with her. Libby has decided that focusing on her work and the new business she's opened will keep her mind off the fact that her mother is gone, and she's alone in the world. Unfortunately, she lives on the most decorated street in her town, and her house is conspicuously lacking in Christmas cheer. When she "kills" not only her neighbor's inflatable Santa, but the reindeer they also put out, apologies only get her so far. with their son. Is she so focused on her ad campaign and saving her mother's house that she will let Christmas go by uncelebrated?

Finding a 20-year-old unopened Christmas card sets Libby in pursuit of a mystery in the nearby town of Holly Peak. A comedy of errors keeps her in town, where her neighbor's son, Adam is the town manager. The whole town is over-the-top with all things Christmas and Libby grudgingly participates. Will she find answers to who sent the Christmas card, and why her mom didn't open it?

This book read much like the traditional Hallmark Christmas movie. Girl is working to save her home. She's a bit accident-prone and her accidents keep putting her in boy's path. Girl finds a mystery. Boy can help solve it. They start to fall for each other. CRISIS. (You get the picture.)

This was a fun read. If you can't get enough Christmas, this book will definitely be a must!

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