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There was so much sailing/boating detail in this book that it left me very bored. I wasn’t invested in figuring out what happened, and I found the main character to be really difficult to root for. I understand she lost her memory, but she was so wishy washy that I couldn’t follow her choices. This was really difficult to get through.

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SUPER cool premise. The plot absolutely pulled me right in. The beginning was a little bit slow, it did seem to take me a little to get into, but I’m glad I stuck with it. Definitely thrilling and it hit I point where I didn’t want to put it down. Again, the premise was just so freaking creative and nothing I’ve read about before, so I was definitely satisfied.

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Adrift was a really interesting book!

The premise of waking up on a sailing boat in the middle of paradise/nowhere, but having no clue who you are was terrifying and intrigued me. Ess is a fascinating character because even though her past self wiped her mind and left notes telling her to not go looking for answers--- she immediately does. Sailing comes back to her, but only after a near drowning experience does she start to worry a little.

This book takes place in the future, but is super light on the SciFi elements and light on the apocalyptic climate change future too. There's a smidge of romance, but it's mostly a mystery and a story about finding yourself no matter what cost. I enjoyed it and just wanted more of literally everything, so I'll be following this author

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There are a lot of terrible ways that I can think of to wake up, but this has got to be one of the worst. A woman wakes up on a boat with no idea how she got there, where she is, or who she is. Talk about a rough morning that no amount of caffeine could make better! All she has besides a splitting headache is a note telling her to move forward and not look back. That ensures that she will try and find out who she is and how she wound up in this horrible position, doesn’t it!
She soon finds out that she isn’t the only one suffering from memory loss. Sarah or Ess as she prefers, must manage to keep her condition a secret while desperately searching for clues that will help her figure out who she is. Set in the future when the ravages from climate change make the world an even scarier place than it is now and especially when you add in memory loss. I kept searching for clues but really figured very little out until the author reveal. I won’t risk giving anything away but if you enjoy a different kind of thrilling story, Adrift might work for you. The pages flew by and I have to say I didn’t see the ending coming. Kudos to the author.

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I devoured this in a day. Such a solid and twisty read. I loved the fact this is set in the near future - near enough to not be overly futuristic, but far enough to add in additional layers of intrigue and world building. Brideau's writing manages to feel both refreshing and like an old friend.

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This was a really interesting premise. A little mystery, a little science, a little global warming…it all added up to a pretty entertaining novel.

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Super cool premise! ESS (Sarah) Awakens on a boat, all alone with a note that advises her to move forward and not look back. She has a selective amnesia and cannot remember if Ess is her name, or where she is from or why she is on the boat, When she learns that other amnesia refugees are turning up, she decides to hide her knowledge until she learns more.
What transpires next is thrilling - especially adding in the stormy seas.
If you like a great thriller (somewhat speculative), a stormy adventure, or just ready for a questionable heroine to root for, then ADRIFT is for you! #Sourcbooks

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
So the initial summary of this book sounded really good to me.
However the book itself just couldn’t keep me interested. It just wasn’t for me.
I am sure there are others out there who will love it but it was just not what I had expected.

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Ess wakes alone and adrift on a boat in the ocean, with no memory of who she is or anything that happened to her. She finds a note telling her to not look into her past and instead, make a new life for herself, because it is the only way to stay alive.

This is a wonderful debut that brings a fresh perspective to the mystery/thriller genre, with its added science-fiction elements. It’s the perfect dystopian, near-future setting, in a world that has been devastated by natural disasters. The plot is eerie and suspenseful. Even with no memories of who she is, Ess’s struggles and desires will endear you to her character. The new relationships she makes along the way are fun and sweet, and I was rooting for her the entire journey.

The story touches on intriguing topics, like the science behind memories and how we define our sense of self. It also considers important themes such as the policies and treatment of refugees. Ess’s search for answers begs the question of whether the truth will really set you free. And the answers go so much deeper than I could have predicted.

Highly recommend this book for anyone who loves a dystopian thriller with a deeper message and a splash of science. I enjoyed this book and will definitely be watching this author for any future releases.

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This realistic eco fiction made my week. It was sad and hopeful and I connected with our protagonist. She was so cool.
I absolutely loved the Sea Dragon. I love it when a home becomes a character in their own right.
Thank you so much for the ARC.

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Thanks so much NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark!

Ess wakes up in a boat. She doesn't know her name or have any memories. There's a note that says Start Over. Don't Make Yourself Known. She's determined to have answers and figure out her former life.

I really liked the premise of this book. At times the execution is sloppy, but I was so curious to figure out what happened to Ess. However, I felt a little let down as it all started to unravel. I liked much of the book, but the conclusion was kind of disappointing. I wanted more of it. Ess is likable enough, and there are some good supporting characters too. Some of the writing felt like filler. One thing that I really liked was how the author developed the background characters. Yori was my absolute favorite and I laughed when she introduced herself as Y after Sarah introduced herself as Ess. I was surprised that this was a debut novel and am looking forward to more from the author.

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A superb fast paced thriller. I absolutely loved the story and couldn’t stop reading it. It’s perfect for all readers, especially thriller lovers.

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Thank you NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Fire for another great ARC. I was really excited about this one! Unfortunately I just couldn't seem to get into this as much as I was anticipating. I felt like I couldn't really understand the main character? So, I wasn't able to really feel what I should be feeling while reading, therefore making it a really slow read for me. I know a lot of other people would enjoy this book though!

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Thank you for the opportunity to preview Adrift.
This was not quite what I expected and at times I was not sure I was following the plot. But I kept going and soon I was part of an interesting journey that was sad and hopeful at the same time.
3 stars and I read it in one day

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I was sent this ARC for review and I am so glad because I had a blast reading ADRIFT. I finished it over 2 days as I could not put it down. While it is a thriller, there does have a slight medical sci fi feel to it given that it takes place 2030/40s and the mystery surrounding the memory loss. The beginning kind of reminded me of another favorite Project Hail Mary as they both wake up with no memories. The stories definitely take a much different turn of course. I did enjoy reading the medical aspects of the novel as I also have a medical background. It was effortless to read and engaging. I would definitely read more from this author!

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Although this book was a slow start, once it picked up I really enjoyed it. It put memory loss into a whole new perspective.

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Adrift by Lisa Brideau was interesting in the beginning and held my attention for a while. I felt like so much could have been added to make the reader better understand and feel the main character. The introduction of Rene was a give away for me and I kept waiting for this character to come back. There was a lot I skipped because I felt it was just filler. I was unfamiliar with the area this book took place in and really don’t feel any more educated. Thanks for the opportunity to read this book.

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Having received this as an ARC and not knowing the author, I was looking forward what this book and its story would be like.
This book was very good from beginning to the end. It kept me wanting to read because I wanted to know what was going to happen nexr. The protagonist was a likeable character and made me quickly sympathize with her and what she was going through. The descriptions were spot on to being able to visualize everything.
Having this book set in the future was interesting as well. Even though I am not a person who typically likes futuristic books, the storyline was set in a not too far away future that could easily be imagined. It was not placed into a too futuristic setting that would appear incredible.
Absolutely enjoyed this book and I look forward to readingbmore from this author!

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A good effort by the author of a first novel. She had an excellent story in mind, and I’m confident as she matures as a writer that the characters will develop more depth and the plot design will be build added interest.

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Adrift by Lisa Brideau was a quick, entertaining and fun debut.

For this to be her first novel IMO I think Brideau did a great job at keeping the suspense alive and the characters engaged.
Which this is a personal preference but I wished there more action, more intrigue.
But other than that the writing was great and the characters caught my attention right off rip.
The storyline was wonderfully done.
I will most definitely pick up another book she writes in the future.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Sourcebooks Landmark,
Thank You for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this eARC!

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