Member Reviews

This book was so good and intriguing. The subplot was not necessary. The story is told from three perspectives. The book had many twists and kept me turning the pages.

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A heart throbbing and intense read that I truly couldn't put down. So well written with characters that made you feel like you were in the scene with them.

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What a wonderful book. This book was a hard book to put down once I started it. I read it quickly. Now onto the next book by this author

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Heart-pounding page-turner that has me gasping in places! It was a great psychological thriller, and the final chapter was chilling.

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Oh my goodness, this book really got to me. I don't know if it's because it's every parents worst nightmare and I am a parent. I don't know if it was the way Lori took you through the story but I was absolutely hooked!
This is a perfect holiday read, you'll forget flight delays with this one, buy it!

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Never heard of this author before, so glad I picked it for my last read as it was just what was needed to get men out of my reading slump, twisty , creepy , mysterious read.would highly recommend this book.

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Lori Duffy Foster for the win again. Always love her books this one was no different. Absolutely amazing every time.

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This was a wild story! We know from the beginning who the culprit is, which is more than the police and her loved ones do. That aspect really adds a lot to the story. Imagine being friends with someone for over two decades, only to find out that she's a lunatic. Was she always crazy but hid it well? Or did she just snap somewhere along the line?

The whole story smacks of a true crime episode or a Lifetime movie. The author was a true crime reporter and it shows. My only problem with the book is the other storyline involving the investigating cop and his wife. It was a whole other book. If that had not been part of the story, this would have been a 4* book for me.

Thank you, NetGalley, for the chance to read and review this book. All opinions expressed are mine and freely given.

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Absolutely love this book. Definitely a 5 star must read. Once I started I didn't want to put it down. Lots of twists and turns. Some unexpected things that happened.

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Very intense and suspenseful. Well written.
Many thanks to Level Best Books and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I would like to thank NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I was curious to know how Carla would manage to get out of the situation she was in, but I wasn't very convinced to see a childhood friend like Rachel acting like that. It would be more believable if she was a new friend. It bothered me a little. But I liked the author's writing and I will read her other books.

*Brazilian reader*

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This story was amazing and intense. Kept me going and couldn’t put it down. Very well written and definitely would recommend.

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC! I liked but didn't love this book! It was slow most of the way through. I rate it a 2.7

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Thankyou to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this ARC.
This book had lies, deceit and betrayal.
This is my first book from this author and i will read more from them.
This book was very well written and i didnt see some of the plot twists coming.
This book kept me on the end of my seat and i had no idea what was going to happen half the time.
Highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a thriller.
Thankyou again
5/5 stars

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My reaction to this one was mixed. It was a decent domestic thriller with a couple of developements that had me reading faster to see what was going to happen next before the plot would slow down again.

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This book just jumps right in. In chapter one, Carla is hidden away in a room in Rachel’s basement after ex already been kidnapped for a few days. There is zero introduction, zero backstory and zero events before the kidnapping. The start did not win me over, and had me and the book on bad terms from the get go. I couldn’t get into the story because I had no care for the characters. I didn’t care about Carla or Nick enough to hope for their reconciliation.

I just wish things had started differently and maybe my review would be different.

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It’s fast paced and a quick read. I couldn’t put it down. Carla is a strong main character and I don’t think any mom would do anything different than she does. The two mysteries and how they all interconnect is so great. Extremely well written. Definitely recommend.

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Suspense from beginning to end. This novels weaves suspense and mystery in a tightly woven plots and vividly drawn characters.

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My fingers are itching, I think I chewed them down to the quick with this nail biting thriller. The storyline is so far fetched that it's addictive. Rachel is one friend that I would not like to have. I loved every minute of this book. It's both gripping and unbelievable. If you want a nail biting physcological thriller with a explosive ending then read Never Let Go.

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Never Let Go by Lori Duffy Foster begins when the protagonist, Carla, finds herself awakening to a nightmare. She is being held captive in a basement, and controlled through strictly rationed food and a series of terror tactics. Whenever she attempts to resist, her privileges, such as they are, are rescinded in order to keep her in line.

The last thing Carla remembers before all of this happens, is her excitement over meeting her best friend Rachel for a meal. Carla is accompanied there by her baby son, Christopher, whom Rachel has never really warmed to.

Now she discovers that her supposed best friend since childhood is in fact a dangerous psychopath. Rachel is in love with Carla's husband Nick, and has been for years. So she drugs Carla and dumps her in the basement. Rachel then sells Carla's baby, forcing her former best friend into helping her make a play for Nick.

Nick meanwhile, is not buying the story that Carla has run away with the baby, his predicament worsened by the fact that the police suspect him of being responsible for his wife's sudden disappearance. And Rachel has already decided that if she can't win him over, she will kill him too! So Carla finds herself struggling to find a way to recover her baby and protect her husband, while coming to terms with the fact that her best friend is (and has apparently always been) batshit crazy.

I found the storyline somewhat far-fetched, not least because of the sub-plot involving the policeman Sawyer, and the story of Leland, both of which also seemed a little unrealistic. The sub-plots didn't seem to add much to the main storyline.

I think the book would be a good fit for those looking for an escapist storyline heavy on drama, rather than a psychological thriller per se. There may be those who also relate to waking up to the kind of relationship (if not the actual basement location) that Rachel and Carla actually turn out to have, since appearances can be notoriously deceptive. Though not always murderously so. If Rachel's interest in Nick had not led to such extreme actions on her part, it might have made the story more believable. But sometimes, pure escapism IS what people are looking for, so to each his or her own!

(I posted the review on Goodreads already and I have also submitted a review to Amazon UK)

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