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Never Cross a Highlander

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Illegitimate, but a free Highlander of an African mother and a Highlander, Alisa Connery is the slave of King James VI's daughter. Abused by the princess and the captain of the guard, all she wants is to return to her clan. Why did they desert her three years ago? Her only obstacle to get to her clan is Kallium MacNeill, who accidentally rescues Alisa when she's running away to return to her clan. Only she doesn't want to go where Kallium is going. These two butt heads and constantly fight. Is it more than they are willing to confess? A hidden identity, a traitor and a coup to be laird with Alisa in the middle.
Descriptive sex.
I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book from NetGalley.

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Appreciated seeing BIPOC representation in Scottish/Highlander romance, which doesn’t often include marginalized voices.

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I just can’t get into this one unfortunately. I’m just not connecting with the characters or the plot line. This one just isn’t for me.

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What a fun historical romance! This book clocks in at over 400 pages but it certainly did not feel that long. I love that we’re seeing more diversity in historical romance books, and the way Lisa Rayne explained these two main characters I thought was really clever. I really liked Alisa and Kallum, and I liked the way that they came together through the course of the book, so I admit, it started a little slow for me. This book also has some heavy content that I wasn’t expecting, like Alisa is assaulted on page several times, but I think overall it’s handled well.

Overall, I think this was an action packed, fun time. There were a lot of fun historical details that I will definitely be doing more research on, and I liked the way she explored the relationship between these two as well as the realities of what it would be like to be Black in 1700s Scotland. I liked the twists and turns of the plot and the way she set up various characters to potentially continue on in a series. If she does choose to write more in this world, I would definitely be interested in reading it.

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I just love an historical romance. This was just what you’d expect. A stud. A headstrong girl. An unexpected romance that is just hot. I enjoyed this book.

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I was so excited to get the chance to read this book! I love a good Highland romance but this was the 1st time I'd ever read one where the main characters were melanated and it was great.
This story covers everything from slavery, mistaken identity, enemies to lovers, and let's not forget some pretty steamy scenes. I will be recommending this to lots of friends.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC to review.

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I received this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This is definitely a different kind of highlander novel. I was not expecting it as I didn’t read the blurb before accepting. It was a pretty good story but wasn’t in love with it.

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WOW! What an adventure. Alisa Connery, born a free Highland woman has been unlawfully held at King James' castle as a slave. She can't understand why her clan has not come for her, so realizes that she needs to free herself. Her chance comes at a tournament, where she hope to find her clansmen, but instead she is "rescued" by Duff Kallum MacNeil, captain of the MacNeil clan, known also as the Black Devil, but his secret identity is the Shepherd, a rescuer of slaves. These two clash from the beginning, but they also have a powerful attraction. They are meant for each other, but they are the last to realize it.

Well written adventure, intrigue, an attempted coup, engaging characters, and rich descriptions, making this a book that is hard to put down. One negative. We have a friend who is built like Kullum and no matter how many times my husband tried to teach hime to swim, he would just sink because of his body mass.

I read an ARC provided by the publisher via This is my unbiased and voluntary review.

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I enjoyed Kellum and Ailsa story. However I thought the story was slow at times an had a hard time getting into a reading groove. Ailsa is being held as a slave by the king of Scotland and she serves a spoiled princess. She tries to convince them she was born in the highlands and is free. But it will take a strong warrior to free her and other slaves and the shepherd is just the man to do it.

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I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley.

This book as fantastic - set in the Highlands and England - in a time when everything seems to be settled with violence.

Ailsa Connery is the maid to a princess - a spoiled, bratty princess. Renamed Anne by the castle's staff - she was captured on the street and held as a captive for three years. No more, thinks Ailsa, she is busting free on the day that all the Highland Clans head home.

Kallum MacNeal - the head of the MacNeal group that is participating in the games who stands massively is harboring a secret. One he cannot let out for he would die for what he has done.

As their paths cross and stay co-mingled, there is more to them than meets the eye.

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I loved how stubborn both the main characters were! Watching them spark off one another was just such a treat and the bonus of seeing people of color falling in love in a historical setting that doesn't usually allow for narratives such as these? AMAZING. Will gladly read everything from this author.

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An interesting plot which kept me engaged. There were historical details and a lot of action in this story.
Many thanks to Entangled Publishing and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I chose this book because of the African-American Highlander. This my first by this author, but will not be my last, I enjoyed this book. There are so many twist and turns with a bit of mystery. The story kept my attention. I loved the characters, Kallum McNeil a true Alpha, and Ailsa was no push over. She can handle a bow and a dagger almost as well as any highlander. A most read if you like strong characters.

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I absolutely loved this book. Of course it is not perfect, but no book is. But I enjoyed it more than I have any romance in a good while. As a lover of romance, particularly historical romance, and a Black woman, a I was both excited and intrigued to see a Black hero (I know the term is dated and I should use Male Main Character or MMC) on the cover of a Highlander romance. I was even more excited when I read that the herione (also dated, FMC), as well as the author were also Black. I have a background in African American history, but my knowledge of people of African decent in European countries is very limited. I think this actually really helped me with just being able to enjoy the book for want it was because I was not constantly (even subconsciously) pointing out historical inaccuracies.
To begin with, this story was just plain entertaining. I was drawn in and I became genuinely invested in not only Kallum and Ailsa's relationship, but also the relationships with their family and communities. There were definitely times that I had to suspend my disbelief, but that is the beauty of romantic fiction.
I loved the back story given for the characters, the story of their deceased parents, and even further to previous generations that showed how they got to be where they were. I particularly enjoyed the mixing of cultural lore, with African and Scottish stories.
I loved watching the romance develop and I thought the pacing was just right. With two characters that stubborn, then realizing they were in love any sooner would have be too easy lol.
I'm also really interested in the side characters and I'm really hoping the author with provide us with at least one more book with Inan's story but preferably Coen's as well. What really drove this book home for me was the author's note at the end. While she makes it clear that this is a work of pure fiction, you can tell Lisa Rayne did her research. I always love when an author tells us what their inspiration or motivation was for writing a book and it I love it even more when they give suggested readings. This was my first time reading Lisa Rayne and I truly am looking forward to reading more from her in the future.

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I thought this was a well written book. I enjoyed the plot and thought the characters had a great romance. I would read other books by this author and would recommend this book to other readers.

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I really wanted to like this book, but it just wasn't for me. I'm sure others will enjoy, but I just couldn't get into it.

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Has I have said before this is my favorite stories to read is when they blend fact and fiction. I have not read this author before, but I will be looking forward to seeing more from her. I do hope she continues to write about these two characters and more on their clans.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Oh, wow, WHAT A BOOK!

Ailsa is enslaved at the King’s castle and is working as a maid to his daughter who is an absolute brat. She plans to escape when the tournament games happen that connect clans over the land. Accidentally, she meets Kallum who is a force to be reckoned with in the Highlands.

Kallum secretly helps enslaved people. When he sees bruises on Ailsa’s face he knows he needs to help her. What he doesn’t know is that Ailsa is not like other enslaved people. She is a strong, powerful woman with plans of her own. They find themselves in a pickle when Ailsa threatens to spill Kallum’s secret so he is forced to be her guide back to her clan.

Along the journey came many complications that connect Ailsa and Kallum even more.

This is one of those gripping stories that pass by in a blink even though it’s almost 500 pages long. I was hooked from the start. I think this is one of the first books I’ve read that is a medieval romance and also includes POC main characters. It includes so many mysteries and secrets and when you already think you have it all figured out, the author drops another bomb in the book.

Adventurous and spicy, my first 5-star book in the year 2023.

Rating: 5 out of 5.
ARC was provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Book: Never Cross A Highlander
By Lisa Rayne
Series: Shadow Lairds, Book #1
Publisher: Entangled
Page Length: 386
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
Blog Rating: 5 Saltire Flags

Stirling, Scotland
17th Century

Ailsa Connery was kidnapped three years ago by mistake thinking she was an enslaved servant not a free highlander. All due to her biracial blood as she has a black mother and white father. No one would believe she was a free woman as she was forced to live in Stirling Castle to be a ladies maid to King James VI spoiled mean daughter Elizabeth. On top of that she had been humiliated, starved, beaten, and abused by the King’s captain who is obsessed with abusing her, not to mention other men living in the castle attempting to violate her unsuccessfully. So after three long years there is a festival of a tournament competition at Stirling Castle where the other clans will be attending. This is her one opportunity to finally discover and reconnect with her clan and finally go home and become a free woman as her clan’s healer once again. Except when she tries to make a run for it this highland warrior of the MacNeill clan ruins all her carefully laid clans . Of course at the time he was only known as the masked shepherd or some may call Dubh Mahoun, the Black Devil!

Kallum MacHeill is the adopted nephew of Clan MacNeill. He is also the fiercest warrior they have, a man who fights with two weapons at a time. When he sees all the slaves at Castle Stirling it makes him sick and he is determined to free them all. As his mother had escaped her own enslavement and taught him every human being has the right to live free. He had been adopted since her death when he was seven by Inan’ s Uncle. His white cousin was more like his brother even though not related by blood. Plus he was their best warrior and they would be rewarded riches at this tournament at Stirling Castle.

What his clan family didn’t know is he lived a double life similar to the underground railroad in America that started in the late eighteenth century until the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Abraham Lincoln. As Kallum would aid the enslaved prisoners and bring them to a drop off which got them to a ship to start a new life. Except Ailsa fights him off and the attraction starts right away when both of them fight. They are like moths to a flame. Except they don’t trust each other, both having many secrets and mistrust plus the fact neither one wants to get married. However their chemistry is smoking hot and can’t be denied as neither of them ever felt this type of chemistry ever before. Will they accept it or continue to close their hearts and denying fate?

Will these two untrusting souls ever open up their hearts and put their untrusting suspicions aside? Is Ailsa’s life in danger? Will Kallum’s clan trust her or will they betray her and put her life in danger? Will Kallum’s secret be revealed which would cause his immediate execution? Read and find out.

I love diversity and reading about unusual characters. I really enjoyed reading about this attractive black highland warrior as it was different and written brilliantly! Plus I loved weaving true historical places and historical figures like James VI who was Queen Mary, Queen of Scots son. He was obsessed with witchcraft and ran horrible witch hunts and murdered so many innocent women. This fictional story romance was a masterpiece! I also loved the setting as it was a place I have visited in Scotland which is Stirling Castle. This is my first book by Lisa Rayne and I look forward to reading more Scottish historicals by this talented author. It has all the elements Scottish historical romance readers love. An amazing dialogue, action packed story, swoon worthy hero, feisty heroine, brilliant plotting and overall a phenomenal story! I definitely loved this book from start to finish! I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading this author’s next release in the Shadow Lairds series!

Disclaimer: I received an advance reader’s copy from Entangled Publishing. I voluntarily agreed to do an honest, fair review and blog through netgalley. All thoughts, ideas and words are my own.

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My first read from this author,,I don't usually read this type of book but decided to give it a try. I enjoyed the characters and storyline.

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