Member Reviews

This book has so many plot twists and turns and just so much going on that you can not predict what’s coming next. I couldn’t put it down…I just had to know what was going to happen! When you pick this up be prepared to put your life on hold. Excellent read! Thanks to NetGalley and the author allowing me this preview copy.

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Thank you Netgalley for the free copy of Never Let Go by Lori Duffy Foster in exchange for an honest review.
I enjoyed the storyline of this book, but I felt there was no real depth to it. Not a lot of mystery or suspense and for the main storyline, the "whodunnit" was solved too quickly for me.
There were a few mistakes that were not caught during editing (example: dessert instead of desert)..
Overall, a decent read, but lacked the elements of suspense and mystery for me.

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Over narrates, over explains, circular writing - take your pick of bad writing styles and this book embodied it at some point.

Here’s an example of the writing quality:
“Suzy has long brown hair that knotted very easily. She bought a hair brush with black bristles. Suzy brushed her long hair with her hair brush. So, she brushed her hair to get the knots out.”

Parts of this book had me howling with laughter, which was surely not the intended response.
---Insinuating that only fit people belong on running trails. Umm no. It's 2022, fat shaming of any kind doesn't fly.
---Saying that cops can’t investigate your crimes if you live outside of town. Um that’s not how jurisdiction works
--- That as long as you stay hydrated, you too can survive walking around the Phoenix metropolitan area. It's a densely populated city, not a vast uninhabited desert.
---The FBI can trace your burner phone to your IP address. Say what? Burner phones almost never have the capability to go online. Where are you getting an IP address from?? Especially when all she did was send a text from the phone.

Rating: 2 stars, rounded from 1.5 and I don't even recall why it's that high.

Thank you to Level Best Books & @Netgalley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a good read but unfortunately I found it rather slow. There was plenty of suspense when it picked up and the plot was interesting. This is the first book I have read by this author and I’ll be keeping my eye out for more in the future.
Thank you netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a honest review.

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This really is a dark and twisted story about Carla who wakes up locked in a cellar and her captive is her best friend. The person she has trusted her whole life and now she has her locked up and has taken her child away from her because she believes that a woman’s best friend doing the unthinkable, taking her baby and locking her in a cellar whilst she tries to make Carla’s husband fall in love with her. As Carla fights for her life and child it’s a race against time to get out alive before her friend gets bored and decides she doesn’t need Carla any more.

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What if your best friend for years turns out not to be your best friend at all, actually she's your worst enemy! This occurred in Never Let Go by Lori Duffy Foster. This happened to Emily when she went to lunch with Rachel, her presumably best friend. Rachel kidnapped her and placed her in a room in a basement, keeping her there for months. OMG, what a story a former crime reporter and author weaves! Well worth reading this first standalone novel by Lori Duffy Foster! Thanks to Netgalley and the author for this ARC!

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Never Let Go, by Lori Duffy Foster, is a heck of a fast paced suspense that kept me hooked from beginning to end. The main storyline was so intriguing and unique. The secondary storyline was really good, too, but I felt that its conclusion just didn't make sense. Overall, another great book by this author.
Carla Murphy wakes up to find that she's been taken prisoner by, of all people, her-supposed-best friend, Rachel. Worst of all Rachel has done something with Carla's baby boy and she won't tell her what she's done with him. She's also just realizing that Rachel has been obsessed with her husband since high school. Now Rachel has some deranged plan to seduce him and will murder them both if her plan doesn't go her way. Now Carla is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Can she do what she needs to do to save her family?
I received an Arc of this book and this is my honest review.

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thank you to the publisher and netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review

a frightening plot that you won't expect, this book was un-put-downable!

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Wow!!! This book was amazing!!! I read 20 chapters in one night!!! I couldn’t put it down. I was hooked from the very beginning. I had to know what was going to happen next!!

Nick and Carla were married and had a baby they named Christopher. Carla went to see her friend Rachel for lunch with her son. Rachel had come up with a plan to steal Carla’s husband but she had to make Carla disappear first. Rachel drugged Carla and kept her locked in a room in her basement.

Rachel then took Carla and nicks baby and searched for someone in the black market to adopt Christopher. The couple was an older couple in their fifty’s and had to rejected because of their age.

I give the book 5 stars. It was amazing

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This was incredibly good! Read it start to finish in less than 24 hours. It kept me on the edge of my seat and turning the pages,

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This was a new author for me, but such a page turner. This was a unique plot line and so refreshing from the traditional thrillers I've read!

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This book was everything I wanted it to be. It had me turned pages without even realizing. It was so good!

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"Never Let Go" is a page turner that will have you hooked from page 1. It's intense, emotional, gripping and unexpected to say the least. I couldn't put this book down and when I did, I thought about it all the time! It's a definite must read!

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First of all, I would like to thank NetGalley and IBPA for the opportunity to read and review this book before it’s upcoming release in December.

This book was so intriguing, I initially read the first few pages and then got busy, but last night before bed I got back into it and I couldn’t stop, I had to read the entire book. I stayed up until 3am and it was so worth it.

I just wish the subplot was deleted, it was interesting but it didn’t fit well with the main plot. I was so focused on the main plot I barely even thought about the sub plot.

Initially I was afraid I wouldn’t like the way the story was told by 3 characters but in the end, it worked perfectly.

I loved how the book kept me on edge with all the plot twists, nothing was ever for sure until the end of the book.

Highly recommend this book and can’t wait to share it in my Bookclub and post on it, cause this book and author deserve to be read so badly.

P.S - review posted on Goodreads and now planning to create content on this book for tiktok.

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Thank you for this advanced copy. I did care for this book. I thought the chapters were drug too and way too much fluff. I didn't finish it. The premise sounded good but there was so much extra info not needed that it lost my interest quickly.

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Omg this one was absolutely insane! In the best possible way lol. It got so dark so quickly and was just so captivating. It really does go from 0 to 100 and then just drag you though the rest of the book. Such a page turned and will keep you hooked. A must read

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This ARC was provided to me via Kindle, from Level Best Books and #NetGalley. Thank you for the opportunity to preview and review. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

A mystery with enough thrills you can’t put it down. .

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I could not put this book down it completely hooked me right from the very first page and didn't ;et me gp until I closed the book, it was completely gripping, I loved it.

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Never Let Go
by Lori Duffy Foster

Thank you, NetGalley and Level Best Books, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA)for the advanced copy of Never Let Go.

Most people have nightmares while they sleep. Carla Murphy awakens to find herself living one. Carla is excited when her best friend asks her for lunch and tells her to bring the baby. Rachel dislikes children and had been distant throughout Carla’s pregnancy. But Carla should have known that people don’t change that quickly. Lunch was a ruse. Carla emerges from a drug-induced slumber sealed in a room in Rachel’s basement with her son gone. Her best friend is no friend. She is obsessed with Carla’s husband and will kill them both if she doesn’t get what she wants. Carla has no choice. She must help Rachel, her confidant since childhood, seduce her husband or they all die, and her baby will be lost to her forever.

I was into this book from page one. It was highly addictive, I just wasted a night of sleep, BU, it was not wasted, I have to finish this. You must get this one.

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What a great dark read about 3 horrific crimes all intermingling with each other.
The characters all had something about them to keep you engaged with the story,which was fast paced and intriguing it had me reading far into the night
Highly recommended
Thanks to Netgalley and Level Best Books for the ARC.

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