Cover Image: The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels

The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels

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Member Reviews

I'm relatively new to the world of Janice Hallett but I love it! Although a similar format in writing style to "The Twford Code", "The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels" is less complicated in that you don't need to look for acrostics (thank goodness!).

Right from the start the story had me hooked. It's amazing how well characters come across just through communication in WhatsApp messages and emails, unbelievably well. It's a fascinating thing seeing how a true crime book is researched, written and rewritten depending on what evidence comes to light. Like her other books, this one is full of twists and turns. Still undecided what I'd do!

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The Mysterious case of the Alperton Angels.

Wow.. just wow.. I am still in a state of shock about the ending of this book.. it is a book full of twists and turns and distractions and I loved it!!

The book is written in typical Janice Hallett style with emails, voice recording transcriptions and texts between Amanda and Ellie (the transcriber) so some people are going to love it and some are going to hate it (I love it, personally it makes the book moreish as you can just read one more text or email)

The Alperton Angels were bodies found in a disused flat in London that were posed like angels after death, they were part of a cult that was brought to the attention of the police when one of the members of the cult called the police and said she had a baby…

Amanda and Oliver are acquaintances who knew each other from a writing course when they were younger, who are both commissioned to write a book on the Alperton Angels (the how, whys and what’s) but the more they find out the more questions need answering and there investigations take two very different paths….

This is a great book and I loved it.. it is more bleak than the first two written by the author, probably as its subject matter is cults, religion, missing baby’s and murder but the short passages moving the book forward are perfect and gripping and leave you wanting more answers until you have them…

I want more Janice Hallett books!

#Netgalley #England #Mystery

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She’s done it again! A gripping mystery told in such a clever and innovative way. Telling us just enough to keep us guessing and threading in the little clues so perfectly. Five stars!

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I've enjoyed all books by the author, but this one is a favourite... I'll go so far as to say a favourite book of the year.
The short pieces mean you can always read 1 (hundred) more, and the story catches hold and doesn't let go.
It had twists I couldn't imagine, as do all the best books.
It's also funny at times, I really enjoyed the relationship between Amanda and Ellie.

I can't wait to see what we get for the next book.

Also, I'd quite like to read that Nilsen book. 😄

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