Member Reviews

A beautifully illustrated book that starts to discuss belonging, the formation of clouds and the impact of the rain on the earth.
Sidney, the lonely cloud, feels greatly unwanted where he is. He travels the world and finds a land that needs rain and they welcome him. His presence has been longed for and he uses his gifts to make the land beautiful.
I think this book missed an opportunity though. Sidney has to leave where he is in order to feel like he belongs. Which, whilst teaching young children a little about finding people who accept you also kind of seems to demonstrate that you have to travel far and wide in order to feel like you belong. I think this could have been easily rectified with Sidney returning once again to find acceptance where he was. We all need the rain even if some places have it more often than others! It would have been powerful for those who didn't treat him well initially, to learn who he was and recognised his value. It would have been brilliant if Sidney also recognised his own worth first! I think these additions would have made the book stronger and it could have been done in a way that still made it age appropriate.
This book would be a good starting point with very younger children in science. I think parents/teachers will need to add additional detail in order to expand the message, especially for those children with similar feelings to Sidney.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for gifting me this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book was cute, with inviting, colorful illustrations and a simple story line for young children to follow. My only wish is that there had been a little more to the story, as Sidney developed as a character. I like the tie in to elements of weather, like how Sidney grew larger over water and shaded the land and rained when he got big and heavy. However, I felt like there was definitely more that could be told about Sidney's story. Also, the only time he was happy was when others liked him, and he was never happy with himself based on anything but the approval of others, which could send a negative message to children struggling with their own identities and being happy with who they are. Cute and colorful, but may require some additional explanation from teachers or family members to support students experiencing the same feelings as Sidney.

I think the goal of the author was not what I had in mind when I read this book.
"Sidney’s search for belonging affirms that we all have valuable gifts to share and that a new perspective may be all we need to discover our place in the world."
I was disappointed that Sidney had to search all over the world to find a place where people were happy to see him. To me that wasn't discovering how to share our gifts but more showing that you don't fit in most places so you have to keep moving until others feel you are good enough. I would have preferred if the people who didn't want a cloud would have found a way to appreciate the cloud as he was. Maybe they have a garden that needs rain or it gets hot and they appreciate the shade. Little Sidney didn't need to be rejected. I think if you are a kid who doesn't fit in, this story may just reinforce that feeling of rejection. So, this book was not a favorite for me.

A lovely book about finding a way to share what makes you special. Sidney just wants to feel appreciated, and he finally finds a place where he is wanted and needed. The illustrations are reminiscent of Eric Carle's style, with bright and bold colors, perfect for a story time.

Super cute story with stunning colors. The story is relatively predictable, but it’s sweet all the same. I really liked the illustrations. They gain more colors as the story progressed. I had one problem — while the cloud travels globally, it’s obvious that the happy animals toward the end were from the savanna. However, the happy people were not. Seems like the people should have matched the region.

Such a heartfelt book about finding one’s purpose and belonging. A great book for kids with beautiful artwork adults will enjoy!

Short, cute, and perfect for elementary kids. This is a great book for feelings, emotions, and social/emotional. I'll be recommending this book to my preschool and early elementary teachers, librarians, and will be adding to my own home and school library.

Sidney the Lonely Cloud by Tim Hopgood, 40 pages. PICTURE BOOK. Flyaway Books, 2022. $18.
Content: G
Sidney looks down at the earth and just wants to see smiles. But Sidney is a rain cloud, and everyone frowns and complains when Sidney comes around. Is there anywhere for this cloud to belong?
Everyone has a place where they can shine and be appreciated – even a rain cloud. This cute story invites readers to think about what they have to offer and see those around them in a new light.
People of all skin tones are depicted in this book.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

No matter where he goes, no one wants to see Sydney the cloud. They just frown. But Sydney wants to see people smile. He wanders away, crying the whole time, but no one seems to want him until ...
This simple story reminds us that everyone has a place to belong, and sometimes what seems like a problem to some is exactly what someone else needs.

I enjoyed reading this book. Sidney, the Lonely Cloud, just wants to see people being happy. She feels lonely because everyone wants her to go away. She decides to leave and travels very far. Eventually, Sidney arrives at a desert. Everyone is excited about Sidney's arrival.
I loved the message and the illustrations. I only wish that the story was a bit longer.

This book hit me right in the heart. All we ever want is to fit in somewhere and Sidney was searching for just that. If you’ve ever felt left out or like the odd ball in a group, this is the perfect childrens book for it. Sidney knows the feeling and searches for a place where smiles and happiness is.

Sidney the Lonely Cloud just wants to see smiling faces when he comes by, but everyone is always upset by the changes in weather he brings. He has to find a place where everyone will be happy to have shade and rain, and even a rainbow. Tim Hopgood's whimsical illustrations make this book a joy to read and enjoy with children who will be happy with the colorful ending.

This is a wonderful story about a cloud who just wants to make people smile but every time people saw it they wanted it to go away. Of course he is much appreciated in a hot place! I like the message of the book that we can take some things for granted and also that it’s okay to be yourself, because there will be someone who does like you. When I was reading it, I was saying I would love the cloud because of where we live, it’s so hot and I’m always wishing for cloud cover and rain. Sidney would definitely be welcomed here! The illustrations are beautiful and color. I enjoyed this book!

Aww, poor Sidney! Sidney just wants to bring joy and see smiling faces but Sidney doesn't seem to be welcomed anywhere. Feeling sad, Sidney takes off on a journey through cities and towns and across the ocean. Sidney learns that s/he can provide relief to those needing rain and cooler temperatures...and Sidney finds happiness and all the smiles s/he was looking for. I think this is a good primer for teaching children about weather and climate change. The illustrations are lovely too!

Sidney is a cloud in search of big smiles. Most of the people in places he travels are unhappy to face the bad weather that accompanies Sidney. Finally he moves over the ocean and reaches a parched desert where the animals and residents are delighted with the shade and rain he brings. I loved the bright colors and the illustrations. I also appreciated the science connection with the cloud growing larger over the ocean. As a science teacher I didn’t love the idea that rain is a cloud crying but I can see how that could appeal to small children. I would recommend this for kids aged 2-5. I thank NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC.

3.5 Stars rounded up
I loved the premise of the book, that rain is and why we need rain is taken for granted. This book illustrates the bad and good. That when at want to do things outside we don't like the rain as it can mess up our plans. However the rain brings life to a location and people that really need it to survive and the cloud provides shade in heat.
If this book was just a bit longer and gave more examples I think it would be a 5 star read and a hit.
Thank you to NetGalley and Flyaway books for this advanced reader copy. My view is voluntarily my own.

I received an electronic ARC from Flyaway Books through NetGalley.
Sydney wants to be part of the joy and fun, but, unfortunately, no one makes him feel welcome. They always leave when this cloud arrives. He runs away and finally finds a dry area where they welcome him with open arms and love having his rain and shade. Charming illustrations capture the sadness and then joy of finding out where you belong. A dialogue starter for young readers who don't feel like they belong.

I do wish this book was longer, but I just loved the message!! It gives opportunity for lots of good therapeutic discussion, perfect for speech therapy. As with the book THE COAT, it's perfect for social emotional learning and has themes of "maybe not everyone will like you" or "we can't make everyone happy" or "we all have different thoughts and opinions."

Sidney is lonely, everywhere she goes everyone wishes she would leave. While she just wants to make others happy she is always told to go away! After days of searching the world for friendship, growing larger and larger as she travels the ocean, Sidney finally arrives in a desert that is more than thrilled for her presence.
This was a lovely story about finding a different perspective, and finding the people who will love you for what you are. With beautiful illustrations, this story does a wonderful job of keeping its readers engaged, and is easy enough for younger readers.
Thank you so much to Netgalley and Flyaway Books for the opportunity to read and review this upcoming title.

First off, let me just say that the illustrations and use of color in this one is incredible. I loved the way this shifts your perspective and makes you think. It’s a perfect day for a picnic – a cloudless blue sky – and a family intends to do exactly that. Unfortunately, there’s one cloud in the sky right above them. Lonely Sidney, who is always alone and has no friends. As a result, Sidney is clearly sad. She cries because of her loneliness, raining on the picnickers. Meanwhile, everyone on the ground is just thinking: why can’t that cloud go away and stop ruining our day. At the same time, Sidney is desperate to see just one smile or happy face. Sidney travels far and wide looking for happy faces and love, but everywhere she goes everyone is sad and disappointed about the rain she brings with her sadness and loneliness. That is… until Sidney finally stumbles upon an area that has suffered from extreme heat and drought for a long time. Here, Sidney’s shade and tears of joy are welcomed. I absolutely loved how this one makes you see the different perspectives of things, and it opens the doors for wonderful conversations about loneliness and empathy.