Member Reviews

Yes, people overuse the word page-turner, but that description perfectly fits this wonderful book. Lori Duffy Foster imagines three horrific crimes, interweaving them with perfect pacing. We care deeply about her central characters, rooting for them, not sure if they will survive emotional and physical harm. I read the book in a day and can't remember if I stopped for meals.

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Thank you for the ARC.
At first I wasn't sure about this. It seemed silly, like a reality TV show, but then I noticed I was completely sucked in. I was reading during a meeting, at stop lights while driving home, while cooking dinner, and while trying to put my kids to bed. It was out of control. So, clearly I loved it.
I absolutely loved the information about adoption and human trafficking. It was clearly well researched and it gives you tons to think about.

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Clara recently gave birth to a child. Emotions of motherhood in which she has lost herself and is only concerned with being a mother. Rachel Rachel, she claims, is a manipulator.
Nick is still looking for his wife and child after Clara vanished, which is unusual for her. He's distraught and has no idea what happened or why. Some of the flow is broken and has a slow pace that could be improved. The sub-stories with the stories could have been tied together better.

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I absolutely love this book. I was highly entertaining with the riveting plot and characters. You are absolutely going to love this one.

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Thank you NetGalley and Level Best Books, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) for the copy of Never Let Go. The writing never resonated with me and didn’t really flow. Some things were repeated, everyone had an inner dialogue that we had to read about even though it never really rang true, and there was too much description. I loved the primary story, which was engaging and complex. There was also a secondary story, but it was disappointing because it could have been the basis for its own book but just felt out of place in this one. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

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