Member Reviews

INCREDIBLE. I absolutely cannot wait for the next one. The world building is superb and the sexual sension is *chef‘s kiss*
I love love LOVE how empathy is used against people here because it draws so many parallels to the world we love in.
Utterly brilliant book that I will shov in everyone‘s faces!

Thank you to Carina Adores and Netgalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review :)
dnf @ 25%
I loved Therin's Magic in Manhattan (Spellbound) trilogy and to this day I still recommend it to people but I don't know where that writing and storytelling went. Since the beginning of the story I kinda struggled following along to what was happening and felt like the writing was rushed and never gave us enough insight into the characters. I really like the idea for the plot and I think the worldbuilding (or what I got to so far) was so good. It may be the execution of it that doesn't let me emerge in the story, at least not enough to keep reading at the moment.

*I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks for the free book.*
It took me ages to finish "Liar City" because I had a hard time getting into the book and then never picked it up again for months on end. I was doing the book a great injustice though because it is quite the fun read!
"Liar City" imagines a quite different Seattle (and thus different United States) where a gene variety leads to people becoming "empaths" who can, when touching people, sense or influence them. Our protagonist, Reece, is one of them. His sister is a police detective and when murders start to happen, Reece is quickly drawn into the web of intrigue, lies, and conspiracy. He, against his will, teams up with the hot 'empath hunter' Evan (a myth-like vigilante figure who outranks even the FBI) who tries to solve the murders before more people get hurt.
As an empath Reece is incredibly susceptible to feelings, he has no sense of self-preservation and gets physically sick when witnessing violence - be it real or just a book cover. He's also incredibly honest and has no filter when it comes to talking. The latter is partly hilarious, partly embarrassing. Reece also makes some very stupid decisions, which was quite annoying to witness.
I found the interactions between the characters to be the most fun. The world building was ok but a bit weak (give me more history, politics, background, nuance) and the story arc was also quite predictable. I mean, you could guess from the very beginning that the killer was not going to be a normal citizen if the special investigator enigma is involved right? So the book was a bit over the top on the super secret organisation stuff and I found the characters to be a bit overly extreme in their characterisation as well: the sister is such a badass, SO strong, the enigmatic character is so enigmatic and yet hot, yadda yadda yadda.
Anyhow, it was still a fun read which is why I'm giving it 3.5 stars

DNF'd this at 8%
I really like this author's books, but I tried reading this one twice and it was just too dark in tone for my reading mood. So I am setting this one aside for now and hopefully come back to it later.

I was absolutely captivated by Reese, Jamey, and Evan Grayson's story - I simply couldn't put the book down until I knew what happened to them! And let me tell you, the ending was a complete surprise - even after racking my brain for hours trying to figure it out. It's safe to say that this book will keep you on the edge of your seat!"
It's a trilogy, so there are ends left open. This one has no romantic relationship between Reese and Evan yet, but you can feel the palpable tension and mysterious connection that grows between them.
The murder mystery aspect of this paranormal story is both clever and disturbingly creepy. Allie Therin possesses an excellent ability to take ordinary things and turn them into something lethal.
I won't give away any spoilers here. You need to read the book yourself and join Reese and Jamey as they are sucked into the frightening world of The Dead Man.
Reese and Evan engage in sarcastic, snarky, and spikey banter every time they meet. Despite Evan's mysterious "Dead Man" status, Reese seems drawn to him. It's evident to me that there's an undeniable spark between them, which has the potential to ignite a long-lasting flame.
This book has an engaging cast of characters, including Jamey, Liam (her boyfriend), and Evan's Medical Examiner colleague. It also features great villains and a surprisingly sympathetic serial killer, making it a great read.
Loved the book! Can't wait for the second one. The alternate Seattle created by Allie is unique. The characters are fascinating.

Allie Therin’s books have always had a lovely thread of darkness — this contemporary paranormal turns that volume all the way up. It’s a bit of an HFN as a series starter, and I cannot wait to read the next book and see where Therin takes us.

What a fantastic book, not what I was expecting when I read the blurb, but it was so great. The world building is phenomenal, and the characters are wonderfully realised. This book keeps you guessing from start to finish, it’s a cross between a thriller and a murder mystery, its gritty and dark but I could not put it down.
Reece is an empath, in a world that hates and fears empaths, he is forced to wear gloves that prevent him touching anyone and faces bigotry and hatred every day. His sister works for the police and he occasionally helps them. The city is at fever pitch and new more draconian laws about the control of empaths are just about to be enacted. He’s getting strange phone calls, from who knows who, strange reactions from his readings and his empathic powers seem to be changing. Who is the Dead Man? Why is he calling the shots and Reece? Everyone knows empaths can’t do violence, can’t even be near violence…… Right……Everyone knows that?
Reece is working with his worst nightmare, the Dead Man, who hunts Empaths, who has enormous power and influence, who picks up the phone and gets whatever he wants. Who is he? What is he? Who is he protecting?
The interactions between the Dead Man and Reece are very interesting from downright hostile to Reece and from Reece being afraid of the Dead Man to working together. You are never sure why the Dead Man wanted to work with Reece, to keep an eye on him, utilise his skills or something more. It was interesting to see the dynamic change, not exactly to friends but definitely thawing and caring about what happens to each other, though that is always with the warning that the Dead Man will do what ever is necessary if Reece crosses the empath line.
There are so many questions in this book, that you do get answers to, but it takes some unravelling. I felt like a detective reading this book, as the beautiful descriptions makes you feel like you are in the heart of the book. I had so many theories and speculations about what was going on. There are so many layers of deception, the different characters who pop up, are they just incidental or are they central to the plot.
I’d hesitate to describe this as an enemy to lovers’ book, as by the end Reece and the Dead Man are barely friends, but I’ve high hopes for book 2 and I can’t wait to see them work together again.

This book was so fun. It was a change from the genres I'm usually in and I am dying for this super slow burn.
This was a really quick read and I loved it. There's no real romance in this one but the foundations for potential romance are laid and waiting.

I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I have received this book by NetGalley, Carina Adores/Press, and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review. I will post this review on my Goodreads, Facebook page and Instagram.
Allie Therin once again shows that she knows what she is doing when she writes a book. Mostly, to hold the readers to the story and its rhythm.
Liar City is a book you don't want to put down from the very beginning and at the same time you want to read very peacefully so that it doesn't end so quickly. It's the kind of book that makes you wish you had all the time in the world to keep reading and plunge into the universe without any inhibitions - going through every page alongside the characters and their afflictions.
We have wonderful characters, scary and exciting settings, intrigue and fear, and a fragile barrier between good and evil - the constant threat that all peace and protection are temporary things and easily destroyed. It portrays a bit of how many people want to end the freedom of others using political powers and personal opinions that border on evil.
It's hard not to like the characters, especially when you start to understand what motivates each of them to be the way they are and what leads them to do things the way they do.
As much as I love Reece, I identified a little more with Evan and obviously, with the relationship the two of them start to build. We realize that it's the foundation for the future and that it must be consistent and very well thought out - which doesn't stop us at all from seeing how the two of them collide and complete each other in a new and totally dangerous way. I am very much looking forward to witnessing the development of the two and the growth of each of them - I imagine it will be mind-blowing.
I loved it and recommended everyone to put their hands on this book and their hearts into this story. Stopping to read this book is no waste of time at all. I highly recommend it.

This one sits comfortably between 3 and 4 stars at a 3.5.
A perfectly fun whodunnit mystery where some people have an ability that allows them to feel empathy with anyone they make contact with.
One of these people is Reece. Reece was a good character, he was incredibly empathic (duh) and fought hard for what he believed was right, and was just my flavour of sarcasm.
Grayson could have had a little more in-depth development. He is known as the Dead Man, an urban legend that is feared by everyone and has supposedly never been spotted. Yet, every time he enters a room everyone recognises him instantly, and other than knowing that his word is final, people seem to be nothing but cautious and sometimes even pissed off at his presence.
Jamey is Reece's tough-as-nails detective sister and protects him at all costs. I'd love to see more from her specifically.
There is some very VERY slow slow-burn romance in this book, I'm talking crumbs. But I ate it up.
Ultimately, this was a fun read, I read it both digitally and listened along on audio while driving. I wouldn't recommend the audio as the accents that the narrator uses really ripped me out of the story.

This starts a bit abruptly, but once you're settled in, it's a great drive! The whole book takes place over barely more than a day. The emphasis is mostly on the action/suspense, as we are told the identity of the murderer pretty early in the book. There's not a lot of romance yet, but the chemistry between the two leads is undeniable! I love both characters and the lore the author is creating around them.

Allie Therin is such a talented writer -- this book kept me on the edge of me seat and I am anxiously awaiting the next one in this series!

Idk where my review went? I reviewed before the book came out!
I’m obsessed with all things Allie Therin. This new series is promising and exciting and … I can’t review without spoilers so READ IT.

I didn't enjoy this book as much as I expected to. The fact that I am not a fan of books in this genre might have played a role. I listned to this book every day on my way home from work and vice versa and it was pretty confusing for me. There were so many characters and so many plot lines.
I am not saying that this book isn't to be read but it definitely has its own fans so if you like magic elements with a tiny bit of romance on the side, this book is recommended.

Allie is an autobuy author already for me, and I love her books. This one is a bit of a departure from her other 20s urban fantasy series. Set in the modern day, this police procedural follows Reece who is an empath who has been pulled into a series of murders and Grayson who is an empath hunter.
I absolutely loved the snark in this book. The banter was amazing, and it was so enjoyable reading as Reece and Grayson eventually acknowledged their feelings for each other. There is zero spice in this book (my preferred level), but lots of slow burn and romantic tension. The mystery was also really interesting, and I was so invested in figuring out who, how, and why. With the immediate mystery solved, there was still the overarching mystery to be continued in the next book in the series which I absolutely cannot wait for.
I loved this book so much, I went and bought my own paper copy for my shelf.
Many thanks to Allie for providing me with a copy of this book. All opinions are my own and freely given, and in my opinion everybody needs to read this book.

4.5-5 stars - this one took me by surprise. ;)
I watched this one for a while before I finally decided to pick it up. I’m really glad that I did because I walked away from it pleasantly surprised.
Liar City gave a whole new twist to “empath” and how people react to them. I never considered them something to fear, but that’s exactly how life was for Reece in Liar City. Because of a city full of prejudice, he kept his ability to himself.
On the surface, The Dead Man and Reece were the least likely of allies. In fact, throughout most of Liar City, it seemed more like Reece was in his custody than helping him solve the murders. Nothing is quite like it seems and Liar City was so full of twists and turns that it was hard to put down.
This wasn’t exactly a romance, but there was definitely some serious attraction between Reece and Grayson (The Dead Man). Enough attraction that I can’t wait for Sugar & Vice to continue to see where the series takes them.

Thanks to Netgalley for the arc of this one. This takes the question of what if some humans were to mutate and develop the psychic ability of pure empathy? As much as I'd love to think we'd treat them like Deanna Troi in Star Trek but this novel is a much more likely outcome: we'd demonize and hunt them.
Obvious parallels exist between the empaths and any marginalized groups you care to name which makes this occasionally hard to read for me. If I want to watch a government target and torment people while claiming it's for our own good, I'll turn on the news. BUT there is also an importance to this sort of social commentary and for the most part Liar City does it well.
The story posits that empaths are SO empathetic that the mere thought of violence can reduce them to tears or worse. Our main point of view character is Reece, who like all empaths is so disturbed by violence he drives the speed limit, won't use the phone while driving, can't even turn on a football game due to the violence. Like all empaths he wears gloves developed by governmental agencies to keep him from accidentally touching and reading someone. Like all empaths, he's accused of being a mind raper and hate groups use their online and media power to point out 'what if they can control our minds?' (Uh, we'd have peace on earth?)
Unlike all empaths, Reece has a sister, Jamey, who is a Seattle homicide detective and he sometimes helps her to his own detriment. Also unlike all empaths he's often in the news shooting off his mouth without thinking anything through and making everything worse. In fact, his tendency to do that made me think thoughts that would probably have rendered him unconscious. Dude needs his lips sewn shut.
When he stumbles into a crime scene Jamey tried to keep him from, a monstrous murder of Senator Hathaway and her companions, Reece is pulled into something no empath should be part of. Hathaway was the writer of a bill that would further destroy empath rights and now she's on the cusp of being a martyr to the cause. Stone Solutions and its CEO Cedric Stone intend to capitalize on that (and runaway capitalism is also a social commentary in this). Reece doesn't listen to Jamey to stay away (because he never listens to anyone).
As a result, The Dead Man has him in his sights. The Dead Man, Evan Grayson, is...well we never truly know, is he part of a government shadow organization? Is he above all of that? He's certainly above the FBI and Stone Solutions though he works with and is feared by both. As far as Jamey is concerned Reece should be terrified of this empath hunter. Reece thought he was an urban legend.
Grayson is neither of those things exactly but is at the same time both. Since Reece doesn't listen, Grayson finds him and we're treated to the weirdest cop-buddy bromance that shouldn't work in the least. But it does.
As much as I want to slap Reece around the head because he keeps talking and making things worse when any sane man would keep his mouth shut (seriously Reece is kind of annoying) I am amazed at how Therin made me care about him. Also the way Grayson kept calling him Care Bear was killing me in the best way.
The mystery aspect of it was well done as well. There are some truly interesting parallels between Jamey and Grayson along with the truth behind the empathy mutation that I won't spoil but they are nice payoffs in the story.
My only quibble is at 400 pages it's a bit long. I do think there are places that it could have been tightened up, a little less of Reece acting like a fool with no self preservation skills at all but that is a very minor quibble. I want to see these guys again.

Liar City is an AU world where Empaths are both revered and feared, with the government creating hateful anti-empath legislation while the few Empaths who exist just try to survive. Empaths don’t do violence. That’s just one reason Reece might be freaking out a little. Not only is a high-profile anti-empath Senator found murdered, but Reece’s sister Jamey, a Seattle PD Detective, and the mysterious Dead Man have somehow gotten him involved with this case. Can Reece fight his empath abilities to help solve this case, keep his sister safe, and escape the Dead Man?

Liar City is a paranormal mysteries investigation that thrilling me since first chapter. The author is new name for me but this wont be my last read from her.
I love the unique worldbuilding, it is reimagine Settle where special human with super empathetic abilities exist. Mixed them with murder investigation plot, mysterious characters with complicated personalities, fun banter and fast pace this book successfully grabbed my attention until the end. I enjoy the storytelling style, the twist and should go on with the next installment.
Thank you Carina Press, Carina Adores and Netgalley for provided me with this copy. My thoughts and opinions always become my own.

"Liar City" is a world where empaths exist and are not trusted. Main character Reece is an empath, who is accustomed to fear and revulsion from others. He's a gentle person who's insulated himself as much as he can from others with sarcasm. His sister is a police officer, and Reece is called in to help with her latest case by Evan, a Dead Man. Evan is cold, and doesn't seem to care about anyone. Of course the two are going to fall for each other over the course of the investigation.
I enjoyed other books I've read by Allie Therin, however I just could not get into this book. I'm not sure what it was, but something kept me from enjoying this story.
Thank you to Netgalley and to Carina Press & Carina Adores (Harlequin) for this ARC in exchange for my review.