Member Reviews

This book was okay but very forgettable. I found the spice to be a little bit cringy as well. The characters weren't super well written however the writing and pacing were quite good

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I was kindly given this book as an arc in return for an honest review.

rating: 3 ⭐️

We follow Laney who tries to get back into the smexy world after a year-long dry spell post-breakup. now introducing: The Club, a space to meet and have a good sexy time. Laney gets a mysterious rendez-vous into room 237 with an unknown man. The twist? She has to wear a blindfold at all times when inside room 237.

Overall it was fun and had good spice. The mystery of not knowing who "Alex" was and trying to figure it out was fun, even though it was quite predictable. Would've loved a bit of detail on our side character Becca, girly deserves a good time. I wouldn't call this book a BDSM erotica, we had one scene where it really got into the BDSM side of things but then it was just spicy vanilla sessions.

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This book was very enjoyable and I loved when she found out who he was and how and even though she was trying to outside of room 237 she didn't as he was very crafty but what a man!!! Loved her best friend too

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A steamy, erotic novel (novella?) you can devour in one sitting. The sex scenes were hot and I loved seeing the relationship unfold. The setting, a BDSM club, put limits on what the story and characters could do. I didn't get to know the male protag as well as I would've liked.

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SPICY!! Wanting more and more (check) wanting another book like this! (Check)
This Author did amazing (check)

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Room 237 is Laney's highly improbable story. I know it's supposed to be erotica and yet the premise of the book was still too unbelievable for me to rate it very highly. How many friend duos do we know that can/will spend thousands of dollars to go to a hotel ballroom to match up with men for sex?
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for an honest opinion

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Room 237 by Angie Martin

Erotic fantasy that explores some ‘what-ifs’ and provides a happy ending for more than one person in the story.

What I liked:
* Laney: working woman, in a dating dry spell, decides to step outside her comfort zone, learns a lot about herself and her desires at The Club
* Alex: man Laney meets at the club, wants to please and take care of Laney, provides what he believes she needs, intriguing
* The Fab Four: four men that Laney has considered potential men to date at work but has never dated any of them at the beginning of the story
* Becca: Laney’s friend, confidant, and the person who talks Laney into joining The Club
* The idea of the club and the safeguards it provided
* Watching Laney experience some of her fantasies and thinking about how sometimes reality doesn’t live up to the fantasy
* The idea of masks and not being able to see who you are with
* Thinking about intercourse with and without emotional involvement…and if emotions link to the partner over time
* The conclusion and finding out the identity of Alex

What I didn’t like:
* The emotional impact cheating in relationships has on the partner cheated on…more than one in this story experienced it and the emotional aftermath

Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4-5 Stars

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I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I started this book but it was everything I needed and then some. The 🌶️🌶️ is on par but the plot is still there too which makes it even better. I wasn’t ready for this book to come to an end.

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I didn't really get into this book for a number of reasons. A big one was that any time spent out of the club was exceedingly boring. Laney at work, Laney at home, Laney with her best friend (who I absolutely could not stand). I also took issue with the fact that as soon as Laney gets laid for the first time in over a year her whole life becomes better. Every hot guy at work is suddenly hitting on her, more people are noticing her, and some off handed comment she made at some point has made her catch the eye of the higher ups and she's now got a chance for a big promotion. It was all so very eye roll inducing. Then there's the fact that this is labeled BDSM. I would never label it as such. Another reviewer said that this was the author's first time into this genre and said maybe more research could have been done. And I agree. What Laney and Alex did together was so mild that I wouldn't call it anything more than playing with toys. But then the author goes way way WAY over to the other extreme with a video that is more torture than anything else and two "doms" that are more sadist than dom. Granted, my knowledge comes mostly from other books, but my understanding is that the dom treasures his sub and won't push her too far or cause her undue distress. They are seeking pleasure for both. These guys were trying to hurt Laney and didn't care how they used her to get off. Made worse by Laney completely forgetting she had a safe word. Major facepalm moment.

I don't think the storyline here is anything too original, I'm not saying it was bad, but it was pretty meh for me. Especially because it was really easy to figure out who Alex was. Laney broke up with her boyfriend for cheating on her (again) over a year ago and her best friend relentlessly makes fun of her for being single and not getting any sex. The two of them end up going to this super upscale sex club where their membership fees are almost more than I even make a month. I mean, it's obscene. It really is. First night there, Laney is about to go home when she's approached by a guy and offered a good time. If she wears a blindfold. From that moment on she feels a connection to this mystery man and trusts him completely despite not knowing him. As the days turn into weeks, she finds herself falling for him more and more. There's the drama of Laney knowing it's supposed to be just sex and her going out on real dates again, but at this point she only wants Alex. Then one night he lets something slip without even realizing it and Laney panics because she now realizes that she works with him. She's on a mission for figure out who it is, but goes about it kind of stupidly. When he finally shows her who he is, she freaks out again and then avoids him. This girl is truly such a mess. But they make up, cancel their insane memberships, and live happily ever after. Probably.

The one thing that bugged me with Alex was when he brought in those two other guys. Laney had mentioned once that she might like to have two guys at the same time, so he thought he was making her fantasy come true. So okay, maybe you could give him a pass on not asking Laney first. But one would think that he would have done more research on the guys that he was bringing to their bed. Because he so clearly did NOT have any clue how cruel and harsh these two were going to be to her. And that, more than anything, is harder to forgive.

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I would LOVE to see Room 237 at The Club!!! Laney slowly finds herself again and builds her confidence inside and outside of the bedroom. It’s all thanks to Alex!!! While the blindfolded is on and hers and Alex’s relationship builds they both seem to start becoming a little too attached. I do wish we got to read Alex’s point of view during the entire book!

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This book didn't quite hit the mark for me. The main character really got on my nerves and I thought she came across as super immature. The only pros I can think of for this book is that the bedroom scenes were okay and this was a very quick read.

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This was a quick read and a nice way to spend my breaks. Occasionally fun, but there are some things that I had issues with that brought down my overall enjoyment.

While I enjoy hidden identity and a heroine getting the orgasms she needs and deserves, the writing is verbose and took me out of the story. I also couldn't stand the heroine: she's immature, the second hand embarrassment I was feeling was off the charts, and I'm not a fan of her demeanor. The daydream about the cashier? Hard pass for me. Then there's her inner dialogue her first night at the club. I understand social anxiety, but Laney complained about how no one came up to her to talk her up and immediately decided to leave after finishing her drink. You paid $8000 for the first three months of your membership to this club! This is not the place to be a wallflower. ESPECIALLY if you're looking for a change.

Then there's the "BDSM" mentioned in this. I think what Laney and Alex dabble in together is on the mild side of things so it's not too concerning (blindfolding, nipple clamps, butt plug). Alex does take it upon himself to bring in two Doms for Laney one night--without talking to her about it prior, mind you--and that's just so many red flags. Also, I was picking up an undercurrent of judgment of some BDSM practices, which I didn't appreciate. I am aware that this is the author's first erotica/romance, and I think it was a decent try into the genre, but some more research could've been done.

You can tell who Alex really is from the start. I didn't mind that it was a bit obvious, I thought their relationship was pretty cute, but the ending is incredibly rushed and didn't feel satisfying at all.

My favorite parts of this is how sweet Alex is, and some of the smut scenes, but overall this missed the mark for me. This could work for those who are fans of mom-rom though.

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Angie. Martin does a great job of drawing you into the story. Laney hasn't been with a man for over a year after her boyfriend cheats on her. She and her best friend decide to join a sex club where on her first night there she is invited to blindly join a man in Room 237. Laney takes a chance and all kinds of amazing spiciness ensues. Their meetings continue but Laney is to stay blindfolded the entire time.
Laney tries to figure out who her mystery lover is after a few clues are accidently given during one of their meetings. Did I figure out who it was earlier than maybe was intended? Yes. Did it ruin the book for me? Absolutely not! Alex was amazing, giving Laney everything she was missing and more. Their connection was great to see develop and once the reveal occurs it was so good. I would definitely read more from this author.

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Where should I start?
I love a good smutty book and the hidden identity trope.
However, this was a hard no for me.
The FMC and her friend behaved like horney teenagers all the time!!!!
It was so annoying.
The spicy scenes while in The room where okay. ( the only thing I enjoyed of this book).
I had high hopes for this one.

Thank you Netgally for this advanced reader copy.

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When I first read the summary of this book, I became very excited to have the chance to read it. As I started in I became a little skeptical about it. I know it is supposed to be all BDSM but both of the MC's entered into this relationship blindly and knew NOTHING about the lifestyle. I did like the book but I felt like how their relationship started was just too dangerous. The heroine never knew anything about the hero due to always wearing a blindfold when the met until the very end. I felt that it was an issue that only one person knew who the other was the entire 'relationship' that they had going on in room 237 especially when one made it slip that they worked together.

This was a quick read but I felt like it took forever to read because I needed to keep putting it down because of what was going on. Overall it was a good read and I would love to find another book by Angie Martin for he future.

I received this book from NetGalley as an ARC for a honest review.

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4 Stars ( I received an e-arc from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review)

I think this would be a good book for someone who is looking to get into erotica but just wants to slightly dip their toes into. Because this story is very light on erotica and barely contains BDSM content. We have several options for her mystery suitor’s at the club because but it is very clear from the beginning and all the clues who they are. The writing still is pretty basic but not too annoying and the steamy scenes were well written. This this pretty tame compared to most erotica’s I have read. I wish we had gotten to see the main character interact with more of the patrons of the club and had a variety of experiences. But overall still an enjoyable read.

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I really enjoyed this one! In this story Laney is cheated on by her boyfriend and ends up single and without sex for a whole year! Her BFF decides it's time to take drastic measures and so they end up joining a sex club. Night one a mystery man sneaks up behind her, face unseen and invites her to a room. The catch? She can't turn around to see him and she has to wear a blindfold before she enters the room and the whole time she is in the room. And so we go for weeks and weeks. For a while it doesn't matter who is behind the mask and Laney goes with the flow. There is curiosity on occasion but nothing she doesn't overcome. She just trusts him...until one night he slips up and says something that only someone from her work would know. Now she HAS to find out, she goes on an unsuccessful quest to discover his identity. Finally landing on having the BFF she joined with sneak a picture. Of course BFF has success but now Laney can't bring herself to look. Lucky for her Alex is also over the mystery and he shows himself. Everyone freaks out. Etc etc and then HEA.

Did I guess who Alex really was? Yes, it wasn't hard.

Was the story super enjoyable? Yes, it definitely was.

5 stars on the story and I'll give it 3 spicy 🌶. This is a quickish read and I recommend it absolutely.

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I loved this book! Read it it a day. Hoping there’s a follow-up or another book in the series. Very sexy and steamy!

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Laney and her friend join a club to spice up their life. Follow Laney on her way to explore, dismissing her trust issues and maybe even fall in love in room 237!
This was an addicting read from page one to finish.

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I absolutely flew through this book, in a matter of days I was obsessed with the concept of it and how Laney really has to learn to trust the man in room 237. Alex is the complete opposite of Laney's ex and his only rule is to wear the blindfold at all times when they're in the room together. This book really had me rooting for the two of them to at least end up together and overcome their hurdles.

The ending came on rather quickly and I was hoping that it would go a little longer because I did feel like I needed more time with Laney and Alex. I am definitely a selfish reader in wanting more content from the two of them because their passion is off the charts and their chemistry was sickeningly sweet.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an ARC.

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